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Emily or Emily-chan, Hermy-chan
Getting a black belt in karate
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guess I'd have to say 5th grade
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2 many 2 count.
To take over the world with the squirrel military led by commander Chiyo
doodling, sleeping, checking fanart on the otaku, playing Children of Mana,
drawing, karate (hiyah!), making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
| UzumakiKitai
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I'm back!
whew, that trip was brutal. We got back later last night so I was too tired to go on the computer aside from checking my e-mails.
Well, anyhoo, it was fun too. Even though my pack was really heavy because I was carrying supplies for five days, not too much fun. But It was nice up there, we saw a few animals. There were a couple beavers and this squirrel with her five babies and red ants that liked to cling onto my left middle toe and attack it.
But I'm glad to be back in air-conditioning, it got really hot up at the Boundry Waters.
In other news, while I was gone me and my sister got what we ordered from Walmart. We now have an iHome! Well, it's a mini version of it that plays the music, it doesn't have a clock or radio.
And also in a few days, I'll be getting Photoshop! Finally! I can't wait to see how much fun I'm going to have with it.
I'm so glad to be back on the otaku too, i missed everybody!
PS the user sky zen steals art and also flames my pictures for no reason.
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Wednesday, July 4, 2007
happy 4th!
Well, first I'd like to say Happy 4th of July to everyone in the US!
Except i don't get to go to chihirochan's bbq TT__TT stupid parents.
But anyhoo, we're going to the stone arch bridge to watch the fireworks display tonight, it'll be fun i guess.
And second of all, I'd like to say goodbye. No, I'm not leaving the otaku, just the house. From tomorrow until Sunday or Monday, I will be gone at the Boundry Waters Canoe Area. It's like huge and it's the middle of the wilderness camping and backpacking and canoeing to the next campsite, so I won't be able to get on at all.
I'll miss all of you!!
1) Are you going to see/ shooting off fireworks tonight?
2) What's your favorite firework?
3) Does anyone know how to get an Eevee on Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?
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Monday, July 2, 2007
'ello govna
I'm bored once again.
Yesterday me and my sister had the supersoaker fight of the century since it was so warm out. we even got my dog good too. he was soaking wet!
And then guess who stopped by again. That's right, Ryan. This time he brought over two tupperware containers full with rasberrys he picked from his backyard patch. me and my sister immediately dove on them and devoured the first one.
Later that night, my mom let me have a bonfire, but only with people in the neighborhood. and she made me invite Zoe. The other person who could come was Sarah. We had lots of fun, seeing as Sarah is a complete pyro. we had a ton of dead pine branches and we made the fire go sooo high! and we shot of fireworks too. we also got out my ipod and Zoe's phone and listened to music! it was awesome!
I got another picture up yesterday,and i also updated my fan manga.
 Kitai And Kokoro Hosted By
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Saturday, June 30, 2007
After waiting a milennia for the mini otakulypse to be over, i finally got my new pic submitted and up! It's gotta be one of my best yet, please go check it out.
Well, last night i had Caz over and we watched Pirates of the Caribbean 1. My sister had her boyfriend and his brother sneak in through the basement door and they were talking with eachother for like half of the movie. Then me and Caz started playing X-men Legends2, Matthew later joined us. It was about midnight when they left, they were supposed to be home by midnight, but i doubt they'll get in trouble. After all, Ryan greaduated from highschool
well, i'm out of things to talk about.
 Chihiro Hosted By
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Friday, June 29, 2007
I was up at my cabin until a couple days ago, it was the same old same old. We went on a long hike, toured a collage, and hada campfire.
My sister is still grounded, only 2 more weeks left of it. Something completely random happened yesterday relating to that. While we were having dinner, her boyfriend Ryan calls and says that he and Chirsting are out in our driveway and have a Blizzard for her. i'm just thinking 'okay, random much?' Her boyfriend just rendomly stops by to give her a blizzard. And then later when my parents went out to run an errand, she had Ryan come over and go through the basement door again. I was supposed to alert her if mom and dad were coming home by slamming the basement door. so i did and he got out of there in time.
And Cazzie's coming over tonight! And just to warn you ahead of time, caz, my sister might come down in the late hours of the night to use the basement door to sneak out. She does that a lot. Man, if i told on my sister she would be in so much trouble.
Anyhoo, i got a new picture up, go check it out please!
