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In my mind: Curled up with Alucard and Naruto Uzumaki. In reality: In front of my computer 23/7
Member Since
Shinobi, Apprentice, Anbu, Vampire Kunoichi, Honor Student
Real Name
Uzumaki Hinata, or Sara Tepes, or Sara C.
Getting over my introvertedness, Learning to stand up for myself!, NOT BEING A SASUKE FANGURL!, Out-eating Choji, Iruka, and Naruto at a Ramen Eating Contest :3, Knowing all the Hellsing spoilers and owning almost all of the manga!
Anime Fan Since
I saw Sailor Moon
Favorite Anime
NARUTO! but, I also like Hellsing, YYH, Genshiken,Inuyasha, Yu-Gi-Oh, Sailor Moon, DB:GT, Kamichama Karin, Bleach, FMA,One Piece, YGO:GX, Digimon, any Hayao Miyazaki, Primarily Kiki's Delivery Service, Rurouni Kenshin, Gin Tama, Godchild, Nana, and Furuba
Keep Neji in ICU for another decade or so, Marry Alucard, Help Konohagakure become an even better Village, Avenge Asuma-san, beat Walter one day...
Reading, Drawing, Glomping Naruto, Kissing Naruto, making loud, long love to Naruto and Alucard....I MEAN!!...Eh, crud O///O...Messing with my friend's heads! Talking with my friends Kiben the wolf , snowycloud, rockleelover17, and HinataNaruInu
Singing, using a katana *seriously* Writing, Scaring other people by using the Silent Killing Jutsu, Messing with People's heds!, Giving good advice, Able to tell you anything about Alucard or integra at any time, NEVER BEING BORED.
| UzumakiHina-chan
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Saturday, January 20, 2007
"Tsumi...kun..." Hayateko said, looking at the kunoichi strangely. Tsumi turned, her brown eyes glowing. "No words needed, Haya-chan." she said. Hayateko raised an eyebrow. "Nani?" he said. Tsumi ran full force towards Hayateko. "I LOVE YOU TOO, GEKKO HAYATEKO!!" she squealed. Hayateko side-stepped the girl, eyes wide. "Uh, you're a friend, Tsumi-kun. Friend. Do you comprehend?" Hayateko said, talking slowly. Tsumi's eyes welled up with tears. "Wah..." she said, pouting. Takashi walked up, smiling behind his mask. "I'll be your boyfriend, Tsumi-chan!" he said with enthusiasm. "..." Tsumi and Hayateko stared.
"Takashi-san, you look like a girl..." Tsumi said. Takashi glared at Hayateko, then pointed at his prey. "I LOOK MORE MANLY THAN HIM!!!" he spewed. Hayateko shook his head. Tsumi fell head-over-heels all over again. "Y'know, I see why you're the Naruto and I'm the Sasuke, Takashi-baka." Hayateko said with a pretty-boy smirk. Takashi fumed. "I'M NOT AN IDIOT!!!" he screached. "Oh, right. Sorry, Tensai Hentaisha (Genius Pervert)" Hayateko chuckled. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU, GEKKO!" Takashi screamed. "Uh, guys?" Tsumi interjected into the teammates argument.
"How have the Rain Ninja not heard us yet?" she questioned.
At that time, 50 Rain Ninja came from the floor. Tsumi went to get her shuriken, but a clone clamped onto her arm. "Damn!" Tsumi said. Hayateko grabbed his katana and used Gekko Bunshin Jutsu (Moonlight Clone Jutsu). They all went to attack in a comeplete frenzy. It still wasn't enough, because for every one of Hayateko's delicate clones, there were 10 Mist clones to face it. Hayateko cursed under his breath and made two simple, non-attacking clones. "MIKAZUKI NO" "KAZE NO YAIGA!!" a voice screamed, falling from the ceiling. A strong gust of wind cleared all the Rain Nija and their clones.
The figure moved a strand of red hair from her face, smiling with satisfaction. She chuckled suggestively, looking at Hayateko with one strange black eye. "Proctor-san, are you capable of fighting and winning?" she said obnoxiously. "Shut up, Akiko!" Hayateko barked.
