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myOtaku.com: VampiregirlE D

Monday, July 18, 2005

Hey, how are ya?
No, seriously. How are ya?
I'm good. My Kougaiji pin says HI! lol. I got a new desktop image..... it's a pretty watari wallpaper with a blue bg. and Now my screensaver is a bunch of pics of Hakkai and Tenpou. YAY
Here be some quizes.

SHY ANGEL. Hey, where'd u go? Don't u want ur
result? U like to hide from the human species.
Don't know why though. Maybe ur just
self-concsiouse? Either way, as long as ur
happy i guess that's ok. Just don't go crazy
like thinking u rule over all ur stuffed
animals or something like that....Cause that
can happen! If u ever come out of ur shell, we
would see a caring person who has amazing,
hidden talents. What U Probably Say: The entire
world's a stage; I didn't get cast!

What Emotional Angel Resides in u? <>Awesome Anime Pics and Many Outcomes!<>
brought to you by Quizilla
Um, well..... Yeah, U might believe me, but I do get pretty shy. When I'm w/my friends, tho... that pretty much goes out the window. ^_^U

JPEG Image
Warrior Angel. You're the one who is willing to
fight for those you love. You've got your
weapon and strong will, and as long as you've
got friends, you've got a reason to fight to
protect them...

(Anime pics!!!) What kind of angel are you? (21 results)
brought to you by Quizilla

Well, have a nice day! ^_^

And thanx to all those lovely people who have been commenting and stuffs. I feel appreciated now. ^_^

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