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In my mind: Curled up with Alucard and Naruto Uzumaki. In reality: In front of my computer 23/7
Member Since
Shinobi, Apprentice, Anbu, Vampire Kunoichi, Honor Student
Real Name
Uzumaki Hinata, or Sara Tepes, or Sara C.
Getting over my introvertedness, Learning to stand up for myself!, NOT BEING A SASUKE FANGURL!, Out-eating Choji, Iruka, and Naruto at a Ramen Eating Contest :3, Knowing all the Hellsing spoilers and owning almost all of the manga!
Anime Fan Since
I saw Sailor Moon
Favorite Anime
NARUTO! but, I also like Hellsing, YYH, Genshiken,Inuyasha, Yu-Gi-Oh, Sailor Moon, DB:GT, Kamichama Karin, Bleach, FMA,One Piece, YGO:GX, Digimon, any Hayao Miyazaki, Primarily Kiki's Delivery Service, Rurouni Kenshin, Gin Tama, Godchild, Nana, and Furuba
Keep Neji in ICU for another decade or so, Marry Alucard, Help Konohagakure become an even better Village, Avenge Asuma-san, beat Walter one day...
Reading, Drawing, Glomping Naruto, Kissing Naruto, making loud, long love to Naruto and Alucard....I MEAN!!...Eh, crud O///O...Messing with my friend's heads! Talking with my friends Kiben the wolf , snowycloud, rockleelover17, and HinataNaruInu
Singing, using a katana *seriously* Writing, Scaring other people by using the Silent Killing Jutsu, Messing with People's heds!, Giving good advice, Able to tell you anything about Alucard or integra at any time, NEVER BEING BORED.
| UzumakiHina-chan
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Wednesday, December 20, 2006
These are cool
 Are You Damned? Brought to you by Rum and Monkey
 Which Survivor of the Impending Nuclear Apocalypse Are You? A Rum and Monkey joint.
 Which Historical Lunatic Are You? From the fecund loins of Rum and Monkey.
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Inuyasha Fanfic. Based on Kagome/Ino-chan and mines story!
(~*I Only Want Someone To Protect Me*~)
Hotaru kept trying to wake Torinotenyasha up, but nothing happened. Kiri sighed behind him. "Get her up, already! Or I'll suck her up the Wind Tunnel!" she threatened. Kuriko walked up from behind her cousin. "Lady Torinotenyasha? Please wake up. It's morning, and beautiful, too!" the child said with a smile. Yurei walked up and kicked her half-cousin none too softly. "YUREI!" everyone said. Torinotenyasha shuddered. "no..." she moaned. "Ugh. Is she having one of those weird Perv Dreams that signals" "YUREI!" everyone said again. "...She's cold... Like Ice!" Hotaru said.
Okami looked up, his shaggy blonde hair covering his gorgeous black eyes. "She's dreaming. She freezes up when she dreams, and talks to herself. Actually, she's having a nightmare. A bad one, too, if she's that cold. Unless you're being melodramatic again, Halfy." Okami smirked. Hotaru twitched, his red eyes gleaming. "Why'd we bring Wolf Boy?". Kiri smacked Hotaru with her fist. "Shaddup! He's hot! Any other reason needed?!" she screamed. "Hey, Miss Pure Breed's crying..." Yurei said, amazed.
Graves. Two graves without stones nor markings. Two graves Torinotenyasha recognized. Her parents. Lord Sesshomaru and Lady Kaiko, buried side-by-side. By the tree. And so the tears fell. "Father... Mother..." she said, running her fingers over the bark of the tree. She inhaled, trying to calm herself. Then, some more graves. Torinotenyasha stared. These were marked. Torinotenyasha gasped at the names.
Hotaru, Okami, Kiri, Yurei, Shippoko, all her companions laid to rest. "Wha... What in the?!" she said, angered, surprised, even a little...Hurt? "No... But...They... I..." Torinotenyasha stuttered. Not everyone... Please, not everyone... she prayed. "Turn..." someone whispered in her ear. She resisted for a time, but the voice won.
