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Friday, February 17, 2006
Well, I'm actually awake today. ^^ Actually I just couldn't get back to sleep. I hate it when that happens! I have the whole day off but then I'm not able to sleep! Waaaaah!! >< Oh well.
I bought some stuff on eBay last week and the payments cleard throughout this week so I should start getting them sometime weekend. Some of them will take longer since some are coming from overseas. ^_^ I'll tell you guys what I bought as I get them. ^__^ I'm so excited!!! I can't wait!! XD
We barely had any groceries so I wasn't able to make dinner last night! >< Hell, we didn't even have any bread so we couldn't even eat a sandwich! 0o So I ordered us a couple of pizzas from Pizza Hut. We still have some leftovers, so...guess what's for lunch! ^___^
I changed my Avvie a little bit. No particular reason for that...I was just bored and decided to do that. ^^ I think it looks better than the last one. Hope you guys agree. ^^
I found this really cool site that has tons of remixes from different video games. I downlaoded some songs and burned them to a disc. So I have remixes from Megaman X, Megaman X4, Super Metroid, and Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. In case you're interested, here's the site.
See you guys laters!

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Thursday, February 16, 2006
Hey guys. How're you today?
I don't know why but I am very sleepy this morning! *yawns* I just hope I don't fall asleep in my History class. Hopefully it won't be as boring today. ^^;; Hopefully, I'll wake up once I get to my first class (Drawing I). I should, I'm standing up almost all through the class (I hate sitting on those stools! They hurt my back!).
I got my test back yesterday in my Sociology class. I did WAY better than I though I would! I got a 98 on it! I was very surprised. I was expecting no more than maybe a 'B' on it! But I got an 'A'! wOOt!! \^O^/ :D
My English class is getting hard. Feh! I hate English! >< I hate writing essays that I have no interest in. At least in English I, I got to choose my topic, but in English II...*groans*. I don't mind the research essays since they're on topics that I'm intersted in. The first one's on Abortion, and I'm doing good on that essay. The second, I'm hoping he'll assign the Gay Marriages topic (he's gonna choose either that one or...something about cell phones. 0o) But I'm hoping he'll choose the Gay Marriages one, cuz I know I'll be able to write a GOOD paper on that topic!! (Those of you who know me really well know why) The papers that I have a problem with writing is the short story papers. Gosh I hate those already!!! >< *pouts* Oh well, I don't have much of a choice. *groans*
My brother's birthday is next week on the 24th! I already got his present, but I won't say what it is yet just in case he reads this post. (Sorry, Nicky-chan. You're just gonna have to wait! :P) I know he'll like it though. ^___^
I've been trying to figure out what my next theme for MyO should be. I was thinking maybe Hyde from L'arc~en~Ciel cuz I found some awesome pics of him on the internet! <3<3<3 But I dunno, yet. I might do that for MySpace... maybe. ^^
Well, I have to leave for my first class now so, I'll see you guys later! ^^/

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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Before I begin, here's some more V-Day cards that I got after I posted yesterday's post (plz check it out if you haven't already):

This one is from Michiyo Thank you, Michi!! *hug*
This one from my boyfriend, who I love oh so very much!!! XD

So how was everyone's V-Day yesterday? Mine's was okay. Although I didn't get to actually be with my boyfriend yesterday, I did get to talk to him over Yahoo. ^__^ That really made me alot happier. I miss him tons, and I don't get to talk to him much so I'm very happy whenever we do get to talk. ^^
My brother brought home TONS of candy...as well as some COOKIES!!! XD I love cookies, can you tell? :D So yea, after dinner I ate like 5 cookies and some candy my brother gave me. So I was really hyper last night....then totally knocked out all night!! Lol Hehe, Sugar-highs are fun!! ^^
My dad took my mom out to dinner last night after giving her her gifts, which was a heart-shaped box of chocolates and a little stuffed devil that sings. I forget the name of the song but its really cute when it sings. ^^
That's pretty much it as far as Valentine's Day goes for me. I hope everyone else's went well. ^^
Anywho, talk to ya'll later! ^^/

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Valentine's Day!

