hey welcome to my site you don`t like it then go away my name is lizzy i am a vampire and love it. and i don`t give a crap if you don`t believe
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Saturday, March 1, 2008
hope u like it izzy. lolz

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hope u like it izzy. lolz

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u kno wat izzy. i still think that ur eyes were going blurry cause u look at david too much. and lindsay ish mine. hopefully u'll figure that out later
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p.s. churrr smecksiiiii
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Thursday, February 28, 2008
hey im vampirelover666's frind lyndsey. this post is going to include pics that i myself edited for her. for her character(char). for those if u that dont kno wat an edit is u can go to my site and see the example i have there. but it is when u take a pic and change the colors and do other things to it and it looks pro. if u want me to edit a pic for u then go to my site(insesskomilover) and ask. but i will only do it if u sign my gb and add me as a friend. so here are the pics
the crown on the pic below was white!XD

i edited everything on this one. its a manga scan so everything was white. any color u see was all done by me!!!XD -points to the pic below-

i completely edited this one-points down- too

the cat in the one below was black

all done. i hope u all(vampirelover666) like them!!!XD
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Monday, February 25, 2008
yeah i kiss gaara
Naruto mistletoe, who will you kiss ^_^
 Gaara"Guys WALL!!" you screamed again, pulling yourself out of their grip and glaring at them Tenten and Temari gasped a little a stepped back a couple of places. You stood up and straightened your clothes. "Would you mind telling me where exactly you were dragging me" you asked smiling. Temari smirked and pointed towards a door. "Thanks" you replied and walked over there, suddenly something fell on you. "Sorry" they said getting off of you and offering you a hand. You took it and hauled yourself up, bringing yourself face to face with none other than Gaara. "Temari said something about doors and mistletoe" he said looking confused. "What the hell is mistletoe??" 'So this is what they were trying to get me to do' you thought while grinning. "You kiss under mistletoe Gaara" you said before pressing your lips gently to his. You felt him kiss you back slowly, as if uncertain of himself. You smiled into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck whilst he wrapped his arms around your waist. You pulled back and the room erupted with catcalls. You looked over at Gaara and saw him blushing, giggling you took his hand and dragged him to dance with you. Take this quiz!
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gaara`s responce is better then the rest lol
Who are you in my Naruto RP quiz!(Girls only unless your gay!)
 Name: Chii TakasugiMeans:thousand,smell, perfume and child. Gender:GirlPersonality: Quiet,Normal and energetic when need to be otherwise you are quite shyGood traits:Freindly, Always ther efor peopleBad traits:Doesn't speak up when needed to!Best friend(s):HinitaNaruto:She's really Quiet! Like Hinita...Are they related?Sasuke:hn...Quiet Strong ninjaSakura:She's like my bestest friend(Me:Did you read the top? I dont see your name missy)Kakashi:A good student,Very strongHinata:*Whispers*She really understands me,and...NarutoKiba:She can be quite shy...Although she love akamaruShino:Just right for me(Oooooh I think he fancies you!Shino:No I dont!! Shikamaru:Alright...I suppose, Im not sure but does she read...*Looks at kakashi's book)...Nah...Too inocent!Choji:She doesnt like chips! She says she read a *book* which says they are bad for you!Pha!Never done me harm!(Me:really..)Ino:She has pretty hair but is an all rounder!Asuma:Doesnt know youLee:NO YOUTH!Neji:Her destiny is clear...Tenten:Doesnt know youGai:SameGarra:Would always help you in a fight although shows no human compassion towards you. Kankurou:Doesnt know you.Temari:She reads too many books!Baki:Knowledgble and will go far! Take this quiz!

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Friday, March 9, 2007

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