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Anime Fan Since
many moons ago, just a tot watching my neighbor totoro, g gundam, sailor moon....those were the days..
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hashuko, Kenshin, Wolf's Rain, Cowboy Bebop, Chobits, FLCL, Ranma, Love Hina, Gundam, Detective Conan, no particular order.. im such a loser i can basically only get whats on tv, but through reading manga my life is enriched.
to not be a complete waste of life/ learn to read and speak japanese/ speak spanish....y mas...otro otro otro
anime. manga. LOTR. HP. drawing. reading. playing la guitarra.
none. i suck at life.
you gotta ask yourself one question: do you feel lucky...Punk? ..well, do ya?
welcome, children. i love fanart, everyone keep up the fantastic work. fillipunkel. bye bye ^_^
Friday, December 24, 2004
ravings from a lunatic. BWAHAHAHA
well i haven't posted since around tday, so i thought id do that. its xmas eve and pretty much nothing is going on. we're leaving for the not-liked-so-much-grandparents' house in like 10 minutes so this should be pretty short. but ill probably post sometime soon in order to tell people about me. HA. okay okay okay sooo... i think that its pretty funny that i celebrate xmas, like a lot of the world does, and i have pretty much denounced all christian/catholic beliefs. but i dont think that xmas is really a religious holiday anymore. i mean most of the people who celebrate it dont go to church regularly or are in any way religious.. they just celebrate it because its christmas! for real! same with me.. and the same goes for easter and stuff. i personally believe in many gods, and i bet you haven't met a polythesistic person in quite some time. though i believe this, i don't know their names or how many there are or what each one's job is or how they came about or ANYTHING really. i just know that they're there and it gives me a sense of peace. thats why religion was created isnt it?? so that people have something to believe in and something to comfort them and give them piece and state of mind? yep thats the reason. a couple of weeks ago my dad dropped me off at the bus stop (im so spoiled) and when i watched him drive away i got this sickly fear that i wasn't going to see him again. let me tell you; i felt like throwing up. but it passed rather quickly, for which i was grateful. and that got me thinking about death and whatnot; which i havent done in a while. because im not afraid of death. theres this scary ...truly frightening notion, that when you die everything is just black, and its like a switch has turned you off and you just dont exist anymore. and that is very very scary thought. i had thought that it would be like sleeping; but i thought about it in this new way and i admit that i scared myself and i was upset that i was letting this get to me. and i thought about it. and what i think is that it is impossible for something not to exist. in fact i have always believed that EVERYTHING exists. that there are infinity dementions ; that jillions upon trillions of new dementions are created every second. every dream that you have ever dreamed, is real, in one demention. every creature, every fantasy love, every movie, every book, every anime and all exists in one demention. in fact, though it doesnt apply directly to what im proposing here, i dont remember who it was who said it but the classic words come to mind. "i think, therefore i am." i had played with this idea for quite some time before realizing that someone had already come up with it and lo and behold i finally understood that quote above. see its like this: a unicorn exists, because i can think of one. therefore it at least exists in that state; in my mind; get it? if i can think of something, then it must exist (even if just in thought) but i've gone further than that... and i truly believe in pretty much everything. i believe in magic.. although i wouldn't call it "believing" more like i'd call it knowing. magic is everything you think it wouldn't be. how do people live? because your heart beats. what makes a heart beat??? this is one form of what i fondly refer to as magic. but i believe that it exists in the other states as well, how most people think when they hear that word. like the harry potter, wizard witch sorcerer demon type of magic that mostly only young children believe in. but sometimes i think that most of it has been locked away somewhere; in those other dementions that we can't get to. i think that maybe some elite person will be able to jump dementions one day; utilize their entire gray matter of their brain perhaps. of perhaps im just rambling uncontrollably. who really knows? but the magic was locked away...most likely by humans who were afraid of it.. because lets face it.. most humans do not accept magic, they fear it. and it is those who cannot use it; those who, perhaps, wanted to be more powerful. i don't know. im not sure really. it could all be in my mind; just making up fantasies to sastisfy my craving for the world that i would like to reawaken. but then, by my former theory, it still exists doenst it?
