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In my mind: Curled up with Alucard and Naruto Uzumaki. In reality: In front of my computer 23/7
Member Since
Shinobi, Apprentice, Anbu, Vampire Kunoichi, Honor Student
Real Name
Uzumaki Hinata, or Sara Tepes, or Sara C.
Getting over my introvertedness, Learning to stand up for myself!, NOT BEING A SASUKE FANGURL!, Out-eating Choji, Iruka, and Naruto at a Ramen Eating Contest :3, Knowing all the Hellsing spoilers and owning almost all of the manga!
Anime Fan Since
I saw Sailor Moon
Favorite Anime
NARUTO! but, I also like Hellsing, YYH, Genshiken,Inuyasha, Yu-Gi-Oh, Sailor Moon, DB:GT, Kamichama Karin, Bleach, FMA,One Piece, YGO:GX, Digimon, any Hayao Miyazaki, Primarily Kiki's Delivery Service, Rurouni Kenshin, Gin Tama, Godchild, Nana, and Furuba
Keep Neji in ICU for another decade or so, Marry Alucard, Help Konohagakure become an even better Village, Avenge Asuma-san, beat Walter one day...
Reading, Drawing, Glomping Naruto, Kissing Naruto, making loud, long love to Naruto and Alucard....I MEAN!!...Eh, crud O///O...Messing with my friend's heads! Talking with my friends Kiben the wolf , snowycloud, rockleelover17, and HinataNaruInu
Singing, using a katana *seriously* Writing, Scaring other people by using the Silent Killing Jutsu, Messing with People's heds!, Giving good advice, Able to tell you anything about Alucard or integra at any time, NEVER BEING BORED.
| UzumakiHina-chan
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/12/08:
True, true..
Result Posted on 07/04/08:
Yeah, I do *swoon*
Result Posted on 04/13/08:
.............I will not faint... I knew he would like me. I mean, after all, Mein Dunkel Prinz does, and he's as close to Alucard on earth as I'll get
Are YOU suitable for Alucards 'tastes'????? (Hellsing - girls only please)
 OH YES! Alucard can't take his eyes off you - Yes, all those times when you thought you were alone walking down the street or in your room, think again. Even now he stalks your every move. Your blood is like molten fire to his own undead body, the sweetest of them all. But don't be fooled to assume he wants just your blood... oh no, he's going to move mountains to find you - He wants your very soul and more... Do not even try to hide from him for he will find you. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/15/08:
That's why I couldn't be a geisha ^-^; I'd want to be free and (slightly) normal.
What's Your Inner Japanese Geisha's Personality Like? {Female Anime Pics and Detailed Results}
 You are a Dreamer Geisha! You enjoy your life as a Geisha, but you can't help but feel incomplete and longing. You see normal women on the streets of your city, laughing as they cling to the arms of their husbands and the hands of their little children, and somber envy invades your heart. You appreciate your position in society, and are grateful to be a glamorous Geisha, but you still bear an empty hole in your soul. You often wish that you could experience the pleasures of being a beloved wife and mother for just one day, but you also do not want to leave the life of a Geisha. So, until tomorrow comes, you shall endulge yourself in your dreams. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/15/08:
;3 Me-yow.
How hot are you in Manga? girls and dirty boys only <3 HOT PICS
 Wow, your doing your cat walk all over the guys and they dont wanna let you outta there lives. meow your hot. you have one hell of a style and one heck of a walk, hope you rate and hope you liked 10/10 Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/15/08:
I'm too much like Alucard -_-
 You control the MOON. Your power is to control the Moon and that is because you are a very emotional person. You have a very strong heart that has been hurt in the past and now you are very cautious of people. You prefer not to trust anybody but sometimes you do anyway. You have very good mental skills and because you are so prudent you have quick reflexes. You are probably a very quiet or/and shy person who prefers to be in small groups than in big ones. You are a very fragile person and follow your heart when making decisions, although your very indecisive.Your Emotions give you the power to control the Moon.TIME OF DAY: MIDNIGHT Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/15/08:
*smiles* Yippee ^__^
what kind of demon is sealed in your body? girl pics but guys can take it to!this quiz also says how you look anime!
 you have a wolf demon inside you!*cool* you have purple hair and eyes and you are laid back. but you love to eat! and you are a awsome fighter! also you are considered a hero to most people! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/15/08:
This.. is so... so... soooo... me... I fear it's what I'll become, actually ^^;
The paranormal creature you will be after you die.. (pics+detailed results)
 You will be a: GhostYou have gone through hard times in your life, and you probably have many questions that you cant seem to find the answer to. You seem to have a problem with letting it all go, and because of this you just can't seem to be able to find rest. You are forced to stay on the place you probably hate the most, which could be anywhere on earth, depending on where you spend the last moments of your life, or on a place where you were hurt very bad. Nobody sees you, and this leaves you having to just watch all the time. However, sometimes you can attract peoples attention. This could be either in a very subtle way, like moving something when nobodys looking, or it could be something not so subtle, like making things float through the air in front of a probably very terrified person.. However, it does happen sometimes that people think they see something out of the corner of their eyes, but when they look there's nothing there.. Or at least, so they think, because just maybe it was you they saw, without them even knowing.. Sometimes it might really sadden you that nobody sees you, and that you're all alone in this world, indulged in your own misery. But either way, the pain never leaves, and it might even be this way forever...Your colour: GreyYour type of weather: FogYour element: AirYour pet will be a: Lonely wolf(Please rate and/or message!) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/15/08:
What Video Game Should You Be In? [Many outcomes! Pics!]
Result Posted on 03/15/08:
*giggle* Yup, i hate being around people ^_^
are you a demon, vampire or an angel? ( very detailedgirls only)
 you are a vampire. you love the night and hate most day like to be alone and away from everything and one. you barely have any friends but to you there just little things that might get in the way.your humane form: you have long black hair with gray tips. you have hazle eyes and long you vampire form: you have long black hair with gray hightligths,and crimson eyes, sharp fans and long nails panted ether black,red or white. you have black bat wings.your element :darknessyour inner animal: batyou don't really get mad i just looks it, mostly when your thirsty or just thinking to yourself. Take this quiz!
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