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Friday, March 2, 2007
there's a TON of snow out there, i have a picture i took looking ouot at my deck last night, here it is.

if that's not amazing, tell me what is!
it's like two feet of snow out there!! wOOt!
i could probably take out my cross country skis and ski to blockbuster to rent a movie llh
1)do you like snow?
2)do you like winter?
3)(random question) what was the weirdest dream you've ever had?
2) sometimes, only when there's snow
3)where i was Spongebob and i had to defeat Naraku (dont ask)
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Thursday, March 1, 2007
4 am and here i am posting!
i went on the rp forum, and as usual, the rest of the ppl on the thread posted like a page while i was asleep, it's really annoying
so anyways, not much in the way of news other then throwing styrofoam planes at Paul yesterday and a math quiz today that i'm going to die on.
I have a lot of new pics up, but none that i think i'm going to submit, well, maybe one, i'll see.
My sister didn't even know that i put that video of her up, if you watch the very end, the camera wiggles, they turned around and said "Hey! she's taking a video!"
it was fun *evil grin*
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Wednesday, February 28, 2007
I think my sister's got a boyfriend!
I took this of them with the digital camera, she's gonna hate me X3
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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Wow, I just realized something, almost nobody but my friends comment on my posts.
Some "friends" all you otaku ppl are
(by friends, i meant friends from school, oh, and penpals)
An update:
I've gotten really addicted to role-playing, in just about one week of having an account, I have 69 posts or something like that on the forum i'm on
Some questions:
1) do you like to role-play?
2) if so, where at
3) what do you think would be your theme somg if you could choose
4) What's your favorite song?
for me:
2)Maximum Ride forum
3)probably the Jaws theme, just for fun
4)i can't decide, but i really like Yura Yura(the song i have on my site)
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Sunday, February 25, 2007
update of my life
i haven't really had time to post the last....ummm......few days, so here's an update
I did the 30 hour famine for my church to raise money for Feed my Starving Children (Travis was doing it too)
I went to the Chinese New Year party (Paul was there) and it was surprisingly a lot of fun! We played Caranium, Star Wars battlefront 2 (Paul killed me even though we were on the same team, but i killed him back X3) and gambled some, like blackjack and this one chinese gambling game
I didnt play blackjack with terrance and paul, and it's a good thing, because Paul won $2.50 from Terrence. But i did play the chinese gambling game (good thing we weren't playing for money because Paul won that)
oh, and we stuffed our faces with dessert. Me more than anyboy else because i had just ended my fast fot the thirty hour famine, and beieve me, you get hungry after 30 hours with no food
I'm going to try to get some pictures up either today or tomorrow (you'll see them in my profile when they get up, just click on them togo to them)
So that's pretty much it other than i've become completely addicted to role-playing
so bye
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007
everyones marrying!
so i will too!
and last but not least,
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Tuesday, February 20, 2007
okay, WTF?!
pirategaara is mad at me. and i have no idea why.on friday, she gave me some of her drawings to put on the otaku since i have a scanner, then i couldn't get them on because i was gone all weekend, but she kept sending me pms saying are you done with it, are you done with it? it was really annoying so i told her that i didn't have time god dammit it. and now she's mad at me, still no idea. when i asked the person she sat with at lunch why, she said that pirategaara said i'm mad at her. but that's not true, it's the opposite. so now i'm just sitting here like wtf?
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Monday, February 19, 2007
I'm baaaaaaack!
sorry for not posting that i would be gone yesterday and saturday, i had a girl scout thing, Winter Fun! middy went too, but she's in a different troop, evren though our troops shared a dorm. And we watched rent, and oceans eleven, and anastasia.
but we only watched those movies because we stole the tv and dvd player from middy's troop when they weren't using them. also, her troop hosted the dance, and the troop who hosted it last year gave all of them nicknames, middys is 'crocodile mockodile'
I'll probably put some pictures from winter fun up either tomorrow or on another post today
see ya
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Thursday, February 15, 2007
*nervous laugh* no attention to what i added on yesterday, i was just a little steamed up...
So, how was eveyone's valentines day yesterday? Travis still didn't seem to take the hint TT__TT
i made a chicken emoticon! =^ (hint look sideways, it's only the eyes and beak)
=^ =^ =^
when chickens attack!
okay, now i'm done ranting about the chicken emoticon, though i do like it. blah, so tired, i don't want to go to trombone lessons =(
oh well, see yalls later
1)do you like the chicken emoticon? =^
2)when would you ever actually use it? =^
3)shoulc i submit my latest boredom doodle after i ink and color it?
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy V-day all!
Or as Middy would probably call it, the day of doom
I've got valentines for all my frinds, and i made a special one for Travis, maybe he'll pick up on the hint that i like him now, you'd think the blushing madly sometimes when i talk to him would be enough of a hint. But my avie explains it all, except i'm not sure if he likes me. Los Corozones Dulces will get me points in Spanish today rar! >0> they're sweethearts, but they say spanish things on them like guapo and llame me.
1) do you like valentines day?
2) do you have someone you like?
3) are you going the tell or strongly hint to the person today that you like them?
I'll answer my own questions
1)everyone's so happy, plus, what's not to like about free candy?
2) heck yeah
3)yup, and i hope he gets the hint
I'm posting in the morning, but
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