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Sunday, June 24, 2007
Well, the softball tournament yesterday went all right i suppose. Well, more than all right. Our team won it's first game of the season and we ended up getting fourth place! yay! I have to give lots and lots of credit to Alex, without her we wouldn't have done as well. We didn't have enough people so i had to call her in to sub for our team. She caught at least 3 tricky fly balls and got at least 5 runs throughout the tournament. Yay alex! Except the umpire that we had for two games was in one of my classes in school this year and he made really bad calls. It's not a strike if it hits the batter! Even he should know that!
well, anyways, i'm done reanting. ow. it hurts to wear a shortsleeve t-shirt, considering the fact that my shoulders got burned red and really hurt. I have a shorts tan line too, but i'm not as unlucky as some of the people on my team. one person got a really noticable line from their visor right across their forehead. Some other people on my team had a shorts and a socks tan line, so their knees were tan, but the rest was whiteish. It looked so halarious.
well, i'm going to go put something on my burnt shoulders.
I'm going up to my cabin for a few days, i'm coming back Wednesday. I might still have access to the internet, but it's not a sure thing, i just hoped i don't get dragged along golfing.

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Friday, June 22, 2007
just an update
Okay, i'm going to try to post every other day so i won;t forget. I've also got some pictures that i'm going to submit when they're finished.
So, last night was a softball game. WE lost. But only 5 people from our team showed up to play, so it was to be expected. It was muddy too, blech. Anyhoo, the softball tournament is tomorrow and once again, we won't hav enough people. So i'm going to have to try to recruit Alex for my team again ths year.THis will be the thid year in a row she's been recruited, though last year she played on my sister's team.
I'm thining about going to see a movie today, 1408 sounds good. It's based off a Stephan King story and it got three stars in the review. It also looks very scary, but i think i'm up to it
I changed my theme to Shaman King, like? Th continuation started up again, and since it now has both Hao and Yoh in it, i thought i'd chnge my theme. man, the continuation just keeps getting better and better, i'll put some exerpts from it in this post, the first was written by me, the next written by Homsar88 aka cassie. Middy's in it too. Character directory for those who need help. Haruko: an alien based off cassie who is married to Kisshu. Zeke: Hao's name in the english anime which we despise. Chiyo: a perverted squirrel that lives in Cassie's shirt.
Hao: ladies, gentlemen, those of a squirrely persuasion, we have gathered here today to remember
Cassie: You're making it sound like a funeral!
Chiyo: *popping out fom Cassie's shirt* yeah!
Hao: fine. It's a big party! After a year of going our separate ways, we have once again come together for the summer! AND NO MOOCHERS! *glares at Sokka*
Emily and Neji: And we'd like to welcome a guest, temporary or permanant, it will be decided. So give a big welcome to......Yoh!
Yoh: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Neji: not again
Middy: *bursting in with Zeke on a leash* what did i miss? it took a while to get Zeke's chip back in, and the malfunction is gone!....hopefully
Emily; well, anyways. How about playing th pockey game?
*holds up pack of chocolate pockey*
Hao: Ooh! ooh! Im game! Im SO game!
Cassie: Not this game again! >____<
Hao: Whaaaaaat?????? You used to used to love this game!
Cassie: YEAH! But this IS the box of pockey you shoved down your pants!!!!"
Neji and Emily: *spit out the pockey they were sharing* BLEGH!!!! HAO!!!!!!
Hao: Whaaaaaat?????
Chiyou: YEAH! Seriously Hao!!!!!!
Emily: Why would you even do that in the first place Hao?????
Hao: So cassie would stick her hand inside. :)
Cassie: Very clever scheme I reward you. *smacks his butt(XD)* However I hate pockey.
Hao: *winks at Caz*
Neji: O__<*twitch*
*Haruko and Kisshu burst in with their arms around each other*
The Alien Couple: HELLO!!!!!!
Kisshu: *eyes sparkle* Cassie!
Cassie: *eyes sparkle* Kisshu!
Haruko: *eyes sparkle* Hao!
Hao: *eyes sparkle* Boobies I mean, Haruko!(XD)
Emily: *eyes sparkle* Pockey!
aw what the heck, i'll add a third part
Chiyo: nobody move! i've got a backup box of pockey! *dives into Cassie's shirt and drags out pockey box*
Neji: you really do live in there, don't you?
Emily: umm, i think i'll pass. i have a box with me that i got from the pantry, not anyone's articles of clothing
Hao: I never thought you would return to me Haruko! with your pointy ears and deteriorating sense of modesty!
Cassie: She didn't return to you. *hits Hao on head with a loaf of bread*
Kishu: Hey! you got that from the Amanda Show, didn't you! *hugs Cazzie* I came to see you with your non-pointy ears and sense of modesty!
