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In my vast world of illusions
Member Since
Real Name
Living to the ripe old age of 18.
Anime Fan Since
...Forever and ever.
Favorite Anime
Let's see...Hellsing! Of course there are others I enjoy. Such as, Chrno Crusade, Inuyasha, Yu-Gi-Oh, Vampire Hunter D, Chobits, The DragonBall series, FullMetal Alchemist...and some others I can't seem to remember at the moment.
To become an artist and a writer. Then I wish to live a comfortable life.
Reading manga, fan-fiction, and fiction. Writing fiction, fan-fiction, and hopefully soon a manga of my very own. Watching anime and movies with vampires, dragons, werewolves and such.
Drawing writing, and reading.
| Vampire Femme
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
Chrno Crusade
I get to pick up the seventh copy of C.C. today. I ordered it about three weeks ago and they had to put it on back was such a LONG TIME!!!!!!!!
Sorry 'bout yesterday. I know I said I would put stuff up for you guys but my scanner wasn't hooked up until later in the day. So I will do it tonight.
Question...what is some of your anime/manga obsessions at the moment and what is the next series you plan to read or watch? |
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
S'all good!!
My dad and I have fixed my computer so I'm not going to be leaving for a while...I will most likely put some stuff up for you guys tonight after church. Now I am off to comment!
^_^ Ta ta. |
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Monday, March 27, 2006
My computer has completely died so I wont be able to update or visit very often. I will when I can, but for a few months(until I get a new computer)they will be few and far between(unless I do it from school.) *sigh* You have no idea how annoying this is. I can't believe it's not even that a year and a half. *glares at computer manufacturer* Grrrr...... I'm so angry I can't even see strait. Good news is I have 'The Dawn' to translate and I will soon be getting my copy of volume seven of Chrno Crusade. Plus I still have 'The Vampire Chronicles' and 'The Chronicles of Narnia' that I haven't finished. Then there is my PS2(Here I come Darkstone and Prince of Persia: Warrior within.) So... Yea. I still wish my computer was all better.
MAN THIS SUCKS!! My dad doesn't have the money to get me a new computer right now and I don't have a job. ...Buuuuuut I now have a reason to get a laptop. Dad's argument before was that I already have a computer so why would I need a laptop. I still miss my computer though. *tear* Oh well. *sigh* Look at things from the bright side right? Type to ya later.
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Leaving for Florida.
Getting everything ready to leave for our vacation this morning. We are running a little late 'cause the alarm didn't go off this yea. Hope to see you guys later. Ta ta. |
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
Ditto as other
Right now I am posting from my mom's house(still don't know what's wrong with my computer.) It might be a while before I can visit you guys again(Mom's computer is being weird and keeps blocking the comment BLOWS.)
Tuesday mom, my step dad, my brother, and I will be leaving for Florida! *grins* YAY!! BEACH! By the time I get back, maybe my computer will be fixed and I can visit yous guys.
I am SO excited!!!! I finally have 'Hellsing: The Dawn'!!!!!!!!!!! My step dad brought it to me today. (as soon as I can I will scan some pics for ya!) I also got the OVA trailer DVD, A shirt with a dragon print on the front, a Japanese music video DVD, and another CD full of Japanese music!! ^_^ So happy!
See ya later(hopefully) *waves* |
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Friday, March 17, 2006
I am so sorry guys. I know that I promised to visit you guys last night but my comupter has a major problem right now. So all of my updates and visiting will have to be done from an alternate location...meaning, I will not be able to do a lot around MyO.
For the past two nights my computer has been glicthing bad. I can be on it for around 15 minutes and the monitor, fans, and part of the tower will go off. When that happens I shut the power to the computer completely off then come back a few minutes later to 'plug' it back in and it will work around another 15 minutes before it goes off again.
I have three theories as to what is wrong.
1. The monitor is dieing. (not likely. Tower is
affected too. Plus the Standby light is
activated when it goes off.)
2. The power supply is going bad.
( of the tower are still
3. Processor is going bad. (Most likely...only
part of the tower is not receiving signals,
including the part the monitor is connected
If there are any computer people out there I would love to hear your theories as well.
I will visit as many people as I can while I am at school. If I don't get to everyone maybe I can fight with my computer at home until I get to everyone...but I'm not promising anything. Again, I'm sorry.
I will try to fix it as soon as possible until then...bear with me guys. |
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Thursday, March 16, 2006
One more day.
Only one more day until Spring Break!! I can't wait... I will be leaving, most likely, on Saturday to go to my mom's house. Once there I will finally have my precious 'Dawn'!!
My step dad bought the last copy for sale from the publishers(it is a September 2005 edition and contains the Hellsing Ultimate trailer DVD)! He also got me a t-shirt with dragons on the back. I love Dragons. ^_^ Yup. |
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Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Morning everyone.
It is currently 6:13 in the morning here and I will be heading off to school in a very short time. I am still working on getting everything up, so be patient with me. I also have a question to place upon yous guys. Should I change my avatar? I made it for my other site, Ms. Bakura Ishtar, 'cause it's Hellsing based as well and I'm not sure whether I should leave it or make another one... What do you guys think? I would very much enjoy a suggestion.
*Alucard appears with a hawaiian tie dye cup full of blood* "My wine glasses are missing again."
"Ummm...I'm not sure where they went...maybe one of my friends borrowed them for a night out...?"
"I want them back."
I'm sure you do...I'll find them. *sweatdrop*
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Today was a pretty good day. Nothing much exciting happened. It was just you average school day minus a butt load of homework. Then again I hardly ever have any homework so...I guess that's not the reason. It could be because I got up at 4:50 this morning so I could get on the internet before I went to the place of learning...or should I say the place we are supposed to learn from. LOL!! Yes? Well, the internet usually always puts me in a good mood.
When I finally got home I took care of my rabbit and the birds...I think my cats still have food. The fish and hermit crabs are fine. *grins* Yes I have tons of pets. I just love them to death.(not literally, DUH!) Annnnnnnnnnnnddd almost all of my pets have anime names. Let's see there is Bakura, Azmaria, Akeifa, Alucard, Seras, Kirara, Kanna, and Naraku(to name a few). LOL!!! Then my dad told me that my cats had torn the air duct out from under the house...he said he's gonna fix it though. We don't blame them...'cause it has been cold lately and Kirara is an inside cat that's temporary residence is outside until dad and I get an apartment(We live with my Granpa...his health is not the greatest at the moment.)and Alucard and Seras(Kirara's kittens)were just following thier mom's influence... *sigh* Papa isn't to happy about it, but we are going to fix it then seal up the under side of the house so the cat's can't get back under there. GTG! Toodles. |
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Monday, March 13, 2006
In school...of course. Right now I am in Intro. Tech. Big shock right? LOL!! Yea well. I'm still working on The Solid Works program so I have to go in order to do some assignments on it. Blah...It's actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. ...and no math yet! YES!!! |
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