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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Hi. ^^ So sleepy this morning. *yawns* 2nd night in a row where I haven't gotten much sleep. >.<, Mostly tossin' & turnin' all night. -_- Eh. I think I'll get through today though. Hopefully I'll get some sleep tonight. *yawns again*
I made an AMV last night just for the hell of it. *shrug* Its actually kind of a sad AMV, though. ^^; I found the piano version of 'True Light' by Shunichi Miyamoto & it made me want to make the AMV. Its an ok AMV I may upload it onto here so you guys can see it but I should probably edit it a bit. (I only made it within a few hours, so its probably not as good as it could be. ^^;) We'll see.
I finshed my InuYasha game again last night. I was just gonna play for a little bit but I ended up finishing the whole game instead. ^^; See, I was trying to find that frikken' cat so I can save the game cuz I wanted to go work on my fan fic. But I couldn't find it so I decided to keep playing til I ran into it, like I usually do. Funny, how that thing is always there when you don't need it but when you don't need it, its nowhere to be found! -_-' But I ended up defeating Naraku & Utsugi before I got a chance to save the game. Oh, and about Elves's comment: It really depends on how you play the game. See, last time I played this game, I hung out with Miroku alot & my character developed a crush on him. After I finished the game, I wondered if the same thing would happen with InuYasha if I hung out with him all the time. Sure enough, it did. ^_~ I start a new this weekend if I have time. I hope so. ^^
Anyways, gotta go now. See you guys later! ^^
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Monday, November 28, 2005
Hey guys. Sorry about my last post. I really wasn't in a good mood. I'm still not as happy as I was before, but I do feel a little better.
My PS2 decided to work yesterday! (Its a miracle!! XD) So almost the whole day yesterday I was playing my InuYasha RPG game!! My character's starting to get a crush on InuYasha! lol Last time I played this game, she started getting a crush on Miroku. LOL However long our PS2 will work this time is anyone's guess. -_-' Oh well, until we get our PS3...
I've been working on my InuYasha fan fic this weekend I'm up to chapter 5. ^^ I only have the first 3 chapters posted on FanFiction.Net I need to type up chapter 4 & edit it before I post it. I might post the fic on MediaMiner but I don't know. *shrug*
Well, that's all for now! See you guys later!
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Sunday, November 27, 2005
Hi guys. I'm feeling really down right now. Almost to the point of crying but I'd rather not talk about it. I'm sure you don't wanna hear me whine about my problems anyway.
Anyways, I'm glad most of you liked my new theme. I know its kinda early for putting up Christmas-y stuff but I couldn't wait. ^^ I guess my parents are in the Xmas-y mood as well, cuz we've already put our Xmas decorations around the living room. Now our living room looks all purdy. :D
Hmmm...not much more to talk about really. At least I can't think of anything. See you guys later.
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Saturday, November 26, 2005
Hey guys. Sorry I haven't posted anything since Wednesday. ^^; Its not that I was busy or anything. I just really didn't feel like it. *shrug* Sorry.
Anyways, I hope everyone had a good Turkey Day!! ^___^ Mine's went well. Though I think I ate more cheesecake than I did turkey. 0o Yea, me luv my mom's cheesecake. ^__^ But we still have PLENTY of leftovers. (who doesn't?) That was pretty much my Thanksgiving. It was just me & my family so it was actually kinda peaceful. ^^;;; After Thanksgiving though, I'm just starting to feel kinda worried about something. I don't wanna go into details right now. I'm just hoping things aren't as bad as I think they might be. However today goes will determine that. -_-'
Anyways, sorry this wasn't one of my usual happy posts.
BTW, I'll be changing my layout & making it all Christmas-y!! ^__^ It'll either be Fullmetal Alchemist or InuYasha. Haven't decided. We'll see.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Hey guys. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving as you already (should) know. ^^ What are everyone's plans? Just wondering. ^^ Me? Well, its just gonna be us thia year. We usually invite people over or go somewhere else's house for Thanksgiving but not this year. Which I guess is a good thing. (More food for us! :P) I thought I heard my mom on the phone last night saying that my brother, Chris, might come to see us. But I don't know if she was talking about Thanksgiving or Xmas dinner. 0o Hopefully Thanksgiving cuz I miss him alot. ^^ My boyfriend says he's coming home for Thanksgiving but whether he'll come see me or not is anyone's guess. -_-' We'll just have to wait & see. I'm not expecting him on Thanksgiving cuz he'll probably be spending it with his mom & brothers. So maybe sometime during the weekend. Hopefully, anyway.
So I made my wish list yesterday after I posted. I only put a fwe of the things that I really wanted since I know my parents aren't exactly made out of money, you know. ^^ (And no Chris, amazon.com doesn't sell Orlando Bloom, unfortunately. -_-') Well, now that the Xbox 360 is out now, I'm wondering if the PS3 will be out soon. Anyone, happen to know when it comes out? cuz that's the console I want, though I'm sure its gonna be majorly expensive just like the 360! >.< So, what's on everyone's wish list this year? (I'm just wondering. Sorry if I seem nosy. ^^;)
Talk to you guys later!

