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In my mind: Curled up with Alucard and Naruto Uzumaki. In reality: In front of my computer 23/7
Member Since
Shinobi, Apprentice, Anbu, Vampire Kunoichi, Honor Student
Real Name
Uzumaki Hinata, or Sara Tepes, or Sara C.
Getting over my introvertedness, Learning to stand up for myself!, NOT BEING A SASUKE FANGURL!, Out-eating Choji, Iruka, and Naruto at a Ramen Eating Contest :3, Knowing all the Hellsing spoilers and owning almost all of the manga!
Anime Fan Since
I saw Sailor Moon
Favorite Anime
NARUTO! but, I also like Hellsing, YYH, Genshiken,Inuyasha, Yu-Gi-Oh, Sailor Moon, DB:GT, Kamichama Karin, Bleach, FMA,One Piece, YGO:GX, Digimon, any Hayao Miyazaki, Primarily Kiki's Delivery Service, Rurouni Kenshin, Gin Tama, Godchild, Nana, and Furuba
Keep Neji in ICU for another decade or so, Marry Alucard, Help Konohagakure become an even better Village, Avenge Asuma-san, beat Walter one day...
Reading, Drawing, Glomping Naruto, Kissing Naruto, making loud, long love to Naruto and Alucard....I MEAN!!...Eh, crud O///O...Messing with my friend's heads! Talking with my friends Kiben the wolf , snowycloud, rockleelover17, and HinataNaruInu
Singing, using a katana *seriously* Writing, Scaring other people by using the Silent Killing Jutsu, Messing with People's heds!, Giving good advice, Able to tell you anything about Alucard or integra at any time, NEVER BEING BORED.
| UzumakiHina-chan
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 12/19/06:
*sigh* Hai. I AM Sango... I even look like her... But, Miroku? *shudder* Sesshy...Rin's lucky...? from 1 episode: Did Kagura and Sesshomaru do it? o.o
Result Posted on 12/19/06:
Result Posted on 12/17/06:
Result Posted on 12/12/06:
Perfectly me... Oh God, it even kinda loox like me! ...weird...
Result Posted on 12/10/06:
If you could create a world, how would your world look like? (girls only!) (AWESOME PICS AND STORIES AT THE END!!!)
 "I am ________, the darkness Goddess." Scyth, the shadow fallen God smirked at you, as the two of you made yours way to the temple. There you saw lots of presents, offerings and your creations waiting for you to arrive. When you landed, they all bowed. You walked almong them, your dark dress dancing behind you. Ahead of you, you could see a path made of black stone leading to a all black and grey throne. You sat up there, landind your eyes on your followers. You were not evil, you just liked the darkness more than anyone. Gods and Goddnesses walked away from you, becase they thought wrong, you were not evil.Scyth also bowed infront of you, and with your hand, you reached his chin and made him look at you."Everyone, look at this God."Everyone rested their eyes on Scyth. You could tell he was slightly nervous. "This is the God that saved your lives today. He is the one who saved me and you from myself. If he was not to be here, we would all be dead right now. I wish you to thank him, for all he did, and treat him as he deserves, a fallen God of a new world."Your creations looked at him, confused. Scyth starred at you, dumbfooled. You smiled and continued..."From this day, I will rule this world with the help of Scyth, the God of Shadows. However, you must not forget about who created you in the first place. It is the knowledge that leads you to higher heights. But all the knowlegde has to begin somewhere, and to forget that beginning is to forget who you are." The vampires, demons, black angels, werewolfs and gargoyles,...among others starred at you and with a smile on their face, bowed to the two of you, _______ and Scyth, who was sitting by your side, where appeared another throne. Later that day, Scyth and you were walking throught the dark gardens of the castle when he spoke suddently..."The things you created, they are filled with mystery and darkness, along with shadows. It reminds me of my old world, but much better."You tilted your head to your side, as you listened to him."And if we are to reign this world together, I would like to be bound(?) to you... by love."Your eyes, widened as Scyth said those words. Yes, Gods and Goddnesses do have feelings, which includes love. You starred at his beautiful eyes and knew that deep inside your shadowed dark heart, there was a piece of love for the fallen God that you could not throw away. You ran your hands throught his cheeks and said a thing that your heart longed to release..."Yes Scyth...I love you."He smiled and you could swear that his eyes were holding a thousand suns when he said..."I love you too."Since that day, the two of you reigned the world you created together, loving each other for eternity.Name/title:________, the Goddess of Darkness.Powers: controlling your whole world, along with the darkness within and outside it. Beings you created: Vampires, Demons, Gargoyles, Werewolfs, Dark AngelsSymbol:A crow above a black rose, spreading its wings. Grey background.World:The skies are a pinch black colour. They have little stars all over them, and a huge white and silver moon. however, when you're sad or mad the sky is just black. The earth is filled with mountains and some places, snow. The earth is a dark brown colour. Sometimes it rains, and you can clearly see the river running down the mountains, until they reach an only sea. It is filled with shadows and darkness and the beings that live there feed on the irracional animals fear and blood. You are overjoyed with the things you created and the temple in which you live is made of black stone and it is build on top of a mountain.Family: you are the 3rd eldest sister, and the most feared and unpopular, although there are some of your brothers, like the God of Death, that understands you. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/07/06:
True... And yes, i am LAZY! I don't wana!! T.T lol Well, at least Yoh-san don't complain, eh? lols
Result Posted on 12/07/06:
Waah! Sheena-sama! OMG She's so awesome! I LOVE THIS GAME!! >< TALES OF SYMPHONIA FOREVA!! *hugs onto Regal and Kratos* MINE! BACK OFF BEE-YATHCHES!!
Result Posted on 11/30/06:
...He looks kinda like Kotetsu-kun... I'll take izumo and Hayate, thanx...
Result Posted on 11/30/06:
I'M NOT STUCK-UP!!! Am I? I guess not... But I can be cold-hearted.
Result Posted on 11/30/06:
True... My defenses are to frikkin' high!
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