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Monday, April 11, 2005

OK, 2day after school, our bus crashed into a car in front of us. the damn lady pushed on her breaks at the last minute, but anyway. It was weird. I fell into the seats behind me and hurt my back, but, luckily, no1 was hurt. accutally, every1 on the bus was havin' a blast. they were all talkin' about another accident that happened a couple years ago, b4 i moved around here. in that accident, ppl got whiplash and had 2 go 2 the hospital. but 2day wasnt bad. The ppl in front of us got the back of their car dented and the back window was completely broken in. WE WERE 25 MINUTES LATE! I was gonna make my mom feel guilty about it, but my grandma called and told her about it. cuz our school called my granny cuz they r gay. but anywayz, my back hurts now, but luckily no 1 was hurt.
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*

P.S. I GOT 10 POINTS ON MY SOLO! YAY! that's the last rank of grade I. duets r a lil different. 9-11=I. Me & My friend got an 11. YAY! GO US! Well, bye

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Saturday, April 9, 2005

   Solo/Ensemble Competiotion
Okay, 2day, I went to my third annual Solo/Enesemble Competition. Have done for, well, the past 3 years. (duh!)
My first year, I sang a solo, "Sabbath Prayter", and got a first place rating.
Last year, I did another solo "Reflection" and got a perfect score. WHOOP! and also did a duet, but got a second place for that. Y.Y
Anywayz, I did another solo this year, "Homeward Bound", and no, it's not the Simon and Garfunkel song, and got a First Place rating, and a Duet w/my friend for a Jekle and Hyde thing "In His Eyes". We got a First Place rating. Tho, I don't know my exact score.
Strangly, the scoring goes something like this... 8-10=I. 8 is the best. 11-16(I think)=II. 17-24=III. ALRIGHT! I FEEL SO HAPPY! I GOT EITHER AN 8, 9, OR 10 FOR THE SONGS I SANG! Hoping for the best. U prolly don't care, but I'm bored. I was really nervous, but, whatever.
well, ja!
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*

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Monday, March 28, 2005

MemeGen..er something...

Whichi YnM characters boxers did u steal! w/ pics! by Dark_alchemist
favorite YnM character
favorite color
how many7
did he steal them backyes
in the endu steal more
do u mind that there are 2 tsuzuki outcomes?
Quiz created with MemeGen!

ynm/fma Crossover w/ a hint of other anime! the day u meet ppl!w/ pictures! by Dark_alchemist
one day u r...doin your job
when u run into this guy/ppl
and this guy/ppl
u..ask way to many questions
youi kill__________ cause they annoy u!
the ppl u met...be annoying to you
in the end...u go crazy
Quiz created with MemeGen!

How do you die? by VampiregirlED
Birthday (dd/mm)
Favorite Anime/Manga/Movie
Favorite Book
Favorite Band(s)
Favorite song(s)
How you dieWalk into a room full of some people performing a ritual who decide to kill you since you apparently know too much.
Date of DeathOctober 22, 2021
Quiz created with MemeGen!

OMG! My very own Generator thingy!

anime maker! W/pics by Dark_alchemist
rolebest friend
where u livei dont live anywhere im a wander
do u have powersyes
anime age29
element u ruleearth
what u look like and some stuff about u
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Created by x DarkAlchemist x.

What is Your Yami no Matsuei Horoscope?
by kaitou_marina
LJ username
HoroscopeCoworkers help make wrinkles
Person(s) to avoidTsuzuki Asato
Sexually compatible withWatari Yutaka
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your Yami no Matsuei Life (Yaoi)
by silver_foxfire
You are in lust with:Mibu Oriya
He is madly in love with you:Tatsumi Seiichiro
You die:With the pain of a broken heart.
He mourns you:Watari Yutaka
Quiz created with MemeGen!

How will Muraki rape you? Yami no Matsuei by plasticfayness
Fave Color?
How?Against a Wall
With what?Shikigami
Who joined?Hijiri AND Hisoka
Did he like it?He stalks you even more now
Quiz created with MemeGen!

