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Saturday, October 22, 2005

Mood:Better ; Listening to: ‘Wings of a Butterfly’ by H.I.M.

Well, let’s try this again!! I tried updating myO earlier but MyO’s weird today. At least it is for me. -_-’

NEwho, I don’t have much HW this weekend, so I’ve been working on my drawings. Mostly my Legolas drawing. Its still not close to bein’ finished but its still looking great so far. ^^

Hey, I was browsing through the Yahoo! Music videos yesterday. And after watching a Linkin Park video it started playing another video. (Yahoo does this every time you watch a video on the site) But this time it started playing a song by H.I.M. I’ve never listened to H.I.M. before but I started really getting into the song that was playing. The song’s called ‘Wings of Butterfly’. I love this song. Its been stuck in my head for while! ^^ I’ll put it on myO site if I can find an URL to the song. Lol I’m playing the video again right now just so I can hear the song. ^^ Yes, I like it much.

NEway, I got some of my designs back in my 2D design class. Wanna see? ^^ OK! The assignment for these designs was to make designs using the 4 types of line. Click on the thumbnail to see the pic better:

This one is for Horizontal & Vertical Lines.

This one was done using Diagonal Lines.

This one was done using Curved Lines. This one is my favorite. ^^ Its pwetty!

The 4th one had to be done using a combination of all 4 lines. Mine’s is pretty simple but the other students seemed to like it still.^^

Yea, this was my first assignment for this class. I got a B+ on it as well as my ‘Types of Balance’ assignment. We haven’t gotten those back yet cuz our instructor wanted to have them displayed in the Fine Arts hallway at my school. My favorite design that I’ve finished so far is my ‘Pattern’ one. But its pretty big so I don’t think I’ll be able to scan it & show you guys that one. ^^; But I’ll show you as many as I can. (If you want, of course. ^^)

So, what’s everyone doin’ for Halloween? Me? Still don’t know. My parents don’t wanna take my bros Trick or Treating this year so we might either go see some movies next Sunday or go to a wax museum. 0o? I don’t know why, but my parents came up with that. I’ve never been to one before so I guess it would be nice to do something different. But what it has to do with Halloween, I have no idea! 0o

Well, that’s all for today. See ya’ll tomorrow!

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Lol, Looks like Kirara had too much Halloween candy!! ^^

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Thursday, October 20, 2005

   Mood: Kinda irritated at someone at the moment ; Listening to: 'Papercut' by LP (I got new batteries. Yay!)

Yea, I am sorta mad at someone at the moment. Rather not go into details on that. But other than that, everything seems to be going ok.

Yes 6 drawings. That is alot. ^^ If I have time this wkend, I'll definitely work on those. XD

Well, I turned in that essay yesterday. Hopefully she grades it soon cuz I like to know my grades. ^^

Know what? Me & my family aren't going trick-or-treating this year. That kinda disappointed my little brother Nick, since he wanted to go as Kyou. But I told him if he saves up his money, I'll let him come with me to the next A-Kon (anime convention). He was happier after I said that. ^^ So instead of ToTing, we might just go to the movies and watch 'halloweenish' movies. Me & my dad want to go see 'Saw 2' while my mom wants to take my little brothers to see 'Corpse Bride'. Oh my god, my dad rented THE stupidest zombie movie EVER!!! Its called 'Undead' & it was just so bad, neither of us couldn't even finish it! It was very gory, which was probably the only thing that was good about it, but then again some of it was too gory & unrealistic that it actually had me laughing. (If you couldn't tell, me & my dad are horror movie freaks (Nick, too but he definitely couldn't watch this movie cuz of the gore), while my mom & my other brother...well, aren't! ^^) Anyway, We had to turn it off cuz it was getting stupider by the minute! (I think it even killed some of my Brain Cells!!) So yea, if you're a zombie-movie fan, STAY AWAY!! But if you're not a zombie-movie fan....STILL STAY AWAY!!! I want 30 minutes of my life back...

NEway, that's enough of my movie review for today. Tonight I'm gonna watch this movie called "Mind Hunters". I've nevr heard of it but my parents watched it last night and they said that it was really good! They gave away the ending though. I wanted to smack them for that! But I'll watch it NEway cuz they said that I'll still like it. We also rented "High Tension". I've heard of that one but I'm not sure what its even about. 0o

Gotta go! Talk to ya'll later!

