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A hell on Earth (kicked out of Meifu Y.Y)
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living thru boredum and school
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Anime Fan Since
I've loved anime since I was about 8.
Favorite Anime
(no particular order)Saiyuki, Yami no Matsuei, Wolf's Rain, FullMetal Alchemist, Naruto, Detective Conan, YYH, Cowboy Bebop, Tokyo Babylon, X, Shaman King, Trigun, Yu-Gi-Oh... probably more
Making a doujinshi or original manga, postin' some art on DA
Drawing, reading, writing, watching T.V. etc.
singing and drawing
| VampiregirlE D
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Anyone out there a YnM and Tenchi fan?
I haven't seen Tenchi in a loooooooonnnnnnnngggggggg time, but after falling in love w/YamiMatsu I thought, "OMG! Watari & Washu would make such a gr8 couple!"
I mean, they r both super cool genki geniuses. It's like they were made 4 each other.
My friend, Hyoko Otohime made a love child 4 me. It is my official Crossover couple.
You see my new Wataru banner up there somewhere? I luv it. ^^
um, anyway.....
Unfortunately, I cannot find anything that supports them, and since i haven't seen tenchi in a loooooooongggg time, there is no way i can make my own fanfic. Y.Y
But if any of you are fans.... do u see where I'm getting this pairing. It seems soooooooo cool.
If i ever get any washu references, I should make my own Wataru fanart. ^^
well, ttyl
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
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Thursday, May 26, 2005
Okay, yesterday, my school... well at least the ppl in my grade, went to Six Flags Great America. we had sooooooo much fun! I hung our w/ xYamiNoAlchemistx, FireQueen66, and my friend "Michael", and FQ66's b/f, zach. Anywayz, read FQ66's site for more on that.
We have 2 more days of skool! can't wait!
oh, and, my friend, Hyoko Otohime bought me a YnM doujin on eBay, and it came in! yay! I prolly won't get it 'till my Graduation Party on the 25th of June. Y.Y
I CAN'T WAIT! IT'LL BE GR8! She says there's lot's of Watari scans! YAY!
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
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Saturday, May 14, 2005
ACEN (anime central)
Okay, my friends, Hyoko Otohime, Puchiko, and her sister Michael, and me all went to an anime convention today! It was my very first! Hyoko went as Rikku, Puchiko as Wolfwood, Michael as an anime ninja >.<, and me as Watari Yutaka (who got a tan and died his hair black XD) We had a lot of fun. We bought gifts for xYamiNoAlchemistx! An FMA RoyxEd doujin, (We got Vic Mignogna to sign it) and an Ed button, and Roy button.
I bought the YnM OST 2, a Naruto headband, and a YnM doujin (but i think i got ripped off!) There are barely any pics in it. Y.Y ((btw, anyone who knows how to read japanese, do u think you could, maybe, translate for me???)) I had fun, anyway. 5 ppl knew who i was supposed to be, 4 girls, and one guy. "Can I get a picture of Watari?" he said he had a wife, so that's how he knew....
All the cosplayers there were sooooooooooo nice. I took lots of pics. while we were in line to get a signing, we met these guys dressed like Kisame and Shikamaru. "Kisame" left, but we talked to "Shika". he was really cool. I wish xYamiNoAlchemistx could have gone. Y.Y
Oh, well......... I had a lot of fun!
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Friday, May 6, 2005
Okay, so anyone who visited xYamiNoAlchemistx's site yesterday or whatever, should probably know that we had a Constitution Test! I've been lazy...
But, I'm proud to announce that I got an A-! PARTY! lol... well, anyway, I was writing something, and I remembered my cat, Spikey, who died on Feb. 12 this year. She's buried by our garage under a beautiful bush. I miss her... Y.Y She was my baby....
But enough feeling depressed. I'M GLAD I PASSED W/FLYING COLORS! *purple is the color of gay pride* XD j/k
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
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Thursday, May 5, 2005
I made these
I made 2 Wallpapers for my friend xYamiNoAlchemistx
Hopefully, she likes them. They are the same but one is inverted.... she has to choose which one she likes best.


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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
Another pointless post by yours truly.
Ok. Yes, I still miss Hughes. My friend said, though, that he's apparently in the movie. YAY! ^.^ His death sucked. He was a loving and devoted father and husband...
But, on another note.
Thanx to my friend, xYamiNoAlchemistx, I have me a new bg! AIN'T IT BEAUTIFUL!? It appears, tho, that my site has gotten... brighter... lol.
And finally...
There is this wallpaper I made, but I can't get it to work on myO! That SUX! Y.Y
I put a bunch of piccies of Watari on this thing, and did "Invert Color" so it's really neato looking.
I'll try to figure out how to get it here.
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
*Edit. Guess what? Any of you who saw the bg my friend got for me.... well, notice it's not the same. I luved that bg, but I really wanted to put up the one I made. I just registered to photobucket.... AND THE BG I HAVE IS THE WATARI COLLAGE I MADE! IT'S ALL INVERTED! AIN'T IT PERTY?! I luv it. It's my best work. I got a comment for it @ DeviantART! ^.^ I'm so proud. Watari is my absolute fav. YnM character!
Btw... My site is dark again! (only because of the invert)
For those who didn't see the other one.... I luved the Itachi one I had, but I thought I needed a change. It was there for so long. And even tho I still love him and the Naruto series, YnM is taking over... LOL
Don't hate me! XD
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
In Loving Memory and Honor of Maes Hughes
A character on FullMetal Alchemist, Maes Hughes, died on yesterdays episode. In honor of him... Here are some pics.

Best buds! ^.^

He's there wavin'...

Um. Ok... This is great.

Roy and Hughes. Best buds.

Roy cries after Hughes' funeral. He misses his best friend. I cried also...
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
OMG! I GOT A NEW AVI! HOw do you like it? i just LOVE IT! The scene in the manga it's from i think was funny.
Watari is the greates! I love him!
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
Been some time since i filled out one of these...
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
OK, firstly, My friend, xYamiNoAlchemistx would like to have some ppl to visit her site. So, pls, stop by. Sign her gb and all that good stuff. ^.^
Secondly, I couldn't get on the comp yesterday, so i'm typing this today......
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WATARI YUTAKA! Watari is a character from Yami no Matsuei. HE'S SO COOL! He turned 52 yesterday... Y.Y that sux..... anywayz..... here are some pics.


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