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A hell on Earth (kicked out of Meifu Y.Y)
Member Since
living thru boredum and school
Real Name
Anime Fan Since
I've loved anime since I was about 8.
Favorite Anime
(no particular order)Saiyuki, Yami no Matsuei, Wolf's Rain, FullMetal Alchemist, Naruto, Detective Conan, YYH, Cowboy Bebop, Tokyo Babylon, X, Shaman King, Trigun, Yu-Gi-Oh... probably more
Making a doujinshi or original manga, postin' some art on DA
Drawing, reading, writing, watching T.V. etc.
singing and drawing
| VampiregirlE D
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Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Birthday & Holidays
Mood: Lazy
Listening to: Evanescence "Snow White Queen"
Watching: Negima
Playing: Dance Dance Revolution
Eating: Junk
Drinking: Mountain Dew
I'm turning 16 tomorrow..... or actually in a couple of hours.
Which would be big news if I cared.
Meh, I'm only posting this because I don't do much of anything, and I don't wanna completely stop doing stuff. >.<
Or whatever....
Anywayz, how was your holiday? Mine was fine, except for the fact that everyone in my house is sick in one way or another, and my dog keeps farting. =.=
Yeah, I'm just being random now.
Have a great day and stuff.
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
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Sunday, August 6, 2006
It's been forever. So many journals to catch up on XD
I've missed so much... But you know what? Whatever. My life is uneventful
I went to Six Flags and a wedding recently, but who cares.... XD
A couple days ago was national HakkaiXSanzo day... unfortunately, I have no pics for it.... *sigh*
And today is HakkaiXGojyo Day XD....
Meh... nothing ever happens. >.< So.................... TTYL
538 luv
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
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Wednesday, May 31, 2006
No reason for me to have titled this "Rawr".... O.o
Anywayz, I got out of school last Thursday, and I felt I should update all of my journals.
How has everyone been? Summer good for you? I hope so.
Well, anyway, so far, there's not much to say.
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
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Saturday, March 25, 2006
Hello. What's up all? been a while. don't worry. I'm not at all upset like I was in my last post. ^^ I'm just postin' to let you know i live.
I got a haircut a few weeks ago. YAY! You know, the one I've been wanting since summer. lol.
anywayz, I'm really very happy. I bought a doujinshi last week, and I should get it sometime soon. :heart: can't wait. Here's scans from it that i found on the net.

