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Friday, December 16, 2005
Ok, this is the third time trying to post this morning! The first two times, I kept getting kicked off the internet! >.<,, But now I’m typing in MS Word, so I can just copy & paste and not have to take the time to retype everything again! (Maybe I shoulda done that in the first place? *smacks forehead*)
Ok, what was I saying? Oh yes, we had critique on our final projects yesterday. Even though I though mine looked like crap compared to the others’, they still seemed to like my project a lot. 0o wtf? Seriously, I thought theirs’ put mine to shame!! ^^;; But they liked mine, even the instructor. So yea, that went well. (Better than I thought it would.) I did end up taking my Math exam. Not that I needed to but my average was only a few points away from a ‘B’. ^__^ I wanted to go for that ‘B’ (maybe possibly an ‘A’?). I needed to at least get an 65 on the test to get to that ‘B’. I think I at least managed that. ^_^ So yea, this first semester is finally over. I was trying to take my nap yesterday when I got home but b/c of the fact that I didn’t get to eat breakfast that morning, I was way too hungry too sleep. ^^;; So I ate a bowl of ramen (Mmmmmm…) but I was wide awake by the time I finished it so yea….so much for my nap! >.<,, Oh well, I got a good night’s sleep last night. ^_^
You know what I hate? Totally awesome movies with a sucky-ass endings!! Yes, I watched one those last night. Has anyone ever seen the movie, “The Skeleton Key” with Kate Hudson? Well, it was a really good movie! Totally suspenseful and all that good stuff! (I don’t have any nails anymore!! >.<,) But when it got to the end, I was like, “What the hell!?” And the credits start rolling and I’m like, “Man, that ending sucked!!” I mean, yea, I like movies with surprise endings and all but this movie’s ending was just….Bad!!
I’m such a movie-buff, ne? My boyfriend says I am! ^_^ I know so much about movies, its crazy!! :D I think I get it from my dad. He’s a bigger movie buff than I am!!
Anywho, I’ll see you guys later! Have a great day! ^^/
Thank you, Alex!! *hugs* Love you bro!! ^__^
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
Hi. ^^ I'm glad you guys liked my AMV. ^^ (In case you didn't get to see it, its in my last post. ^^)
*sigh* I'm mostly good today except for the fact that I'm really worried about Logan-kun. I mean, I'm trying my best to help him with his problems but I'm just not sure if anything I'm saying is helping him. *sigh* I really hope he starts to feel better soon, cuz I don't like seeing my friends as unhappy as he is. -_-,,
Other than that, I guess I'm ok. I finished that project yesterday afternoon. It didn't look AS crappy as a thought it would. Though its not perfect, but I'm hoping the intructor doesn't notice TOO much! I've gotta turn it in today and we're gonna have critique on all of the students' books. I hope this doesn't take too long. I just wanna get it over with. I still need to find my Math teacher so I can found out whether I'm taking the Math exam or not. He's not here yet but I'm hoping he'll be here soon cuz I need to know before my mom gets off of work so she can take me home if I'm not taking the exam. Then, my winter break will start! ^__^ First thing I'm gonna do.....is sleep! lol I'm really sleepy this morning cuz I had a hard time sleeping last night. I don't know why my dad insists on watching the TV at a high volume! >.<,, and he stays up really late at night watchin' TV, too so I can't get to sleep until he turns the TV off! >.<,,, Well, I'm gonna take me a nap when I get home, which I rarely so unless I'm sick or just really, really tired (like now).
Thank you, SessLover18 *hugs*
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Hi! ^__^ I'm glad you guys liked the cards I sent you guys! *hugs all*
I uploaded my InuYasha AMV yesterday so here it is for you guys to watch! ^_^ Just...don't hurt me if its not good! ^^; Its my first InuYasha AMV, after all:
 Click to see Video
Hope you liked it! (If you watched it, that is)
Hehe, Alex gave me a new idea for a new pic to draw! Lol, I'm not sayin' what it is yet, though! :P I wanna at least get it started first before I tell you guys! ^_^ Only me and Alex know! :P It oughta be pretty interesting, though. If you've talked with me in the Yahoo! chatroom before you MIGHT be able to guess what it is! ^_^ But for now I will leave ya'll waiting! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA...*cough cough* *clears throat* ^_^
Anyways, I gotta go work on a project that's due tomorrow. I couldn't do much of it last night cuz I needed bookbinding board for it and we didn't have any. So my mom went to the art store and got some. I got it cut down to the size I needed it to be but now I've gotta put the book together today. I know my book's gonna come out looking like crap (The pages already look messed up! I think I measured wrong somewhere or something 0o). But I'll do my best and hope that it won't be too noticable. ^^;;;
Well, I'm gonna go do that now. You guys have a great day!! ^_^

