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Birthday 1986-11-20 Gender
Female Location Dallas Member Since 2004-07-12 Real Name Rosa
Anime Fan Since Sailor Moon came out ^^ Favorite Anime InuYasha, FMA, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, alot of other....^^; too many to list! Goals To make my parents proud of me. ^^ Hobbies Drawing, playing video games, chatting, Internet, Talents Drawing, I guess ^^;
myOtaku.com: Vankala 86
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
American Lit is a bore, really. Its easy, but boring. I'm usually in the back of the class doodling in my notebook. :P Photoshop is great. Not my easiest class but its the most fun. ^^ Govt is okay. I've got a good intructor (so far) but I just have no interest in Govt whatsoever, so I'm still just like, "Ugh...". Lol. We have our first test on Thursday so I've got today and tomorrow to get ready for it. Philosophy is actually my easiest class. Seriously, my average so far is an 'A' (But then again we've only gotten 3 graded assignments so far so that's not really sayin much. ^^;; ) But I like this class, so I'm sure I"ll be able to keep up that 'A' easily. ^^
Btw, thanx for the comments some of you left on my newest drawings (Alexia and Sailor Jupiter). I really appreciate it when you guys take the time to comment. ^^ To everyone else who hasn’t commented yet, plz do so whenever you can. ^^ Thnx.
Things at home aren't so great. I don't feel like ranting about it again (ranted in my Xanga...which actually made me feel a little better), so I"ll just move on to happier things. ^^
Things with me & Michael are going great. I didn't get to see him at all last weekend, though. T_T But I get to see him Friday, so I'm really looking forward to that. X3 In the meantime, we just talk on the phone for now. ^^
Oh, I saw the ‘Halloween’ remake on Saturday. It was really good!! I liked it better than the original, and its really rare for me to even like remakes in the first place! (seriously, I hated the remake of ‘The Fog’, and there’s a lot of others but my mind’s gone blank at the moment. ^^;; ). But yea, ‘Halloween’ was great. Its very violent though, so if you got a weak stomach, I probably wouldn’t recommend it to you. ^^;; Yea, its rated R for very good reasons, too. But that didn’t stop this one guy from bring his kids to see the movie….and I mean ‘kids’ whose ages ranged from 5 to no older than 8 years old!! Seriously, wtf!? What’s worse is that they came in during the middle of the frikken’ movie….while talking on the cellphone). Ugh, I hate people like that who have no consideration for other people who are trying to enjoy the movie. Bah! Oh well, after my dad shushed them, they were quiet for the remainder of the movie. Lol. ^^
Hmmmm...let's see, anything else? Not that I can think of. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some studyin' to do! Laterz! ^^//
Hey guys! Sorry for the long absence again. I planned on updating after I got back from Hawaii but I never really got to it. I kept putting it off until now. Again, I’m really sorry. I can’t say, I’ll be updating more often since school starts on Monday, but I will at least try. Not making any promises though. I will post when I can though. ^^
Anyways, my trip to Hawaii was awesome! I took tons of pics, but since they’re so many its best if I don’t post them directly on my post. There’s over 200 pics, in case you’re wondering. ^^; If you guys wanna see them, comment or pm me your e-mail address and I’ll send them over Snapfish. ^^ Anyways, we did a lot of things there and had a great time. I even got to swim in the ocean. That was so much fun! XD My grandma was worried about me and my cousin getting eaten by sharks so she kept telling us not to swim out too far. Lol I had lots of fun and I hope to go again someday. My boyfriend says he wants to go sometime so maybe we can go sometime just the 2 of us. That won’t be for awhile though. :P
Anyways, school starts up again for me on Monday. >_< Oh well, I’m just hoping my classes aren’t too hard. I know, I’ll at least have some fun in the Photoshop class I’m taking. ^^ At least I hope so. ^^;; I’ll try to update when I can, though I have to make school my priority, so I can’t slack off. ^^
