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Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Hey, guys. I' woulda posted earlier this morning like I usually do, but I was trying to upload one of my AMVs onto YouTube, then onto here. ^_^. If you haven't watched it yet, its in my profile up there! *points up* I'm sorry if its a little blurry. The actual thing is actually crystal clear, but when I uploaded it, it made it a little blurry. I hope you can still enjoy it. ^^ I'm gonna redo my first AMV (the one up there is my second one). I think I can make tons of improvements on it, so I'll do that. (After I finish the Legolas pic, of course. ^^ Don't want you guys to wait longer than you have to. ^^; I'll get that as soon as I can, I promise. *hug*)
But you guys let me know what you think of the AMV, k? ^^
Today, in 3D Design class (the one I rarely talk about! :P) I had to cut wood! It was actually kinda fun. ^^ Only thing is, I'm covered in saw dust! >.< I got most of it off, but I couldn't get it all! lol I just hope it not too noticable. ^^; I have another class to go to in 35 minutes, so...hehe. Otherwise, I wouldn't have cared. *shrug* Oh well. Its no big deal. I went to Math class yesterdasy with paint all over my hands. Nobody seemed to notice. lol
4 more days! XD Lookie what Alex made me:

Ok, everyone on the count of 3...1...2...3...AWWWWWWWWWWWWW!! ^_^ Isn't he just so sweet!? He did not have to do that for me but he did. ^__^, I really love it, Alex. Thanx so much! ^^ *hugs Alex* Luv you big bro! ^___^
Talk to ya'll later!

Mmmmmm...sexeh!! :P
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Well, Lindsey's seems to be doin' much better. I'm very happy! ^__^ Not sure about Logan-kun but hopefully he's at least a little better. (Yes, I know. I worry about my friends alot but *shrug* that's just how I am. ^^;)
I colored a little more of my Legolas drawing last night. I just added some more color to his hair. After I'm done with the hair, I'm gonna start on his clothes. Dang, I just realized that I haven't submitted anything in awhile! *checks her fan art* Wow! I haven't submitted anything since September 19th! O.O! And that was my Jak drawing! I don't think I've eve gone that long w/o submitting something. ^^; *checks fan art again*...okay I have. ^^; There's a huge gap between 'Vankala 2' which was submitted on 12/11/04 & 'InuYasha & Kagome' which was submitted on 3/12/05. Let's hope Legolas doesn't take that long. If I have time to tonight, I'll color some more. I have some English hw to do & I don't know how long that'll take.
I'll talk to you guys later! ^^
(5 more days! XD)

Hey that looks like me & Nick whenever he tries to take my Ramen! lol
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Monday, November 14, 2005
Hey guys. How are you? Me? I'm mostly good. The only thing that's bothering me is what's been goin' on with a couple of my friends. Lindsey's having a tough time at the moment. (Details are on her site.) I hope her situation gets sorted out soon. Also, Logan-kun seems to still be kinda down. He feels a little better (according to yesterday's post) but if you could continue to give him support, that would be great.
Other than that, things are going pretty good over here. Had fun last night talkin' with some of you in Yahoo! ^__^ To anyone who I didn't get to talk to last night, here's a brownie. *gives you a brownie* ^^ I made brownies last night & shared with everyone in Yahoo...after they attacked me for them. ^^; Yep, it was fun. I finally got to hear Tito talk! XD (After practically begging him to say something!) Then me & michiyo had fun makin' him blush. ^_~ Though, that's not hard to do. (which is why its so fun!) ^^
Anyway, that's all of my ramblin for today. See you guys tomorrow! (Oh yea, before I go...6 more days!! XD)

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Saturday, November 12, 2005
Hey, everyone! Well, the interview went well yesterday. I thinks its likely that I'll get the job. (I hope so anyway ^^;)
Hehe, glad you guys liked my pics yesterday. ^^ lol, yea, my dad's a MAJOR KISS fan! :P I mean, I love KISS too but, lol, not as much as he obviously does. Actually, now that I think about it, I like alot of the same bands that he does! :P
Today is my good friend, Bunny's birthday!! She's turns 19 today! XD Hope she has a great birthday!!! I'll be sending her an eCard today! ^__^
8 more days til mine!! XD Me so excited. And yes, Chris, there are other guys on my list but I'd better stop before my house is filled with hot guys everywhere. I don't think my dad or my brothers would like that too much. Mom would, though. :P Sorry little inufan for not letting you know sooner. ^^; But you really don't have to make me a card. Don't stress yourself over me. ^^; Its ok, really. (I sound like Tohru, don't I? lol)
Before I go, I just wanted to mention that my good friend, Logan-kun could use some help & support. He's goin' through alot at the moment, so if you could visit hos site and give him some nice words, I'm sure he would appreciate it.
See you guys later

