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Thursday, January 12, 2006
Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I didn't wake up til like 12 noon and my mom had to use the puter so I didn't get to stay online long. I had time to visit some sites but not all. If I didn't get to your site, I apologize.
Anywho, I got one suggestion for my cowgirl-elf drawing's background. I might do that (if I can, that is. ^^;;;) If anyone else has anymore suggestions on what to put as my background for my cowgirl-elf drawing, I'd greatly appreciate it! ^__^
Sorry this is such a short post. There's just not much to talk about. Meh! See ya'll later!

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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Hey guys! Again, my laziness is keeping me from posting like usual! ^^;;; But I’ll try to update daily again. ^^
I’m almost done coloring my cowgirl elf! XD After I color her, I have to figure out what to put in the background. Any ideas, guys? ^^;;;;
School starts up again next week for me. I’m not complaining or anything. I actually kinda like college. ^^;; That may be b/c I hated HS! -_-’ Don’t ask why. I have my reasons. Let’s just say my HS life would make a good soap opera! ^^;;; But college seems to be a lot easier for me. But I hardly know anyone there, so I’m by myself most of the time. And I’m quiet, too. But I’m the total opposite here a home! Man, my parents can’t even get me to shut up most of the time!! Lol :P Oh well, its only been one semester so I’m sure I’ll meet someone to be good friends with! ^^
Ooh, I played Star Wars: Battlefront 2 the other day with my brother. We played the ‘Instant Action’ mode so there really wasn’t any objective to it other than kill as many people as you can. I like playing on the Heroes side cuz I like playing as that cool-looking alien jedi chick (I forget her name). But she’s cool. I like playing as Anakin Skywalker when I’m playing on the Villians side. I get to choke people with my mind! :P Then I’d go up to them & just attack them with my lightsaber!! Mwahahahahahahah!! *grins* Yea, I may be nice in real life, but I’m ruthless when it comes to video games!! ^_~ At one point, the first team to kill 500 people was the winner. Out of those 500 I killed 167 people! I think that’s pretty good for a beginner!! :P (I was on the Heroes side BTW). But yea that’s a good game. :D
Oh yea, BTW, I submitted two DNAngel wallpapers the other day. Nothing special, I just did them cuz I had nothing better to do. ^^;; Plus, I'm not really that good in Adobe Photoshop anyways. At least not right now. ^^;;;
Well, that’s all for now. See you guys tomorrow!! ^^//

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Thursday, January 5, 2006
Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been updating lately. Its not that I've been busy or anything. I've just been lazy. ^^;;;
I changed the song here on my site. I still like the "The Flame" but the actual version's better. Not too big of a fan of MIDIs. ^^;;; Anyways, I changed the song to "You're The Inspiration" by the rock band Chicago. I love this song. Its really sweet. ^^ I love ballads. ^__^
I've been working on my cowgirl-elf drawing and its coming along nicely. I've started coloring it so it may be done soon. ^^ It may take awhile though since I'm putting a background. But hopefully it will be worth the wait. ^^
Been watching Blue Gender too. Its getting really, really good!! XD I finished the 3rd disc yesterday, which was eps 7-9.
I've also been playing Castlevania: Curse of Darkness. Its a really good game. Its much better than Lament of Innocence, in my opinion, anyway. ^^ I'm right at the end of it wherer I have to fight Dracula. Gosh, he's hard to beat! I can kill his first form, but his second form is hard as hell! I think I should get more level-ups before fighting him. I can't get past Legion, either but he (or it 0o) isn't necessary to fight him in order to finish the game. Only if I wanna get 100% for the game, then I might fight him. But for right now, I'm gonna stay away from him! ^^;;; But yea, C:CoD is an awesome Castlevania game, though Symphony of the Night is still my favorite. ^^
Well, I must get back to drawing now. ^^ See ya'll later!! ^^//

