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In my mind: Curled up with Alucard and Naruto Uzumaki. In reality: In front of my computer 23/7
Member Since
Shinobi, Apprentice, Anbu, Vampire Kunoichi, Honor Student
Real Name
Uzumaki Hinata, or Sara Tepes, or Sara C.
Getting over my introvertedness, Learning to stand up for myself!, NOT BEING A SASUKE FANGURL!, Out-eating Choji, Iruka, and Naruto at a Ramen Eating Contest :3, Knowing all the Hellsing spoilers and owning almost all of the manga!
Anime Fan Since
I saw Sailor Moon
Favorite Anime
NARUTO! but, I also like Hellsing, YYH, Genshiken,Inuyasha, Yu-Gi-Oh, Sailor Moon, DB:GT, Kamichama Karin, Bleach, FMA,One Piece, YGO:GX, Digimon, any Hayao Miyazaki, Primarily Kiki's Delivery Service, Rurouni Kenshin, Gin Tama, Godchild, Nana, and Furuba
Keep Neji in ICU for another decade or so, Marry Alucard, Help Konohagakure become an even better Village, Avenge Asuma-san, beat Walter one day...
Reading, Drawing, Glomping Naruto, Kissing Naruto, making loud, long love to Naruto and Alucard....I MEAN!!...Eh, crud O///O...Messing with my friend's heads! Talking with my friends Kiben the wolf , snowycloud, rockleelover17, and HinataNaruInu
Singing, using a katana *seriously* Writing, Scaring other people by using the Silent Killing Jutsu, Messing with People's heds!, Giving good advice, Able to tell you anything about Alucard or integra at any time, NEVER BEING BORED.
| UzumakiHina-chan
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 11/30/06:
Me sooooo eviw!xDDDD Oh, God... If I got this, then Ane'll probably get... rofl ZELDA!!
Result Posted on 11/28/06:
I love challenges *glances at Seras and Intefra* I like him...He's a comrade, nothing more...Move along... Alucard:Don't make me go back. They're scar
Result Posted on 11/27/06:
Result Posted on 11/26/06:
*forced to take quiz by friend* Well, Bunnies are cute... *under breath* i am betraying goth. ino must die a mikazuki-no-mai induced death for this...
Result Posted on 11/25/06:
*insert gasp here* *Insert maniacal laughter HERE*
What do the characters of Naruto think of you?
Info:Village: OtogakureBest Friends: noneBoyfriends: noneSpecialty: Panic No Jutsu (bloodline jutsu)Personality: You are dark and often misunderstood. You have an artistic streak in your blood, and often spend you spare time with arts. You also have an obsession with training. Youre motto is, If its not perfect, its wrong. You spend hours on end training, and with Kabuto as your mentor and Sasuke as your sparring partner, you must always keep up with your skills. Deep down, the thing you want most, is to find your aunt. You are also greatly feared in Konohagakure.Secrets: You admire Naruto and strive to have his determination. The few stories and comments you have gotten out of Sasuke have only inspired you more. Naruto has always been your idol, even if you are ordered to fight him. You also are slightly attracted to Shino. His reserved expression draws you in, slowly and steadily.Relationship: You used to have a childhood sweetheart, but Orochimarus appearance into your life drew you two apart. Youre memory is hazy, and you are unable to remember the name or face of the boy. The only thing that keeps you from forgetting him completely is a keepsake of his that he had given you.What the Characters Think of You:Naruto: She seems better than she leads on. I dont think shes happy where she is now.Sasuke: Shes powerful. She is one of the people I have to fight to get to Itachi. I think she may know something about his whereabouts.Sakura: _______ killed lots of our shinobi. She needs to be stopped.Kakashi: Ive run into her a number of times, all of them unpleasant. Shes ruthless and takes heavily after Orochimaru. She uses this jutsu I cant avoid or see through.Neji: It is my destiny to destroy her. I will need to train to defeat her.Tenten: I havent seen her, but Ive heard of her. I hear she has a jutsu that can make you go almost insane. I definitely