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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Mood: Happy me!!! XD Listening to: nothing cuz my batteries died! XP

Sorry I didn't post anything yesterday. I had an essay to work on so I wasn't online much last night. But the essay's finished & its due later on today. I hope its good. ^^

Well, my little brother's site is up & running now. ^^ Click here to go to his site. He's already made a few friends already & he hopes to make more. Thanx to those who've already been to his site & even signed his gb. ^^

Earlier this morning I counted up those drawings that I told ya'll that I've been working on. I counted 6! Wow, them ideas are poppin' into my head like crazy!! NEway, here the list of what I'm working on & will (hopefully) be submitted to Otaku:

-That mermaid pic that is the most finished out of all of them since its the only one where I've actually started coloring.
-Chibi Yuki (Sohma). In this one I'm drawing him with little rat-ears. Its really cute so far! Don't we all just love Prince Yuki? XD
-Also drawing a pic of Kyou & Kagura from 'Fruits Basket'. Kagura's clinging onto Kyou & Kyou is trying his best to pry her off of him. ^^ Really funny. ^^
-I'm also drawing a Chibi Kenshin. (Couldn't resist. Had to do another Chibi!) He's got a confused look on his face which is just ADORABLE on chibis!! Kenshin: "Oro?" ^^
-I'm still working on that Kenshin & Kaoru pic but I think I may have to start over on that one. I'm not too proud of how that one came out. Maybe I can fix it but I doubt I can. I don't mind starting over cuz I have alot of ideas for making it alot better. ^^
-Last but not least, I'm working on my Anime-Legolas drawing. (Thought I forgot about that one, huh? XP) Yea, I started that one last week I believe & its lookin' really good so far. My bro said he looked like a girl, though. I don't see how I made him look like a girl. Looks like a guy to me. *shrug* What does he know? XP

Yep, that's it...for now. So far that Legolas one is my favorite so far so I wouldn't be surprised if that one ends up finished before the others.

This week has been pretty easy as far as hw goes. The only hw I had to do all week so far was that essay & some Math Problems. Don't know what I'll be getting today, but if things go like they usually do in my English class, I'm gonna say that we'll get a reading assignment & start on a new essay. Tomorrow, we'll be getting a new project in my 2D Design class & also some more Math work in my Math class. It may seem like alot to do but its really not. I have Fridays, Saturdays, & Sundays off so I have plenty of time to do weekend hw. Its during the week that can sometimes be a pain in the bum. Not this week though. Yay!!

Well, I gots to go now. See ya'll later!! ^^

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Monday, October 17, 2005

Mood: Happy! ^^ Listening to: 'Long Day' by Matchbox 20

Hey guess what? My little bro has decided to join myO! He comes up to me & asks me if he can have an Otaku site. I just kinda laughed at first cuz I thought he was kidding. But he was like, 'No really!' So I helped him set up an account last night. He hasn't added any posts or anything yet. All we had time for was to make his site look all purdy!! ^^ Go check it out! There's still some stuff I may need to help him with but we'll have to get to that later. ^^ But he really wants to make some new friends here on myO so if you visit his site, that would be great! ^^

Well, this week I don't what I'll be doing so I don't know if I'll be losing sleep or anything like I did last week. lol Hopefully not cuz I enjoy my sleep. ^^ The only thing that I can think of that's due this week is a research project for my 2D design class. But I'm almost done with that. At least I think I am. 0o But I haven't gone to class yet so we'll just have to see. I looked in my little planner thingy for my school & it says that the last day of this semester is Dec. 15th. Actually, that's the last day of final exams. Exams start on Dec. 12th. That's not too far away. I think I'll survive. ^^

Happy Otaku-versary to ElvesAteMyRamen! And congrats on getting 10,000 hits!! It'll take me a VERY long time for me to get that many enough though I've been here for more than a year!! XP But you deserve it Elves! ^^ You're an awesome artist & friend. ^^

Well, that'll be all for today, I have to go get ready to go. Can't miss my bus. Don't wanna be late!

See ya'll later!

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Sunday, October 16, 2005

Mood:...huh? Listening to: nothing. I just woke up.

Who watched InuYasha & Full Metal Alchemist last night? Awesome episodes!! XD But damn those cliffhangers! I have to wait a whole week to see the next one!! XP But that little boy on Full Metal Alchemist!! Dang, I didn't expect him to be a himunculus!! (sp?) He was all sweet & innocent then he turned all evil & sadistic! 0.0! Well, we've seen almost all the himunculi. The only one left should be Pride. We've already seen Lust, Wrath, Gluttony, Envy, Greed, & Sloth. And on InuYasha! That was an awesome episode! But I wanna see what happens to Inu!! XP (Like I said, Damn those cliffhangers!) But I can wait, I guess. Not like I have a choice. *shrug*

Ummm...what else to talk about? *looks at last post* Still haven't gotten those results back. It might take awhile. -_-'

I've been drawing a little bit this weekend (when I'm not doing hw). Nothing's close to finished yet so it'll be awhile til I post anything.

