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myOtaku.com: vagabon jesse

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 10/19/05:
scary how dead on it is


You are the Wanderer, the
lonely, melancholy figure that haunts deserted
roads. Wanderers don't know their purpose in
life. They simply drift from place to place,
looking for something that they are missing,
but never quite finding the peace they seek so
desperately. A Wanderer is a restless spirit,
full of despair and melancholy, but will
nevertheless seek an adventure, just for the
sake of trying to give their hopeless lives

Color: Grey
Gem: Sapphire


Who would you be if you were a character in an epic fantasy? (beautiful pictures)
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Result Posted on 10/19/05:

guardian angel
A guardian angel watches over you. You are kind,
sweet, and generous. You put others before
yourself and you never let anyone get left
behind. You may be a bit shy at times. When
you are around your friends though, you are fun
and exciting! When you are comfortable you are
able to open up. It's when you are somewhere
unfamiliar, uncomfortable, or around those you
are not familiar with that you are shy. You're
caring and above all loving. You're guardian
angel keeps good watch over you and is always
protecting you.

Who is your soul guardian?
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Result Posted on 10/19/05:

There's a Dragon in your soul. You are very wise
and like to give people advice. You mostly feel
like you are misunderstood and don't like a lot
of people around you. 2 or 3 friends are
enough. You can be very emotional but because
of your intelligence you have the power to go
on and find a solution. You are wise, but
nobody can solve all problems alone, so don't
turn away from everybody and ask for help
sometimes too. That way, problems will be much
easier to solve.

What Mystical Creature is in your soul? ( With Pictures)
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Result Posted on 10/19/05:

You are friendly, you are the one with all the
friends, but sometimes it's hard for you

What Type of Guy/Girl are you?
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Result Posted on 10/19/05:

Your death will be from being alone....Most likely
becaus you have no friends or family to give
you support in anyway...all you have is
yourself. You will probably live alone all your
life and have no social contact what so
ever....You will most likely die of old age in
your home all alone....with no one there to
morn for you...

How Will You Die And Why? .:Beautiful Dark Pics:.
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Result Posted on 10/18/05:

Dark magician. You love the dark because of it's
beauty and just the life that no-one else sees.
Mysterious, calm, quiet... But that doesn't
mean you're not friendly!

Please rate ^^

What kind of dark person are you?
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Result Posted on 10/18/05:

Captain Jack Sparrow
Captain Jack Sparrow

Pirates of the Caribbean - Which character are you?
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Result Posted on 10/18/05:

Gold - > Gold eh? You're strong willed that's for
sure. And you're quite distant. In your
opinion people are worthless. You're kind and
gentle inside. But because of your defenses
and tragic home-life that you don't tell
anybody, most people don't see it. You're dark
sometimes and you're very creative. You're a
natural born writer. Try to tell somebody
about your inner pain - it's eating away at
your soul.

What Color Are Your Anime Eyes?
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Result Posted on 10/18/05:

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Golden Sun Adept Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Result Posted on 10/18/05:

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Wolf Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

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