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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Hey, guys. Hehe, when I logged in, I noticed that on teh Popularity Ranking, it said that I'm #666. lol I found that kinda funny. ^^
Anyway, not much goin' on here. I stayed up til 10:00 last night painting a project for class. Its not due today or anything, but I was bored & needed something to do so why not? *shrug* While I was doin' that, I was watching an 'Xbox 360 premiere' on G4. I only got to watch the first 2 hours of it before I decided to go to bed. I was kinda tired for some reason. So tired that I forgot to take my contacts out before goin' to bed! 0o So yea, I slept with my contacts still on. Whoops. ^^;
My dad e-amiled me his Amazon.com wish list for Xmas & that reminded me that I have to make mine. Actually I have one already but I need to edit it...alot! I haven't even looked at it since last year. ^^ Yea, I'll do that sometime today or tomorrow.
See you guys later!

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Monday, November 21, 2005
Hey, guys. Yesterday went pretty well. People started coming at around 4:30 or so. We ate a bunch of food & a bunch of cake. ^^ (What else do ya do at birthday parties? ^^) Me & my cousin Marissa mostly just hung out in my room. She wants us to go to this anime convention in April. Only thing is, its in Houston (or maybe Austin, I don't remember) Neither of us drive (I don't know how & she's not old enough) & I doubt even one of our parents would want to drive us there. I told her that I'd rather just wait until A-Kon which is in June & its here in Dallas. But she's still wanting to go. If we can work something out then maybe...*shrug* My presents? I got $90 & a watch. ^^ Don't know if I'll ever use the watch (its very girly-looking 0o), but I'm gonna use the $90 for Xmas present for me family. ^^ I already know what to give my mom. I think I know what to give my dad. Not sure about my brothers though. I'll think of something. ^^ Whatever I have left over, I'm gonna save for A-Kon. I need to save up as much money as I can for that. I'm gonna buy stuff like crazy, just like I did at the last one. lol But of course, I'll stay away from the stuff that seems way too expensive! Like last time, I saw this one booth where there was all these JPop & anime/video game OSTs & I saw the Castlevania: Symphony of the Night OST for like, $40!! I was like O.O!!! Although I really wanted I didn't buy cuz I was pretty sure I can get the exact same cd on eBay for much less. Sure enough, I was right. I found & bought the cd for less then $15! This is why eBay is my best friend! ^^ lol Also, I'm gonna wait til the last day to buy anything anyway, cuz that's when they start lowering the prices. ^____^ That's something I had to learn the hard way last A-Kon. lol Oh well, at least I know now. ^^ ......how did I start talking about anime conventions? Dunno. I find the smallest things to ramble about. lol
Well, here's all the bday cards/pics that I got.:
This one is from Alex as you already know:
This one is from Michiyo
This one is from Sam
And finally this one is from Tito
Thankies for making those. You really didn't have to but you did anyway. ^^ *hugs* Also thankies everyone who wish me a 'Happy Birthday' or a 'Happy Early Birthday'. ^^ *hugs everyone & gives them some birthday cake* ^^
Well, that'll be all for today. See you guys tomorrow.