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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Thanks guys for all those hits and gb entries. ^_^ *sniff* I feel so loved. ^___^ I love you all!! *Hugs everyone & gives everyone cookies* :D
I'm glad you guys liked my AMV. At least those of you who were able to watch it. I totally understand if you weren't able to watch. Internet isn't always friendly. ^^;; I haven't had a chance to upload my InuYasha AMV yet but I'll try to get that done sometime this week. ^^
I made a Xmas card for everyone!! Yay!!! I started sending it to people last night but I had to get off the puter right in the middle of doing that. I tried sending it to people who I know I didn't get to last night but I couldn't remember everyone who I had already sent it to. >.<, So, if you didn't get it, I'm terribly sorry. Let me know if you didn't get one and I shall sent it to you. This time I'll write it down on a Post-it note. That way I won't forget. I think I'm getting Alzheimer's early. I forget things so easily!! Lol ^^;;;;
Well, that's all for now. I've gotta go eat and then finish a project that's (I'm assuming) is due on Thursday.
See ya'll later. Have a great day!! ^^

Is it just me, or does Sesshy kinda sorta look like Johnny Depp in this pic? ^^;;; Maybe its just me...
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Monday, December 12, 2005
Hi! I'm glad ya'll liked my elf sketch. I do plan to do a background on it. I'm just not sure what to put as the bg. I'll figure something out. ^^
As for my FMA AMV, I did upload it so just clicky on the link below to watch:
 Click to see Video
Hope you likey. I finished the InuYasha AMV last night. (I go through these things fast, ne?) I would've uploaded that one too but I didn't have time since my parents wanted me off the puter. >.<, I'll upload it tomorrow maybe since I have the day off. ^_^

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Sunday, December 11, 2005
Well, its gotten alot warmer here in Texas. Thankfully!! ^^
Lol, yesterday, I was playing 'Star Wars: Battlefront' with Nick. I hadn't played that game in so long so I forgot how much fun that game is! I kept dying!! Lol Everytime I died, I was like, "HOLY CRAP!! WHO SHOT ME!?!?" Or if Nick died, I'd be like, "Don't worry! I shall avenge you!!! *shoots whoever killed my brother*" lol One time I accidently shot a wookie in the butt!Lol that was funny! ^_^ On one part of the game, you're fighting on Darth Vader's side & I ended up killing more people than he did! 0o My bro said that I was more evil than Vader! Lol That is such a fun game! ^^ I can't wait to play Battlefront 2! XD
I made another FMA AMV. Its a sad one, though. (I may have mentioned this before, I don't remember. 0o) I haven't uploaded it yet. I may do that later. Right now I'm working on an InuYasha AMV. This will be my first Inu AMV, so don't hurt me if it didn't come out good. ^^; For the Inu AMV I used the song "The Best Thing" by Savage Garden. I usually don't like Pop music (unless its Jpop ^^), but I really like Savage Garden. They're an awesome band!! ^_^ The lead singer, Darren Hayes, is just a great songwriter too. ^^ Wait, what was I taklin' about again? Oh yes AMV. Yea I don't know if any of you have heard that song or not or even heard of the band. But I think its a perfect song for a InuYasha AMV. ^_^ If you wanna see the lyrics, click here.
I got really bored yesterday and just started sketching an elf pic. Its nothing special but if you wanna see it here it is (Click the thumbnail to see it better):
I won't be submitting it since its obvious that its unfinished. I may finish it. But I still need to finish my Legolas drawing which I plan to work on this weekend. Sorry I haven't been working on it. School work and stuff kept getting on the way. But I have four weeks off for winter break so I'll have plenty of time to finish it. ^^
Well, talk to ya'll later! Bye!! *waves*

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Friday, December 9, 2005
I can't feel my toes...
Hey guys. Thanks for your comments on my last post. Yea, my dad can be a real jack-ass sometimes. That day I didn't talk to him at all but yesterday I wasn't as mad anymore so things are ok now.
Well, yesterday was SUPPOSED to be our last day of classes before but the weather on Wednesday got really bad (compared to normal weather here in Texas, since I know its much worse in other places.) I had to walk across the street from my school to a HS where my mom works and she was my ride home that day. So I start walking over there, thinking it wasn't as cold as that morning. (Its kinda hard to tell at first when you walk outside. At least it is for me. 0o) Yea, I was wrong. -_-' A little more than halfway there my face and ears started to hurt. I was like, "Aw, crap!!" But like I said, I was more than halfway there so it wouldn't make any sense for me to turn around and go back. BTW, I know said it was across the street from my school but it takes ahwile to get there since I have to walk through the parking lot which is very big! Then I have to walk across a huge field before I get to the actual 'street'! Then, I have to walk through the HS's parking lot! All of this walking, while I'm freezing my ass off! Both me & my mom knew it would be cold that afternoon but not THAT cold! All I had on was a sweater and a light jacket over a T-shirt! And I had long socks on so my legs weren't as cold as they coulda been if I have worn my usual socks which stop just above the ankle. But I got there okay w/o freezin' to death. My mom usually gets off work at 4:30 but they let everyone off of work at 3:45 b/c of the weather. (....I just realized I've been rambling about Wednesday's weather instead of talkin' about yesterday like I intended. Lol, Funny how that happens. ^^) Anyways, like I said, yesterday was SUPPOSED to be the last of classes before finals. But b/c of the weather on Wed., all classes were cancelled! 0o That's usually a good thing, but there's was stuff that I needed to take of that day. >.<, I'll have to figure something out. -_-'
Its still kinda cold today but not as bad as yesterday. But I still need to wear a sweater and (at least) two pairs of socks...inside the house!!! I get cold very easily, too! ^^;; Right now, I'm drinkin' a huge cup of hot chocolate!! ^_^ Mmmmm...chocolate. ^___^

