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Monday, April 3, 2006
Hey guys. How are you?
I was in a really bad mood earlier. Mostly cuz I got into a huge fight with my mom. I feel alot better now. I'm still a little mad at her right now since she was being really selfish but I'm in a better mood right now. ^^
Anyway, we have the 1st draft of the Death Penalty Essay due today. I hope I do good. ^^;; The second draft is due on Wednesday so I'll be working on that today and tomorrow.
My cousin called the other day and we talked about A-Kon and if we're gonna be staying at the hotel or not. She keeps telling me that I'm lucky to get a room for free there and that I better stay. ^^;;; Yea, but if I do stay, I'll be sharing with a bunch of strangers, who I'm sure are really cool, but I just feel weird around people I don't know. But I'm still thinking about it. Speaking of A-Kon, I'm still not sure which shift I'll be working. As much as I hate waking up early in the morning, I'm hoping to get the morning shift. Why? Cuz all the good things happen in the afternoon and evenings! Not much goes on in the mornings, so that's why I'm hoping to get the morning shift: So i don't miss anything. :P
Wow, I got like 7 comments on my last post! I know that's nothing compared to those who get alot of comments, but I never get alot, maybe like 3 or 4, so that's actually alot to me. ^^;;; I know, I'm a loser. I can't help it. :P I don't know why I'm talking about that. Maybe cuz I was surprised by it and I felt all special (Lol, I'm such a dork, aren't I? :P).
I'm glad you guys liked my new layout. ^^ I found 2 songs that sounded really cool but it was hard to decide on which of those to use. I obviously chose the one that's playing now. Maybe after a couple of weeks, I'll put up the other one since I liked it just the same, too. (BTW, if you're a fan of the Super Metroid game, then I'm sure you'll recognize alot of the different songs that are in this one song. ^_~)
Anywho, see you guys later! ^^/

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Friday, March 31, 2006
Hey guys! How are you?
Nick's recital went really well. He did really good, alot better than most of the kids who had taken orchestra for 2 or 3 years. This is Nick's first year in orchestra, as well as piano. Yes, my Nicky-chan is musically talented. I'm so proud! XD *huggles Nick*
Well, I'll be working on my layout today. ^^ Hope it'll look good. See you guys later! ^^//

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Thursday, March 30, 2006
Hey guys.
Not very many people read my post yesterday so here's a recap of what i talked about yesterday (if you want to read the details on it you'll have to read the post from yesterday):
1. Illegal Immigration Protests
2. Update on my brother, Chris
3. More A.I. talk
4. My brother's rehearsal
Anywho, Lisa left A.I. last night which was good. ^^ Last night's episode of 'Lost' was really good! Can't wait for next week's episode! XD
As I mentioned yesterday, my brother's recital is today. He wants me to go so I will go. :D So, I probably won't be online tonight. Maybe this afternoon but not tonight.
Tomorrow is the last day of March which means I'll be working on a new theme for MyO. I'm thinking of making it Metroid-themed. Yes, I know its not anime or anime-related but I like Metroid and this is my site so I can do whatever I want! :P lol Plus, I can't think of anything else besides what I've done recently already, like InuYasha (dec), DNAngel(Jan, I think 0o), and Rurouni Kenshin(Feb). So I'll be changing stuff around tomorrow. Hope you guys will like it. ^___^
I'll leave you guys with a pic of a chibi version of Samus Aran (from the Metroid games, in case you didn't know ^^):

Isn't she just so kawaii in this cute!? XD
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
This post is much later than usual but I had something to take of this morning. It should be cleared up now. I hope it is cuz if its not, I'm screwed! 0o
Anyways, I heard on the news about these protests that these High School students here in Dallas were having. Yea, they were supposed to be protesting about illegal immigrants but the protest turned out to be just a skip-day for most of the HS students. Alot of the kids were just there to have fun not being in class. Some were even in this fountain or something acting like they were in some sort of water theme park! Some of them didn't even know why they were there in the first place! -_-' Needless to say, the people who planned the protest were disappointed in how it turned out. There's gonna be another protest on April 9th (which is a sunday btw). Even though I'd like to support them, I'm don't plan on protesting. I just find it pointless and don't really think it solves anything. *shrug*
Anyways, I got to see my brother Chris yesterday. Anyone remember me talking about him awhile back? Well, in case you don't, he's my half-brother who i rarely get to see. I haven't seen him in almost a year when he brought his (then) girlfriend and their son, Roman. They lived in Chicago for awhile until he & that girl broke up (not sure when that happened, though). He's been in Texas since the 10th and he called my dad yesterday asking him to pick him up somewhere (I don't know where exactly). They went to my grandma's for a little bit (my dad told me this later) and then came back here at home. We all talked for awhile and had a few laughs (he's always had a great sense of humor! :D). Then, he had to leave before it got too late (my dad can't drive late at night b/c of his diabetes). We had a good time. My grandma wants to do something this weekend so I might get to him again if that goes as planned. ^^
Due to all that, I'm missed most of 'House' last night. I only saw the beginning of it, but its only a matter of time before they'll start showing reruns again or the dvd comes out. lol I got to watch American Idol though. I LOVED Chris's performance last night!! XD I didn't understand why the judges didn't like it though. Maybe its cuz they don't like rock or something (especially Randy, who REALLY gets on my nerves in the first place!) But Paula, of course was still nice about it (I think she got a little crush on him, not that I blame her. ^_~). Simon of course dissed Chris's performance but totally praised that McPhee girl who totally SUCKS!! Why is she still in the competition again! The girl needs to go...NOW!! >< Ace, too. I don't like him! XP Taylor was good, too. His performance was different from what he usually did but he was still good! Mandesa wasn't as good as she usually is, but she was still good. Hmm...*thinks* I didn't get to see Lisa's performance but my mom said she was boring. Ummm...can't think of anyone else....Chris should win!! XD ROCK ON, CHRIS!!! \m/^_^\m/
