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myOtaku.com: Vampire Rabbit

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Waffles or Pancakes...@_@ Happy Face Meal!

Beware the Rabbit�


Important Information

�K�ln, Germany
�Couch Potato
Member since:

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�A famous artist or doctor
Anime Fan Since:
�Not a fan, but watch it anyways.
Favorite Anime:
�Ghost in a Shell, The Stand Alone Complex,
�Drawing, sleeping, and trying to keep myself busy.
�Athletic, artistic, need I say more?
Favorite Song:
�Miss New Booty.
Favorite Animal:
Favorite "Accident":
�Left the microphone on while my friend was talking about someone.
Favorite Book:
�Ender's Game.


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Hello everyone!! Tis' me the rambling so-called Vampire no one loves. 'Nuff of that. So lemme get down to the point! I went to IHOP and couldn't decide if I wanted waffles or pancakes. So my best friend asked the cutest waiter I've ever seen to get me the chocolate happy face meal from the kids menu. Migod I was soooooo embarassed, that's not even the word to describe my humiliation there! Not to mention we had a pair of old people behind us talking about me!!!! I wish I could have stabbed her with the spork I got with the meal....

Yes, the waiter thought it was SOOO funny he got me a spork and bib-thingy-mabobber. I wanted to go on a killing spree and destroy them all. Haha, blood and screaming. To bad it was only in my mind T_T



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