dont want dun into her.Lee: If Neji is planning on defeating her, I will beat him to it. She will be destroyed.Kiba: ______. The name still scares Akamaru. He ran into her on a mission and had to be hospitalized when he had only seen her for about 5 seconds.Shino: Shes dangerous and emotionless.Hinata: *too scared to even mention your name*Shikamaru: That woman is so troublesome. Ive never faced her but Ive seen people who HAVE faced her and they were scared out of their minds.Ino: Dont say that name. Its bad luck.Choji: I faced her once. I made it out without losing anything, but Akamaru wasnt so lucky.Asuma: A dangerous kid. She doesnt kill THAT often. All she does is mess with the persons mind.Kurenai: Id rather not talk about her.Gai: If she ever crosses my path, I will single handedly defeat her.Gaara: She could not defeat me.Kankuro: Ive only heard stories about her and they all sound exaggerated. She cant really summon boas, can she?Temari: She has nothing on me. I could defeat her.Kabuto: Orochimau seems to have big plans for her and Sasuke. And when she spars, she never holds back on Sasuke. Not one bit.Orochimaru: She is catching up to Sasukes skill. _______ is a powerful asset.Jiraiya: Her reputation is growing, and its a great to keep up with. Shes distorted and wicked.Tsunade: I will not have her, or anyone else, harm Konoha.Itachi: ______ is able to track my location. I suppose shes following me.Please Rate and Message. ^_^ Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/25/06:
Yes. Everyone says I look like a stereotypical Vampire. Pale skin, dark hair, red lips, lust... And I like the Gothic style of dress...As in OLD style
Do you have a future as a vampire? (pictures included)
 You are an old, true and lonely vampire. You have realized that because you're a bloodsucking fiend, you can't ever be with anyone for too long. You don't expect salvation, anything that will ease your pain. Try chamomile tea, or a hot toddy. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/25/06:
Wow, wouldya lookit that? ino's trying to beat me up, Naru-chan's trying to beat up Kiba, and Kiba's trying to beat up Hayate and Lee...Hot guys attak
What Do The Naruto Charaters Say And Think About You? (For Girls)
 Your guy: KibaWhat he likes about you: Your just to nice not to like!What the characters say and think about you:-Boys-What Sasuke says: "She is nice. And smart."What Sasuke thinks: *Probably a complicated opponent.*What Naruto says: "She's nice! She's a lot like Hinata, except a little more talkative."What Naruto thinks: *She's awesome!*What Neji says: "She's nice. She's also very smart. I sense a lot more power in her then she shows."What Neji thinks: *She's very interesting.*What Kiba says: "She's so cool! I'm the luckiest guy!"What Kiba thinks: *Hah! Now all the guys envy my girl, and my moves!*What Shikamaru says: "Nice smart girl. I think she'll be a tough opponent."What Shikamaru thinks: *Nice smart girl. I think she'll be a tough opponent.*What Rock Lee says: "She's the nicest, and she's smarter then Sakura!"What Rock Lee thinks: *How come she likes Kiba better??*What Gaara says: "She's going to be an interesting opponent."What Gaara thinks: *She might be tough.*What Kakashi says: "She's strong inside. When she's fighting, she switchs zones or something. She becomes more firce and focused. Very hard opponent to beat."What Kakashi thinks: *On with the bikini bash! *points finger in air**What Choji says: "Himaksdjfak a dkfj ald fiajkcia dijfai ejaifajva djfij aijc ije."(Translation: Food food food food food food food food! lol, jk!! She doesn't call me fat!!)What Choji thinks: *Nice person. Smart too. All the sensei's think she's really strong.*What Kankuro says: "She's nice and smart."What Kankuro thinks: *She doesn't talk that much. Like Hinata, except more talkative of course.*What Kabuto says: "Nice and smart."What Kabuto thinks: *I think she's a lot stronger then she shows, if she were with Orochimaru, I know she'd be unbeatable.