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Thursday, October 6, 2005
Hey what's up guys? Sorry I couldn't update this morning. I was really busy doing stuff for school so it had to wait til I got home. My math class was canceled for today so I was able to come home kinda early.
As far as I know my boyfriend seems to be doing better. I'm really happy about that. ^^
So, 'no' to fast-food jobs? I'll take your for it guys. Ya'll seem to know what you're talkin' about. I went to go look at some posts at my college about work-study, so I have some phone-calls to make tomorrow. Hopefully, someone has a position open. *crosses fingers*
I might not post or visit sites this weekend cuz I have lots of hw to do. (There goes my wkend of relaxing! XP) If I (somehow) have time, I'll update but I highly doubt I will. Crap, that means I might not be able to go on a manga-run this weekend! Crap! Frikken' hw! Oh well, there's always next weekend...or the weekend after that...or the weekend after that...or...*keeps going until readers fall alseep* *notices everyone asleep* Whoops. ^^'
Hey look at the bunny!!!!
Aww, isn't he cute? XD
^^ Well, I gotta go now. See ya'll Monday!(If not sometime this weekend)

*sigh* So sexy...
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
Yea, I'm mostly happy at the moment. My boyfriend's pretty stressed out at the moment. I'm guessing ts school-related but I can't be too sure. I'm just hoping he gets through it ok, whatever it is.
But other than that, things are going pretty good at the moment. I had a wierd dream last night about a couple of my friend from HS. It was weird! I had just gotten off the train at the train station & I see my ex-best friend Jessica(remember told ya'll I ran into her a couple of weeks ago) & my friend Sheri (they always hung out during HS). Well, they come up to me & Jessica's just al like "Hey, what's up!?" And even in my dreams, I'm just like 'What the hell? Go away!' I was a bit mean in my dream though cuz I totally ignored her & started talking to Sheri. We start walking & we run into my friend Mel & her fiance Michael. Me & Mel just started goofing off like we always did in HS. ^^ Oh yea, & for some reason, we weren't at the train station anymore. I don't know where we were at but the setting just changes completely! (Though you never notice things like that when you're dreaming) I don't remember what happened after that. It was just weird that some of my friends just randomly showed up in my dream. Wierd.
Why I shared that with you guys I have NO IDEA!!!
My friend, Corey got a new job. Congrats to him! XD He used to work at Minyard's (which he HATED!!!) but now he's working at a new Best Buy that's being built at the moment. (I applied there, too but *sniff* didn't get a call for an interview. >.<,,,,,) But I'm happy for him since he's been trying to find a new job for awhile. ^^
Again, I don't know why I shared that.
As for me, I'm still applying here & there at whatever's hiring. I'm thinking I'm gonna have to go with my last resort: Fast-food or grocery-store. (NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!) I was sooooo trying to avoid those places. Though I wouldn't mind working at Sonic since they get good tips (especially the girls ). So I'll try there before anything else! But I'm still gonna apply other places too, just to be safe. Wish me luck, guys. I'll need all the luck I can get!
Oh yea, to answer those questions about my designs: ....well, the first designs were about symmetry (Symmetry, Asymmetry, & Approximate Symmetry). We had to use Black Sharpies on Bristol board so they are just B&W. The other design is about lines. We had to make 4 designs using Bristol board & construction paper. The first design had Vertical & horizontal lines, the 2nd had diagonal lines, the 3rd had curved lines, & the lsat one had a mixture of all 4 types of line. Mine's were ok. (I like my Symmetry designs better) We just made a new design on Balance. that one's kinda hard to explain w/o showing you guys so I'll just wait til I get those back. I haven't gotten any of those designs back so I can't show ya'll yet.
Ok, that'll be it for today. I shall see you tomorruh!

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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
Hey what's up peoples!! XD Not much goin' on here. I've got a little Math HW to finish up after I update. So I won't be able to get to alot of sites right now. If I didn't get to your site yet, then I will later on when I get home. K? ^^
I was really pissed off yesterday, but I'm ok now. I talked to Alex & he made me feel alot better. Aren't friends awesome? ^^ They know exactly how to make ya feel better!
NEwho, I had to do another design last night. Actually I had to do three. The first two look kinda good but the third one...I just wanted to get it over with so I was just drawing whatever. Didn't really put alot of effort into it. Oh well, at least the first two look good. ^^ We're only gonna use one of the designs today for whatever the assignment will be today. 0o
Hey, speaking of the designs I've been doing, whenever I get them back, I might scan them & post them here so you guys can see. If ya want to, that is. Let me know when you comment, k? ^^
Well, I got about an hour til class starts, but that should be more than enough time to finish my math hw. It never hurts to be safe, though. ^^ See ya'll later! (I promise to get to your site later on if I haven't already).