I really hafta wonder what the heck is goin' on in this pic.... XD

Lol. Kawaii. XD

... I dunno...
Anywayz, see ya'll l8r.
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
Originally posted on DeviantART.
Anyone remember this post? =>
I dought many of you do....
Well, it's been exactely one year to the day that Spikey-chan died. As if February didn't already suck ass.
I'm still really pissed about this.
You see, I can't help wondering if it could've been prevented.... well, I mean, if we'd done something, she'd still be here.
Reason? Well, First, I'd felt this lump in her stomache, and at first, I didn't think much of it. It took me a while to mention it. I realized it had grown. So, there. That was my mistake.
Then, my parents didn't take her to the vet for a month or two. If I'd told them sooner, or if they took her sooner, maybe she'd have been fine.
And third, there's the vet himself. The surgery was done, and I was told the tumor should have been completely gone. If not, It would take a few years to return. By then, she'd be old anyway. Guess what, only took a couple month. WTF?
So I'm pissed at everybody for this, even though it's not really their faults. I know that. I'm pissed at myself, my parents, and the vet...
Dad's an ass. He makes really mean comments about it. Pisses me off every day.
All I've got is a teddy bear who's ear she used to chew on, a few blurry pictures, and her collar. She's buried next to our garage under a flower bush. I hope she's happy and doesn't feel pain wherever she is.
Well, I'll stop now.
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
P.E., dubs, and pointless ranting
 you don't fear you create it!
where does your fear lie (anime pitures girls please) brought to you by Quizilla
If only.... >.<
 - What is Your Inner Angel - brought to you by Quizilla
Weird... I dunno. Parts are right... and as for losing my best friend??? I lost my cat. Y.Y I miss here. (but i really don't think i'm this lonely and depressed)
 Smart One! You've got the brains!
What Kind of School Girl Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
This seems off somehow......
 You are wind. Always day dreaming and happy. You have no care in the world.
Your element (GIRLS ONLY) brought to you by Quizilla
haha >.< my daydreaming includes fanfics, anime, and yaoi.... that's what I daydream about.
 you will die of being empty. one day, you will forget to eat and will die. no one will know you died for a while...
How will you die? (beautiful pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
I can't say I was expecting this..... o.O
Yeah, I'm bored (nothin' new). Anywayz, I've got P.E. now (I had health last semester) and we just started doing basket ball yesterday. >.< I am going to hate the next 3 weeeks.... no, I take that back, I'm gonna hate the rest of this year. (I'm not athletic... at all)
Anywayz, I just watched some old Saiyuki DVDs.... I gotta say, I think the voice actors improved a bit. (I always loved their voices. But David Matranga got... darker sounding and Braden Hunt... well . ^^ He swore too much at the beginning (I'm not complaining. But everytime he did, I'd shout, "He did it again!") But, anyway... he stopped for a while, and I think he did it again a couple of times after. lol) I will miss the ADV dubs. Cuz Geneon sux... lol Thank goodness for the original Seiyuu (I just love Toshihiko Seki and Akira Ishida's voices (I fell in love w/Toshihiko's voice because of Watari Yutaka on YnM. and then i found he did Duo on GW and Legato on Trigun... and Iruka-sensei on Naruto. And Akira sounds so pretty. ^^)
Meanwhile, I haven't watched YnM in quite some time. I got volume 9 of the manga over the weekend. Kotaro and Kojiro are cool. And Byakko is just so freakin' adorable. Not to mention Kijin and Tenko... And that guy w/lots of eyes whose name I keep forgetting. It's like.... Rikugo or something. >.< I dun remember.
I'm ranting again. Gomen. Hm, well...
If anything interesting ever happens,... it won't be for a while, I'm sure, so don't bother checking up.
Signing out.
538 lurv
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Happy belated Holidays.... and stuff
So, basically.... I've been inactive for quite a while. >.< But I did really well w/the semester. However, I got a C- on my Biology final. >.< Oh, well.
Anyway... Uh, i know Christmas was forever ago, but I got into a fight w/my dad (actually started one sided.... then i got pissed cuz he was bein' emo) and it lasted for five days. My b-day was 2 days after christmas, and he was mad at me then. >.< Jeez, ppl
Anyway, I'm bored as hell. I got my MCR CD, Gorillaz Demon Days,.... and a few Saiyuki Reload DVDs. ^_^ I'm so very happy about that.
My friend says he's gonna get me a copy of a CD he has. Forgot what it was tho...... Couldn't spell it if i tried, anyway.
Oh, yeah.... happy belated New Year to everyone.... not that it's all that special, but wth.
I started posting here again, and maybe I'll keep it up now. >.< .... now to post on xanga (agh! evil) more often. I'm dead there, too. Oh, well. I'll get to it eventually.
58 love. ^_^
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
P.S. Don't forget to try and visit my sites (as seen on my last post) Hey... speaking of posting more.... maybe i should do more LJ and GJ? ..... Nah... (not unless i have a reason)
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
I was bored 2day, so i got myself.... a xanga.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! LOL j/k...
No, but really... i got a xanga...
pls visit my sites???
Livejournal.... well i'm not active so i don't care... same w/greatest journal..... yeah....
Pls visit the others, tho.
Thanx! <3
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
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Saturday, December 10, 2005
OMG! MY SITE GOT ALL BRIGHT AGAIN! I personally think it's adorable, what, whit the chibi Sanzo-ikkou. Man...
Nothin's goin' on here. Finals in a couple of weeks. My b-day's comin' up, too. Yeah, i'm lookin' foreward to that. Maybe I'll get that haircut I've been wanting.........
Oh, I finally got the Tokyo Babylon vol. 7 I've been lookin' for. Yay!
Anywayz, hope ya'll have had a good life.
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
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Thursday, November 24, 2005
Hello...... uhm... announcement
HI! I made myself a new forum. It's really empty at the moment, but if you could find the time to visit it, perhaps become a member, I'd be really happy. ^_^
Uhm, the link to my site is available in the link to the side that says something about a website. ^^U
So, yeah. I'd much appreciate it if you could check it out.
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
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