Well, me and my brother are thinking about making an Abridged series of Resident Evil 0 since I finally got a chance to play it. ^^ Why RE0? B/c we have some funny ideas for it. :P Only problem is, we don’t know how to get footage from the game. I can’t find any to download on the internet nor do I know how to get it straight from the game disc. If anyone can help us with that, it would be greatly appreciated. ^^ And for those, who don’t know what an abridged series is, here are some examples: Resident Evil 4: The Abridged Series (Ep 1/11) by adamwestlapdog (Run Time: 4:17)
YuGiOh! The Abridged Series (Ep. 1) by LittleKuriboh (Run Time: 3:54)
You get the idea, right? And yes, we would be doing the voices and everything. It’ll be so much fun if we could just get the footage. If not, then we could do an Abridged series of an anime. Not sure which but we’ll do one. ^^;;
Well, that’s all for today. I’ll see ya’ll later! ^^//
Hey guys! Well, it seems I've been abandoning all my blogs lately. I'm really sorry about that. I guess I've just gotten so used to not updating much during school, that when summer finally comes, I just feel like doing other things. ^^; I'm also sorry to say that I'll be disappearing once again. Early tomorrow (Tuesday) morning, I'll be leaving for the Hawaii trip I've mentioned a few times before. I'll be gone for 10 days, meaning I won't get back til July 6th. I'll miss you guys! I've been reading your posts and stuff, even though I don't comment (unless I needed to) so I'm gonna miss ya'll! *huggles* I'll take pics and stuff and post them when I get back. ^_^
Anyways, onto more interesting things. Last Wednesday, me and Nick went to Video Games Live here in Dallas. If you don't know what VGL is, the best way to describe it is simply an entire orchestra playing music from different video games while game footage is shown on a big screen behind them. They had music from Final Fantasy, Zelda, Mario, Metal Gear Solid, Advent Rising, World of Warcraft, Sonic, and lots of others. It was really awesome. If I was able to afford it, I wouldn't went the 2nd night, too. Sure, its the same thing over again, but its that awesome! :D If they happen to be coming to your city, I'd recommend going, cuz I guarantee you'll love it. Even for some of the games I've never played (and therefore, never heard the music to), I still enjoyed the performances. Metal Gear Solid was one of my favorite performances and I've never even played a second of that game! :D Oh and there were cosplayers too. I saw an awesome Vincent Valentine! I think it was the best Vincent that I'd ever seen, seriously. ^^ I hope VGL comes back next year cuz I'm sooo going if they do. XD There's footage of it, btw, on YouTube. Just type in "Video Games Live Dallas" in the search bar. Or if I'm on your friends list on there, just go to my favorites, and they're in there somewhere. ^^
Anyways, that's all I have to type for now. I'll end with a funny Resident Evil 4 video I made. Hope you enjoy, whether you've played the game or not...my cousin did and she;s never played any of the games :P):
I only got 1 comment last post? *cries* lol j/k Anyways, if you haven't already PLZ go read my last post. I posted up a link to a new fan art I did and I also posted a pic of my puppy. So plz go read it. >_<
Okay I should've updated last week, but I honestly didn't feel like updating at all really. ^^; Sorry. But I'm updating now. :3 Anyways, first thing i wanna talk about is the anime convention I went to the weekend before last (June 1st-3rd). Long story short, I had a blast! The Friday I went to the Voice Actor Panel with Vic Mignogna, Chris Patton (Sousuke from Full Metal Panic, Greed from FMA), Wendy Powell (Envy from FMA), and Xero Reynolds. They were really funny, especially Chris! XD If you guys ever go to Con and he's doing a panel there, be sure to go cuz he's just plain hilarious! :D I also went to the Risembool Ranger Panel and to a surprise birthday party for a fellow Ranger. ^^ Here's some pics:
That's the hotel that the Con took place in and its also the hotel me and my friends stayed in. ^^
That's the view that we had from our hotel room.
Same view, but at night. :3
That's the Komik Market where artists, costumes designers, etc. would sell their stuff. I took this pic form the escalator, btw.