Torinotenyasha's stomach lurched. The world stopped spinning. She lost her breath. Nothing was real, just distorted and alien. Torinotenyasha shuddered, then screamed. "KURIKO!" she sobbed, tears falling. "WHY?!" she screamed at Heaven. then she fell onto her knees, shaking, her long white kimono stained by the mud, her equally long and pale hair covering her face and stained by tears. She didn't care. Nothing mattered anymore. Kuriko was dead
(It's a nightmare. It just looks real. It's a)
and Torinotenyasha was alone.
(Nightmare.Get a hold of yourself, Torinotenyasha)
That sweet girl, the one in the green kimono who followed
(This is madness! Wake up!)
and obeyed anything Torinotenyasha said. The girl who saw the Demon as though she were God,
(Wake up! Wake up, and she'll be alive! It'll be night)
Gone? No, there was no reason, no excuse
(And Kuriko will be next to me as always, beacause she always,)
For Torinotenyasha to live. Even avenging her father, taking Kikiyo's life,
(ALWAYS, sneaks into the blankets with me to get warm)
Was nothing. It was absolutely
(And I'll hold her close, like always. I just have to)
(wake up)
"No one to protect, no one to kill." someone said. The same voice. Torinotenyasha looked, tears still running. "What the Hell do you want?!" she spat. "Hmm... You killed Kikiyo 15 years ago, Lady Torinotenyasha. You are the most powerful, most feared, Demon in existence. You earned that title by destroying every village for 35 miles. Your 'Friends', they tried to stop you. And so, you slaughtered them. The girl Half-breed first." "Shut up" "And the Lecherous Hunter last. then, you snuck the child into a forest." "Shut up" "And promised to protect her. To make her happy, smirking the whole time, sniggering." "Shut up" "Then you dug So'unga into her back, twisted it, and removed the blade." "SHUT UP, NARAKU, YOU BASTARD!" Torinotenyasha demanded, lunging, slashing, blinded by tears and fury. Naraku fell at the first strike.
"You are even more powerful than I, Lady Torinotenyasha." he said, dying.
Torinotenyasha hit the ground. 'No one to protect... No one to kill... No one...' Naraku's words hammered in her ears. "SHUT UP!" she sobbed. "I KILLED YOU, SO SHUT UP!" she screamed at the corpse.
"Do you want someone to protect you, Tori?" a voice questioned. Torinotenyasha looked up. A boy, a Demon, standing before her in a long black robe and kimono. He had beautiful orange eyes that glittered like rubies in the sunlight, and his long mane of fiery red hair was pulled into a high ponytail. "Yes." Torinotenyasha confessed. The boy smiled softly, then hugged her close. "I'll protect you. Just call my name, and I will be there, My Lady." he whispered in her ear. "I know you're tired of sacrificing for others. and I'm tired of losing the ones I love. I will never lose you, my Angel." he vowed.
Hotaru was on top of Torinotenyasha, holding her down. "What is she doing?!" Kiri asked. "I think it's a seizure..." Yurei said. "Get her mouth open, Okami!" Hotaru barked. "Lady Torinotenyasha!" Kuriko sobbed. Kiri hugged the crying child. "Shhhhhhhh..."
Torinotenyasha's eyes fluttered open, those two gorgeous blue eyes passing among her companions. She sighed. "Yoru..." she sighed contentedly. Kuriko hiccuped, then charged full-force towards the Demon. "Lady Torinotenyasha!!" she squealed, wrapping her small arms around her misstress' neck with such force and so tightly that Torinotenyasha almost suffocated.
Hotaru raised an eyebrow, then leaned towards Kiri. "who's Yoru?" he whispered. Kiri shrugged. Okami turned a shade paler. "No way... Yoru?!" he asked. "Who's Yoru?" Hotaru repeated.
"Yoru; the second most powerful Demon, second only to Naraku. And they say that on cruelty, he can make even Naraku cry. How does Doggy know HIM?"
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Sunday, December 17, 2006
Tema-san Request.
