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Tuesday, November 28, 2006
I have a rediculous amount of homework today, so I can't really do much. (Homsar88 and Midnighter Des8 both witnessed me collapse under my backpack
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Monday, November 27, 2006
it's either today or tomorrow that I'm going to try to tatally remodel my site and I dont know what it will look like while I'm doing it, so bear with me for the next couple of days
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Sunday, November 26, 2006
I'm back!!!!!
I just got back from my cabin by Lake Superior, and I played Zelda on the way back (of course, I've been totally addicted lately)
And learned another life lesson: Don't hurt chickens unless you're prepared for the consequences...

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Saturday, November 25, 2006
Mid Des8 had some stuff like this on her site and I'm tryig to see if I can get one of them to work.....

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life lessons
I was very bored when we got up to our cabin yesterday so I started playing Legend of Zelda games, and got ummm.....creative...
Life lessons learned from playing Zelda games:
1. Enemies don't stay paralized forever
2. if it's bigger, stronger, and trickier then you, run like hell
3.Vandalism (ie cutting signs in half) doesn't get you anywhere, but it sure is fun
4. If you turn into a rabbit unexpectedly.....there is a disturbance in the force.
5. Yes, your own bombs CAN hurt you
6. Enemy swords are sharp
7. A fun activity when you have nothing to do is jump in the water repetedly and drown
8. Keatons are scary
9. Just because fairys are cute doesn't mean that they're harmless
10. Even though there is a yellow brick road in clock town, you don't have to follow it

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Friday, November 24, 2006
I just did the most horrible thing in my life, I ate Hao from Shaman King!!!!
A place near my cabin had a gingerbread man decorating thing and I decorated one like Hao, then it looked so good that I ate it
My Neji one is still alive least, until I gets hungry again XD
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I'm going to be up north for a few days, but i'm bringing the laptop, so I'll hopefully still be able to update and stuffs.
I'm looking through a site tutorial currently and when I have some time on my hans, I'm going to try to completely remdel my site!!!
From what I've seen so far, it's gonna be a lot of work. and all I've learned so far is how to link text and buttons TT
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Thursday, November 23, 2006
new friend
I made a new friend!
You should go visit him, he's a big uchiha clan fan (hee hee, that rhymes)
I made a button for him that I'm including below
(Yay, I like making buttons!!!)

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I was playing Oregon Trail 2 again......obviously Cassie isn't that good a swimmer, she's almost drownde at every river we've crossed
And Mid Des8 seems to like to have health problems, She got an unknown ailment but got better
And I have already gotten injuries from accidental gunshot and a bear bite....maybe the game is trying to tell me not to go hunting so often....
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Notice how I don't call it turkey day? I'm a vegetarian.
Anyways, couldn't do anything on my computer yesterday, my internet died on us.
So all I could do was play Oregon Trail on my laptop.....Sorry Mid Des8, you died 3 days after I set out from the original town from cholera
The good news is that no one else died except for Chiyo..and we made it to Oregon city! (well, me, cassie and Hao anyways)
Time to catch up pn fanart veiwing!

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