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Friday, September 23, 2005
Wow, I've got like 3 assignments due next week! 0o. Eh, no biggie. They're easy assignments. Long...but easy. ^^
I usually wait to finish one drawing before starting a new one, but I just had the urge to start on something else. I'm drawing a pic of Kenshin & Kaoru (it was bound to happen!). ^^ I started it last night & it looks ok so far.
Not much else going on around here. I need to go eat some breakfast. I wish we had some milk so I can eat some cereal. I'm too lazy to cook anything at the moment. SOMEONE NEEDS TO GO TO THE GROCERY STORE!!!! >.<,
Anywho, Logan-kun still hasn't come back in awhile. I hope he gets his puter fixed soon. Hope he's doing well, too.
Well, gots to go ya'll. I'ma go eat me some breakfast...of some sort. 0o
See ya later

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Thursday, September 22, 2005
Sorry there was no post yesterday. The computer decided to kick me off the internet just as I was finishing. And it was a long post, too. -_-'
I'm on Vol. 11 now in Rurouni Kenshin. XD Can't believe Kenshin's master, Seijuro is 43!! Dude, he looks Twenty-something! All these guys look way younger than they actually are, even Kenshin! (But I'm definitely not complaining ^_~)
I'm hungry. (Yes, I know that was random but my stomach's making angry noises at me!) Eh, I'll eat when I get home.
About my mermaid drawing: Haven't been working on it much this week since I've been either working on HW or reading Kenshin (I'm telling you, I'm addicted!!).
Ooh! Who watched 'Lost' last night? Freakin' AWESOME!! Definitely didn't expect that at the end inside that Quarantine thingamajig! (I can't think of the name at the moment. Its too early in teh morning. lol) And that last scene with the patient! (Those who watched know what I'm talking about) Holy Shimoly, it was a good episode!! Next week's is gonna be even better!!! I can't wait!! Tuesday night's 'House' was really good, too. I couldn't believe that Doctor kissed that girl!! I was like, "He's not gonna do it...oh my gosh, is he?....Ooooohmyyyygod!" Yea, surprised even me!
Well, not much else to say. I'll see you guys tomorrow.
Quote comes from Rurouni Kenshin Vol. 11 when Misao & Yahiko ask Kenshin's master, Seijuro, how old he is:
Misao & Yahiko: "How old are you anyway?"
Seijuro: "Forty-Three. So what?"
M&Y: 00!!
Yahiko: "YEAH. HE'S 28."
Siejuro: "...May I speak?"
Kaoru: "Jump in anytime. -_-'
See ya'll later

Sexy Kenshin!! ^~
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Crap! Today in my 2D Design class we're supposed to do a critique of our sketches for a design we're doing. I got most of them done & some were really good! But....I forgot my sketchbook at home!! I can't believe I did that!! I don't know what I'm gonna do in there now. Argh! I hate that feeling I get whenever I leave the house, like I'm forgeting something cuz I know I'm forgeting something! I didn't even realize what I had forgotten til my mom drove up in front of the school. So now, I have to get back on the bus to go get it. My instructor says she doesn't mind us being late or absent just as long as we call her & give her an explanation. (She's nice like that). The bus doesn't get here til around 8:47 & its currently 8:35 so I'm killing some time here.
On happier note, I'm glad you guys liked my new drawing. ^^ I hope to get my new one finished soon, as I've said before. Right now, I have her skin, eyes, & her ears (She has fins for ears; they look really cute!) colored.
Not sure if I'll do a bg or not. I'm not too good with bg's.
Well, its time for me to go so I'll see you guys later! Wish me luck