That's Alucard from 'Symphony of the Night', btw. ^^
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Saturday, December 31, 2005
Happy New Year!
Hey guys, not much to post about today but I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year!! XD I don't have time to make you guys a card. I'm sorry. ^^;; So what's everyone's plans for New Years? Me? Whatever comes up! ^^;; Me & my family usually go to my aunt's house but I don't think we're doin' that this year. I don't know what we're doin'. All I know is that my dad's gonna make a ham. ^^ Its robably gonna be just us this, just like our Thanksgiving. ^^ But I'm not complaining. ^^ More food for me! lol j/k
My cousin's over right now. She spent the night last night. Yea, she's one of the only cousins of mine that I actually like. (And I have ALOT of cousins!! That's to be expected in a hispanic family! ^^;;) But she's cool. She likes anime, too. ^^ She has a MyO, too but she NEVER updates! I dunno, I think she just got bored with it or something. 0o But yea, we had fun yesterday just talking about random things. ^^
Anyways, again have a fun (and safe) New Year's!! See ya'll later!

2006 is the Year of the Dog!! ;)
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Friday, December 30, 2005
Hey guys. Sorry about last post. I hope I didn't worry anybody. ^^;; I dunno, I guess I'm just used to keeping things to myself, so I rarely rant about my problems to anyone. I'm just used to having to deal with my own problems when I'm down. I guess years of depression can do that to ya! ^^;; (If you don't know about the whole depression situation, don't worry about it. Most of its over and done with so...yea....on to happier stuff!
But I am feeling alot better cuz things have been worked out. ^^ So I am happy again! *jumps on the bed* *falls* Ow, my bum! X.0 :P
I may get a mic sometime soon. So you guys in Yahoo might get to hear me soon! ^_~ I also need to get new head phones for my cd player cuz mine broke last night. >.<, Actually I need alot of things now that I think about it. ^^;;; Time to go shoppin'!! XD I haven't spent my Xmas money yet or my gift card for that Art Supply Store. Though I think I should save that card for my art supplies for my Art class I'll be taking when school starts up again. Yea, I'll be taking a Drawing class, along with Sociology, English Composition II, and History. (Ooohh, what fun!! -_-'') But yea, I can't wait to get my mic!! XD