Anywho, enough of my AI talk for those who don't watch. ^_^ Nick has rehearsal today after school. Tomorrow is his violin recital. I don't know what time the recital is but I'll have to go to support my Nicky-chan!! ^__^
Not much more to talk about. See you guys later!! ^^//
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Hi!! ^^
I feel better today. I didn't talk to my mom about my boyfriend yet. I really didn't wanna be the one to bring it up but knowing my mom, she'll bring him up soon. -_-' I'll talk to her then.
Anywho, I got kinda kinda bored last night but really wasn't in the mood for drawing so I worked a little bit on my InuYasha fan fic. I think I'm gonna change things around before I submit the first chapter to MediaMiner. I'm in the middle of chapter 5 but there's some stuff even in the first chapter that I wanna change. ^^;;; I haven't been working on the fic that much but I'll post up the first chapter eventually. ^^;;;
I got art class today! Wheee!! ^__^ We've recently started using charcoal and I've just discovered how much I love it! XD I think we're still gonna use it today so that'll be awesome! Lol, on friday while working we had to look at eachother's drawings-in-progress to see what needed improvements and what works well, sorta like a critique except that the drawings (which were still-life, btw) were unfinished. 2 guys looked at mine (they're sorta the 'class clowns' btw) and out of nowhere said that it needed more ducks...or dancing penguins...^^;; They make funny comments like that all the time. Lol BTW, the drawing that they were talking about is actually one of my best drawings this semester. Its not completely finished but if I can work on it and finsh it today then maybe I'll show you guys sometime soon. ^^ (I may even add the ducks for amusement! Lol, j/k)
I need to decide on a new theme for next month. I'm gonna work on it on Friday but I still need to decide what the new theme will be. I'm thinking Metroid for some reason. I've been wanting do one. I can't think of anything else. Any suggestions would be great. ^^
BTW, if you haven't checked out my wallpapers, plz do so. Comments are greatly appreciated (I'll even give you cookie!! :D). :P
Talk to you guys later! ^^//
Here's a piece of fan art that I found.

I'm not sure if its Ed or not but whoever it is, he's frikken' hot! XD
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Monday, March 27, 2006
Hey guys. How are you? ^^
Again, its monday. I hate mondays! >< Anywho, I couldn't get online much this weekend, so I wasn't able to update or visit sites.
Yesterday was my little cousin's birthday, as well as my parents' 20th anniversary. ^^ It was an ok day I guess. We went to my aunt's house to celebrate my cousin's birthday then we came home. That night, we watched this movie called "A History of Violence". It was REALLY good! Don't know if you've heard of it, but its with Viggo Mortensen ( <3 ). It was a pretty bloody and gory movie but it still was pretty good. ^^
I submitted some more wallpapers on Friday. One is a Trigun Maximum one and the other one if Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. I really like my FF7 one, even though I only did that one within a few hours. The Trigun one I finished awhile ago but never submitted it. I don't know why, but I didn't. ^^;; Anywho, go check those out when you get chance. ^^
As it says above, I am mostly good. Why mostly? Well, I've had a couple things on my mind this weekend. One of the things, I don't wanna talk about here just cuz its a subject that I really don't feel comfortable talking about anyway. But the other thing that's kinda been bothering me is that my mom's starting to give me crap about my boyfriend. I don't know why, but she's acting like she doesn't really like him. I really don't know what her problem is. I know I shouldn't really care about what she think (and I don't) but it still makes me kinda mad when she says the things that she's been saying. -_-
Ugh, I don't know why, but I'm starting to feel sick. >< I hope I'll be okay once my class starts. I should, don't worry. ^^
I went to Hobby Lobby on saturday. That was fun. I actually just wanted to go there to get some stuff for my art class. But I ended up buying stuff for myself, too. ^^;;; I forgot what I bought just cuz my memory is really bad in the morning, but still, I couldn't help myself. I looked at the easles (wasn't gonna buy one though since I'm trying to save my money for a new computer) cuz I'm starting to want one. We've been using them in my art class which is why I'm just now wanting one. I may get one this summer but I don't know yet. I'd have to figure out where to put it first. My room is so small so it can easily get crowded in there. ^^;;; We also went to Petsmart so my parents could get some stuff for our fish. I went over to the adoption center to look at the kitties. They were so cute!! There was one named Natasha who I definitely would've gotten if it weren't for the fact that my mom's allergic to cats. >< But she was so adorable! After looking at them, I went to go look at the little rodents. They had some pretty gerbils. My gerbil at home is pretty lonely after his brother died. I think he needs a buddy. ^^ I looked at the rats, too. They mostly had those furless ones, which I think look ugly. It woulda been funny if they had a grey rat! XD I'd be like, "It's Yuki!! XD" lol. But they did have a grey mouse that looked alot like Yuki. I woulda bought him but I'd have to buy a separate cage and all that stuff and I don't think I have space for another cage. ^^;;; Plus, mice are nocturnal and I don't want them to be keeping me up at night! (I have enough trouble with my gerbil! ^^;;;).