"Hey... Hate to break up the touchy-feely Hayate spawn, Baki spawn moment, but we're almost to the top." Takashi said, pointing to a stairwell. Akiko walked forward, then Hayateko zoomed past her. "No, he didn't!" Akiko said, running after Hayateko. Tsumi looked up the winding spiral of seemingly never-ending steps, petrified for a moment. "You call that 'almost', Takashi?" she questioned. Takashi smirked at her. He picked her up gingerly, then carried her up bridal style. "OFF WE GO, UMINO!" he declared. Tsumi wanted to scream at Takashi, but found herself laughing instead.
The pair finally reached the top where, big surprise, Hayateko and Akiko were arguing over whom beat whom up. "I KICKED YOUR ASS, MOON PIE!!" Akiko screamed. "I BEAT YOU BY A MILE AND A HALF, MANLADY!" "'MANLADY'?!" "WELL, YOU CALLED ME 'MOONPIE'!" "Uh, ok... please calm down now..." Takashi pleaded. Tsumi looked at Takashi. He stared back. "What, Tsumi-chan? "Can you... put me down?" Tsumi said, blushing, much to her own surprise. Takashi smiled at her. "So cute... Of course!" he said pleasantly.
Takashi put Tsumi down... On her head. He then watched her short denim skirt fall to reveal a blue thong. He smirked pervertedly. Hayateko looked away, confused, his face a bright crimson. Akiko glared, her eyes synonimous with 'Devil Eye'. "HATAKE!" she barked. Takashi let go of Tsumi's long tan legs, making her fall to the ground face-first.
"Crap..." Tsumi muttered. Takashi looked at the table behind Akiko. "Scroll!" he said nervously. He ran towards the table, flipping Akiko's hair first, then put his hand out to touch the scroll.
A thousand weapons came flying all at once, flying on a B-line for Takashi.
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The Heroine and Hero of my Naruto Story lol

Story will be updated in a few minutes. top is Umino Tsumi, the Main Charecter of my story, below is her #1 fan, Hatake Takashi. Tsumi is Iruka's daughter, and you know who Takashi's related to. It's too simple.
Yes, it's a kind of love story. Someone asked what they looked like.
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Thursday, January 18, 2007
Saki's Doll
Thanx, Yami. This is my doll. It's mine and Sasori's daughter, the Ever-Gothic Akasuna no Byakumi-kun. I wanna do a Tobi one like Yami wants to do a Lee one. There's stuff to make a Lee doll...

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Me 'n Saki-chan made this. It's Gai and mine's daughter.

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Her name's Rock Suzuko.... Mine and Lee's daughter so NYAH! to every other girl who thinx she loves Lee more than me!! *jk, jk! ^^

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007
sorry, no story. You got RANDOM!!! *story 2morrow* FOR THE MATURE!!! Well, the first part...
Noaki: *on computer*
Hayate: Ne-chan, I'm home. *koff*
Noaki: Welcome back, Haya-kun.
Hayate: What're you looking at?
Noaki: ...*smile* NARUTOLUFFLUFFPARADAISU.COM!!! *not a real site!*
Hayate: ...Ok...
Raiden: No-chan... is that a Pervert site?
Noaki: *blush* Mebbe...
Hayate: SIS!!
Raiden: Hahaha!! Bad No-chan!
Noaki: It's a, ahhuh, hentai fansite... Primarily Yaoi...
Hayate: ...She got that from her Kaguya blood! Nothing Gekko about that! I swear, her other half-brother *&%#ed Orochimaru!
Noaki; Kimimaro never did that, Beloved One. He just &^*(ed Tayuya before death.
Raiden: ...You can check popularity?
Noaki: Uh-huh! That's right, Sensei!
*This goes out to Gogetta19! ~_^*
Raiden:...check the other Jonin!
Noaki: *types* K, KakashiXSasuke is #1
Hayate/Raden:...Holy Hell...
Noaki: Then KakashiXSakura
Hayate: Child Molester...
Raiden: *giggling*
Noaki: Then... Holy... KAKAGAI?!!!
Hayate/Raiden:........I'm gonna barf...
Hayate: Ew.... Asuma! Heheheh...
Noaki; *types* AsuKure, AsuShika
Hayate: GAY Child Molester...