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Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Its almost over....
Just need to get through today and tomorrow and I'll be able to relax finally. Tonight, I have to finish making designs for our final project that's due by the end of class tomorrow. I'm hoping it'll be finished before I have to turn it in. Today, our final essay is due in my English class. I have mine ready to turn in, I'm just hoping that it'll be good. ^^; I always worry about stuff like that. I'm always worried that my assignments aren't as good as they can be. I guess I'm too much of a perfectionist at times. ^^;
Speakin' of that essay, my dad totally pissed me off last night cuz he kept complaining that I was 'hogging the computer' last night. I don't know what part of 'I have a research paper to type up' he doesn't understand! And knowing him, he probably only wanted to get on the puter to play computer games like he always does. I swear, he acts like such a little kid. Then afterwards, he couldn't understand why I was so pissed off later! Sometimes I think he only cares about himself. That's what pissed me off the most! He acted like he didn't even care that I've been trying my hardest to get all this work finished for the past week! He doesn't even try to realize how stressful this past week has been for me and all he wants to do is bitch and complain when I'm using the computer for something important. My mom tried to calm him down, but my dad's stubborn and won't ever listen to anybody. He started getting snappy at everyone, pretty much.
After I finished my paper, I spent the rest of the day in my room with Nick. He likes to come into my room in the evening just to talk about whatever before he has to go to bed. Last night we mainly talked about A-Kon. I keep tellin' him that he should cosplay as Yahiko from Rurouni Kenshin instead of Kyou from Fruits Basket. The reason for that is cuz he acts JUST like Yahiko!!! He took a quiz here on Otaku, I think on which character he was from Kenshin...and who do you suppose he got as a result? Yep, he got Yahiko! :P But he still wants to cosplay as Kyou. But I think he would make a better Yahiko than Kyou. *tries to imagine Nick with orange hair* *laughs* And it would be sop perfect if he went as Yahiko, too since I'm gonna be cosplaying as Kaoru (at least that's the plan!) XD
Its starting to get very cold down here! The weather people say that there's a "possibility" of snow sometime this week. I'm skeptic on that. It hardly ever snows here in Texas. I don't remember the last time it snowed, now that I think about it. But even if it does snow, it won't last very long. It'll more than likely all melt within a day.
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Monday, December 5, 2005
Gonna be a busy week...
Hey guys. Did ya'll miss me over the weekend? :P Lol, yea right. Anyways, I've finished everything that's due today & I have one more project that I need to finish for tomorrow. Though, that's gonna take me awhile to do, so I doubt I'll get much sleep tonight. But that's ok. I've done it before so its no big deal really. I just hope I don't keep anyone else in the house up. Yea, this week's gonna be very busy with my final project in my 2D Design class. Finals are next week, too so I'll also be studying alot, too, at least for the classes that will give exams. There's no exam for my English class & my Math test today will determine whether or not I'll be taking an exam for that class. And for 2D Design, our 'exam' is just gonna be a critique of our final project. Not sure about my 3D Design class, though. I'll have to find that out today.
Anybody notice the music I put on here? ^^ Its the Trans-Siberian Orchestra in case ya didn't know! ^__^ I love this song! ^___^
Well, I'll talk to you guys later! *waves*
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Thursday, December 1, 2005
Hey guys. I probably won't be posting anything til sometime next week. I definitly won't be this weekend. -_- Why, you ask? Cuz I have so much hw!! >.<, Ok, I have like,...*counts*...6 projects to work on (5 of them I have to have finished by Tuesday!), I have to write a rough draft for an research paper (the draft is due Mon & the final paper is due Wed), then I have another project due Mon, and I also have to study for my Math test, which I have to take before Tues. Yea, this weekend's gonna be hell! Next week is the last official week of clas & the next week is Final Exam Week. I doubt I'll be getting alot of sleep this weekend. So much work in such little time. >.<,,, *sigh* but I'll try. (Not like I have much of a choice, anyway.)
On to some happier stuff. Last night's 'Lost' was ok. We learned more about Kate's past & also her feelings for Sawyer (as if that weren't already obvious!)...yet, earlier in the episode, she was making out with that doctor guy! 0o Girl just can't make up her mind, can she? They had the funeral for that one girl (I forget her name) who was accidently shot & killed by one of the other survivors. And of course, since this is 'Lost', there was a cliffhanger-ending. Damn those!! *shakes fist* ...Hey! I said on to HAPPIER stuff! *smacks forehead* whoops. lol oh well, maybe next post. ^^

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