Thank you, Alex!!

Thank you, Lindsey!!
Just want to tell everyone Happy Valentine's Day. ^_^ I hope today goes well for all of you. As for me, I just got home from school and I'm eating some Pop-Tarts! Mmmmm....Pop-Tarts...:P
Art class today was okay. We started on something new so I was happy. ^^ I hated what we were doing last week, so in this case, change is good. :D History was okay, I guess. We're having our first test in 3 weeks and I think I'm gonna die!!!! X.X Yea, I'm not looking forward to his tests. ^^;; He explained everything on he's putting the test together and, well, its sounds really, really hard!! >< But I'll study my ass off so I can pass this test. ^^;; Yesterday my Sociology class was canceled, so I don't know what I made on the test that I took on Wednesday. Hopefully, it won't be canceled again tomorrow so I can know what I made. (Plus, I really like that class. ^__^)
Oh, I got finally got an e-mail from the people at A-Kon!! Guess what? I will get to volunteer at this year's A-Kon!!! \^o^/ I'll be working at the Kon Suite again, too. I worked in there last time and it was actually pretty fun! The people were nice and we just had a good time in there! ^__^ Haven't decided if I'll be sleeping there overnight or not. Depends on if my cousin is still getting us a room in the hotel. Hopefully she will. :D

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Monday, February 13, 2006
Hey guys. Sorry I didn't update at all this weekend but Friday I was just too plain lazy to update (hey, I'm just bein' honest!). Saturday, I spent most of the day taking care of my brothers while my parents were out running errands. I did get to get online for a little while but only long enough to get to some sites (not everyone though, sorry if I didn't get to yours). Yesterday, I was busy trying to get my aunts old computer hooked up in my room. Yea, I'm getting my own computer again. Its an old puter but it still works ok. Only thing is it doesn't have Windows XP, it either has windows 95 or 98, I forget (my aunt NEVER updated anything on it). It doesn't have internet on it yet either but my dad's gonna call SBC to have them put DSL on it. Not sure how much that'll cost though. Hopefully not too much. ^^;;; Well, this summer I'm gonna try to save up some money so I can buy myself a new computer and give this one to my brothers. But until then, I'll do what I can with this one. ^^ I went ahead and installed my Adobe Photoshop on it last night. ^^ I need to hook up my scanner to the puter. I haven't done that yet. But once that's hooked up, I'll be able to scan and edit my art in photoshop. ^^
*sigh* Tomorrow's Valentine's Day. I hope everyone's day goes well tomorrow. Though for me, its just gonna be another day. Nothing special. My boyfriend won't be able to come back to Dallas at all cuz of school. He actually won't even be back til Spring Break, at least that's what he told me. So yea, Valentine's Day is, again, not a happy holiday for me this year. -_-,,, I'm just hoping I don't see too many lovey-dovey couples tomorrow cuz that would just make me even more upset. -_- *sigh*

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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
Late Post Today...
Hi! Didn't get to post this morning cuz I was cramming for my Sociology test which I took today. I hope I did good on it. *crosses her fingers*
I just got home so right now I'm just like...blah *collapses on the desk* lol ^^;; I haven't gotten a chance to watch InuYasha yet since my brother wants me to wait til he gets home so he can watch it with me. So, I'll be nice and wait for him. ^^
I saw this girl this morning who looked VERY familiar. I think I know who she was but I'm not quite sure. I didn't wanna ask since she was with some of her friends (that woulda been kinda awkward if she's not the person I think she is) so maybe if I see her again I MAY ask her. The reason I say 'may' is cuz I'm usually not the type to approach people I don't even know. I'm just not very social, I guess. -_-'
I don't have History class tomorrow so I'll home early. Yay!! ^^ So all I have tomorrow is my Drawing class, which I have HW but its not much so I'll do it later. Probably around 4 or so. ^^
I'll see you guys later!! ^^/