Raiden: Sicky...
Noaki: And, last, Asu... ASUKAKUZU?!
Hayate/Raiden: *shudder*
Raiden: Gai...
Noaki: Oh, I know that one! GaiLee, GaiKaka, then GaiNeji!
Hayate: Yuch...
Raiden: Heh...Ibiki!
Hayate: *laughs uncontrollably* Oh, my god!
Noaki: *typing* IbiIda
Hayate: Ew, incest...
Raiden: Bad Ibiki!
Noaki: Ibi...Anko?!
Hayate: *rofl* OH GOD!!!
Raiden: Oh, no, Hayate. Best is yet to come.
Hayate: What?
Hayate: BAD COMPUTER!! *goes to attack*
Raiden: *grabs*
Noaki: Chillax, Onii-chan. Raiden is... RaiKaka
Hayate: Haha!
Noaki: RaiHaya.
Noaki;...RAINOA!???! Oh, and a Final Fant... Cute... Real cute... *pissed*
Raiden: Uh... Hayate?
Hayate: LALALALA!!!!
Noaki: 3rd to 1st... 3: HayaNoa
Noaki: 2: HayaUzu
Raiden: Wait for it...
Noaki: Eeeeeeh? *0*"
Hayate: What?
Raiden: *mutter*
Noaki: 1st... HayaBaki...
*runs away*
Baki: C'mon, Proctor-san, I'm horny!!
Raiden:...I am, too... *poke* ^_^
Noaki: Get your hand offa me, perv...
Raiden: Damn...
For anime dude., this is my FF story. Enjoy, Kyle.
Kat looked down, green eyes filling with tears. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!!" she screamed, unending fury in her voice. Mercedes smirked, her orange eyes laughing. Her long silver hair danced in the wind, like a dark snake to wrap around Kat and strangle the life out of her. Masamune, bloody from the previous nights work, was in her hands, an ominous reminder of why Kat fought. she chuckled sadistcally. "Give up, Strife. You can never succeed." she said, brushing a piece of hair out of her face with one of her gloved hands. "Heh..." Kat laughed, smirking. "You still don't get it, do you?" she said, showing the Soothsayers secret mechanism. "...Damn..."
A country song was playing on the Albatross' radio, loud enough to be heard across the plain. Aeris played with her hair, appearently worried. "Miss Blu..." she said, fingering a long, curled black lock of hair. Blu looked over to the child, her own hair slapping her in the face. "Godda... I'm getting a haircut... Yeah, Aeris?" she said in a husky tone. "S...Something's wrong..." Aeris said, turning one of her hands into a fist. Blu looked at the kid, cool pity in her eyes. "Naw. Kat'll be fine. She'll figure this Mercedes crap out. I'll bet ya money on that one!" she said with a wink, waving a monkey wrench towards the girl. "Yo! BRENTON! HAND ME THE ACE 6-44-3 HANDDRIVER SCREWDRIVER!" Blu hollered to the red haired boy bellow. "THE WHAT?!" Brenton hollered back. "*sigh* THE ONE WITH THE GREEN HANDLE, 'Jikaz'!" Blu screached, attempting to say 'Jackass' until the lollipop in her mouth got on her tounge. "COMIN' UP!"
Two gunshots rang out. Aeris picked up her Materia and scrambled towards the already armed Blu and Brenton. "What the He" "Kat." Blu said, wrapping her lollipop in it's wrapper and setting it in the grass. The three companions ran towards the sound.
Blood covered the tall grass. Rich, red blood. Kat stood about 7 foot away, gunblade in hand. Her eyes were wide, shocked and confused. Mercedes looked a little surprised as well. A little. Inbetween Mercedes and Kat was Angeles, a bullet lodged in the middle of her chest, another in her leg. "Mer... *hack* Mercedes..." she gasped. Mercedes muttered something under her breath. "Rest well, Angeles Valentine. You've earned your sleep, Dark Angel. Let the Devils wing thee to your final rest." Mercedes said.