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Sunday, November 20, 2005
HI!!! Today is my birthday!!! XD I can't be online long so this will be a short post. My parents decided to have a roast today & invite some people over to celebrate. ^^ I'll update tomorrow & let you guys know how everything went. See you then.

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Friday, November 18, 2005
Hey, guys. ^^ So what did ya'll think of my AMV? Hope you liked it. I'm gonna take it off either today or sometime this weekend cuz I wanna put a song on here again. ^^
Well, its finally startin' to get cold here in Dallas. Not too cold though. Just cold enough for me to wear a light jacket. But even so, when its cold outside, our house feels really warm & cozy. I slept so good last night. ^^ I know its not even Thanksgiving yet, but I'm already ready for Christmas to be here. ^^ I think it may bethe cold weather. It just reminds me that Christmas is near. I love Christmas. Its my favorite holiday. ^^ I'm looking for good Christmas songs to put on here but I can't seem to find any i like. I was hoping to find some Trans-Siberian Orchestra songs but I can't find those anywhere. >.<, And VideoDesk.com doesn't like me so I can't just use the songs on my cd. >.<,,, Maybe I can use the song, 'What's This?' from Nightmare Before Christmas. I know where to find that song. Maybe...Don't know yet. ^^;
Alex put this little Questionare thingy on his site & I'm just curious as to what answers I'll get. ^^ I know some of you are tired of answering these questions, so if you don't want to answer, I completely understand. You don't have to if you don't want to. So if you don't wanna just skip it. ^^ If you do want to answer the Q's, well, go ahead. ^^
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. Would you want to meet me?
4. Do you want some ice cream or cookies?
5. Would you kiss me if I let you? (Straight girls don't have to answer this question. ^^;)
6. Explain why you picked your username.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression [of me]?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. If I were to move next door to you. What would the 1st thing you would do?
13. When did you last read my post
14. What are you thinking of now?
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
16. What song are you listening to right now?
17. What is the first thing you would do if I were to stand in front of you?
18. What would you do if a cute or pretty boy or girl would to say hi to you?
19. What would you do and say if I was feeling down now?
20. What do you like most about me??
Little inufan made me this for my birthday:

Thank you Michiyo!! ^^ *huggles* I really like it!! XD
My birthday's the day after tomorrow. I should do something fun on that day...but what? 0o Disney on Ice is this weekend but...its 'princess-themed'. Yea, it looks a little too girly for someone like me. And Disney on Ice is usually fun, too! >.<, I went either last year or the year before & I was sining to every song on that played! Esp. the songs from 'The Lion King' (THE best Disney movie EVER!) *starts singing 'Hakuna Matata'* lol But, I dunno if I'll do anything this year. I don't even know if I'll be gettin' any presents. (I doubt I will) Oh well. ^^
Talk to you guys later! (And sorry for the long post. ^^;)

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Thursday, November 17, 2005
Hey guys! How are you? ^^ Hey, do you guys remember a few weeks ago I told you guys that I had lost my sketchbook. Well, guess what!? I FOUND IT YESTERDAY!! Its like it shows up whenever you DON'T look for it! -_-' But I found it & now I'm very happy! XD So, that means Chibi Yuki, Chibi Kenshin, & Kyou and Kagura are back on the list of drawings that i need to finish. ^^ *hugs her sketchbook* How I've missed you so....
In case you didn't get to see it, my AMV is still up there in my profile. I hope you guys enjoy it! Let me know what you think, too. ^^
Wow, last night's episode of 'Lost' was awesome. At least we (kinda) know what happened to the other survivors. Plus, I love Michelle Rodriguez! She always plays a bad-ass chick!! (She plays 'Anna' on Lost, in case you watch it but don't know who she is. She also comes on alot of movies but I don't feel like listing any right now. :P) When she started beating up one guy (& then the other one! ^^) I was likue, "YEA!! KICK HIS ASS!!!" lol Next week's episode is gonna be really good! The remaining survivors finally reunite. Can't wait!^^
Well, gotta go now. See you guys tomorrow! ^^

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