aaah. okay that was long. of course i didnt write that all in those 10 minutes i said earlier.. i saved it and then came back and continued.
well.. now that you've read this, perhaps you can offer your thoughts or beliefs or comments on mine. im very open minded and i would love to hear anything anyone has to say. even if its that im a crazy raving lunatic and that you hate me. opinions should be heard. give me yours. ^_^ well happy holidays.
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
i dunno
yo so i deleted those pictures of freya, went over them in pen and took new pictures and put them up. they're clearer now but they wont be up till tomorrow i guess. so. okay byebye
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Friday, November 26, 2004
![HASH(0x8b982d4)]( The Hero!
What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
okay so i do every quiz twice because theres always more than one answer.. alright so i did this one like four times but three of those times i got kiba! im the hero. and then the next time i got..
![HASH(0x8d3bcf8)]( The Bandit...
What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
hehe he's pretty. oh yay.... more quizes!!
for the next one; i agree with both of my results. although if you were my friend you would only agree with the first because they don't know ME. (as terrible as that sounds, they only know the front)
![HASH(0x8b167b8)]( Daydreamer...
Who exactly ARE you? (AnImE PiCs) brought to you by Quizilla
![HASH(0x8aaa0c4)]( Destined hero.
Who exactly ARE you? (AnImE PiCs) brought to you by Quizilla
kingdom hearts is way cool. i got normal riku but the normal riku doesn't really match me, my outer me. but this one more or less kinda does. maybe. wouldn't you like to know...
![Mysterious Riku]( An enigma, forever in the mysterious darkness. You live to mesmerize, and you enjoy secrecy. Not the Darkness of Heart, but the darkness of mystery... You're a fascinating person, and always manage to surprise people because you're so vague.
Which Riku Are You? (Kingdom Hearts) brought to you by Quizilla
![jmpe]( Your~Sango~
Sango is a Youkai slayer who lived with her family until Naraku sets her a trap and kill all her family using the body of her little brother Kohaku.She's very tough and independent. She also has a chrush on Miroku,but hasn't amite it to her self yet.So your cool, PLEASE RATE^-^
~What inuyasha character are you~!!NEW!! REALLY COOL.^-^ brought to you by Quizilla
yay for sango
![jmpe]( ~Sesshoumaro~Inuyasha's older brother. Sesshoumaro is a full demon who carries two sword,one use to kill, the other to heal. He's laid back and quit. He's bad/good with a good heart. well you got a single man,good for you.RATE PLEASE^-^
what Inuyasha character would be your boyfriend*UPDATED* brought to you by Quizilla
yeaaaaah! i got sessy!! wooo i love him~~~KKYAAAAA! *giggles*
![jmpe]( ~SAMURI GIRL~ You're nice and wise and beautiful. You're strong and cool. Isn't the gif so cute.^-^
What anime gifs are you. REALLY CUTE PICS brought to you by Quizilla
thas so cute.
Your very mysterous and rare. You're usally laid back and very quit. You're shy,cool,com and lazy. You always seem like your hidding a big secert. You keep to yourself alot, even with friends.Rate^-^
What's your anime hair color? COOL PICS^-^UPDATED!!! brought to you by Quizilla
uhhhhh i think thats enough for today. ha.. haha. alright.
booooo its black friday= work ! boooo. okay mooo im going. byebye
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![]( Kurama is Strategic Botanical Sex
![]( Youko Kurama is Foxy Demon Sex
![]( Hiei is Jaganshi Sex
mmmmmmm mmmmm mmmm!! kurama/youko is my lover! hiei's just my mistress...mister... he's my whore. woooooo! ahhaha
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