Kat watched as Mercedes embedded Masamune in Angeles' body. Kat's eyes grew wider. "I...I... Angie..." Kat stuttered. Angeles hit the ground, face first. "..........Ang...." Tears fell from Kat's eyes. Before she realized it, she was sobbing, on her knees and begging, yes, begging, for Mercedes to spare her. "JUST LEAVE IT IN, PLEASE!" Kat heard herself say. "JUST LEAVE THAT DAMN SWORD IN! DON'T TAKE ANGELES! DON'T! PLEASE!" she screamed, again and again. Mercedes looked up, her eyes showing emotion for once. Kat realized her tears were shared with Mercedes. "I have to."
The sword was taken. Kat sat there on her knees, the wind blowing her long blonde hair as Mercedes walked off without another word. "Y...You were her friend... She trusted you... She was frikkin' dying for you... DYING..." Kat said. Mercedes paid no heed. "SHE WAS DYING FOR YOU!!" Kat screamed, standing up and running after Mercedes, Soothsayer in hand. Mercedes kept walking. Less than an inch away from killing Mercedes, Kat stopped.
"It's not your imaginaion, Strife. you gonna go over there?" Mercedes asked, still walking. Kat turned her head. Angeles
Was trying to stand up.
LIVE?! DIE?! YOU DECIDE!!! comment. I'm having a deep inner battle over this.
Mercedes: Sephiroth and OC Nataiya's daughter. Once a kind, sweet, loyal girl who worked for new Avalanche. But something warped her. She cares for nothing but vengence. Destroyed Kalm the night before this occured.
Kat: Katrina Strife, cloud and Tifa's daughter. Headstrong, proud girl who likes to see the brighter side of life. Wants to kill Mercedes for destroying her village.
Angeles Strife: Vincent's daughter. Mother unknown. A goth and a loner, moreso than her estranged father. Was Mercedes only friend as a child, was her best friend. Dying. Or so it seems. That's the decision I need to make.
Blu: Blu Highwind. Cid's daughter. Master mechanic and kid genius. 2nd in command of New Avalanche.
Aeris 2: A clone of Aeris and Zach. Some consider her to be a form of their 'child'. She's a Shinra expeirement. A super-strong little girl who loves the flowers. Mysterious, but sweet.
Brenton: Denzel and Marlene's son. Little info.
Ja ne.
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Saturday, January 13, 2007
Things like this will show up periodically to progress some behind-the-scene's stuff with my main story.
"Damn, I'm gonna kill that bitch." Uchiha Samaru said, huffing his way up a hill. He wondered why his Sensei had to leave and have his rival train them. "Then I'm gonna kill Takashi-sensei." he said. A brown haired boy from Sunagakure ran beside him. "Save Akiko for me. I'LL take the Wind Master!" he said. A blonde girl was right behind them. "Kankuroko, chillax! Just run!" she said. "Make me, Kazako!" Kankuroko spat. Kazeko flipped him off. A short, pale girl with black hair came up in front of Samaru. "I'm PMS'ing, Uchiha. You shut up!" she said. Samaru looked at her deep blue eyes. Sea blue eyes. "Poor Hota-chan. Anything I can do?" he asked sincerely. "Yah. Bite me!" she said, hurrying on. A brown-haired boy with Byakugan was next to Samaru in the blink of an eye. "YOU'RE TOO SARCASTIC, KUROHOTARU!" he screamed at her. "WHATEF, GAYMAN!" was the response. "'Gay'?!" the boy repeated. Samaru turned to look at him. "Just chill, Hiko. She wants you to get pissed." he said, moving a strand of blue-black hair away from his midnight eyes. Hiko closed his eyes. "Right." he said. A shout signalled that Uzumaki Sanosuke was rounding the bend. "I'M... *huffhuffhuff* TIREEEEED!!" he whined. "Oh, God. The Moron caught up." Kankuroko said with disgust. Kazeko stopped, held her sides and released a loud, long shout of "WHAT A PAIN!!!"