Yes, Tema, I just called you Team-san. *hides behing Gaara-sempai and Choji-chan* Dun't hurt me...
shinsei: *sneaking up behind*
(Tsuchi Yuri
Birthday: November 17 *13 years old*
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 105 lbs.
blood Type: AB
Personality: Hyper, Hyper-er, Hyper-est
Favorite Food: Ramen, Ohagi
Least Fav. Food: Sushi
Best ninja Techniques: Kawaii Neko Jutsu, Kage Bunshin Jutsu
Wants To Fight: Maito Gai
Inuzuka Kiba
Gekko Hayateko
Favorite Word: ADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD *so on and so forth*
Hobbies: Being a Spazz, staring at the clouds
Theme: Standing Outside the Fire/Garth Brooks/The Hits)
Birthday: January 29 *14 years old*
Height: 5'
Weight: 89 lbs.
Blood Type: O
Personality: Loyal, Single-Minded, Vengeful
Favorite food: Rice balls, Toshikoshi Soba *? I think*
Least Fav. Food: Ramen, Pickles *WTF?*
Best Ninja Technique: ?, Proficient with Needles
Wants to Fight: Hatake Kakashi
Uzumaki Naruto
Favorite Word: Akuji-Sama
Hobbies: Training, Daydreaming
Theme: Savin' Me/ Nickleback/ All The Right Reasons)
Shinsei: *POOOOKE*
Yuri: WHA!! *falls over*
Shinsei: My Apologies, Yuri-kun.
Yuri: Ow! Well, Whadaya want, Shinsei?
Shinsei: Hayateko-sensei's looking for you.
Yuri: Well, I'm not here!
Shinsei: *grab*
Yuri: OW! OWOWOWOWOWOW! Man, You're strong!
Shinsei: Thank you. *pulls*
Hayateko: So, you found her, Shinsei.
Shinsei: Hai, Sensei.
Hoshi: Sorry I'm late, guys.
(Gekko Hayateko
Birthday: April 13 *22 Years Old*
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Blood Type: A
Personality: Secretive, Self-Sacrificing
Favorite Food: Ramen, Onigiri
Least Fav. Food: Anything Fried
Best Ninja Technique: Mikazuki-No-Mai, Hitsuki, Eien-Tsuki-Rendan
Wants To Fight: Baki
Favorite Word: Enigma
Hobbies: Reading, Moongazing
Theme: Strange/ Better Than Ezra/ Before the Robots)
(Maito Hoshi
Birthday: June 4 *13 years old*
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 107 lbs.
Blood Type: B
Personality: Hyper-er than Hyper, Extremely WEIRD
Favorite Food: Curry, buckwheat Noodles
Least Fav. Food: "Uhhh... chicken?..."
Best Ninja Techniques: Wakai Rendan, Konoha Senpuu
Wants to Fight: Shinsei
Rock Lee
Favorite Word: COOOOOOOOL!
Hobbies: Relaxing, Training, cooking
Theme: When You're Strange/ The Doors/ ?)
Shinsei: No problem, Hoshi-kun.
Hayateko: Just be on time tommorow.
Hoshi: Kay.
Yuri: Leggo.
Shinsei: *giggle* Leggo...
Hoshi: ...My...
Yuri: Haha. oh, so funny. Haha. Put me down.
Shinsei: *releases*
Hayateko: We have a mission. Class C: Protect the Bridge. Reward: Y 8,000,000
Yuri: Whoa...
Hayateko: *nods*
Shinsei: Hmmm...
Hoshi: You OK, Shinsei-san?
Shinsei: ! Oh, fine!
Hayateko: She's fine, ok? Now... Let's go.
A while Later:
Hayateko: *gritting teeth* God... I had to teach...
Shinsei: Um, we're not there yet. Please be quiet. Sensei doesn't look pleased.
Hoshi/Yuri: Sorry, Sensei.
Hayateko: *sigh* It's ok. *looks*
Shinsei: Sensei?
Hayateko: *whispers*
Shinsei: Understood.
Hoshi: I'm hungry...
Hoshi: LUNCH TIME!! *lunge*
Others: HOSHI!
Voice: Let go of Shinsei-san's bunny, Kid.
Voice 2: Or we'll hack you to bits.