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Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I just haven't been really in a good enough mood to post about anything. And I doubt you guys wanna hear me whine about my problems. -_-'
Anyways, I've changed my layout, as you can see. I hope you like. ^^ Its Kenshin and Kaoru. <3<3<3<3
Also if you haven't looked at my Legolas drawing yet, I would appreciate it if you did. ^^ Votes and comments are always helpful, too. ^~
Sorry this was such a short post. I just can't find anything else to talk about. -_-
See you guys later.
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Monday, December 26, 2005
My Christmas! ^_^
Hey guys!! I hope everyone had a great Christmas yesterday!!! Mine’s was great!! Let me tell ya all about it!! *gives ya’ll popcorn while you listen*:
Well, me and my brothers woke up at like 7:30 I think (funny how we’ll wake up early for Christmas! :P), woke our parents, yadda yadda, yadda. Lets get to the fun stuff! After everyone was up and awake we opened our presents. Before I tell you what I got, let me tell you what I got my family. I got Nick a Yugioh:Duelist manga and a Resident Evil action figure of…uh…this guy:
I never played RE4 so I forget the names easily. ^^;;; Anyways, I also got my other brother an InuYasha manga (he’s just now getting into the anime stuff) and a Nightmare Before Christmas wallet (he needed a new wallet. ^^). I got my mom this Sudoku book with a bunch of Sudoku puzzles in it. (BTW, if ya don’t know what sudoku is, it’s a Japanese number puzzle game. Its really addictive too. I’ve played it tons of times already! If you wanna try it out, visit this site) Okay, and my dad. My dad is a collecter of action figures from movies and stuff like that, especially if they’re made bt Todd MacFarlane! McFarlane makes THE best action figures in my opinion. Anyways, that’s besides the point. ^^;; (Me and my rambling! :P) I got my dad this action figure (actually it two but they came in the same box.)from the movie “Alien VS. Predator” and its made my McFarlane so I knew he’d like it. ^^ Here’s a picky of it:
Just look all those details!! Like, I said, THE best action figures!!! :P
Okies, now on to my presents that I got! Okay, first I opened a present that my brother got me, which was one of those ‘How to draw manga’ type of books. That was really cool. That was all until I opened my stocking and there was another present in there. It was the ‘God of War’ video game!! XD I was very happy! But not as happy as I was when I opened my next present!! See, there was this one big present next to the Christmas tree (didn’t fit under the tree!) but it didn’t have a label or anything on it so me and my brothers didn’t know who’s it was. Not until my dad said that it was mine! I was like, “Nuh-uh! You serious!?” And was like, “Yea.” So I start opening it. Couldn’t figure out what it was until I had it completely unwrapped! When I did, I was like very happy cuz I had been needing one of those! XD Anyways, it was an artist-table thingy with an adjust-able tabletop and 3 drawers on each side! I’ve been needing one of those cuz I can’t use a flat table-top. I always need it at a diagonal so when I’m drawing, I was always on my bed with a pillow on my lap and my sketchbook on top of the pillow. And that gets uncomfy after awhile. But now I can actually sit at a desk and draw!! XD Yay!! Haven’t had a chance to try it out though since we only got to set it up last night but I will soon!! XD Oh yea, we got a new PS2, too. Our old one was totally broken and worn out (I’m guessing) and it wouldn’t load most of our games. But now that we have a new one, we can actually play them again! ^_^ Oh and our old one was the first version of the PS2, which was very big and bulky but our new one is the second version which is so frikken’ tiny compared to the first one! Before I opened the box to hook it up, I thought it was just skinnier than the first version, but its actually smaller than it too! I was totally surprised at how small it was! So anyways, I hooked it up but we didn’t get to play it since we had to get ready to go to my aunt’s house.
Over there, we ate (well I ate) tamales and sausages. There was some other food, too but I didn’t get none of that. After we all ate, we opened more presents. My Aunt Rosie and my Grandma Gloria got me a $50 gift card to Hobby Lobby. (Hobby Lobby is where I buy my art supplies in case you don’t know what it is.) My aunt Lamar came to Dallas from England to spend Christmas with us, so that was awesome! ^_^ She’s cool. Anyways, she gave me a card with $40 inside it! I guess she can never figure out what to give me but hey, you can’t go wrong with money! XD My Aunt Sylvia got me a new 11”x14” Sketchbook and some drawing pencils. Wow, now I have two small sketchbooks, and two large sketchbooks, plus a pack of Bristol Board! I think its safe to say that it’ll be awhile til I’m gonna have to buy more drawing paper!! :P Yea, as you can probably tell, my family totally supports my artsy-ness! ^^ Last year, my Aunt Rosie bought me Acrylic paint, along with paint brushes for my birthday. And for Christmas last year, my Aunt Lamar got me a leather portfolio! Yea, its been like this ever since I took a painting class my senior year in High School. My dad even gave me his paint brushes which he used when he was in HS! Anyways, I’m getting off-topic again, aren’t I? Sorry about that! ^^;;;
Okies, after all that, we stopped by my grandma Susan’s house to drop off her presents. After that we went to the movies and saw ‘King Kong’. Wow, that was an AWESOME movie!!!! XD Even if you haven’t seen (or even liked) the original King Kong, you’ll still enjoy this movie very much if you like action. Man, I have no nails left after watching that movie!! lol
After that, we went back home and my brothers enjoyed their new video games. Nick got Castlevania: Curse of Darkness and my other brother got Star Wars: Battlefront 2. Lol, remember when I told ya’ll about me playing the first Battlefront game? Lol, I bet I’m gonna have tons of fun with this one!! ^__^ While they did that, me and my parents set up my desk. We had to re-arrange some of my furniture though. I hate moving furniture but we had to so…yea. After that, I watched this anime my cousin let me borrow, called ‘Blue Gender’. Its totally weird!! 0o And I only watched the first 3 episodes! 23 more to go! ^^ Its really good though.
Overall, my Christmas was great! But I didn’t get the one thing I truly wanted for Christmas. -_-’ That’s the only thing I’m sad about. But I’d rather not go into details on that since I don’t wanna be such a downer. I hope all of you had a great Christmas, though! ^^
I have to go now. Plus, this post is getting super-long so I really do need to go!! ^^;;
See ya’ll later! ^^//
Oh yea, BTW, I posted up my Legolas drawing Saturday night so plz check that out when you get a chance. ^^
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Friday, December 23, 2005
Merry Christmas!!!
Hi. ^^/ Again, I didn’t post. Its hard to get on the puter these days now that my whole family is off for winter break. (Except my dad but he usually gets home from work at around 3:30 or 3:45.) But anyways, I hope everyone’s break is going well so far. ^_^
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve! Yay! Don’t know if we’re doin’ anything tomorrow but on Christmas, we might go to my Aunt’s house and open presents over there (after we open presents over here at our house first. ^_^). But just in case I’m not able to update tomorrow or on Sunday, here’s a Christmas card for you all. I pmed this card to most of but for those who I didn’t get a chance to send it here it is:
Not much more to talk about really. ^^;; I just hope everyone has a Great Christmas! See you guys later!!