Well, I can't think of anything else to talk about so I'll see you guys tomorrow.

Wow, this was a short post today.

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Saturday, October 15, 2005

Mood: full ; Listening to: 'Every Heart' by BoA

Well, today was my little brother's birthday. (Not the one I'm always talkin' about but my other one.) He turned 17 today. So to celebrate we went to the movies. My brothers & my mom went to go see the 'Wallace & Gromit' movie. Me & my dad saw 'Flightplan'. I wanted to see 'Wallace & Gromit' but my dad wanted to see 'Flightplan' & so did I, so I went with him. But yea, 'Flightplan' was an awesome movie. Very suspensful & unpredictable! (My kind of movie! ^_~) Then after that we went out to eat at Taco Bell. Mmmm... Then we came home & ate some cake & my brother opened his presents. So yea, I'm very full. *looks at gut* ^^ My bro is watching that new Godzilla movie (which was one of his b-day presents). Its very loud! (I'm in the other room. I'm not exactly a Godzilla fan...) But I hear alot of screaming & crashing sounds. Sounds like Godzilla's destroying Tokyo...again!! (I ain't cleaning up THAT mess!!! lol) My dad just walked in here & said that the movie's actually pretty good. Hmmm...I guess I'll watch it later, just so I can say if I like the movie or not. *shrug*

NEwho, I tried uploading my FMA AMV onto animemusicvideos.org but I couldn't figure out how to do it. I only had a little bit of time online so I'll have to figure it out later. I'm working on a second one. So far, its better than my first one. ^^

My little brother (not the birthday boy) wants me to burn him a cd. So he's coming in here like, every 5 minutes to see if I'm making it or not.....I'm not! XP I'm too lazy right now! XP Ack!! He just poked me in the ribs!! He knows that's my ticklish spot!!! Damn him!!!!

I went to the doctor yesterday. I don't wanna go into too many details about it. All I'll say is that I have to have some blood tests done to make sure nothing is wrong with me (cuz we suspect that there is). Hopefully we can get the results soon. -_-

Well, that'll be all for tonight. I'll see you guys later! ^^

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Thursday, October 13, 2005

   Mood: Awake (surprisingly); Listening to: 'Ready, Steady, Go' by L'Arc~en~Ciel

I only got about 2 hours of sleep last night yet I'm actually awake. Dang, that coffee must have been strong cuz I was a zombie again earlier this morning! 0o Yes, I have a new best friend & its name is caffiene! lol But I'm awake now but the caffeine will probably wear off by the time I get home. But that's ok since I can just collapse on my bed when I get home. I have mo class on Friday so I won't have any hw tonight. Yay!
Yea, I stayed up working on ANOTHER project for my 2D Design class. *sigh* Ok, this class started off kinda cool but now, I'm kinda starting to hate it. I don't mind that its challenging but this lady is giving us one big project after another! Sometimes two at a time! So, I'm behind in my English class by one essay. (Gotta turn that in on Monday) I hardly ever get hw in my 3D Design class so I'm ok in there. I'm ok in my Math class too since our hw is optional. He doesn't grade the hw but I still do it when I have time since its pretty much our 'study guide' or whatever. We only have one grade in there anyway & that's from our first test (which I got a 95 on! Yay! Yes I'm still happy about that! ^^). But NEway, I'm doing my best to not get too far behind on my work. Just a few more months this semester...I can do it!!

Oh yea, I got some of my designs back from my instructor, but obviously I haven't even had time to even scan them so it may be awhile til I can show you guys. Gomennasai. -_-

Ooh, who saw 'Lost' last night!? Frikken' awesome! XD (Those of you who don't watch the show, might find this paragraph pointless, so you may wanna just skip it) You know how there were 23 survivors from the back of the plane, yet there are now only a handful left? I have a theory about what happens to the rest of them. I think they all went cannibalistic. Hey, its a possiblity! I know its sick & gross but they ARE stranded on an island! And we don't know if they ever found food or whatever since we only know about the survivors from the front of the plane. We'll just have to find out next week! I can't wait!!! XD BTW, I miss 'House'. I can't wait for this whole baseball thing to be over. I wanna watch my show!

