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In my vast world of illusions
Member Since
Real Name
Living to the ripe old age of 18.
Anime Fan Since
...Forever and ever.
Favorite Anime
Let's see...Hellsing! Of course there are others I enjoy. Such as, Chrno Crusade, Inuyasha, Yu-Gi-Oh, Vampire Hunter D, Chobits, The DragonBall series, FullMetal Alchemist...and some others I can't seem to remember at the moment.
To become an artist and a writer. Then I wish to live a comfortable life.
Reading manga, fan-fiction, and fiction. Writing fiction, fan-fiction, and hopefully soon a manga of my very own. Watching anime and movies with vampires, dragons, werewolves and such.
Drawing writing, and reading.
| Vampire Femme
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Hello my friends!!! I missed you 'SO' much!! *sigh* I'm so happy to be back on MyO...I didn't have access to a computer anywhere in Memphis and I couldn't get on Mom's 'cause my step dad wasn't home.
The day before I left for Memphis Dad and I got in a HUGE fight and I had my first emotional break was NOT fun...I couldn't breath 'cause I was all hyperventalating and crap! It kinda' scared me... ~~~~~ On to a happier note! I bought two new manga while I was in Memphis!!! It's the first and second of Fruits Basket! To tell ya the truth, I wasn't sure I would like it...I thought it was going to be just a lovey dovey thing buuuuut it is so AWESOME!!! I LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!! If ya haven't read it, read it! ...and if ya don't know what it's about and ya want a summary just ask me and I will send ya one...or if enough people ask I will just post the summary tomorrow! *grins* It really is cool! I love Kyo...Yuki is really cool too though... *stares* Anyway...Memphis was cool. We went to the Rock-n-Soul museum, the Gibson Guitar factory, Graceland, the Pink Palace(awesome), the Memphis Zoo(I really liked that...I got to see some African and Vampire bats *grins* OH and I can't forget the big kitties!! YAY), the river Museum, and of course we toured 'all' over the place. LOL! It was fun. I also bought this really awesome shirt from Hot Topic when we went to the mall(yes we went to the mall...had to have time to shop! I bought Fruits Basket from the mall as well.) Then, of course, I went to Mom's and while I was there I got my hair cut. It is the same style as the picture I posted earlier but I had it cut a little longer. Once I got home I had blond highlights put in...and for those of you whom said black was a bad idea, you will be happy to know I didn't go black. Mine is more of a dark dirty blond color with brighter blond highlights. LOL!! So it's cool...the only problem now is that I have to actually do something other than getting up and brushing it in the mornings. I have to use a flat iron...but it's not hard to do really. my hair takes it pretty easily. I will end this conversation for the guys out there I just know are bored to death. LOL!! *grins* I will see yous guys later. Ta ta! *waves*
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