Thanx Michiyo!!
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Hey guys! Today is my Grandma’s Birthday!! Yay!! :D I find her birthday very easy to remember cuz its exactly one month after mine! (Mine’s is Nov. 20th, in case ya forgot! :P) Anyways, Happy Birthday to my Grandma!! ^__^
Hey, do ya’ll remember me telling you guys a few posts back that Alex gave me a cool idea for a new drawing? But I didn’t specify what it was exactly, cuz I wanted to at least start on it before I told you guys. Well, I started it last night and its coming along very nicely already so I think its safe to let you guys know what it is. :D Well, if you’ve talked to me quite a few times in the Yahoo-chat-thingy, you probably remember calling myself a “cowgirl-elf”. Yea, me and Alex were talking the other day and he mentioned that it would be cool if I drew it! ^__^ So….I’m drawing it! ^___^ As I said before, its coming along very nicely! :D I can’t wait to finish it!
I’ve been working my Legolas pic too. I hope to get that finished soon so you guys can see! >.<,,,
Well, that’s all for now. See you guys tomorrow…or whenever. ^^;;;;;

Thanx Chris!! *hugs*
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
Hi!! ^^/ Sorry for not posting yesterday! ^^ I wasn't able to get online til in the evening and I was only on for a little but anyways cuz my good friend, Bunny IMed me asking me if I wanted to go Christmas shopping with her. I said yes cuz I needed to get Christmas presents for my family, plus we would have a chance to hag out, which we haven't done in......uh.....a really long time!! ^^;;; So she picked me up and we went to the mall. I got some of my Christmas shopping done. I was only able to get presents for my parents, just cuz I didn't see anything that my brothers would like. But we spent a few hours shopping and then she brought me home. I wrapped the presents that night and now they're sitting under the tree. ^_^ Today, I my dad took me to finish my Christmas shopping and i got my brothers two presents each. ^^ I know they'll like what I got them. :D The only person left on my Christmas shopping list is my boyfriend! I have NOOOO idea what to get him!! >.<,,,, I suck at buying presents for anyone other than family. >.<,,,,, And I inly have a week to figure out what to get him! >.<,,,,,,,,,, I hope I'll find something to give him.
Not much else goin' on here. I'll see you guys later!! ^^/

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