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Monday, October 3, 2005
Wow, I slept really good last night! I did NOT wanna get up this morning! But of course I had to. -_-, But I'm up now, wide awake! ^^
Ooh, who saw FullMetal Alchemist Saturday night!? Oh my gosh,it was soooo goood!!! XD I think their teacher's hiding something. But the fact that that little boy had Ed's arm & leg! Dang, did NOT expect that!! Man, I missed InuYasha though! I thought it came on at 10:30 but it came on at 10! >.<, Hopefully I won't miss it this Saturday since its gonna be the fight between Inu & Bankotsu(sp?). (I at least got to see the preview for the next episode.)
NEway, my weekend was ok. I went on that manga-run yesterday but after only an hour, my parents came to pick me & my bros up. I was like, "Its only been an hour!!" I only got to read one manga which was Rurouni Kenshin 19. I barely got to start on Fruits Basket 11 when they came! I was like, "Nooooooo!" Yea, my mom was in a hurry to get home to watch the football game (major Dallas Cowboys fan. -_-). And my dad...just wanted to go home. Well, my mom said we can go back next week since we didn't get to spend much time there. Hopefully she'll keep her promise. ^^
I totally redid my Xanga...again! I just changed it to a DNAngel theme last week! But then I decided to make it Halloween-themed too. So now its 'Vampire Hunter D'-themed. (Hey, its fit for Halloween!) If ya wanna see it click here. Cool, huh?
Well, that's all for today. See you guys tomorrow!

lol but us girls are enjoying it! ^_~
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
New (Temporary) Theme!!!!
So how do ya like the new theme? I thought since its October, I'd make it Halloween-themed. I probably won't go back to my Elf-theme til maybe January now that the Holidays are coming up. November will be Thanksgiving-themed & December will be Christmas-themed. ^^ I also added some music too. b^^ And what better song to use for Halloween than 'This is Halloween' from Nightmare before Christmas? ....Ok there might be others but I wanted this one! XP
I was talkin' in a chat last night along with some other Otaku members, such as SessLover18, lordsesshomaru, destinyssweetman, & alot more. It was pretty fun!! I got to make some new friends. XD
Dude, I have 104 entries on my gb! 0o Whoa! That's alot! (the last 4 are from people I talked to last night) Thankies everyone who signed my gb! I love you all!! XD *hugs*
Well, I might be able to go on that manga-run tomorrow. Can't today since my mom & dad have to run some errands today. XP But my mom said tomorrow. (hopefully she'll remember *cough*)
I'm gonna work on my site some more. I wanna see what else I can do with it. I'll talk to ya'll later! Luv ya!

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Friday, September 30, 2005
So how's everyone today? Good I hope. (I ask that every post don't I? Hmmm...oh well ^^)
I changed around my Xanga today. It looks wicked-cool! I like the layout I used but I still need to add a bg to it so it'll look even better. ^~d
Well, since I have Friday's off of school, I was able to relax a bit today. Tomorrow I should really start on my hw. Its not that I have alot or anything. I just wanna have plenty of time to do it in. You know I've noticed something. I NEVER worked this hard in school before. In HS, I would just do what was enough for me to pass, even my senior year. I never really applied myself much. But now, I'm just like, "I need to get this done!!! Now!" Ok, not that extreme but you get my point, right? I don't know why I'm saying this; its just something I noticed. *shrug*
NEwho, I've finished Vol. 17! XD OMG IT WAS SO FRIKKEN' GOOD!!! Now to read Vol. 18....only thing is...I don't have it! -_-, But, that's what a manga-run is for!! But since I can't drive yet, I must depend on me mum to drive me to B&N. I can pay her for gas, no problem, but it just a matter of whether she feels like driving me (& possibly my little bro) there. Hopefully, though. ^^
Ack, why do I keep forgetting to say this? I made an AMV last Friday! Yay, go me! Its a FullMetal Alchemist amv to the song 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' by Green Day. But since it is my first, its probably not that good. I may need to change things around before I send it in to animemusicvideos.org. That might take awhile since I'm gonna need alot of time on the puter to work on it, which means I'll probably work on it next Friday.
Well, not much more to say now. I'll check you guys later!
Ahh, time to make fun of the fact that InuYasha's a dog-demon:

(Credit for the pic goes to lordsesshomaru)
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
First of all let me just say that....LOGAN-KUN IS BACK!!!!! XD He finally got his computer fixed & now he's back on the Otaku. Haven't heard from him since....*thinks*...uh, in a long time! 0o Actually, I think its been like, two weeks or so. But he's back now & I'm so glad!!! 
Well, I just finished Vol. 16 of Rurouni Kenshin. OMG, it was so good, too!! XD Haven't started on Vol. 17 yet, but I will soon. Vol. 15 was funny at the beginning before the fight between Misao, Kaoru, & Kamatari.
Kamatari: "I'm not scythe- woman....I'm scythe-MAN!"
lol, I won't go into details on that, but if you've read this volume, you know what I'm talkin' about! 
I finished those designs for my 2D-Design class & turned those in today. But, let me tell you, I had a tough time just getting those finished in time! You guys know how busy with HW I've been this week, so didn't haev time to do much work on them. I did those rough sketches in time for Tuesday. But today we had to have the final design drawn on Bristol Board with Sharpies. I didn't get a chance to even START the final designs til last night! (The night before, I was working on that essay) I would've had more than enough time to finish it but then we had a thunderstorm. It wasn't a HUGE thunderstorm but it was enough for our power to go out! It was only out for a few minutes but I couldn't use the computer for the rest of the day! (I needed it to scan, resize, & print out the last design) So I wasn't able to finish my last design last night, so I had to (quickly) do that this morning! So I did that & drew the design while I was still here at home. But then it was time for us to leave for school, work, whatever. I started coloring in the design with my Sharpies when I got to school & man, that takes a LOOOONG time to do! For one design, it takes about an hour & a half! I know it seems like a long time but its really not when youre trying to get it as perfect as you can! Funny part is though, I finished the design at about 9:28 am....& it was due at the beginning of class at 9:30! Talk about perfect timing! lol
Dude, I typed a bunch about that didn't I? tehe. ^^ Oh, about that essay, I won't know what I got on it for awhile. Our instructor hasn't even finished our first essay yet. Not that I blame her, she has alot of papers to read! So it will be awhile til I know what I got on those essays.
Well, not much more to say so I'll check you guys later! Hopefully, I'll get to rest a little bit this weekend. ^^' See ya'll tomorrow!

