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A hell on Earth (kicked out of Meifu Y.Y)
Member Since
living thru boredum and school
Real Name
Anime Fan Since
I've loved anime since I was about 8.
Favorite Anime
(no particular order)Saiyuki, Yami no Matsuei, Wolf's Rain, FullMetal Alchemist, Naruto, Detective Conan, YYH, Cowboy Bebop, Tokyo Babylon, X, Shaman King, Trigun, Yu-Gi-Oh... probably more
Making a doujinshi or original manga, postin' some art on DA
Drawing, reading, writing, watching T.V. etc.
singing and drawing
| VampiregirlE D
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Wednesday, November 2, 2005
Happy (belated) Cosplay Day/Halloween
Yeah. Yesterday i went out w/some friends. Anyway, I was dressed as sha gojyo from saiyuki! WOOT! It rained. >.< darn the rain.
Oh, well....
Here are some halloween pics that will hopefully show up! ^_^

This is a drawing of me dressed as Gojyo, and the YnM guyz dressed as other Saiyuki characters. Watari= Cho Hakkai, Hisoka= Genjo Sanzo, and Tsuzuki= Son Goku. If you go into it, It all makes sense. I dressed as gojyo on halloween, Hisoka and Sanzo both have something of an attitude problem (lol), and Watari and Hakkai... have cute pets, and are my favs... and smart... and GLASSES (well hakkai used 2 wear glasses, now he's got a monocle!) .......

Hm. I drew this last weekend. Uhm... me & 2 friends were having a contest of who could draw the creepeist pic.... this is my entry. ^_^
So, what do ya'll think? I wish I had photoshop. >.< But, i got pencils and a crappy scanner, so this is the best i could do. Well, hope u had a good day and stuff.
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
EDIT! unfortunately, I can't get the pics up, so to see them, you must go to the following links
For the YnM guyz and me as Saiyuki characters:
For the holloween contest pic:
Sorri. stupid computer..... >.<
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Friday, October 28, 2005
Hey, it's me!
Okay, so I just made a doll of myself on Louai's candybar dollmaker
One day, u may see what i look like in real life (w/my contacts in) but for now.....

That's basically what i look like on a daily basis. >.<
However, 1, i don't own a shirt like that. if i did, i'd wear it so freakin' much!
2, no that's not a dead fox pelt around my neck. >.< uhm, it moved on elouai's.... if i had a pet fox, i'd so carry it around.
3, i dun have a cat anymore. Y.Y but i luv them.
4, i dun wear make-up, just so u know
5, i am not that color. I'm actually tanish. ppl mistake me for bein' spanish or native american. I am not. I'm half Japanese, part German, and part French. so, yeah. >.<
Do u like? i had 2 edit the shoe color, get rid of a couple of things, and edit the color of the rim of the glasses (which still aren't right) oh, well.
Whatcha think? regular guy repelent or what? (2day... er yesterday, my friends were getting hugs from guys (they usually do) I got.... 1. Y.Y XD) (i think the only reson that one guy even talks 2 me is because of my friends. Y.Y It's so depressing. >.<)
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
PS: strange thing. I was wearing my Marine's hat backwards. I asked my friend and cousin if I looked more boyish with or w/o my glasses on. They said, without.
I take my hat off, and ask them if I look prettier with or w/o my glasses. They said, without.
So... w/o my glasses, while wearing a hat, I look kinda guyish, w/o the hat, I'm beautiful (XD). What does that make me? a "Pretty (tom)boy"?
well, ciao. have a nice day, and ttyl
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Sunday, October 9, 2005
I'm comin' back from the dead....
Anywayz, howa ya'll?
nothin' much goin on w/my life here. I AM getting a Saiyuki doujin sometime soon. Cuz my friend helped me buy it off ebay. YAY! I can't wait.
w/that i'll have 3 doujin. 2 YnM and 1 Saiyuki.
As for Halloween, i know i'm a little old, but me and my friends are goin' trick-or-treating. I'm going as Gojyo. Also, one of my friends says he might have a Halloween party this year. ^_^ yay.
So, yeah. My grandma got another dog. its a cute little puppy. i don't rembmer what kind of dog it was, but it's so cute. heh.
Well, anywayz, have a good life and everything. ciao
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Happy Birthday, Cho Hakkai
I got the info from 2 sources that 2day is hakkai's b-day. if it isn't, oh well. i dun care. lol
So, like what i did w/watari, i should make a hakkai thing today. *nod* ^_^

Cho Hakkai

The Truth Behind The Smile...

Hakkai and his faithful dragon Hakuryuu. aww, so cute. =^.^=

Another one

just another really pretty pic from my screen saver

omg i luv this image

This one too

Give him a presen/cake or something before you are SHOT!

Though disturbing, I find this picture very nice. ^_^U uh... heh.

