Birthday 1992-10-20 Gender
Female Location Member Since 2006-07-31 Occupation Real Name Emily or Emily-chan, Hermy-chan
Achievements Getting a black belt in karate Anime Fan Since guess I'd have to say 5th grade Favorite Anime 2 many 2 count. Goals To take over the world with the squirrel military led by commander Chiyo Hobbies doodling, sleeping, checking fanart on the otaku, playing Children of Mana, Talents drawing, karate (hiyah!), making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches UzumakiKitai
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
woooo, i got nothing to say today, so i'll just say the answers to yesterday and explain them a little bit. The first two were from the fanfiction that went on between me, Cazzie, and middy, so i wouldn't expect anyone else to know them, though it was fun seeing all the random answers. The last two were from Monty Python and the holy grail, thugh it actually never did give you the answers for #4
1) "Quick Neji, to the escape route!" said after me and neji were discovered lurking around in middy's underground lair, we then proceeded to jump out a window (how you can do that underground, i do not know)
2) Bow down or be crushed under my LandsEnd shoes of doom! written about middy, by Cazzie. Middy wears her shoes from landsend a lot
3) stand aside worthy advacolate!
tis but a scratch!
a scratch? your arm's off!
XD what happens next
no it isn't
then what's that? *points to severed arm*
I've had worse
you liar!
Come on you pansy!
4) Ninevah!
and i will have random Harry potter things up at the bottom of my posts for a while.
I have the band festival today, Cazzie and Lili are coming. We're playing Aztec Sunrise (yaaaaaawn, that's one that we play with the fifth graders and the shortest notes i have are quarter notes) Stars and Stripes forever (the traditional one we play every year) and Pirates of the Caribbean, crse of the black pearl. Here's a little quiz, it's more like a Mad Libs thing anyways, so if you hve no clue, just fill in something random
Fill in the missing part of the quote:
1: Quick Neji! To the _________
2: bow down or be crushed under my_________ shoes of doom!
3:Stand aside worthy advacolate
Tis but a scratch!
a scratch? your _____ _____
I had a really busy schedule last night that left me only about a half hour for homework, so i'm really sorry if i didn't get to your site.
What mainly took up most of my time was something i never imagined my self doing......having a three hour pizza party with preps. Not like i had a choice though, it was for confirmation and my small group happens to be about 6 preps and 3 semi-preps. Then i'm the odd one out. So anyways, over there we started watching The Passion of the Christ. Very bloody movie and hard to watch. If youre wondering why we chose that movie, it was for confirmation and it's a lot shorter then some of the movies about Jesus' life (and Jesus Christ Superstar is just plain creepy)
Been role-playing again.
In one thread: The person who was role-playing Naruto decided to stop posting. So naturally, Me (sakura) and fang_is_cool (Hinata) got a little bored. So we kpt on posting. What ended up happening was that Sasuke dressed up as a giant pacman and proceeded to chase hinata around for a little bit before getting arrested by the police. He killed the police and got into a fight with rock Lee. And now a real pacman isheaded their be continued.
Thanks for reading my really long post!
he's back! run for your lives!!!
*presses fire alarm*
Phuonggt is back!! and stealing spots again!!
(at least this time it's Bleach)
*cracks knuckles*
and i had already put that under my goals
Lets get at it Cazzie!!!
other news:
I joined pit orchestra for our school's musical this spring, i play trombone and we're doing the Music Man. Except there was a problem. I was the only trombone. You know the most famous song in the music man? 76 Trombones. But at least now there are two trombones. We had our first practice yesterday and we sounded horrible, of course. i mean, the music we're playing is straight from Broadway, not dumbed down at all.
I gets ta play a melody! *plays trombone and sings* ooooh 76 trombones in the big parade, followed by blah blah blah (guess who couldn't remember the words?) clarinets.
1) do you even know who Phuonggt is?
2) do you know me and Cazzie's past experience with him?
3) do play an instrument and what is it, or what instrument would you play if you played one?
4)what's your favorite song from a musical?
My answers:
1) heack yeah
2)heck yeah
3) trombone ^o^
4)probably "Ding dong the witch is dead" (even though i've got 76 trombones stuck in my head almost constantly right now)
This marks a major milestone in my life!!!!
My most recent fanart is under featured fanart!!!
This is what i have been striving for my entire time of otakuness!
okay, so moving on
I watcheed the first two episodes of Pretear this morning, and you're right Cazzie, i really like it! other animes watched thismorning:
Shakugan no Shana episodes 4 and 5
from my experiment yesterday, i found i get more comments if i post in the morning before school
yeah, not much other news except my overwhelming joy for bring under featured fanart, i dont know for how long it will stay there, but i've got cold hard proof that it once was Comments (4) |
Thursday, March 8, 2007
testing one too three
This is a test, if you see this post, comment, if you don't i will get you
i'll tell you what thisis a test for later.
so i might as well rant while i'm posting
I hate Paul, i hate Trevor, i hate Homework, i hate school
Emily's anime dictionary
Bleach: a detergent you put in your laundry to make it whiter, and that's just about all it's good for
Emily's children of mana dictionary
Hammer: weapon of mass destruction
Emily's pun dictionary:
vegetarian: ancient word meaning bad hunter
We were doing more grammar presentations today in English. The group had a song to go with it
When Paul sang it for the groups "English Idol" contest, these were out teacher's, Mrs. Andersen's comments
"That sounded like karoke at a bar at 2 am"
I changed my theme to Deidara, like it?
Also, i have a new picture up and more coming, so please go see it and vote, i have a direct link to it in my profile
here's a little comic to support the theme (c) it's rightful owner
snoweth and finally time to post!!
I didn't really have any time to make long posts, but now i do ^ ^
So over the weekend, my family went up to our cabin by lake superior. We were planning to drive up Friday night, but as it turns out, Duluth was having this huge blizzard, so we decided to wait until Saturday morning. We got up there and there was like 30 inches of snow!
but then the real surprise came when we looked out a window at the lake, there was huge mountains of ice piled up by the blizzard winds! it was flippin awesome! we went and climbed them
then on the way back, we went skiing at Spirit mountain (hah yeah right, like Minnesota has mountains) and after lunch i got jacked up on this huge bottle of Vault i had and turned into a speed demon who had no regard for her own safety. I mean, i went full speed at one of the jumps (not a little one, a BIG terrain park one) and went over it. Then, of course, i inevitably crashed. But it was fun anyways ^ ^
1) do you like skiing?
2)have you ever had any really good crashes, tell me about it
3) have you looked at my art lately
me answers:
1) oh hell yes!
2) yup, the one i had this weekend, i already told the story
3) well yeah, i'm the one who draws it Comments (3) |
Monday, March 5, 2007
yeah, i'm bored right now, how could you tell?
Just finished watching Shippudan episode 4
Had the first pit orchestra meeting for our school's musical this year (the music man)
Got bored so i started browsing youtube and found this AMV to a cool song, here it is