That was... odd...

Which Yami no Matsuei Character Will Your Child be Fathered By? by angel_muraki
Favorite Color
The FatherWatari Yutaka
SpecialThe child is obsessed with money and loves to play in the shadows for some reason.
Quiz created with MemeGen!

ALRIGHT! ... apparently she spends 2 much time w/Uncle Tatsumi...

Which Yami no Matsuei character will rape you? by Rishenu
Fav. Color:
Fav. Food:
Who?:Kazutaka Muraki
When?:December 27, 2005
Where?:in a hotel
With what sex toy?:dildo
Quiz created with MemeGen!

That was... creepy... on my next Birthday 2... god... *hides in corner*

Which Yami no Matsuei character are you most like? by angel_muraki
User Name
Favorite Color
Favorite Food
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Yami no Matsuei - Your jumpstart to writing a YnM fic!
by naviki
Your fic includesgemstones (sparkly!)
Quiz created with MemeGen!

That works... but.. the one i got before this was... Tsuzuki/Tsuzuki. o.O lol

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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

More wonderful quizes

Your inner Demon..... by Elf_of_fire
Favorite color:
Favorite Place:
Current mood:
Most important thing to you:
What it looks like:
Demon of:Fear
# of years it's been in you:4
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What kind of bad girl are you?
you are this kind of bad girl... you are a sexy bad girl with alot of attitude and you dont give up until you get what you want
you are like this bad girl...
you could kick this girls ass....
This QuickKwiz by Hailey40302 - Taken 10 Times.
New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

Your Inner Vampire
Favourite Color
Your Vampire Age Three Centuries
Your Weapon of Choice Guns
Your Hair Color & Style Short & Black
Your Eye Color Icy Blue
Your Wardrobe Consists Of The Up-To-Date Fashions
You Belong In a Vampire Book by Maggie Shayne
This cool quiz by GodsmackedAngel - Taken 2302 Times.
New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology and Horoscopes

The Wanderer...

What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a PHOENIX in your soul and your
wings make a statement. Huge and born of flame,
they burn with light and power and rebirth.
Ashes fall from your wingtips. You are an
amazingly strong person. You survive, even
flourish in adversity and hardship. A firm
believer in the phrase, 'Whatever doesn't kill
you only makes you stronger,' you rarely fear
failure. You know that any mistake you make
will teach you more about yourself and allow
you to 'rise from the ashes' as a still greater
being. Because of this, you rarely make the
same mistake twice, and are not among the most
forgiving people. You're extremely powerful and
wise, and are capable of fierce pride, passion,
and anger. Perhaps you're this way because you
were forced to survive a rough childhood. Or
maybe you just have a strong grasp on reality
and know that life is tough and the world is
cruel, and it takes strength and independence
to survive it. And independence is your
strongest point - you may care for others, and
even depend on them...but when it comes right
down to it, the only one you need is yourself.
Thus you trust your own intuition, and rely on
a mind almost as brilliant as the fire of your
wings to guide you.You are eternal and because
you have a strong sense of who and what you
are, no one can control your heart or mind, or
even really influence your thinking. A symbol
of rebirth and renewal, you tend to be a very
spiritual person with a serious mind - never
acting immature and harboring a superior
disgust of those who do. Likewise, humanity's
stupidity and tendency to want others to solve
their problems for them frustrates you
endlessly. Though you can be stubborn,
outspoken, and haughty, I admire you greatly.

Image Source: stp.ling.uu.se/ ~klasp/Boris.html

*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
brought to you by Quizilla

Your dark side is centered around Death. Anger
running through your veins, your soul is
confused between staying or leaving in this
pointless world. All you want is an open
creative mind to go with your lifestyle, no
conditions or judges, just loyalty to each
other, so you can finally live your perfect
exicting world you always wanted, life will
worth something. You will find what you want
when you believe in something more valuable
then death and when you appreciate your life.

