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In my vast world of illusions
Member Since
Real Name
Living to the ripe old age of 18.
Anime Fan Since
...Forever and ever.
Favorite Anime
Let's see...Hellsing! Of course there are others I enjoy. Such as, Chrno Crusade, Inuyasha, Yu-Gi-Oh, Vampire Hunter D, Chobits, The DragonBall series, FullMetal Alchemist...and some others I can't seem to remember at the moment.
To become an artist and a writer. Then I wish to live a comfortable life.
Reading manga, fan-fiction, and fiction. Writing fiction, fan-fiction, and hopefully soon a manga of my very own. Watching anime and movies with vampires, dragons, werewolves and such.
Drawing writing, and reading.
| Vampire Femme
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Inkin' is so much fun!

It's a new picture I finished recently! I have come to the conclusion that for now on I am going to ink all of my pictures 'cause they just look so much better that way! Oh...I am drawing Alucard and my anime self together in a pic thanks to Magnus' request/curiosity. LOL!!! I never really considered it until you mentioned it my that should be up sooner or later. *grins* I will try to visit as many as possible! Ta ta! |
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Sunday, April 23, 2006
Hello my friends!!! I missed you 'SO' much!! *sigh* I'm so happy to be back on MyO...I didn't have access to a computer anywhere in Memphis and I couldn't get on Mom's 'cause my step dad wasn't home.
The day before I left for Memphis Dad and I got in a HUGE fight and I had my first emotional break was NOT fun...I couldn't breath 'cause I was all hyperventalating and crap! It kinda' scared me... ~~~~~ On to a happier note! I bought two new manga while I was in Memphis!!! It's the first and second of Fruits Basket! To tell ya the truth, I wasn't sure I would like it...I thought it was going to be just a lovey dovey thing buuuuut it is so AWESOME!!! I LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!! If ya haven't read it, read it! ...and if ya don't know what it's about and ya want a summary just ask me and I will send ya one...or if enough people ask I will just post the summary tomorrow! *grins* It really is cool! I love Kyo...Yuki is really cool too though... *stares* Anyway...Memphis was cool. We went to the Rock-n-Soul museum, the Gibson Guitar factory, Graceland, the Pink Palace(awesome), the Memphis Zoo(I really liked that...I got to see some African and Vampire bats *grins* OH and I can't forget the big kitties!! YAY), the river Museum, and of course we toured 'all' over the place. LOL! It was fun. I also bought this really awesome shirt from Hot Topic when we went to the mall(yes we went to the mall...had to have time to shop! I bought Fruits Basket from the mall as well.) Then, of course, I went to Mom's and while I was there I got my hair cut. It is the same style as the picture I posted earlier but I had it cut a little longer. Once I got home I had blond highlights put in...and for those of you whom said black was a bad idea, you will be happy to know I didn't go black. Mine is more of a dark dirty blond color with brighter blond highlights. LOL!! So it's cool...the only problem now is that I have to actually do something other than getting up and brushing it in the mornings. I have to use a flat iron...but it's not hard to do really. my hair takes it pretty easily. I will end this conversation for the guys out there I just know are bored to death. LOL!! *grins* I will see yous guys later. Ta ta! *waves*
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Sunday, April 16, 2006
Have a very, very, HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!
...But remember what today is 'really' all about... It's not all about the bunnies...though they may be cute!! It's about Jesus' resurection from the dead! He conquerd DEATH!! YAY!!! Have fun my friends!!
Oh I have to ask your opinion on something...I am going to be getting my hair cut and this is the style I want...what do ya think?
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Saturday, April 15, 2006
Tired. *yawns* ...Oh I got Chrono Crusade! Made me very happy. *falls asleep* Snore. Snore. Snore.
Alucard: Shader is currently...unavailable...she had an extremely long day today. She has promised to try and visit everyone before Saturday is out though. *stares into the moonlit sky* I must leave you now. The night calls and I must feed. *disappears* |
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Nothin' really interesting.
Not much happened today...well there was this one lady from the prom store that was really rude, but other than was...boring. Yup. OH!! I'm not going to school tomorrow. We are driving to the wonderful southern state of Alabama...not that there is anything wrong with it of course...some of my family lives there. LOL!! See yous guys later. *waves*
Alucard: ...when did we decide we were going to Alabama?
*freezes* A few hours ago. Why?
Alucard: Why did no one inform me?
*blank expression* I forgot to.
Alucard: ... That's important information that I need to know.
Alucard: *raises eyebrow* My aren't we being nosey?
NO...I just wanted to know.
Alucard: *smirks* |
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Sunday, April 9, 2006
I'm back!!
I just finished eating and watching Escaflowne. Great movie. If ya haven't seen it watch it. ^_^ I am so finished with the SAT's and the ACT'S. Time to sit back and RELAX! Oh yea. *grins* Any Hellsing obsessed fans out there? *sing song* I know of at least one! ...And they agree with me that Alucard is SEXY!!! *wink* You know who you are. LOL! Well I will see you guys later. OH! I might put up another Hellsing music video in a little while. Ya gotta' love 'em! Later my friends! |
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Yea the title says it all...I will post more later and at that point in time I will visit yous guys! Ta ta for now. |
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Saturday, April 8, 2006
YES!!! ACT's and SAT's are SO OVER!!!!! I can get on the internet more often now. YAY!!! ...Ya know I have come to the conclusion that it is kinda’ difficult to manage two sites. 'Specially when I have so many friends on my other one. I need to work out a schedule or something... Have any suggestions? |
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Friday, April 7, 2006
Bad days...
Dad was pitching a fit at me yesterday. He didn't want to buy me Dracula, even though it's for a project. He still got it for was a total of 4.27 and dad was complaining about it. He said he couldn't afford anything that we didn't 'need'.
Then later on in the day he rented a movie he see. How stupid is that! He said he couldn't 'afford' Dracula yet he rented a movie he 'wanted'(didn't need)to see that cost a dollar more!!! How STUPID and CHILDISH is that! After we got home he got mad at me about not washing a dish I didn't even SEE!! ...then said if I didn't keep the dishes and trash up until the sixth of next month he wasn't going to buy me an outfit from Hot Topic. So I have to wait a month longer until I can get an outfit for a 'retarded' reason. Man I wish dad would just GROW UP!!!! BLAH! Yea so I have to work my tail off to get an outfit for even longer. Oh and my papa is deaf and senile. He keeps saying that I promised him things which I didn' yesterday he said I promised to do the dishes before I went to school in the morning. I did NOT!! What I said is that I would do them when I got IN from school!!! I HATE it! *sigh* AmI being immature or does that seem unfair to you too? Okay...I'm done complaining now... How was your day |
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
Scan from the Dawn. (preview of Hellsing Ultimate)

Here yous guys! I have to translate later. *sigh* It's gonna' take me a while...over 100 pages worth of Japanese. ^-^ It will be fun to read the result though! |
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