Hoshi: *gulp* You can have the Bunny, guys... I don't want trouble...
Hayateko: *grabs sword* Come out.
Shinsei: *holding strange sword* We won't hurt you.
Yuri: *steling Shinsei's needles* Much, anyway.
Shinsei: YURI!
Yuri: Sheesh... Can't a girl scare people anymore... Why does that look like bone?
ShinseI: Uh, nO! This isn't bone! What made you say that?!
Hoshi: You know those two, Shinsei-san?
Shinsei:...?!N...NO WAY!
Tema, Wait 'n see.
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Friday, December 15, 2006
Tell me that Ino and Sakura are lying... Akito-kun... My oldest Furuba crush.... He isn't a crossdresser with small boobs, is he? Say it ain't so...
Please keep my dad in your prayers. He just had another heart attack, his 4th this year.
That's all. Life sucks right now.
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Friday, December 8, 2006
K, I'm going to stick to 1, 1, 1! story on this site. So, Which'd you rather read:
1)GenmaAnko love story
3)A 'Whatif' story. What if: the Fourth didn't die? Itachi never killed his clan? Hiashi died instead of Hizashi? Orochimaru never betrayed Konoha? Gaara never got a Demon?
4) Post all of my Sequel Story
5)A story where Haku-chan and Zabuza-san are revived.
Comment, my Inbox is almost full!
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Saturday, December 2, 2006
10 Yondaime didn't sacrifce himself. He sacrifeced Naruto's mother, whether by accident or meaning to. He lost his mind and ran. He then created Akatsuki
9 Orochimaru revived after his death and he realized that things had changed, say, Naruto has been shunned and his wife/lover had killed herself/been killed. He then gave up and listened to some crackass scheme Oro came up with.
8 He had planned it all along
7 He had done it to direct his enemies away from the Village and his son by becoming 'Evil' and making powerful allies and followers, like Itachi and Deidara.
6 He went bannana's, pure and simple
5 He wanted more power than being Hokage could give
4 He was greedy and wanted the world at his feet
3 He means to see how strong Naruto is by fighting him as an enemy one day.
2 It's a twisted way of protecting his Village in his mind
1 He meant to take Kyubi for himself by sealing it in his ring, but he failed. He botched the job and decided to seal Kyubi in his son. he decided to take other demons until powerful enough to take Kyubi and the world
opinions welcome ^_____^
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Thursday, November 30, 2006
...I still dunno!
lol It's 4 AM over here, but... This is a dedication for my Ane-san...
NARUTO SLEEPOVER!! *includes our oC's*
Kirei: *watching the clouds with Shika and Choji*
Hayate:...You're too lazy sometimes, Kirei-chan.
Kirei: Sensei... I'm having a sleepover.
Hayate: Don't you live in the Forest of Death?
Kirei: That doesn't mean Anko-chan won't let me use the Tower.
Hayate: Man, didn't I get the weird team...
Kirei: *writing invites like a madwoman*
Anko: NO!!!! SHE'S BEING SOCIAL!! *grabs Izumo, starts shaking him* REVERSE IT, DAMMIT! I KNOW YOU CAN!!!
Izumo: H-h-h-h-he-e-e-e-e-e-e-l-l-l-l-p-p-p-p-p m-m-m-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e
Kotetesu: *intervenes* Anko, you're creepy.
Kirei: Izumo, Kotetsu, how do you two feel about tuxedo's?
Kotetsu/Izumo: ?
Kirei: Good.
Anko: Oh, they're gonna be the butlers!
Kotetsu/Izumo: NO!
Kirei: Party's tonight.... I have the tuxes... Put 'em on... NOW.
Kotetsu: *tries to run*
Izumo: *right behind him*
Genma: *grabs*
Kuroyo: Nice save, bro.
Genma: Meh...
Kuroyo: *see's Izumo, drools* IZUMO-CHAN!!! ^________^
Izumo: Hi, Kuroyo...
Kuroyo: Uh, say, Izumo, I was wondering if tonight, maybe we could, I dunno, g...get some ramen at Ichiraku? *blush*
Kirei: So does she.