Random picture of a random hallway. lol
Hehe, at A-Kon, if you lose your badge, the staff makes you do embarrassing things like sing and/or dance to My Little Teapot, the Chicken Dance, or The Itsy Bitsy Spider. In this poor guy's case he had to sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider which entertained alot of people, as you can see. lol
This was taken at the Risembool Ranger Panel. As you may or may not know, Vic Mignogna most recent role is Fai (sp?) from Tsubasa. (I have not seen this anime (yet) but I look forward to it. ) Anyways, a girl cosplaying as Fai, let Vic put on her jacket and of course I had to take a picture of him. I took more than 1 but this is the only one that came out good. ^^; We all laughed when he pretended to run away with it:
Vic: "Hey, do you know that girl?" *points to someone behind the cosplayer*
Cosplayer: *looks*
Vic: *starts to run away*
Lol, good times. :D
That's the Pyro, the Risembol Ranger whose birthday we celebrated that night. ^^
Saturday was alot of fun too. The Voice Actor Improv was on that day. If you don't know what this is, the best way for me to describe it is, its like that show 'Whose Line Is It Anyway?' but with Voice Actors. ^^ The VAs there were Vic (of course), Chris Patton, and Xero Reynolds. Those 3 had everyone laughing throughout the entire hour. And to be honest, the hour went by way too fast! ^^; But it was alot of fun. And afterwards, I got to meet Chris (yay!). There was also a Risembool Ranger Picnic that I went to but couldn't stay the entire time, though I forgot why. ^^; Here's some more pics from that day:
The VA Improv didn't start until Vic got there. Of course he came in cosplaying. ^^ He didn't the same thing last year except he was cosplaying as Cloud from FFVII. This year he's cosplayed as...something (I forgot what they were called T_T) from Star Wars. :D He came to the RR Picnic dressed like that too, so I knew that was him the minute he walked in. lol
That's Xero in the middle messing with the buzzer thing, pretending to be a DJ. lol
Chris, Xero, and Vic listening to the rules and directions for the improv. Xero looks concerned while Chris looks excited about the whole thing (which he was, lol)
That's them getting started with the first skit, which was "Questions Only", where they could only talk to eachother using only questions.
In the skit, "Props", Chris got a little friendly with that easel thing. 0o
...Not sure what was going on here or what that thing even is...but still looks funny, ne? (Still "Props", btw)
"Props", still. Oh boy, the fangirls went crazy when Vic put Chris on a leash. ^^; Still interesting though. lol
Oh no!! Vic's threatening the bunny!! XD
Chris and Vic listening to directions for the next skit, which I don't remember the name of but what they had to do was randomly say quotes that were written on little pieces of paper that the audience submitted.
During the same skit, Xero played a Lion Tamer with tentacles, Chris played his biggest fan, and Vic was the announcer or whatever you call it. Don't ask me what Chris is saying in this picture cuz I honestly don't know. ^^;
The next skit, was the one where Vic answered questions from the audience while Chris acted as Vic's hands. If you've seen "Whose Line?" you know how this goes. lol
After the improv I met Chris and took a pic with him. Yes, I was originally in the pic but I cropped myself out. :P
Random pic at the RR picnic. I would've taken alot more but my battery died on me and I accidently left my spare batteries in the hotel room. >_<
Sunday was my day to buy stuff! :D In case you don't know, the last day of the Con is the day where dealers mark their prices down. I bought 5 mangas, Death Note 2: The Last Name, and 2 T-shirts. I think that's all I bought but there could be something that I'm forgetting. ^^; My friend Juan got me an L plushie. That was really nice of him. I was also looking all over the dealer's room for a Tamaki plushie cuz I saw a few girls earlier that day and, being a Tamaki fangirl myself, I had to have one! I asked one girl where she got hers, and went to where she said she got it but it turned out that they were sold out. T_T I looked everywhere else just in case they had one but no luck. *sigh* I want a Tamaki plushie...^^;
I didn't take many pictures that day so I saved all the cosplay pics for right now. ^^ So here they are:
I'm not much of a fan of Halo, but I really liked this guy's costume. :D
I despise Pokemon, but these cosplayers' costumes were really good so I took a picture anyway.
One of the many Ls I saw at A-Kon. I was considering cosplaying as L, but I'm kinda glad I didn't cuz I wouldn't wanna go as someone alot of other people were cosplaying too.