Haruko: You didn't come to see her neither! *hits kishu on the head with a loaf of bread*
Zeke: bark, bark! *runs around in circles*
Middy: slow down slave dog, or no cactus juice for you!
*Zeke calms down*
Emily: hey, yeah! that's a great way to celebrate! with cactus juice! *reaches for container of cactus juice and finds it enpty*
Yoh: look at all the pretty ghosties! *twirls around* and look! there's a mushroom ghost! come here, i want to eat you!
Amidamaru: Dear God, what's gotten into him?! Get him away before he eats me!!
Yoh: mushrooooooooms!
Sokka: you drank all my cactus juice!
Emily: just leave him be or he'll come for you next.
Neji:.........want to play more pockey game, Emily
Emily: Of course! *grabs one end of pockey*
Yoh: oooooo! pockey game! That's better than mushroom ghost! *puts one end in his mouth and shoves the other into Hao's*
Emily: *thinking* YohxHao, Cassie must be enjoying this moment
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Whata day
Well, monday with the GS troop was all right i guess. they weren't too bad, and the waterpark was freakin awesome! It was all indoors and yet they had like 5 waterslides, a lazy river, a waterpark, a wave pool, and a surfing pool!
I loved the surfing pool! it was like there was water flowing up and you got on a boogie board and you would stay in the same place!
When we got back to Sarah's house to sleep over, we had pizza first off. Amber managed to eat more than half a pizza and then we went out to go bounce on Sarah's tampoline. I managed to fall off it twice, the first time, i had good enough reflexes to jump off, but the second time i ended up hanging from the trampoline upsidedown and suspended by my ankle. that hurt. Then for the rest of the night, we watched movies. First we watched The Notebook, then The Illusionist, Moulin Rouge, and then Van Helsing. I was surprised that they all agreed to break the cycle of romance movies and watch Van Helsing. It was about 5 in the morning when we went to sleep. So all in all, not too bad. But everyone in my troop is quitting besides me next year, so i might have to join Middy's tooop or something.
Other news: The continuation has started once again!!!! and Hao has already gotten pockey in his pants!
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Monday, June 18, 2007
Sorry this won't be a very long post, i don't have very much time.
Today i'm doing an end of the year thing with my girl scout troop. God, i hate them. Except Madi, she's nice. But the others are complete and total people i want to destroy! well, maybe not Amber either. but everyone else yeah!
I guess i can put up with them today though, cause we're going to the Waterpark of America. But then we're sleeping over at Sarah's house.
I'm going to nt bring my sketchbook this time, that way they'll have a very hard time stealing it.
okay enough ranting about my GS troop (Middy, i want to join yours TT__TT)
So i won't be on today, if you updated your site by 8:30 am and had at least one comment so i could comment. Then i've visited and commented on your sites. if i miss you today, i'll get back to you tomorrow
Pictures of the day:

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Friday, June 15, 2007
before i do anything else, i must first say:
gomen nasai! gomen nasai! gomen nasai!
*hits self*
I haven't been able to get on last week or this week, i've been really busy. THis week i was at a camp. so yeah.
Well, we went to Valleyfair with school last Thursday! Me, Middy and Amanda were using Mitch as a pillow and people were giving him weird looks because he had all these girls hanging on him. WE went on pretty much every ride and stayed till 8. We also came up with a movie that Mitchell would star it, it' a martial arts movie. It's called crouching tiger, hidden....Mitchell! The main idea is that you walk into a dark room and mitch pops out from behind a couch.
Then the camp i went to was like a tech camp or something. It was actually a lot more fun then i thought it would be. Among other things we did, we made Chichi salsa bowls, Mousetrap powered cars, solar powered cars, marble rollarcoasters, lots or circuit stuff, and much more! I also met a person there who reminded me a lot of Paige. Her name was Jenny aka Super Squirrel.
And my sister had a lot happen to her too. She had snuck out of the house at 4 am in the morning to bike ride to Lake Riely with her boyfriend and go swimming there. But the police caught them for curfew and called home. So Hannah's grounded for the next month and gets her phone taken away at 11pm. Ryan didn't get into any trouble for breaking curfew though, because he's 18. I kinda feel sory for my sister, but with all the times she sneaks out, she was boudn to get caught sometime.
But already she's snuck out once since she's been grounded to meet up with Ryan and her friend John. Me and John just watched as she gave Ryan an Alex K -style hug. John commented, "If that's what they're like after two days, i'd hate to see them after a week." I agreed
Well, thank you for reading my uber long post that you will put the name of your favorite some in the comment box when you comment if you actually read all of this.
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