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myOtaku.com: Valako

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Heavyarms88 (02/09/05)

hey i liked your otaku and your avatar is cool too later.

aLaStOr10515 (02/06/05)

nice background pic. of kerrigan.. your site rocks too.. and cool poems.. its freakin good!! can you teach me??/ hehhee! kupo!

Mari15 (01/14/05)

Cool site, nice back ground, you seem to be a good person so i�ll add you as my friend, c ya! ^_^

lonelysoul (01/11/05)

yo your site is super cool like the backround too im addin u as a friend

wolf in the rain (01/10/05)

hi...i like your site! the backround is awsome,your a random member and a good one at that ^_^ .....anyways,if you don't mind me asking could i add you as a friend? i guess that's all there is to say in a guestbook signature so i'll seya later

Shipposgurl423 (01/09/05)

hi love your site my friend seshies gurl told me u felt bad about her spaghetti lol but anyways i know how to get a background you go to the edit thing ys know with the colors and everything well then you erase what ever it in the text boxes and u put in 6 x's then u click save then go to your site and it should be there then go back and change the colors just not the background ones or the border ones u will mess it up kk well thats how

Sesshies Gurl (01/09/05)

Hey like ur site too. it is true, he did eat my spaghetti *tear* lol, any way thanx 4 signing my g/b ^^

Kilala fan (01/09/05)

hey! your site is awsome! you seem cool too! i'm adding you as a friend! hope you do't mind!
by by!

~call me kilala for short!

Reoku-Himura (01/07/05)

*sins in purple* This one loves Full Metal :D Great site. She hopes that you can stop by hers some time.


Terra Zero (01/06/05)

hey u probably don't remember, but u posted some advice that i took, though i didn't know i had taken it until way after i took it. does that make sense? :D anyway dig the sitei'm addin u as a friend.

-Terra Zero

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