I'm not sure if this is an original cosplay or if its from a show or movie or what, but this guy's cosplay kicks ass in my opinion!
Lol, imagine my excitement when I saw a Resident Evil cosplayer! XD This is Jill Valentine from the first RE game. :D I've already decided that whatever I cosplay as next year, its definitely gonna be RE-related! :D Can't wait!
Jet from Cowboy Bebop. When I took his picture I somehow didn't even notice the pic of Faye he was holding. ^^;
Of course, their were many Jack Sparrow's at the Kon but this was one of the better ones. He even had the 'Jack-walk' down....either that or he really was drunk...>>
Bonta-kun!! I saw I a few Bonta-kuns at A-Kon but this was the first (and best) that I saw there. ^^ Kawaii! I just wanted to glomp him and never let go! XD (I didn't, don't worry). lol
Sorry, there weren't alot of cosplay pics, but I'm kinda picky when it comes to cosplay. ^^; Plus, at such a big convention, its hard to see every single great cosplay there, so I'm sure there were ALOT of other great cosplayers there. If you're interested in seeing more pics of the cosplayer's there, you can always check out the A-Kon website.
That's all for today. I tried to keep this as short as possible...so much for that! lol. Later all! ^^/
Hey guys, if you have seen my Death Note Wallpaper, plz go check that out. Click here to see it and comment. ^_^
I’ve also submitted a new fanart. *gasp* Lol, I posted it sometime last week and it was even one of the featured Fan Art for that day. ^_^ I felt special. Anyways, click here to see it. Don’t forget to Vote & Comment! ^_~
Anyways, I’ve been outta school for a couple of weeks. Sorry that I haven’t updated during that time, but I honestly just didn’t feel like it. It feels kinda weird having the time to update now for some odd reason. ^^; But I’ll try to get back into the habit of updating more than I have. Might not be everyday but more often. ^_^
I’m going to an anime convention this weekend, so I definitely won’t be around at all from Friday-Sunday. I’ll update next Monday telling you guys about the Con. I’m also gonna be taking lots of pictures! :D I just bought a digital camera (finally) so I’m excited about putting that to use...more than I already have...I’ve take a few pics of my dog...that’s about it. Lol. I love my puppy. X3
Here’s one pic of her:
Kawaii, ne? X3
Ooh, I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 3 yesterday. I thought it was really good, despite what the critics said (what the hell do they know, anyway? :P) I also saw Spiderman 3 a couple of weeks ago, too. That was really good too. I haven’t seen Shrek 3 yet. I want to, though.
Been playing video games lately. I finished Resident Evil 3. That was awesome, though Nemesis pretty much scared the crap outta me every time he popped up outta nowhere and tried to kill me. Here’s a pic for the people who never played RE3 and wanna know what he looks like:
O_o…scary...>_<...Hehe, and what did I do almost every time he showed up? I ran away of course! XD I only fought him when I need to, so I can conserve ammo….yea, that’s the reason….>>…. But yea, that was a fun game. ^^ I also bought DS Lite a few weeks back and got Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. I really liked the game. Its really hard for another Castlevania game to top my favorite (Symphony of the Night), but DoS comes to a close 2nd. ^_^ Plus, Alucard’s in it (as well as Aria of Sorrow) so that makes it at least a little better since he’s my favorite CV character ever! XD Juan let me borrow his Devil May Cry video games. I started the first one today, and its really fun. I’m already almost to the end (I think). I’m on Mission 20 (out of 23, I think). Can’t wait to play the other 2. ^_^ Been playing Fatal Frame, too. But only when its late at night, so I can play in the dark (Yea, I’m crazy). That game is really creepy.....I love it! X3
Hmm....I think I’ve rambled enough for now. See you guys later! ^^// Comments (1) |
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Hey guys! First off, if you haven’t seen my Resident Evil wallpaper, plz go check it out, It would really make me happy! :D Click here to see it. ^_^
I also made a Death Note wallpaper so if you could also check that out if you haven’t already. Sorry if I’m asking for too much. ^^; Click here to see it and comment. ^_^
Things are going ok in my life, I guess. I’ve got finals next week so I’ve been trying to get ready for those. I’m pretty confident that I’ll do good on my Math Exam. it’s the Govt one that worries me. T_T But I’ll still study hard. ^_^ Oh yea, I need to change my theme for May. I’m gonna do that next week though after my finals. I’ve got a few ideas but I’ll narrow it down to just one anime next week. ^^ Hope you guys have enjoyed my Ouran-theme. ^^ I changed the song yet again though. I was gonna post an AMV to the song but I couldn’t find a good AMV that went with song well so I just posted song w/ no video. Yea, I’ve become kinda picky lately when it comes to AMVs. ^^;; Not sure why…heh. I really like this song I love hearing all the characters sing together in one song (The guy who plays Tamaki has such a lovely singing voice. ^^ I love the other Character song he does by himself called "Guilty Beauty Love". *is such a Tamaki fan girl* Lol).
