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In my vast world of illusions
Member Since
Real Name
Living to the ripe old age of 18.
Anime Fan Since
...Forever and ever.
Favorite Anime
Let's see...Hellsing! Of course there are others I enjoy. Such as, Chrno Crusade, Inuyasha, Yu-Gi-Oh, Vampire Hunter D, Chobits, The DragonBall series, FullMetal Alchemist...and some others I can't seem to remember at the moment.
To become an artist and a writer. Then I wish to live a comfortable life.
Reading manga, fan-fiction, and fiction. Writing fiction, fan-fiction, and hopefully soon a manga of my very own. Watching anime and movies with vampires, dragons, werewolves and such.
Drawing writing, and reading.
| Vampire Femme
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Monday, May 14, 2007
I have entered an art contest and boi is it going to be fun! LOL!!!
The contest is being hosted by drummerfreak017 and it's an Itachi contest...but not just any Itachi contest. *shakes head* Its better!
Said picture should be of Itachi(of course): ~getting caught in the act of wearing nail polish
~showing off his nail polish
~or getting busted with his nail polish.
How cool yo! LOL!
Here's a link to drummerfreak017's host picture. LiNkEd It's HILARIOUS!!
At least I think so.
*sticks out tongue*
Now...I warn you! Raina has tagged me so now I must give you 6 random facts about me.
*thinks* Alright.
1. I don't like eating my Ramen with water. Once I'm done boiling it I must drain all of the water and then add the seasonings.
2. I am a huge procrastinator! Once I finally do get something started I must keep at it because if I sit it down I am likely not to finish. You know, things like pictures, the stories I have written, stuff like that.
3. I give vehicles names. Like my car, her name is Chii. My grandpa's new car's name is Integra and his trucks name is Charlie. My Uncle Billy's monster of a truck is Chuck.
4. I have random bursts of energy where I just start jumping off the walls.
5. Wal-Mart is the center of my life. (sad no?) I am there all the time! I shop there, work there, and even go to have fun there. *shrugs* What?? The Mall is all the way across town! ...and it doesn't have a Brent. LOL!!!
(like I told you before...Brent works second shift. I go to wal-mart a lot of times to see Brent too. LOL!)
6. Sometimes I have a hard time distinguishing between reality and non reality.(don't we all) It's so much better than the boringness of reality. Well. I guess more precisely, I choose not to tell the difference. LOL!!!
and here's 2 bonuses for you!
7. I talk to myself and inanimate objects a lot. ^-^
8. I like to play with fire!
So. There you have it! ME, In a nutshell inside of a nutshell.
How was yall's mothers day?
I called my mom(she lives quite a distance away from me). I still have to get her something next time I go to visit. *nods*
*hugs all*
Ta ta.
[edit] I changed thi picture and video! The video is of Itachi and Sauske. It's awesome! So is the picture. Check 'im out![/edit] |
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Saturday, May 12, 2007
Sorry that I haven't been on for a few days guys. *hugs* I still love you! I also appologise to those of you I didn't get to visit. i shall try to make up for it. *hugs again*
I will now give you the good news!(the reasons I haven't been on)
Dad and I are stating to get along again. Or I should say he's starting to get over his dark mood...for now. Ahaha.
Aqua and I took a day long road trip to the mall in Marietta. Just 'cause we decided too. We have a mall here but we decided we wanted to drive someplace and the mall there is a lot bigger than the one here. Better Hot Topic too. LOL!!!
I have started up My 'My Little Pony' collecting again. *nods* I have a huge collection from when I was younger(their in the shop...I have to dig them out so I can put them up in my room but first I need to build lots of shelves. LOL!) I bought two new ones this week. I bought one named Daisy Paisley(she's a pattern pony Crystal Princess) and I bought one named Aurora Mist(she's a Crystal Princess) They are both beautiful! ^.^ Daisy is multi colored she fades from a purpely pink to blue then yellow...and she sparkles. Aurora is purpely blue with a jewel in her symbol and has sparkley wings. *nods*
Shut up...leave my pony obsession alone. So what if they are childish. I still love them. I even watched my old 'My little Pony" video today. LOL! It was cute.
...and I also got to spend time with Brent(a guy I really, really like...but he doesn't know that I like him yet)!!! I invited him over to watch movies at my house and we watched 'Night at the Museum' and 'Happily Never After'. I like those movies a lot. *nods* It was lots of fun. Aqua and Kipp were over too. Yea.
I was mostly excited about Brent though. He likes my room...
*laughs* He played with my Masamune for a little bit. *grins*
I hope we can do it again sometime. *nods and crosses fingers*
Oh yes I drew Rock Lee as a pony today. Its up now you should go see it!
Well I love you guys!
P.S. I will change the picture and video eventually. Eheh. |
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Friday, May 4, 2007
*hugs everyone*
Sorry. I didn't mean to make anyone worry.
I just want you all to know that I really appreciate your kind comments.
I'm a little bruised but other than that I'm okay now. *nods*
The whole stupid argument started over a cd.