How 'bout a group shot for the hell of it. ^_^

Okay. You KNOW it's a party when there's BEER. lol
Cheers to Hakkai on his birthday. ^_^ Much love from the fans, like myself.
Goku: oh... Happy Birthday, Hakkai! ^_^ *whisper* Cake now?
ED:... er.. haha...
Sanzo: shut up
ED: be nice
ED: he sayz happy birthday w/ lotsa love
Sanzo: *hit's ED on head w/fan* HELL NO!
ED: heh heh *rubs head*
Gojyo: Yeah, whatever. Happy birthday.
ED: Gojyo sends his love, too. ^_^
Gojyo: NO!
ED: *smiles innocently*
Goku: ... foooooooooooooooood.....
ED: I went all out on this didn't I. Sorry, Watari, it was a spur of the moment thing. I shoulda wrote one of these 4 YOUR b-day. but u still got pics.... but it's hakkai's day 2day... along w/my world history teacher, but that don't really matter. XD
Watari: ok *gets hugged by ED*
Every1: Happy birthday.
Yaone: *walks in* oh, it's Hakkai-dono's birthday. good for him. ^_^
Every1 including Yaone (and later Lirin, Kou, and Doku): *have a party*
(Chin Yiisou wanted to come, too but I wouldn't let him, as that would only cause problems... heh.)
So, there you have it. ^_^ heh I was bored....
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005
How do you like the new look? Ain't it perty? I like my new avi too. it's still watari. ^_^ and this music is tha bomb. Me and subaru are trying to get the music to work on her site. anywyaz, comments appreciated.
Okay, so we got outta school 2 hours early. WOOT! anywayz, nothing much has been going on.
'cept i watched naruto. Y.Y so sad. darn viz. o well. could be worse. heh
Here are some signs.

.......... DUH!

also, the bridge is out ahead

..... gotta love that...


well, c ya l8r.
*Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
Okay. so later today, my parents might take me to get MCR's CD. If they don't have it, I'm getting Gorillaz Demon Days instead.
The reason i say that is, around here, i haven't found MCR in FYE or Wal*Mart. And Target only had one copy last time i went there. It's awful. Y.Y
Oh, well.
Today, we were going out somewhere and there was this place. I think it was a "Foot Health Center" and there was a lighted sign of a foot. yeah, that's gay. but, by the store had a sign that said "Parking in Rear"
... if u think about that for a bit, u might get the gay joke i thought of when read that sign. lol
well, hope u guyz have a good day. ^_^
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Huzzah. =.=
Today was my first day of school. I am officially a Freshman. ooohh. All the upper years got to leave WAY earlier than we did. That sux.
well, not much else. I'm joining many of you into the depths of hell. lol. wow. oh, well.
Well, ciao.
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Okay. So the other day, i went up north w/Narikku Goddess and my parents.
My dad... bought me... an artbook.
"Salty-dog III" It's a Saiyuki artbook. WOOT!
U see the pretty colorbar up there? 383 (Sanzo/Hakkai)? ain't it perty? lol. j/k
I'd really like to find other colorbars... like...
585 (Gojyo/Hakkai), uh, Tatari (TatsumixWatari (from Yami no Matsuei)) and maybe some other perty yaoi ones from the YnM category....
i forgot to mention Kenren/Tenpou from Saiyuki Gaiden. but the banner for the Saiyuki fanclub is pretty. thanx Karumichan.
Anywayz, not much else. I'll try and close off w/some pics.

WOOT! I LUV the yokai. it just looks cool. lol

OMG! Aren't they KAWAII!? Tatari. Woot!

This one was funneh...

This one's just too cute... lol

i shoulda put this one up earlier. *poke* it b pretty. YAY 58!

YAY! FEATHERS! 38, to me, is ALMOST as great as 58. Yes, i love 58.
well, that's all 4 today. can't comment, unfortunately. Y.Y
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
YAY! (with pics.) (omg it's been so long since i had pics)
Hi, all. you guyz r gr8. ^_^
Anywayz, I just submitted 2 greetings. the first 2 ever.
Check 'em out l8r, tho they won't load for a while
both of 'em Are Saiyuki cards. yeah
i should work on others, but it was kinda a spur-of-the-moment thing.
Anywayz, i'm bored. How 'bout you? I think some of my friends r avoiding me or something. maybe it's just the summer deal. oh, well. i don't know why they'd avoid me, tho.
Anywayz, I fell in love with the band "Buck-Tick". they sing the opening to "Trinity Blood" the song is "Dress"
Strangely enough, I asked my mom if she knew of them. A few years back, one of her friends sent her a cassett with the music on it. So she found it and gave it to me. "Dress" isn't on it, but I fell in love with another song that has a really long title. "Mienai Mono Wo Miyou To Suru Gokai Subete Gokai Da" XD no idea what it's about, but it sounds cool. *nod* I WANNA BUY MORE SAIYUKI STUFFS! I gotta order Tokyo Babylon vol. 7, Saiyuki vol. 3, and the 3rd Saiyuki Double Barrel set.
and, I think Saiyuki Reload, the manga, is coming out this month. YAY!
looking foreward to lots in the next year.
Naruto's coming this fall (tho it'll probably suck. cuz of dubbing and stuff). I hafta collect Saiyuki Reload manga (if it goes by schedual, it'll conclude in December of 2006 (cuz it comes out every 4 months)). I gotta coninue collecting YnM and Naruto. (YnM is should come to an end next year unless Matsushita continues, or the schedule gets thrown off the "Every-two-month" thing". Also, Trinity Blood is coming next summer.
Wow. Not to mention i'm going to a new school later this month. o.o
So much to do...
Well, i'll end my rant for now. ^_^
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*

