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• 1990-12-27
• A hell on Earth (kicked out of Meifu Y.Y)
Member Since
• 2003-12-18
• living thru boredum and school
Real Name
• Ed
Anime Fan Since
• I've loved anime since I was about 8.
Favorite Anime
• (no particular order)Saiyuki, Yami no Matsuei, Wolf's Rain, FullMetal Alchemist, Naruto, Detective Conan, YYH, Cowboy Bebop, Tokyo Babylon, X, Shaman King, Trigun, Yu-Gi-Oh... probably more
• Making a doujinshi or original manga, postin' some art on DA
• Drawing, reading, writing, watching T.V. etc.
• singing and drawing
| VampiregirlE D
Friday, October 28, 2005
Hey, it's me!
Okay, so I just made a doll of myself on Louai's candybar dollmaker
One day, u may see what i look like in real life (w/my contacts in) but for now.....

That's basically what i look like on a daily basis. >.<
However, 1, i don't own a shirt like that. if i did, i'd wear it so freakin' much!
2, no that's not a dead fox pelt around my neck. >.< uhm, it moved on elouai's.... if i had a pet fox, i'd so carry it around.
3, i dun have a cat anymore. Y.Y but i luv them.
4, i dun wear make-up, just so u know
5, i am not that color. I'm actually tanish. ppl mistake me for bein' spanish or native american. I am not. I'm half Japanese, part German, and part French. so, yeah. >.<
Do u like? i had 2 edit the shoe color, get rid of a couple of things, and edit the color of the rim of the glasses (which still aren't right) oh, well.
Whatcha think? regular guy repelent or what? (2day... er yesterday, my friends were getting hugs from guys (they usually do) I got.... 1. Y.Y XD) (i think the only reson that one guy even talks 2 me is because of my friends. Y.Y It's so depressing. >.<)
*^Blood, Rain, & Roses^*
PS: strange thing. I was wearing my Marine's hat backwards. I asked my friend and cousin if I looked more boyish with or w/o my glasses on. They said, without.
I take my hat off, and ask them if I look prettier with or w/o my glasses. They said, without.
So... w/o my glasses, while wearing a hat, I look kinda guyish, w/o the hat, I'm beautiful (XD). What does that make me? a "Pretty (tom)boy"?
well, ciao. have a nice day, and ttyl
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