*-Girls-What Sakura says: "She's a nice girl. A little on the quieter side. She's even made Kiba nicer."What Sakura thinks: *How come she can get Kiba, but I can't get Sasuke??*What Ino says: "She's pretty nice. She's Kiba's perfect match. She's lowered his humungous ego!" (me: Who doesn't that remind me of?...) (her: Sakura?) (me: *shakes head...*)What Ino thinks: *Maybe she can tell me how to get Sasuke...*What Hinata says: "She's just like me, only more talkative. She's gotten me to talk a little more. She's trying to help me get Naruto. She's so nice!!"What Hinata thinks: *Now I'm not as afraid of Kiba anymore! Thanx to her!*What Temari says: "Quiet. I don't really know her."What Temari thinks: *She looks...interesting...*What Tenten says: "She's a tough opponent."What Tenten thinks: *Only cuz she seems so delicate, I don't wanna hurt her!!* (me: Nice try...) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/25/06:
Three wors: Oh, My God... That, and HAYATE IS HOTT!! >< Uhhh... *maintains cmposure* I mean, Hayate-san is... screw it... HE'S DAMN HOTT! Haya: You to
What Would Naruto Stars Think Of You? (36 characters tell you what they think!)
 Hair: Silver Eyes: Byakugan Age: 21 Weapon: Twin Ninja-to Rank: Jounin Attitude: You're a kind soul! Though you may seem stuck up sometimes, it's only because you're quiet. You'd rather have your head stuck in a book than you'd be out with your team. You're more of a follower that takes after her best friend, but is an important part of any mission. Usually a smile is on your face, even when someone makes you mad. You only use violence as a last resort when not on a mission. You have the Byakugan like the other Hyuuga's of course! Your ideal guy is Iruka or Hayate! You get along best with Haku, Hinata, and TenTen! Your enemies are Orochimaru, Kabuto, and the Sound Five! Village: Hidden Leaf Village Most Admirable Trait: Calm Nature and Warm Smile Least Admirable Trait: Hesitation at Using Force Naruto- Thinks you're annoying because he can't ever get you to laugh at him. Sasuke- Is indifferent as ever... Sakura- Hopes you won't ever be like your little brother. Kiba- Thinks Akamaru should bite your books in half... Hinata- Admires you secretly. Not only are you of the Branch House, but you aren't a mean and cold person, like Neji since you're dad was... well you know... Shino- Is mad because you hate bugs. Ino- Well, you never really got an answer because she annoys the hell out of you. Shikamaru- Finds you to be okay since you don't annoy him. Chouji- Wants to fatten you up! Mwuhahaha! Kimimaro- Want's to kill you for chunking a book at his master. Tayuya- In her words, "you're a fucking dumb shit!" Sakon/Ukon- Believes existance is wasted on you. Deidara- Swears he will blow you up one day! Itachi- As indifferent as Sasuke. More indifferent than Sasuke. Neji- Thinks you're an annoying sister because you hate leading. Rock Lee- Wants to marry you, but can't flirt because Neji always gives him that look! TenTen- Thinks of you as her sister, no matter your brother is the guy she secretly adores! (Neji) Temari- Thinks you're pretty cool. A bit of a snob though! Gaara- Wants to crush you under a sea of painful, smelly old man sand. Kankuro- Will one day hold you up to that promise and put his makeup on your face! o.O Haku- Finds you to have kind eyes and admires you for it. Sasori- Thinks you'd make a good puppet. Kisame- Wants to roast you like a chicken! Iruka- Thinks you're sweet. Kakashi- Wants to hug you because he's seen you secretly reading Come Come Violence! Zabuza- Thinks you need to die. -_-* So blunt... Kurenai- Will one day get you in the 'little Guchi dress'! Jiraiya- Vows to see you in that 'little Guchi dress'! XD Orochimaru- Thinks you're an annoyance that needs to die a slow painful death. Tsunade- Wishes you would actually drop the goody-good act and get drunk once in a while with her! Sarutobi- Thinks of you solely as a grand daughter. Yondaime- Thinks you're a kind person and actually nice to be around. Kabuto- Wants to poke you... with his needles... of pain... and DOOM! Asuma- Believes you to be one of his good friends. Genma- Thinks the same as Asuma, but makes fun of Hayate for his crush. Hayate- Thinks you're cute... but doesn't want to admit it. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/25/06:
