Birthday 1992-10-20 Gender
Female Location Member Since 2006-07-31 Occupation Real Name Emily or Emily-chan, Hermy-chan
Achievements Getting a black belt in karate Anime Fan Since guess I'd have to say 5th grade Favorite Anime 2 many 2 count. Goals To take over the world with the squirrel military led by commander Chiyo Hobbies doodling, sleeping, checking fanart on the otaku, playing Children of Mana, Talents drawing, karate (hiyah!), making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches UzumakiKitai
Thursday, January 25, 2007
weird fate trick!!!
By some weird twist of fate, both me, Midnighter Des8, and kokoro-kun were stuck outside waiting for our parents who forgot about us/ made a mistake being there. So, we talked for a while and after finally giving up on our parents, went inside to call them. When Middy was talking with her mom and said, " oh" I fell over laughing (literally) then another quote from her while talking on the phone "excuse me while i go hit my head on something"
So then i called my mom and we were able to drop kokoro-kun off at his house and bring me to my trombone lessons (ah, how i loathe them)
Me and Middy were thinking (no, more like planning) to hit the theatres tomorrow with some frienda and see it! It's going to be freaking awesome!!! Here's the trailer if you havent seen it
GO WEREWOLVES!!!!!!! ^o^
Also, TrigunMax made my avie request! I've always wanted an avatar like this! Comments