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Friday, November 11, 2005
Hey everyone. I have a job interview this afternoon at 2pm. I hope it goes well & I get the job. Wish me luck. ^^;
My brother is feeling much better. My mom picked him up from my grandma's house yesterday & he was acting normal (which is hyper & runnin' around like crazy, much like his older sister :P) So he's fine now & is at school right now. ^^
9 more days! XD Lol, both Alex & Chris gave me Orlando Bloom for my B-day! Awesome! I get Orli twice! Now if only I could have Johnny Depp, too. :P j/k
Hey, my good friend, Logan-kun showed a bunch of his friends here on MyO how to "take pictures" of our computer screen. ^^ I went a little crazy with it. Here's some pics I took (click the thumbnails):
My folder is pretty organized, ne? Let's take a look inside some of the folders! ^^

These are the AMV's that I made. I don't have that FTTP thingamajig Elves was talkin' about so I don't think I'll be uploading them any time soon. That kinda sucks cuz I wanna show you guys. >.<,
Here's some AMV's that I downloaded that I haven't burned to a disc yet. I have two burned discs full of AMV's already!

Here I'm listening to an anime mix cd that I burned. (This is in iTunes, BTW) ^^;
Speakin' of iTunes, here's proof that my dad is a KISS-fanatic!
Wow, that's alot of KISS! Still need more proof? Look at our desktop!
He has a foler on the puter FILLED with KISS pics! 0o And he wonders why our puter runs slow! -_- I need to teach him how to put burn those to a CD-R! XP
Well, that's all for now. See you guys later!

Awww, kawaii! ^^
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
Hi!! ^^ How are you? Me? I'm ok. Kinda sleepy for some reason. *yawns* Meh! I'll probably wake up once I'm in class & doin' something. ^^
My little brother is sick today & had to stay home from school. My grandma's takin' care of him for the day. He should be fine soon. He usually recovers fast! ^^
10 more days til my birthday! XD Not sure if I'm gonna do anything for my birthday. My parents are getting to where they don't want to invite people over, like we usually do. When it was my other brother's (not Nick) birthday, they didn't wanna invite people. They don't even wanna invite people over for Thanksgiving. They want it to be just us. Which is ok, I guess. We've done it once before. More left-overs for us! lol So...what do I want for my birthday? Hmmmmm...*thinks*...can I have Orlando Bloom? lol :P j/k *sigh* Wouldn't that be nice? ^^
See you guys later!

Ooooooh!! I want those shirts!! XD I'll take the Kyo one, the Yuki one, OH I MUST have the Haru one!! XD Me wuv Haru!!
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Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Wow, I wasn't expecting anyone to comment with their memories of me on my last post. But, it was nice that you guys did. ^^ *hugs*
Well, I got the Math test back. -_- I didn't do as good as I'd hoped. But there is good news!! See, our teachers is giving us 4 tests this whole semester but he's only gonna average 3 of them. So, I gotta study harder for the next two!! And (hopefully) pass with at least a 'B+'. *pounds desk* I shall!! ^^
I was gonna start listing some ideas for the manga I wanna start. (I doubt anyone remembers when I decided on this, but I do mention it in my profile up there at the top of my page *points to profile* See?) Yea, but I seemed to have gotten distracted by 'Bones' & 'House' last night. ^^; I don't usually watch 'Bones' but my mom does & I don't know why but I just started watching it. It actually seemed kinda good so I just wathced the rest of the episode even though I had no idea what was going on! lol But it was good. ^^ I might start watching it weekly now. And 'House' was really good last night! Though the show is good every week, so that's nothing new. ^^ Tonight, I gotta watch 'That 70's Show' & maybe 'Lost' if its a new episode(last week, it wasn't! XP)
Hey, guess what? 11 MORE DAYS TIL MY BIRTHDAY!! XD Yes, I still count down days til my birthday. ^^ I could be turning 50 & I'll be counting down. Yea, I'll be old but that don't mean I can't have fun!! XD
See you guys later!