What is the center of your dark core? (updated)
brought to you by Quizilla

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Monday, March 21, 2005


cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#000000" height="200"

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Saturday, March 19, 2005

Hey ppl can u do me a favor?
my friend x DarAlchemist x is felling lonely so if could go to her site and add her as a friend and sign her gdb she would be really happy! so plz!

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Wednesday, March 16, 2005

98% of the teenage population does smoke pot or has tried smoking pot, if you are one of the 2% who hasnt put this on your site ~from Miaki~

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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

   More quizes

Which Band Should You Be In?
by couplandesque
Your Name
Band NameDeftones
TrademarkMassive Amounts Of Eyeliner
Love InterestYour Next-Door Neighbour
Quiz created with MemeGen!

It's all about your bad self!
Name / Username
You've killed 10,000 to 100,000 people
You're worth $1,008,000.00
You will get cought sleeping in your hide out
You will go to prison for 44 years
Will you be a changed person when you've done the time? Maybe I did, and maybe I didn't...you will soon find out.
Will you hurt me? Of course I won't...I'll KILL you!
This quiz by InuYashaiscool - Taken 2613 Times.
New - Help with love and dating!

You're Element is Fire. You have a strong,
independant, fiery personality and you
obviously don't let other's push you around.
You like being in charge and don't care what
other people think. In fact, you like to stand
out and be yourself. You're probably shy when
people first meet you but your a ball of energy
that could explode at any given moment. You
like to laugh and whether you admit it or not,
you like to fight. You're peronality that is
wild and untamable. You're beauty is physically
fit and a little sexy and you have a very
pretty face. (please forgive me if you cannot
see the pics. If you go to my userpage then you
can see your result picture at the bottom)

What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are independant and don't need a guy yet.

What kind of guy are you most attracted to? (CUTE anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

don't give a damn
You don't really have a passion for love or hide it
very well. You have deep deep deep hidden
crushes and hardly tell about it at all.

How much do you love? GOOD PICS
brought to you by Quizilla

Your wedding day
Name / Username
You/husbands tuxido will be Red
You/wife's wedding dress will be Black
What happened A twister ruined the wedding
Your honeymoon was at (the) Tropics
Does your husband/wife hate you Yes
Do you hate your husband.wife Maybe
This cool quiz by InuYashaiscool - Taken 94 Times.
New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!

What Does Your Inner Anime Character Look Like? (For Girls) by Rose Lover
User Name
Fav. Colors
Fav. Anime Show
What you look like
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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Saturday, March 12, 2005


What Does Your Guardian Angel Look Like::guys and girls:: by angel_drifter
Favorite Colors:
What Your Angel Looks Like:
Why Has Your Angel Been Guarding You:watch your back, your angel inst guarding you!
How Long Have You Been Guarded(years):1
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What Does Your Inner Soul Look Like?::male and female pics:: by angel_drifter
Favorite Colors:
What your Inner Soul Looks Like:
Your Weakness:Darkness
What you Are:Warrior
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Angel Style by greymentality
First Impression from OthersOthers want you as a friend.
Your CoreYou want peace. Peace of mind. Peace of heart.
Potential to Stray from the Light: 72%
Your WeaknessYou were a fallen angel. Climbing up again.
Your StrengthYou ride Binky, the Pale horse. :)
Your WingsMalachite green, but magnificent!
Your FocusTruth
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What Does Your Inner Child Look Like? by Keera
Astorlogical Sign
Hair Color
Eye Color
What you inner child looks like
What she likes to do the mostFight!
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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Thursday, March 10, 2005

   More quizes/tests.

Your Homicidal Rampage! by crash_and_burn
Your name:
Weapon of Choice:Bazooka
Your Favorite Target:Tourists
Your Kill Count:819,754,907
Your Battle Cry:"Moo!"
Years You Spend in Jail:25
How Much Money In Damages You Cause:$303,235,246,949,293
Your Homocidal Insanity Level:: 96%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Yellow info
Your Heart is Yellow

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla

And for your f*cking info. Yes. XD I'm just, unlike most gals my age, not interested in dating yet. ^_^

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