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Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Hello again!
i never posted abou the cast and crew party after th efinal play performance, pretty much what heppened is that we styffed out faces with pizza, got high off caffiene and sugar, and ran around like lunatics. yup, that about sums it up.
i did get three new fanarts up, and i'd be really glad if you would go and see them,
I'mgoing to put links to my most recent fanarts in my profile from now on. just click them to go to them.
i'm also really bored, so i've got a little survy for you, which avatar do you like best?






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Sunday, February 11, 2007
Emily is an idiot
I will now tell you why Emily is an idiot
Emily went to the gym with her dad, and of course went straight to the eliptical machine (her favorite) Emily was full of evergy so she decided to see how much endurence she had. so Emily goes on it as fast and hard as she can for as long as she can(about an hour and 20 minutes)
so Emily can now barely stand
Neji: Emily-chan!!
Kitai: wake up again soon, don't worry about it
Neji: but then she collapses again 5 minutes later TT__TT
Kitai: well, it was her choice
Neji: yeah it- wait! i bet you did this to her
Emily: who did what to me?
Neji: Emily-chan! you're awake!!!
*collapses again*
Neji: no Emily! don't go to the light
Emily: the light? no my friend, i'm going to the dark, the dark side that is, they have cookies
Neji: wtf?
Emily: don't worry, i'll save you some *completely passes out*
wow, that really sounded like the old fanfic, the one that me, Caz, and Middy did.
also, i submitted 3 fanarts
here they are
 Homsar88 Request!! (finally) Hosted By
 Kimono Practice Hosted By
 Numa Numa Numa Numa Hosted By
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Saturday, February 10, 2007
It's Driving me CRAZY!!!!!
I had too sit on my ass for 4 hours this morning and take the damn ACT test!!!! And i wont have to take it for a while yet! But my mom made me so i'm really mad!
It was like a nightmare, you have a huge test, and you only know like 5 answers (come on mom, i'm in eigth grade and this is a highschool test TT__TT)
on the brighter side of life, i didn't die today!
(voice inside head returns: and you usually die?
Me:nope! but i'm pretty sure my number's up!
stay on the sunny side, always on the sunny side, stay on the sunny side of life....anyone know that song?
I have a ton of pics, i've been getting in some kimono practice lately, but Emily is just too lazy to scan them on :p
I'm totally addicted to the Numa Numa song right now!
and i'm through ranting (if i was doing that)
see yall over the rainbow
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Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Let them eat expensive, funny shaped, yellow, egg buns!
Yes, that is what Marie Antoinette's famous quote actualy was, not cake. the proper word is brioche. i am typing this at school right now when i am supposed to be researching Marie Antoinette. well, teachers not looking right now, so i type away! crap! here she comes! gotta go!
*eating cake*
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Tuesday, February 6, 2007
*shiver shiver twitch*
The title describes me in science today, we dissected cow eyeballs *shiver*
Yes, i am quite aware that most people would not be grossed out by this and may in fact enjoy it, but i'm a vegetarian that won't poke a cooked steak much less a slimy eyeball.
And Kat had fun taking out the lens and going to me "IT'S SQUISHY!!!" i think it was just to gross me out. I was the recorder in our group, i wrote down our observations (thank god i didn't have to touch that thing)
I saw our school play last night....for free! (voice inside head: of course you did, you're on the crew) ^ ^'
it was called Nifty Fifties Maltshop Murder!
it's showing again tonight but i can't go see it because i have a girl scout meeting that will have something to do with the macarena(did i spell that right?) don't ask.
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Monday, February 5, 2007
I got a couple of new pictures up today!
please go chack them out.
since i'm really bored and have nothing to say, i'm going to ask a couplequestions.
1)do you have any abnormal habits?
2)what are they?
 Undine (children Of Mana) Hosted By
 Godmod Kitai (werewolf) Hosted By
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Sunday, February 4, 2007
It's so epic! *gasp*
hello! i couldn't get on the compputer yeserday, too busy
anyways, i saw Epic Movie on Friday! It was so flippin halarious! But definately not for people under 13, there were some 4th graders there, they must be scarred for life.
CHIHIROCHAN IF YOU ARE READING THIS POST I HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT THINGS TO TELL YOU ABOUT CHILDREN OF MANA!!! the demon yoshi's weak spot is to approach them from above or below, then they cant eat you, only wack you with their tail. And to make the gem which makes your sword-shield block everything, you fuse the crystal of strength with mighty defense.
I took a survey!!
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Thursday, February 1, 2007
my fan manga showed up!!
well, it's up now!
Twilight Reign, i hope that i don't kill it
voice in head: it may be a little too late for that
Me:nonsense! i'll rescue it! it will not die after only one page (which has yet to be scanned/taken a picture of.
it's about vampires, werewolves, vampire-werewolf hybrids, and vampire-fairies. other than that, i'm making the plot up as i go.
to see it go here
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Wednesday, January 31, 2007
I just went on a big camera adventure!
I needed to get some of my pictures on the computer and some of my friends pictures to send to them. Sorry pirategaara, i'll try to take a picture of yours tomorrow
So I'm going to submit a couple of pic today, keep an eye out for them
well....i think that's al i have to say unless i can think of anything else. I'm not a big talker today
see ya
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Monday, January 29, 2007
Changed theme again!!!
I'm so addicted to Children of Mana, i couldn't resist changing my theme!!!
That game is just so dang fun!!!!!
in other news, publicity crew got jumped by a group from the yearbook with a camera, they only managed to get one good picture, in the rest, we were hiding from the camera.
I got some questions, just cause i'm bored and i just finished answering some of TrigunMax's
1) who is your favorite artist on the otaku?
2) who is your least favorite? (please don't answer this question based on their artwork
3) why is the person your favorite?
4) why is the person your least favorite?
5) what's the best e-card you've ever seen?
6) why?
I'll now answer my own questions
1) whtdragon
2) Phuonggt
3) she has really good art, plus i'm picking up some tricks from her
4) well, doesn't post art anymore, but overuses photoshop
5) i have no idea what you're talking about so here's a picture of Sasuke with a pancake on his head
6) i laugh every time i see it!!!
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