This is Abel Nightroad from "Trinity Blood". Can any of you tell me why he reminds me of Watari? I'm not sure why... (btw watari is the guy on my avi and, like, 3 of my banners)

This is Abel's Kresnik side, i guess. The Kresnik is basically what drinks the blood of the Vampire (like a vampire feeds on humans)

Watari Yutaka of Yami no Matsuei. OMG HE'S THE COOLEST!

The Saiyuki boys: (left to right) Gojyo, Hakkai, Sanzo, & Goku

Their Gaiden Counterparts.
Kenren(Gojyo), Tenpou(Hakkai), Goku(uh.. duh), & Konzen(Sanzo)

Nara Shikamaru of Naruto. One of my fav. characters.

Faust VIII and Eliza of Shaman King. Faust is the gr8est.

Subaru Sumeragi. My fav. Dragon of Heaven on X. (i also love him in Tokyo Babylon)

Sakurazuka Seishiro of X. (also great in Tokyo Babylon)

Kuzuki Kakyo. My favorite Dragon of Earth on X.
That's the end for today.
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Saturday, July 30, 2005
Okay, so, anywayz, how are you guyz? I guess I'm good.
Well, today, I went to some family reunion w/the side my parents haven't seen in over a decade..... i guess....... i don't know them. lol
My cousin didn't go cuz she was @ Six Flags. lucky.......
Anywayz, i guess it was okay, but i was the only one in my age range.... every one else was older, or 5 and under. Y.Y
Anywayz, yestereday, I was feeling really pissy. my mom was bein' a mom and makin' me angry. The thing i hate about my anger is, i can't do anything to let it out. I can't punch ppl.... i can't even hit my dad if he hits me first. i can't yell. damn, and i'm not that strong in the arms, so punching does nothing. kicking stuff works, but that doesn't get rid of my anger very well. so my chest starts to hurt and i start considering certain options that i'll probably never go thru. like setting my house on fire.... (well, actually, i don't wanna lose all my anime/manga... so ... no) or stabbing stuff.... (the wall, my mom, some other object, or myself)
Don't worry, tho. i'm too.... uh... something to kill myself. (and i know my friends would be really sad if i did do that)
The worst part about my anger issues is, when i'm angry with someone for something (and i guess, like my dad, i stay pretty calm w/my friends) i just blow up. Like @ school some time ago, i got really mad at one of my friends for something she did and started yelling at her. but another friend got involved, so i yelled something in anger and she started to cry. i felt really guilty, then. They say i'm scary when i get angry. (Which, like i said before, is rare when it comes to ppl that aren't my parents. (I really am like my dad XD))
On a better note (notice the mood-swing): My friend, xHaruTheMagicCowx, invited me to the mall yesterday after all that, and we went, had fun, and i started to feel better. I bought vol. 9 of GensoMaden Saiyuki (I only need vol. 3 now ^_^). The guyz @ suncoast gave us free magazines. (Shonen Jump, Newtype, and something else.....). So i was looking thru Newtype, and there's this anime in Japan i really wanna check out.... i hope they have it in america sometime in the near future (which they probably won't Y.Y) It's an anime called "Trinity Blood" or something. It's about Vampire Hunters i think. And this one priest, named Abel Nightroad, seems really awesome. (and in for some reason reminds me of Watari from YnM in some pics i've seen. lol) (Also Goku from saiyuki, cuz they said he lights up like a child w/a new toy when someone offers to buy him food. XD)
Well, anywayz... i gotta check up on that.
EDIT: I just found out from anime news network that FUNimation is licensed to do Trinity Blood.... and the official FUNimation Trinity Blood website, if i'm correct, says it's coming out next year. (Summer 2006) TOTALY LOOKING FOREWARD TO IT ALREADY! OMG! XD
Well, hope you guyz r well. ^_^
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
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