See you guys later. ^^//
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Friday, March 24, 2006
Hey guys! ^^
I couldn't sleep anymore so I decided to get up. I went to bed kinda early last night anyway, so I actually got more sleep than usual. ^^ The cat slept on my feet, too. :P He's not actually OUR cat, but he always hangs around our house wanting food. My parents started letting him in and now he thinks he owns the place! (lol, its what cats do!) We only let him sleep in our house at night if the weather is bad (we'd end up feeling kinda bad if we didn't ^^;;). Last night was kinda cold so he slept on my bed last night. ^^ He kept my feet warm! :D BTW, he's an orange cat so I like to call him 'Kyou'! XD I took a pic of him so I may post a pic of him whenever I get the film developed. ^^
Oh yea, I also took pics of my room like I mentioned awhile back. But I need to use up the rest of my film before I go get those developed. ^^ I should really get a digital camera, huh? But I need too many things right now and I'm actually quite happy with my camera right now so I'll wait on that. ^^
My brothers have early release today but my mom let Nick stay home with me today. He's playing video games right now, as usual. Later, we gotta clean up a bit before my dad gets home or else he'll have a fit! lol
I killed my LiveJournal the other day. Yea, all my friends who have an LJ, are also on MySpace. Plus, I didn't really use it much anyway, I only used it cuz it was a way to keep in touch with my HS friends. But they (and even more of my friends) are on MySpace, so having both of them seemed pretty pointless so....I killed it. :P
Anyways, hope you guys have a great day! ^^//

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Thursday, March 23, 2006
Hey guys! How are you? ^^
(Warning: American Idol talk ahead) So, "Chicken Little" left AI last night! Yes, I did just call Kevin "Chicken Little". :P I always thought that's what he looked like so that's what I always called him! Lol, then it was funny when people on the show started calling him that. Lol. ^^ Out of the bottom 3 I thought it would be the girl though. She wasn't really as good as the other 2 (Bucky and Kevin). Bucky is USUALLY good but last night he wasn't as good. So, in my opinion, the girl (I forget her name) should've left. Oh well, Kevin's only 16 so he's got alot of potential and I think he'll end up doing great! ^^
Unfortunately, the Gay Rights issue did not win the vote for my English class. >< The Death Penalty did. That was actually my 2nd choice so I guess that's not so bad. But still, I wanted to defend my position in the Gay Rights issue. I really don't have a side on the Death Penalty thing, mostly cuz I don't know much about it. I guess that's why they call it a "research essay", huh? ^^;;
It was cold in my room this morning, so I was very sleepy when I got up. (The cold, for some reason, makes me sleepy. That's why I always have my fan on, cuz if I don't, it gets way too hot in my room!) I was curled up in a little ball under my blankets and I was SOOOOOO comfortable cuz it was so warm! ^____^ So, getting up was hard but I'm up now so....^^ I have tomorrow off so I may sleep in. So if I don't update tomorrow, you know why! :P I only like to post in the mornings. If I post in the afternoons, I don't get many comments so that's why I post in the mornings if I can. ^^
My friend, Mel's birthday is on saturday. I wanna wish her a Happy Birthday but I haven't even seen her since graduation and she's NEVER online! Last time I heard from her she was having problems with her fiance and his stupid ex. Won't go into details on that, but I'm hoping things got worked out. I messaged her on MySpace this morning wishing her a Happy Early Birthday, so I hope she got it. ^^ I miss her alot. She was one of my only true friends in HS, along with Bunny and Cake! ^^. (Lol, we had to give them nicknames eventually cuz both they're names are Rachel and it got confusing whenever we tried to get one's attention. lol) ^^ We had some fun times together! ^____^

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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Hi!! How's everyone?