Wow... This one got me good... I'm at a loss... Even Monkey Boy agrees *behind me*
What Would the Naruto Stars think of You? (Descriptive)
 You're out for yourself. You're pretty secluded and quiet, but once someone becomes your friend, you'd sacrifice your life to save them. Your loyal and deep down very loving. You are often perceived as cold and calculating, but it's not completely true. Deep down your just like everyone else, you just hide your problems better.Naruto: Just can't figure you out, and it frustrates him. He thinks of you as a friend.Sasuke: You two understand eachother. He trusts you, yet doesn't at the same time.Sakura: Hates your guts.Kakashi: Isn't sure what to think about you. Thinks your very interesting.Kiba: Doesn't like you at all. Your too cold and uncaring.Shino: Respects you in a way.Hinata: Wants to try and get to know you, but is way to shy to even try. She thinks you'll reject her without second thoughts.Kurenai: Likes your independant personality. You rely on no one, and she likes that.Ino: Agrees with Billboard brow.Shikamaru: Isn't your biggest fan. Ino rants about you to him, and even though it's not your fault, he still doesn't appreciate you constantly pissing her off.Choji: Thinks it's funny when Ino rants about you, but otherwise doesn't like you because Shika said so.Asuma: Hates you because he has to deal with Ino's rants all day.Rock Lee: Thinks your pretty, but sees you as a rival, for some weird reason.TenTen: Likes your independance, but thinks you should open up and trust people more.Neji: Is very interested in you.Gai: Wishes you's perk up and enjoy your youth.Yondaime: Is dead, but if he were alive he'd think the same as Naruto.Sarutobi: Wishes you'd be a little nicer, but accepts you for who you are.Tsunade: Enjoys your company, but doesn't really trust you too much because she knows that in the long run, you're out for you.Iruka: Never noticed you much in the academy. He was to busy with Naruto.Itachi: You interest him, but nothing more.Kisame: Hates you ever since he first met you. He's secretly intimidated by you, and your threats to make him into Sushi.Deidara: Can't stand you, and you can't stand him. He's too fraking annoying.Sasori: Your arguments with Deidara amuse him to no end. Infact, you just plain amuse him what with your short temper and violent outbursts.Gaara: You interest him, and you can actually hold a civilized conversation with him. (Although sometimes these conversations are slightly disturbing.)Temari: Is slightly afraid of you, but likes you. You'd probably make good friends if you'd cut down on the intimidation.Kankuro: You have the ability to make him piss his pants.Haku: Never met you, but he'd probably respect you.Zabuza: Never met you, but he;d probably respect you.Love Interests: Sasuke, Gaara or Sasori.Sasuke likes you because you've always been there for him, even though you weren't exactly supportive, he knows you understand him. Gaara likes you because you've always accepted him. You respect him, not fear him. Sasori likes you because your an interesting person, amusing, and complex. He wishes to understand you better.Ideal Team: Akatsuki or Gaara's team. You'd fit in well with both seeing as your personality allows you to do well in either place. The Akatsuki members are out for only themselves and their own power, much like you. And you would respect Gaara's team, as they would respect you. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/23/06:
I rule. You drool. Now, Bow before your Kage Overlord. NOW, Damn you!
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