*sigh* Its seems like I'm the only one who hasn't seem FF7 yet. I need to see it. And soon! Just watching previews & AMVs of it leaves me in awe everytime I watch them! Must get it!! XD

NEwho, its almost time for me to go to class so I'll see you guys later! ^^ Bye!

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Aww, I used to have a cat that looked like the one that Tohru's holding. *sniff* I miss her...

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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

   Sleep? What is this "sleep" you speak of...?
Mood: Very VERY sleepy! Listening to: 'All That I've Got' by The Used

Yes, I am very tired today. I didn't go to sleep til 2 this morning. Then I had to get up at 6. Only four hours of sleep for me, so I'm kinda surprised I'm funtioning at all right now. It was so hard making myself get out of bed. I was like a frikken' zombie this morning! I probably look like one too! Yea, I have on my I'm-too-tired-to-give-a-crap-about-how-I-look-today look. Hopefully I won't have to stay up that late again tonight. My brain will just shut down if I don't go insane first.

But enough of my whining. I'm gonna try my best to get all this work finished this week. Then, this weekend I can (hopefully) catch up on my sleep. But for now, gotta work! Work comes first!

How about some good news for once? Its finally cooling down a bit here in Dallas. The weather is just right for me. Not too hot, not too cold. Just right. The heat was driving me mad! It seems like its getting hotter every summer. Hopefully, that's just my imagination. 0o

Let's see what else is good news...hmmm, I can't seem to think of any more. Maybe my brain just isn't working today. ^^ *pokes forehead* Work, dammit! ... Nope! I got nothin'! ^^ But even so, I'm happy so don't worry about me being all depressed or whatever. I'm an optimistic person & that's how I get through these things. Its not easy but I try. ^^

I'll see you guys later.

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*sigh* I wish I was that cat right now...

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Monday, October 10, 2005

   Mood: Bleh!; Listening to: 'Lies & Truth' by L'Arc~en~Ciel

Hello, my fellow Otakians!! ^^ (Where that came from I have NO idea!) So how was everybody's weekend? Hopefully better than mine. -_- Well, it started off okay, like all my other weekend do but Saturday was was just BAD!! I could hardly take it! I bawled my eyes out the rest of the night & was still crying on Sunday morning. I stayed in bed most of the morning just cuz I was so angry & depressed & didn't want to deal with anything anymore. But I eventually got up since I still had work to do & I can't fall behind more than I already am. (I'm not THAT far behind but even a little bit is alot to me.) But even though my weekend sucked so much I'm just glad it ended good. I had long, (And I mean LONG) talk with my parents, which included losts of crying, not only from me, but from BOTH my parents (which made me cry even more). But my tears were happy tears cuz I never realzied how much they actually cared even though they never show it. Its kinda hard to explain but that talk made me feel 200% better! I think my relationship w/ my parents is gonna change after this.

But anyway, enough of my sappyness for today. ^_^,,, This morning didn't start off too good. I couldn't sleep this morning. I finally gave up & got up at probably around 4 or 5 am. Then as I was getting dressed I couldn't find my shoe! Now I have to wear this old pair I still have just in case something like this happens. Then I couldn't find my watch! (Still can't!) Actually, its been missing all weekend. It just disappeared off the face of the earth!! -_-' What else am I gonna lose? Something tells me this is NOT gonna be a good week for me. But I'll do my best. Wish me luck. I'll need it.

See ya'll later

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Friday, October 7, 2005

   Mood: in a hurry Currently Watching: "The Amityville Horror" (The new one)

Well, I have a little bit of time here on the internet. Though it'll have to be quick since we're about to sit down & watch 'The Amityville Horror' (I think I spelled that wrong. lol) I've seen it already so I don't mind missing a few minutes. Its only on the previews anyway. *shrug* lol my brother just called the movie "The Anime-ville Horror"

NEwho, sorry I didn't get to any sites today. Like I said, I have to make this quick.

Well, I mostly did hw today & I still would be doing it but...I ran out of rubber cement. -_-' I need to stock up on this stuff. I've already used two bottles in less than 2 months! 4 or 5 bottles oughtta do it!! ^^ After that, I watched Fruits Basket eps 7-12 (borrowed from library.)

Sunday's my mom's birthday! She'll be turning...*thinks*...38, I believe. Wish her happy birthday!!! lol When I asked her what she wanted to do on sunday, she said "I don't know about you, but I'm gettin' drunk!" lol, I guess in some ways, I do take after my mom. ^~

Well, I gotta go now. I'll see you guys later! ^^

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