Kuroyo: Crap...
Kirei: You're helping me decorate.
Kuroyo: No!
Neko: I'm allready helping her! You gotta help too!
Kuroyo: Well, Izumo, uh...
Izumo: Rain check?
Kuroyo: *nods*...
Akumu: So cute...
Kuroyo/Izumo: SHADDUP!
Toppu: *laughing* Kuroyo and Izumo, sitting in a tree!
Izumo: Can it...
Toppu/Neko: *joins in* K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love
Kuroyo: ACK! BE QUIET!
Toppu/Neko/Akumu: Then comes Marriage!
Kuroyo/Izumo: Don't even go there!!!
Kuroyo/Izumo: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Genma: She's my little sister, so I hafta say
Kuroyo: Finally accept we're related?
Genma: Her feelings of desire and love for Izumo-kun are no joke!
Izumo/Kuroyo: *jaws hit the ground*
Genma: Welcome to the family, future Brother-in-law.
Izumo/Kuroyo: *jaws go through floor*
Kotetsu: I call Godfather!
Izumo/Kuroyo: *jaws go to hell they're so far in the ground*
Kotetsu: So, Akumu, wanna double date with 'em?
Akumu: Can it, Shove it, Puke it.
Kirei: *walks in* What'd I miss?
Kirei: I was passing out invites.
Everyone:....That fast?
Kirei: *nods* I just fired them at the doors!
Everyone: -.-"
Ino: Looks to the side of door* AH!
*finger bone stuck in side*
And so, it begins... I'm not writing anymore till ya pay up, Sis...
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Wednesday, November 29, 2006
lol title says all. I've not written any fanfix lately, I've been working on my book. Me: *dodges random objects* CHILL! Alucard/Lee/Hayate/Izumo/Naruto: *eyes red* WHO THREW THAT?! Uzuki: *edging away* Heheh?
yAY!! SAKI-CHAN GOT A SITE! *glomps* Saki: Getoffofme... Me: You like running words together, eh? Saki: Noduhyouadhdflunkie ME: ^^" 'Flunkie'? Saki:.... Eeeerrrr... Me: Keep saying that. let's see if Tobi and sasori survive my attack on Akatsuki. Saki: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *dies* Me: *pokes her fat, squishy butt* Saki: Tell... the chili dogs... I loved them... And my... butt... sure as hell ain't squishy... Me: Nyah-nyah!
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Tuesday, November 28, 2006
She's really quiet. She's gothic ad Sasori obsessed. She shares my undying hate for Baki, and he thinx she's so cool because she can count backwards from 9,999,999,999. She's my sis, allriht. She's my Uzuki, or Sakikokoro. Her site's Gekko Sakikokoro. Please sign my sis's GB and talk to her. She can be really mean sometimes, but she can also be a great friend. She just has high defenses. Her site rocks, and she finds the coolest pix! Just look at her BG! Please and thank you.
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Monday, November 27, 2006
HAAPY OH SO BELATED BIRTHDAY TO HAYATE!!! IT SLIPPED MY MIND! ^^" Forgiven? Oh, And Naru-chan! Of course, Naru needs his Haya: Ew. Uzuki: *glare* My Hayate... Me: Mine... Uzuki: MINE. Me: MINE! Uzuki: *grabs, yanks, runs* You're cold, Hayate... Hayate?
Me: *on the beach with an ongoing b'day party 4 the 3 extra special hotties in my life* Thanks, Sasori. You're a real pal! Sasori: *sips margarita* No prob. It's a good work of art, if I do say so myself. Deidara: Art isn't art until destroyed, baka. Me: Yeah, yeah, so what if I spared Deidara and Sasori? They're hot. Am I right? Fangirls: You can keep Hayate. You can keep Naruto. You sure as Hell can keep your Lee. WE get Deidara and Sasori! Me:... RUN FOR IT!!! RETREAT!! MY HOTTIES!!! boys: But..but... Hayate: Hinata... your bikini's... other boys: *cover his mouth* Keep going, Hinata. Keep going... *perverted grins* Lee: Why do I like this, again?
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