You are one of the Undead! One of the newest races
to be accepted as a race, the Undead race has
a lot of issues to work out. Probably the
most avoided of all the races, it really is
somewhat a shame as the Undead race is
probably the nicest and most accepting race
of creatures. This likely stems from the fact
almost all the Undead were once living beings
in some form and as such feel a slight tie to
their non-magical kin.
The Undead do not need to eat, sleep, drink, or
even breath. The magical forces that keep
them animate have more or less put their
entire internal structures in a form of
stasis. The only exception is their brain
which is needs to be in tact to function.
While unable to reproduce normally, the
Undead can gain more members to their race
simply by infecting another race via a lethal
bite. Simply being scratched or bitten by an
Undead won't kill a person, if the person
dies within 24 hours of the injury they will
soon rise up as an undead themselves. Perhaps
this is why the Undead race face a good deal
of prejudice and persecution as many people
fear that the simplest of touches from an
Undead could cause them to become one of
It should be noted that the main reason the Undead
don't eat is that all food tastes like
nothing to them...with the only exception
being living flesh. However the concept of
eating a living being is often so repulsive
to many undead that some commit re-suicide.
This fact along with others only adds to the
general creepiness of the race. The Undead
have recently gathered and formed an island
city called Trik'na Island, where many Undead
often leave to avoid an untimely demise at
adventurers. Without needing to eat or sleep,
the city is actually quite prosperous and
welcome to visitors though very few ever go
out of fear/dislike.
History: The Undead race is the most well-known
case of species creation when a powerful
Demon decided to use a spell to cause the
very dead of the planet to rise and form into
an unstoppable army. However he made a major
oversight in that while the dead did rise up,
they still retained all memories and
personalities of their former lives thus many
had no real desire to become a grunt in an
army against their living friends. However
many beings were very uncomfortable with the
concept of their dead relatives and friends
coming back and so the majority of Undead
left their homeland in search of a place to
call home. However there are a few Undead who
still make their home and have somewhat
reclaimed their old "lives".
Another important event was when a cult of Undead
grouped together and went about in an attempt
to convert the countryside. This shortlived
but infamous event still lurks on the minds
of many beings and only helped to further
wedge a gap between the races.
The Undead is the second of the Creature races to
be accepted into the Creature council instead
of joining when it started.
Strengths: The Undead have no need to eat, breathe,
sleep, and have almost an unending supply of
endurance. They are also able to fully
function even if missing a limb or three.
Since they are a new race, only existing for
a couple hundred years, no one is sure how
long an individual will last. However once
undead, the process of decay seems to halt in
98% of the cases, so it is likely they could
live as long as many of the other Creature
Weaknesses: The Undead feel no pain, and in some
cases feel nothing at all. This can seem like
a bonus, but it is quite frustrating to lose
a hand and not even know it is missing. While
now capable of magic, the Undead are highly
prone to redying like any other being if
their head is properly damaged.
What Mystical Race are You? (unexpected results, with pictures! :D) brought to you by Quizilla