"We finished. No thanks to you, Kankuroko." "Hey, I dunno my way around Konoha! What's the big deal?!" Kankuroko said to Samaru an hour and a half later. "...Uzumaki, Umino, Uchiha, Hyuga, Nara, Kankuroko, Yashako... Where's Tentori?" Kurohotaru asked. "THE CALVARY HAS ARRIVED!" Tentori proclaimed, entering the green clearing where the other students had assembled. Riding him piggy-back was a pale girl with a cascade of shiny black hair and big blue-black eyes. "I'm really sorry though, Ten-san." she said. "No prob. It was my fault, anyway, Yami-chan." he said, blowing a brown bang out of his face. As soon as his feet touched grass, he hit a rock and tripped. The girl went flying. Kurohotaru was the first to act, but in the end, Samaru had caught the pretty girl. "You ok, Yamitsuki?" he asked, obvious concern in his voice. "Fine, Uchiha-san." she said sweetly. "Thank you." she said.
A red haired boy hidden behind a tree held his hand over his heart. "Yamitsuki-san, What're you doing?" he asked, looking toward Heaven. Words rang in his ears. Images ran through his mind.
"I forgive you, Yashako-san. No matter what you did, no matter how you've hurt me, I still forgive you. I'll save you. I'll let you live. I'll teach you how."
"Yamitsuki..." he whispered to the sky.
"Uchiha-san... My Prince!" Yamitsuki said with a smile. A pain ran through Yashako's heart. "Hiko-kun's my TOAD! and Ten-san's my horse!!" "Your clutzy horse..." Tentori said with a sweatdrop. Yamitsuki looked at Samaru, then Tentori. All three started laughing for no real reason other than the urge to laugh. The others stared at Samaru, expecting him to self-destruct. "Uchiha doesn't do pep..." Kurohotaru said.
Yamitsuki put one foot on the ground and ran the fingers of one hand through her hair. Samaru had her other arm, the limp arm, around his neck. He smiled at her, that beautiful girl.
(The Doomed Lotus)
A voice in his head said that. A woman's voice. A voice he hated. Samaru made a fist and bit his lip. He saw a bloody katana, a pair of blood red Sharingan eyes, tears.
"Samaru-san?" Yamitsuki said, looking at him. He opened his eyes, then looked at her neck. A silver chain was wrapped around it. He followed the chain to a Lotus pendant. He smiled softly, running a finger over it. Yamitsuki turned red. The boy's jaws dropped. "PERVERT!" Kurohotaru screamed. "WHAT'RE YA DOING, FONDLING HER CHEST LIKE THAT?!" she screamed even louder. Samaru jerked his hand back, as red as Yamitsuki. "S...Sorry, Rock-san!" "No... I... I get it... I... Uhm... Euhm... Uhhhh..." "Yeah." "meh..." "Kiss her, you fool!" Kankuroko cackled. Samaru blushed and turned, glaring with sharingan.
"Uchiha-san... What are you staring at?" a woman asked a girl next to her. The girl closed her red eyes. "I have found," she began. "My enemies weakness, Sameko-san." she finished, looking at a dark haired boy with sharingan and a girl in his arms.
lol Meh homegurl hath arrived!! lol I LOVE the girl with red eyes! Her and Akiko are my favorite charecters I thought up. Sorry, Hota-kun, you've been replaced... ^^" Don't get pissed, please...
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Er, the whole county lost power ^^" Here's some more.
"Wh...WHAT?!" the kunoichi hissed. "Amegakure may be planning to overthrow the two most powerful Shinobi Villages..." Gekko-sempai said, looking at his befuddled companions. "Am I the only one who knew that?" he asked. "Yes." they responded in unison. Gekko-sempai sighed. "Let's keep going." he said.
"It must be scary, My Sexy Academy Slave." the crazy haired Jonin said. The brown-eyed kunoichi turned, eyes blazing. "What... Did you just call me?!" she screached. "You're an academy slave, cooped up in that classroom with some snot-nosed brats six days a week. It must be tiring." he said, holding out a hand to touch her tan face. "Any part of you that touches me is a part you'll NEVER get back." she said, her brown eyes momentarily turning sea blue. The man took a step back. "What the crap?!" he muttered. "This way, people." Gekko-sempai said, motioning to a small tower.