Uuuuhhh...Roy? I don't think that's a basketball...
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
Hey everyone!! *waves* n_n How are you? Me fine! ^^ Took the math test yesterday, though I didn't get to study yesterday like I planned. I think I still did ok on it. At least I hope so anyway. ^^
I think we'll get the grades today. I don't really remember how long it took to get our grades last time. *tries to think but fails to remember anything* ^^;
I typed this in my last LiveJournal post (I got from someone else's LJ, BTW):
"If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want, either good or bad. I promise not to come after you with a spatula or hamster, either way.
When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people remember about you."
lol, I got some interesting responses. There were some cases where I was just like, "Ooooooh yeeeeeeaa!!!" ^^ lol It was interesting to see what kinds of memories people have about me. ^^
Didn't get any drawing done last night. I would have if it weren't for my laziness last night. ^^ I just chilled in my room while Nick kept talking about the new Castlevania game for the Nintendo DS. He says he's gonna buy me a DS for my birthday. That would be very nice but I'm wondering where he's gonna get the money for it. And in time for my birthday (which is the 20th of this month!). He says its gonna be a late birthday present...a really late birthday present. ^^ Isn't my bro just so sweet? But yea, he was going on about both new Castlevania games (the one for the PS2, Curse of Darkness, comes out today, I think. I want!!!! XD). Though half the time my mind went somewhere else. (I have a very short attention-span) ......ok WHY am I talking about my bro & his games?....oh yes, my laziness last night! (See what I mean?)
BTW, my good friend Logan-kun is having some trouble with the moderators at theotaku.com. If you could go to site & give him some support, that would be nice. Thanx a bunch!
See ya'll later!

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Monday, November 7, 2005
Hey everyone! Sorry I didn't post at all this weekend (except for Friday). ^^
I was asked in my last post's comments what my username on AnimeMusicVideos.org was. My username's 'Vankala' but I haven't uploaded any videos on there yet, since I haven't figured out how to upload them on there. -_-' I'll let you guys know when I do figure that out. ^^
So, anyway, how was everyone's weekend? Mine was ok. Studies a little for that Math Test. I hope I do good. ^^ I'm gonna take it this afternoon instead of this morning. I still think I should study some more. When I wasn't studying I was working on my Legolas pic. I've got his face colored & started on his hair. Hope to have it completely finished soon. XD
I watched the movie 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' last night. It was ok. I thought so anyway. ^^
BTW, check out Lindsey's new pic! (If ya haven't already, that is! ^^)
Not much more to say so see ya'll later!! ^^

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Friday, November 4, 2005
Hi!! How's everyone? ^^ Last night was my little brother's piano recital. He did very well. He's really good even though he's only been playing since August! I used to play the piano in 5th & 6th grade & I was an okay player but I haven't played since then so I've forgotten alot of things that I learned back then. I can still read music (kinda) but that's about it. My brother's the one who's got the talent when it comes to music. He's learning how to play the violin, too! Lol, my dad says he wants him to learn how to play the drums. I'm not sure why though. 0o I'm sure Nick can learn them if he wanted to, though I don't think he does.
After the recital, they had a reception. All the piano students had to bring snacks. (And there were ALOT of piano students) And almost EVERY student brought cookies!! I was like, "Whoa! That's alot of cookies" I think there was like, one bowl of Lays' Potato Chips & a plate of crackers & dip! Everything else was chocolate chip cookies, Oreo's, Oatmeal Creme Pies, & lots of other types of cookies you can think of! I looked around & saw all these little kids with plates full of cookies! I was like, "These kids are gonna be wired tonight!!" lol Almost feel sorry for the parents. XP ^^
I finished my 2nd FullMetal Alchemist AMV. I think its better than my first one (which I have yet to even submit to animemusicvideos.org ^^;). I'll try to do that...someday. XP
Earlier this morning, my mom tried to bring me an Employment Application for Tom Thumb. She stopped by the house to bring it to me & then she left to go to work. I was willing to fill it out & take it to Tom Thumb but I looked over it...and it turned out to be the wrong application! It was actually an application for the 'Tom Thumb Reward Card'! Lol I called her to tell her that & she was like, "Oh, then...nevermind." Lol, so I might go over there later to pick up the right application. ^^

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