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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Hey guys! How's everyone? Good, I hope. ^^
Well, yesterday my first paycheck came in the mail! XD I was very happy!! ^___^ Me & my mom went to the bank this morning to deposit it. The rest of my paychecks after this one will be direct-deposit so we don't have to keep goin' to the bank. ^^ But yea, I was very happy about that. :D
I'll be working tonight so I won't get to be online tonight. Plus, I have a Sociology test to study for. We're taking our first test tomorrow. I like this class but I'm not sure if the test is gonna be hard or not. Hopefully it won't I just have to make sure I study real hard tonight. ^__^
My cowgirl-elf drawing is ALMOST done!! I hope to have it done sometime this weekend if I don't get too much HW. But its almost done and it will be up soon! XD
Can't wait to watch InuYasha tomorrow!! XD Yes, I know it comes on tonight but I'm gonna record it then watch it tomorrow. :P Oh yea, speaking of InuYasha, plz check out my InuYasha AMV that I posted in my profile if you haven't already. Its not a new AMV, I just decided to put it up during the month of February (cuz, you know, Valentine's Day is this month. ^^) Its the AMV to the Savage Garden song, "The Best Thing" ^^ Hope you like it. :D
See ya'll later!! ^^/

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Sunday, February 5, 2006
Hi guys, I just finished my essay for my class tomorrow. Yay!!! Freedom!! (for now) :P Well, I have the rest of the day to work on may cowgirl-elf drawing. Thought I forgot about it, didn't ya!? :P Well, I didn't. In fact I've started on the bg. ('bout time, ne?) It looks great so far. ^^ Hope to have it finished soon. ^^
News about my brother. He's doing fine right now. We still haven't gotten the results from the MRI yet, though. But Nick seems to be doing well right now. Thanks to everyone who prayed for him. I think they helped alot. ^__^ *hugs everyone*
Tito's back on MyO ya'll!!! XD I'm sure most of you knew that though. ^^;; But its good to have Mr. Blushy back though. :P *hugs Tito*
Ooh, who saw FMA last night!? I don't know 'bout ya'll but I thought Ed looked pretty sexy when he dyed his hair black! ^_~ But last night's episode was really good!! We learned some more about Ed & Al's father (which I won't go into details just in case anyone missed it. ^^). That was surprising, though. I wanna buy the movie soon. I've seen the last episode (I watched it on YouTube.com) so I don't think I'd be TOO lost watching the movie. ^^;;;
Well, not much more to say so I'll see ya'll laters!! ^^//

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Friday, February 3, 2006
Ow!! >< This morning while I was straightening my hair I accidently burned my finger on the flat-iron!! It still hurts!! ><,,,,, I need some ice...*goes and gets some ice*
Thanx guys, for your nice comments on yesterday's post. My brother's feeling ok for right now. He did go to get an MRI done this morning before school. Hopefully that'll help us to figure out if anything's wrong with him. For right now, all I can do is hope for the best.
I'll be busy this weekend so, again, I won't be online much this weekend. I'll try to get on but only if I have time. ^^
Til next time...^^/

Lol, you're never too young to cosplay...
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Thursday, February 2, 2006
I'm a little sleepy at the moment. I need something to wake me up. But I have nothing! ><
Oh, I was browsing through a BUNCH of cosplay pics from A-Kon 16, and it turns out that Pocky-Guy is actually Pocky-Girl! ^^;; Oops...! Oh and I was asked if I'm in that FMA cosplay pic and the answer is....no! :P I didn't take pics of myself cuz, well, I hate the way I come out in pictures. ^^;; So, whenever I do take pics, I look like I'm pissed off, even though I'm not. But I'll be sure to take some pics of myself this year if I get to cosplay. ^^
I've been kinda worried about my brother lately. Why, you ask? Cuz lately he's been getting really sick very easily. He's been missing alot of school, too. Me and our parents are really worried that something's wrong with him. My dad said something about taking him to the hospital to see what's wrong but I'm not sure when. Probably today since my dad took the day off from work to look after him. I hope he does today, cuz I am worried that something might be wrong though I hope there's not. *sigh* I don't ask this often, but I feel that I must but if you are the relgious-type, then could you plz pray for my brother? I would really appreciate it.
Sorry to end this post on such a downer but I really don't have anything else to talk about right now. I'll see you guys tomorrow.
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