The three Leaf Ninja got in without a hitch. The mission, as Gekko-sempai explained, was to reach the top level and retrieve the scroll. "That it?" the pervy Jonin asked. "Hai, Sempai." Gekko-sempai said. "SIMPLE!!" the Perv said, almost running into a bunch of Rain Ninja. With near inhuman speed, Gekko-sempai put his katana through the Perv's vest and yanked him back before the Rain ninja saw a thing. "Watch it." Gekko-sempai half-barked, half-whispered to the Pervert. "Sorry." he whispered. The kunoichi went to sneeze. Gekko-sempai used his free hand to cover her nose, glaring at her the whole time. The girl looked like she would melt when he touched her, glare or no. They were finally discovered by Gekko-sempai coughing.
"IDIOT!" the Pervert screamed. The kunoichi grabbed a giant shuriken, bigger than herself, and threw it, slicing all the enemies in one fell swoop. The shuriken lodged it self in a wall, part of a Ninja's small intestine still attached. The Pervert stared, turning green under his mask. "Good job, Umino-kun." Gekko-sempai said, patting her on the back. Again, the kunoichi turned to mush. "Haya-cha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-aaaaaaan." she cooed. Gekko-sempai rolled his eyes. "Fangirls..." he muttered, shaking his head. "Brava, Umino-kun." a voice said from the shadows. The Ninja instantly recognized the owner.
A tall, slightly tan young woman stepped out of the shadows, her red hair in a tight bun held by a Sunagakure hitai-ate. "N...Nice new look, Aki" Umino-kun started to say before Gekko-sempai covered her mouth. "Gekko Hayateko's my name, Vengence be my game. Yours?" he said. The woman looked down, smirking, then raised her head, smiling. "Sabaku no Bara's my name, Loyalty be my game." she responded. "Them?" she said, looking at the other Ninja. "Hatake Takashi's my name, mastering Jutsu be my game." the pervert said. The three of them looked at Umino-kun. "You?"
"You're not Akiko. She'd NEVER smile at Hayateko, or tell her true name, Bara. Clever, though. You're an excellent actress, but still a Hayateko Fangirl. Fair warning," Umino-kun said, picking up her shuriken. She threw it at the imposter. Before she died, Umino-kun left her with these words.
"Haya-chan's mine. Umino Tsumi's my name, Protecting my Love be my game."
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Tuesday, January 9, 2007
I wanna post FF....
K, this is.... you'll find out, and only my friends'll rcognize the charecters, but I'm trying to make it easy for others ^^"
Three shinobi moved quieltly, almost soundlessly, through the forest between the Land of Fire and Amigakure. One of them, the one with crazy hair and one eye, abruptly stopped. His companions turned.
"Are we there yet?!" he whined. The other shinobi glared at him, one with brown eyes, the other black. "No!" the black eyed one barked. "I bet we aren't because YOU'VE been taking us in circles, Pretty Boy!" the one who complained said. The black-eyed shinobi grabbed his katana. "Want to say that again, or do you want to prove you actually DO have a brain?!" he said, making hand-signs. "Oooooh! That technique! So scary! Wah! Mommy! Pf, get over yourself!" "WHY, I OUGHTTA"
"I thought shinobi were supposed to be quiet and composed, Sempai?" the brown-eyed kunoichi said. The two boys quit their arguing and looked at her. "I'm just a Chunin, you two are my Jonin seniors. What example are you setting for me?" she asked coldly. "Sorry..." the one with a katana said. "I'M SO SORRY, BABY!" the other one said. The girl hit her tan forehead. "Nani, Nani Baka's?" she asked Heaven. "I'm not an idiot." the black-eyed one said, appearing behind her. "WAH!" she said, and would have actually screamed if his pale hand hadn't blocked her mouth. "Shhh... We're in their territory now." he said. "Savvee!" she said through his hand.
The silver-haired one sighed. "Why'd we have to go to Amegakureeee? What was Naruto-sama thinking?" "That he was sending out his best Jonin, Special Jonin, and Chunin on this mission." the black-eyed one explained. "Well, uh, Gekko-Sempai, what's in Amegakure?" the kunoichi asked the black-eyed Nin. "A scrool." "WHOOP-DE-FRIKKIN'-DO!!"
"A scroll," Gekko-sempai continued, "That may mean the destruction of Leaf and sand."
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Monday, January 8, 2007
I'm explaining to an impressionable young boy what yaoi is... It's SOMEONE'S brother...
Watashi No Aku!!
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