Not much else going on, really. I can’t wait for this weekend. I really wanna go see Spiderman 3! XD Well, see you guys later! ^^/
First off, thanks for the nice words you guys left about my rat. I really appreciated it. ^^
I made and submitted a Resident Evil wallpaper last night. If you guys could at least look at it and comment to tell me what you think, it would make me very happy. X3 Click here to see it. ^_^
Well, I hope you guys had a great Easter. ^^ Mine’s was okay, I guess. I’m not too big on celebrating it but it’s a good time to spend with family. Well, my family didn’t do much to celebrate. All we did was go to the movies. My parents went to go see 300 while me and my brothers went to go see TMNT (which I had already btw, but I didn’t mind seeing it again.) My parents said they liked the movie. My mom said she’d never seen so many six-packs in one movie. Lmao. That’s pretty much all we did. Oh and my dad fried some fish. That was really good. :3
So, it turns out I couldn’t go out with Michael yesterday (Saturday) as we had planned. My parents made some last-minute plans that got in the way. We’re gonna try again in a couple of weeks. Hopefully things will end up the way we plan next time. ^^;
Hey guys! I'm glad you all liked my (somewhat) new theme! I'll go ahead and keep it up even though its already April since I didn't post that much in March. (Only like once, actually....>>)
Anyways, I have some sad news, so I’d rather get it out the way so this post doesn’t end on a sad note. My rat, Oni, died on Friday. I came home from school and he was just lying there unresponsive. I buried him in the backyard next to Yuki (my other rat who died, if you guys remember.). I really don’t know how he died. He was acting normal on Thursday, so his death was really unexpected. But I’m not sad right now or anything, so don’t worry about me. ^^
On to happier things, me & Juan went to go see TMNT on Saturday. It was actually really good. ^_^ At least I liked it. Michelangelo is still my favorite Ninja Turtle. :P
Also, I recently got in touch with someone I used to know (and like ^\\\^) back when I was in high school. We’ve been talking on the phone quite a lot over the past week and we’re planning on going somewhere next Saturday. I’m really looking forward to it, cuz I’ve really missed him. ^\\\^ His name is Michael, btw. ^^
I’ve been wanting to get a Wacom tablet for awhile now. Its soooo tempting to buy one but I have to save for my trip to Hawaii, as well as for A-Kon!! >_< Hmmm…well both events aren’t until June so I guess I have plenty of time to save…..*thinks*….hmmm, I’ve got some planning to do….>>
Resident Evil Excited! (Run time- 3:45)
Despite the song, this is actually really funny (hey, it was either this or a video featuring the Numa song :P)...if you’re familiar with at least some of the games here which from what I can tell, are RE 1-4 and RE: Code Veronica X, all of which I’ve played except for RE 3. T_T
So, how do you like the new theme? ^_^ This’ll be the theme for the month of March (and April, if I’m too lazy or busy to change it…>>)! In case you somehow missed the giant letters on the background, its Ouran High School Host Club! Yea, I just started watching this anime last week (on CrunchyRoll.com…its like YouTube but for anime and other Japanese shows/music/etc. :D) and I’m already LOVING it!! XD Now, I’m not really into Shoujo all that much, but I kept hearing great things about this anime so I decided to try it out! I’ve watched the first 5 episodes (where the twins get into a ‘fight’….lmao….definitely one of my fav episodes so far….) so I’ve still got a ways to go. ^^;;; Also, Tamaki’s my favorite character so far! XD Oh, and here’s a little trivia for any other OHSHC fans: The guy who does the voice of Tamaki is the same guy who does the voice of Light Yagami from Death Note! Yea, I was surprised to find that out since they are completely different personalities!! XD Yea, I have a new favorite VA. :P
Anyways, I mentioned CrunchyRoll.com a bit earlier so I’d like to talk about it some more. ^_^ Yea, as said before its like YouTube for anime (and other Japanese stuff ^_~)! It also has full-length episodes so you don’t have to watch the eps in parts (unlike on YouTube). So yea, if you guys decided to join, the link is above for ya! Also, here’s a link to my profile there. Its nothing much but its as much as I can do for right now. ^^ : Click me…you know you want to….
