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myOtaku.com: Vamp2004

Sunday, October 2, 2005

ok a update until tomarrow...

ok well my step dad is working on getting my comp up and running at the mo- and well yeah...
the extra programs he was talking about putting on there he can do tomarrow and those are just editing programs and junk.. just basically extras on there that would be useful to have is all....
but yeah.
the dance went well and mom got pics of me after the dance since my sisters mom couldnt get one before hand cuz we ended up showing up like 15 minutes after the dance started...
mom didn't chaperion after all ^_^
she said she was going to be nice and let me have a good time on my own...
It was great because my freinds acually got to see me dance and they didn't know I could... my one freind sam starting busting up laughing when i went down low in front of her then came back up and did that pop thing with my hips or whatever you call it...
I dunno though but I hade loads of fun..
It was to bad my b/f couldnt go and neither could any of the guys I wanted to go but yeah it's just their loss only not mine so yeah
I hade guys stareing at me when they played Disturbed - The Sickness cuz I was jumping up and down and I hade to of gotten a foot off the ground cuz they were like "woah dude!" and yeah.. and no wolfy it wasn't cuz I was wearing a skirt..
but yeah as soon as mom uploads the pics from her memory stick on her camera I will show some people my pics ^_^
I thought I looked good so yeah ^_^
um..... hm..... well that's pretty much all I can think for now besides the fact of mom wanting me to get off of here soon because she wants her laptop back to do junk....
*sighs* I got school tomarrow sadly.. oh yeah mom gave my kitty a bath and she is doing alot better ^_^
my kitty is still a bit sick but mom said she is going to get her some medicine for it sometime soon so yeah hopefully my kitty will be all better soon ^_^
she hade tons of fleas and stuff so she didn't sleep to well but now since they are all gone she is doing nothing but sleep! lol
silly little kitty eh?
well yeah cutting it off here before I ramble on more.. byes for now

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