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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Mood: awake ^^
Listening to: "Easier To Run" by Linkin Park
I got my grade for my math test yesterday. Guess what? I got a 95!!! wOOt!! *jumps for joy* XD Yea, I'm really proud of myself. *wipes away tear* lol,j/k
Newho, how's everyone else? Me, I'm good. I just finished that essay that's due today. After I finshed writing it last night, I was kinda worried that it wouldn't be three pages (its required to be 3 pages) when I typed it. But I typed it up this morning & guess how mnay pages it turned out to be...5 and a half pages! 00! I didn't even know I could write that many pages for an essay! Fan Fic, yes...but an essay? Now, THAT surprised me! But I hope its good. Descripitive essays are kinda hard for me. ^^'
Well I get to get in a fight with chicken-wire again today in my 3D-design class. lol Yea, last time my arms were all scratched up & one scratch even bled a little. Some of the wire even got caught in my hair every now & then. I think the chicken wire won. lol ^^ Seriously, I'm making a bust for that class & I'm using the wire for the hair. For skin, I'm gonna use some fabric. Its an interesting class. The other students are pretty funny too. These two guys are singing the songs that are playing on the radio & even if they don't know the words, they'll make up words along the way. They keep us laughing the whole time. Its a great class to have first thing in the morning. ^^
Well, I need to go finish getting ready for school before the bus comes. lus I have nothing else to talk about so......bye!

Wave bye, Daisuke! You too, Dark! ^^
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Just as I thought. I'm feelin' really tired this morning! But at least I got my work done. ^^ Drank some coffee but it only helped a little.*yawns* I think I woke up like this this morning:

....ok, ok I wake up like that EVERY morning. XP lol
I have my Math class today, so I'm hoping to my results from the test I took yesterday. XD
lol, yea my little brother is very...brotherly. ^^ He's really competitive with me. Its kinda funny. ^^ Last night while I was working on my projects, he comes into my room with Vol. 10 of Kenshin & goes, "Ha! I'm done! Now on to Vol. 11!"
Me: "I'm already on Vol. 15."
Him: -_-'
About an hour or so later he comes in with vol. 11 & tells me he's done with that one.
Him: "I'ma catch up to you!"
lol My little bro is so funny. ^^
I have an essay due tomorrow, so I'm gonna be doing that when I get home tonight. (Busy, busy me) I know what I'm gonna write about & I've started on a rough draft, so it shouldn't take me too long. Hopefully, anyway.
Well, there's about 15 minutes left before I have to go to my next class, so I'm gonna go now. You guys have a great day. ^^

Mm.Mm.Mm.Mm.Mm...Sexy. (Yes, I did rip off the Quizno's commercial.)
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Monday, September 26, 2005
Just got done taking a test for my Math class. The testing center opened up late, so I had to wait awhile til it finally opened! XP Oh well, the test is done & I actually think I did well on it. There were a couple problems where I was like, "Ackk!! I don't remember how to do that!!" but for the most part, I actually knew what I was doing. ^^ Hopefully we'll get our grade soon so I can see.
NEwho, I finally finished one of my assignments that I talked about last post. Now, I have to start on another assignment, which is just doing some rough sketches. And since they're just sketches, that shouldn't take me too long. Then, I gotta start on ANOTHER assignment, which is also due tomorrow. (All this for the same class! 0o) Yea, I might be up late tonight doing that so I might be really groggy in the morning. Hopefully not though. I already started on it & I've got 1/3 of it finshed. So I'm not too worried about not finishing it. I'll have to start on it right when I get home today.
Well, enough about school. XP My drawings are coming along nicely. Still far from finished but so far, I'm liking the way they're coming out. ^^
I'm currently on Vol. 14. XD (Kenshin looks Sexilicious on the cover of Vol. 13!) lol My little brother gets mad every time I finish a volume cuz he's still on Vol. 10. He wants me to wait for him so he's not behind. Ha! I am NOT gonna wait! XP The manga is getting too good for me to just wait for him! My suggestion: READ FASTER!!! lol I'm just playin'. n_n
Well, that's all for now. See ya'll laters!

(Thanx to lordsesshomaru for letting me use your pics!) ^^
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