In other news…..I got a puppy!!!!! XD Some may already know but there’s people here who don’t so I’ll talk about it anyways. :P So yea, she’s a 3-month-old dachshund puppy and she’s sooooooo cute! She’s very hyper and very loving! I haven’t been able to think of a good name for her though….^^;;; Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. ^_^ I really wish I had a digital camera so I could show you guys what she looks like cuz she’s so cute!!! XD
Anyways, I’ve gotta get up early in the morning so I must go to bed now (though by the time most people read this, it’ll be Friday already…^^;;;). G’night! ^^//
Emo Cereal: The only cereal that will ver understand you…
Wow, its been over a month since I last updated here. T_T I miss you guys!!!! >_< Yea, as you’ve probably assumed, I’ve been busy with school. Its not totally stressful anymore but its still pretty busy. I still get online in the afternoons though just to read posts and (maybe) comment. Well, since its been over a month, I thought I’d give ya’ll an update on how I’m doin’ and stuff.
Well, there was a death in the family. My grandfather’s wife died a couple of weeks ago. She had a stroke and then she died on a heart attack (that’s what my mom told me, anyways.). Her funeral was on Valentine’s Day but I couldn’t make it b/c of school. I had an important test that week and couldn’t afford to miss school. But I helped out with funeral arrangements and such. To be honest, I really wasn’t all that close to her so its hard to be sad about it. I hardly knew her so being at the funeral would just be awkward to me, you know? I don’t know if I’m making any sense. ^^;;; Anyways, that’s really the only sad thing that’s happened since I last posted.
My brother, Nick‘s birthday is on Saturday. ^^ He’ll be turning 13. *sniff* They grow up so fast! XD I got him his presents already but I can’t say what they are just in case he reads this…>>. :P
I recently got an idea for a drawing that I wanna do for my 3rd “Otaku-versary”. I got the idea while being bored in Math class and doodling in my notebook instead of paying attention….>>….anyways, its something that’s prefect for celebrating it since it has to do with something that got me into anime in the first place…….yea, I bet that gave it away! XD Well, my Otaku-versary isn’t until July 12th so I’ve got plenty of time. ^^ I’ve already got sketches so I’m sure to get it finished by then. ^_^
Ooh, I finally finished the Chrono Crusade manga series! XD It was really good! The ending was bittersweet but still quite good. ^^ I don’t wanna give anything away, so won’t say anything other than that. ^_~ Now, I just gotta finish the anime. I’ve only seen the first few episodes so I don’t know if this ends the same as the manga or not. ^^;;
Oh and while I was away, I somehow got over 2700 hits! O_O! I know a lot of you have sooo many hits than that, but not a lot of people come to my site, so I’m happy that I got that many. ^^ Thank you all who visit my site. I really appreciate it! ^^
I have the day off of school today (as I did today as well :D) but I’ll be spending that day catching up on some school work and maybe get a little ahead (one of the advantages of online courses :P). Not sure when I’ll update next time…possibly during my Spring Break which is March 12th-16th (not counting the weekends, since I don’t update on the weekends, anyway. XP. Well, until then! Bye everyone! ^^/// *huggles all*.
Hmmm….what about other people’s children?…>>….lol j/k. :P