I'm not as sleepy as I was yesterday morning. ^^ Yay!
Watched American Idol last night. (If you don't watch it, go ahead and skip this paragraph) I'm rooting for Chris to win (I always root for the rocker guys! ^_~). I predict that either him or Mandesa (sp?) will win. ^^ Bucky's okay, too (another rocker guy ^^) but I like Chris better. Alot of the girls were boring, except Mandesa and Paris. I think a guy will win this year, since most of them are better than most of the girls! Go Chris!! XD
Okay, I'm done with my AI talk now. ^^ I have that Short Story essay due today. I hope I did okay. ^^ I worked on the final draft last night. Today, hopefully, our teacher will tell us what our next research topic will be. On Monday, we had a 'vote' between 4 different topics. We all had to write down all of them and rank them, 1 being the one we wanna write about the most. The different topics were Gay Rights, something about cell phones, the Death Penalty, and.....ok I forgot the last one. ^^;; As you already know, I'm hoping for the Gay Rights one. I think it should since its a pretty controversial issue that most people are either strongly against it or strongly for it. I, for one, am very strongly for it! ......I'm still trying to figure out what that 4th one is!!! Darn my bad memory!!! >< Anyway, if that one doesn't win, I'm hoping that we won't have to do the cell phone issue. I'm not quite sure what you can research about cell phones. 0o
Oooh, speaking of which, I keep forgetting to tell you guys that I FINALLY have a cell phone! XD Took me long, enough, ne? ^^;;; I can't use it yet since the plan doesn't start til Apr. 3. I mean, I CAN use it but I don't know what will happen if I do use it before the plan starts. I don't wanna take any chances. ^^;;;
I get paid today! Yay!! XD That's good cuz I need to buy some stuff for my computer. I gotta go to Office Depot to buy some color ink for my printer. I bought some black ink on Sunday but I didn't have enough money to buy the color ink (my printer didn't have ink yet). I also need to go to Hobby Lobby for some stuff for my Art class (and myself ^^). Barnes & Noble is right next door to HL so maybe...^_____^
Anyways, gotta go. Talk to you guys later! ^^//
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Hey guys. Sorry for not updating. I was gonna update yesterday but I really didn't have time to since I had alot of e-mail to check (mostly MySpace stuff, I remember correctly). I hadn't even checked my e-mail since last thursday or friday so there was alot. Then, I spent some time on MySpace cuz I found some old friends from my HS on there. One girl I found is a junior last year and we were in Drama Club together. She worked on the lights while I worked on sound. We always had fun goofing off whenever we could (but were totally serious when it came to the play! ^^) Yea, we had tons of fun. This other guy who worked on lights with her always used to flirt with the both of us (and we flirted back ^_~). But anyways, I found her on MySpace and we messaged eachother. She's in Drama Club again this year and they're doing the same play again this year (since last year we got disqualified for going one frikken' minute over the time limit! ><). I hope the actors are just as good this year (if not better) as they were last year (alot of the actors last year were seniors). I hoep they win this year. If I'm able to, I'll definitely go see them at the competition so I can support them. ^^ Hehe, finding old friends is fun, ne? ^^
Anyways, I'm here now. Spring Break is over and I'm tired. I've gotten used to waking up after 10 am (sometimes later), so I've been kinda sleepy the past couple of mornings. I slept really good last night, too so getting out of bed this morning was a bitch!! >< I was like, " school....must sleep.....*falls asleep*...." I had to force myself out of bed, which is something that I obviously hate having to do. -_-
Omg, yesterday at the train station was bad! >< I totally got hit on by some strange guy. He was looking for some change but instead of just walking off after I said that I didn't have any money, he just starts asking me questions that we really none of his business, like how old I was, and if I was married! 0o I was like, "wtf!?" i didn't say that since I'm too nice. I did tell him that I had a boyfriend and he seemed to back off after that (thank goodness). Yea, I'm hoping that don't happen again. I'm not really comfortable talking to people I don't even know, let along being hit on by one! ><
Anyways, speaking of boyfriends, my boyfriend was unable to visit me during Spring Break due to the fact that he was very sick. He's mostly better now but he told that he didn't want to get me sick so that was why he didn't visit. I totally understand that. The same thing happened to me during Labor Day weekend last September. I was sick that day he came to visit me so I was like, "Don't come near me!" I didn't want him to get sick so I tried my best to not get near him (its hard though ^^;;;). So, I don't know when I'll get to see him. I don't think it'll be anytime soon, though. But I'll wait as long as have to.
Anyways, I should get ready to go to class now. Talk to you guys later!
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