You see, I let my dad borrow my car to drive to work 'cause its cheaper to drive my car than his SUV. ...and I left one of my cds(My Chemicle Romance)in the player in my car. He didn't like it. So he called me on my cell and asked me why I was listening to these demons and said that he hadn't decided whether he was going to break it and throw it out or not. Then he said I needed to re-evaluate my life and get myself back on track and to never take my cds into his truck(I was borrowing his truck to drive to work)because He wouldn't have that evil in it. We hung up.
He came to visit me at work that night to leave me my car and to tell me he destroyed my cd(that I had paid for by the way.).
After I got off work I hung out at Wal-Mart for a while 'cause I didn't want to go home, obviously. I was mad.
...and here comes one of the only good parts of the day... While I was still at Wal-Mart I bought some more cds(Avril Lavigne), Dance Dance Revolution Supernova, and a beautiful poster of a geisha and a dragon.
Then I went home, and that's when the fight started. I was mad 'cause he destroyed something I bought AFTER I let him BORROW 'MY' car. He just said he would do it again if anything that evil came anywhere near me again. He said that the cds were making me evil. That I wasn't the girl he used to know and that he wanted her back, and that if it meant breaking everyone of my cds he would do it. I was pissed because I wasn't acting that way because the cd made me do it, it was because he's so over controlling and I told him that. He shook me a lot and nearly hit me. I think he really would have hit me if my papa wasn't in the room.(you know in papa's day you didn't hit a girl.) If he would have hit me I would be in the hospital right now. As it is, I'm brusied but fine.
...and thats what happened...
What do you guys think. Do you think I reacted wrong? Do you think I should have ignored what he said and went on with my life?
*sighs* I don't know. It just sucks.
*hugs everyone again*
I will visit as I promised. *nods* |
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Thursday, May 3, 2007
I'm sorry guys.
Me and my dad just had a huge fight. ...he hurt me.
I will visit everyone again as soon as possible okay.
I'm so sorry. |
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Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Last night at work while I was eating 'My Little Pony' snacks I decided I wanted to draw a pony of did. ^.^ Go look at it Here (it was posted under my other site)
He was drawn with pencil, pen, and marker, then colored with prisma pencils. And I photoshoped the glow.
Now...I submit a challenge to you, my fellow otakians. To those who can, and those who are able.
I want you to draw a pony of your favorite anime/manga character...and if your character can't be made into a pony. Make a pony for your favorite anime/manga and try to make it obvious what anime/manga or character your pony represents. *nods*
To those who wish to undertake this trial. Start drawing!
...oh...and I would like to see your finished submitions too! So drop a line once you submit to TheO...or wherever you might submit it. Please!
Hugs everyone.
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Monday, April 30, 2007
Today is a day, was a day, and will always be...a day.
Work went pretty well last night. *nods* It could have been better but then again when couldn't it? O.o
Anyway, to start the night off...I was really depressed. I don't know why I was really depressed, I just was.
I think it had something to do with I felt like I wasn't really much liked. Like everyone treated me nicely just to my face so they weren't being rude or something. *shrugs* I still think that not many people at all think about me other than when they are standing right with me...but you know what. I came to realize...I don't care what they think. If they are going to be like that they are not friends worth having. *nods in agreement with one's self*
So the last half of the night was fun. We actually got out of Wal-Mart on time! I was all like, 'HECK YEA!!' O.o Yea. It was that exciting. I hate having to work over.
Oh. As I was leaving the store, I bought some air freshner things for my car. They smell good.
Much Love.
() ()
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Sunday, April 29, 2007
I started reading Memnoch the Devil today! Woooo! I love Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. I think my two favorite vampires are Lestat(given...duh) and Armand. Louis is pretty cool too, but I like Lestat and Armand better. *nods*
*hugs* I shall visit everyone today at some point. *bows*
*so fun* |
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Saturday, April 28, 2007
*dances like a monkey*
We just bought a 46 something inch flat screen tv! Oh yea!!! Gotta love the goodness!
T'is wonderful. Now, since we are putting the new tv in the living room, I can replace my small television in my room with the 'bigger' tv that was in the living room. Oh yea! Talk about fun.
So I will have a big tv and surround sound in meh domain! |
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Been a long time no?
Well I have been using my other MyO page. ...and for a while I forgot about this one. *bows* So sorry.
I shall try to keep both updated okay. But if you want a shur fire update keep track of my other site:
Ms. Bakura Ishtar
It looks better than this one does. By a long shot. Ahah.
I'm going to be tweaking some HTML codes for this page for the next few days so if anything looks funny thats why okay?
Again I am profusely sorry. |
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Tee hee hee
Well there really isn't anything to ta da about was pretty boring. The only thing I accomplished was getting some more on my other pic done. It's still not even closed to being finished...there is so much DANG detail in it. T'is crazy. Buuuuut I'm just like that sometimes. I don't like to be rushed when doing something 'cause then it comes out sloppy. I have just barely started on the peoplesez...all I have done, worth mentioning, so far is 'some' of the background. *sigh* Yea. There is THAT much work in it...lots of little books. *grins* I'm having fun though!!! Ta ta!
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