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Monday, September 19, 2005
I finally posted the pic I drew for DarkRaven10391. I know it took awhile for me to post it but things seem to always come up at the last minute! Plus, other people are always online when I want to get on the puter! >.<, But its finally up. Plz go vote & comment! ^^ Love you guys!
I did get to start on a new pic on thursday & I've been working on it off & on since. Its another mermaid pic. You know what, though when I first started drawing her, she was a fairy, but then I decided she should be an elf, but the way she was sitting reminded me of how a mermaid would sit...so I made her mermaid! lol That ever happen to you guys? Start off with one idea but in the middle of drawing it, you're idea totally changes? ^^ I thought that was kinda funny.
Well, out of Vol. 1-16 (that I borrowed from the public library)of the Ruruoni Kenshin mangas, I'm currently on Vol. 7. I'd be even further if I didn't have so much to do. >.<, Its such a great manga, I'm glad I decided to check it out! The library has vol. 17, too so I have that one on request right now. I wish they had some of the anime dvd's but they don't! >.<, (I've looked!) Oh well, I'll just enjoy the mangas for now. ^^
DId anyone else catch InuYasha & FullMetal Alchemist Saturday night? Awesome episodes, right? I LOVED the scenes with Sango & Miroku in the mountain. They were really sweet! You would think that in a situation like that, they would finally confess their love for eachother, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! They didn't! At least not to eachother! Too bad Sango was unconscious(sp?) while Miroku said that she was "the woman he cared about" (or somwthing like that). Eh, I think its gonna be awhile til they confess it, if at all! -_-' FullMetal Alchemist was really good, too! It was so hilarious how frightened Ed & Alphonse were of their teacher! I was craking up all through the beginning! But I guess I'd be scared of her too, I mean, she beat the crap out of them, especially at the end when Ed & Al told her about when they tried to transmute their mother. I was like, "DAAAAAAAAMN!!!" 0_0! But it was an awesome episode & I can't wait til next Saturday! XD
Umm, I think that's all for today! See you guys later!

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Friday, September 16, 2005
Mood: slightly frustrated *throws computer out the window* See, only 'slightly'!
No, I would NEVER throw a puter out the window! As much as I want to though...(stupid Compaq!)
I'm only frustrated cuz for one, my internet is acting up & two,...I can't figure out how to use the Windows Movie Maker. I've put the song I wanna use for the amv, that was easy! But I can't figure out how to put scenes from my InuYasha dvd(s) onto the Movie Maker thingamajig. I've looked all through the 'Help Topics' but those aren't helping at all! -_-' Heard Adobe Premiere is a good program for amv's but the lowest price I've seen so far for it is $99. Don't get me wrong, that's a good deal, but...I just don't have $99! I'll guess have to find another way to make this amv. *sigh*
Since I've been spending all day on that frikken' thing, I didn't even get to scan my new drawing. I'm gonna do that in a minute. I just hope my internet doesn't start acting like a butt-head again. I'll try to get that posted as soon as I can. Sorry to keep you guys waiting.
I've changed the song on here. Its a song by one of my favorite rock bands called The Used (where do people come up with these names for their bands?). The song's called 'I Caught Fire (In Your Eyes)'. I was gonna put 'All That I've Got' (another The Used song) but I kinda changed my mind! lol
See ya'll later!

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Thursday, September 15, 2005
Dude, I've got 1120 hits on my site! That's funny cuz my birthday is Nov. 20 (11/20). lol!
Well, yesterday was...interesting. I ran into someone I had hoped I would never again see in my entire life! I ran into my ex-best friend yesterday at the train station on my way home. (I take two buses & a train to get home. Gases prices are insane!) But, yea, I get off the train to get on the second bus & I see some blond girl with a familiar-looking pink backpack. I was like, "God, I hope that's not her." Well, she just happened to turn around, enough for me to see her face & sure enough, it was her! Needless to say, I walked faster to the bus before she saw me but she did & followed me onto the bus. I was like, "Dammit." But she comes over & starts talkin' to me like we're old friends or something. Pretty much as if nothing ever happened between us (Although, I'm a forgiving person, I'll never be able to forgive her for stabbing me in the back). She starts askin' me stuff like what college I'm going to & stuff like that. I was just nice & answered her questions even though I was like, "Why is she talkin' to me?". After talkin' to me she got off the bus & went about her business. Sorry to ramble on about that, I just thought it was a wierd little event.
Well, I'm sleepy again today. Though this time it wasn't cuz I didn't get enough sleep last night. More like, I slept really heavy last night! I was sleeping really good lsat night, that I didn't even wanna get outta bed this morning! I was like, "Noooo!!! *hides under blanket*" But, obviously I'm outta bed! ^^
Well, talk to you guys later! See ya'll tomorrow!

I this piece of fanart on Google & thought it was so cute!! It was done by someone named Mikaila. XD Hopefully we'll get to see something like that on the show soon! I love Kagome's expression in the bg! lol
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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Again, no sleep last night. Well, maybe a little but not enough. -_-,
I watched the season premiere of 'House' last night. It was really good! I really love that show! Its so suspensful & of course I love Dr. House's sarcasm & smart-ass remarks! ^^ (I tend to like characters like that) Yeah, 'House' is one of the very fews shows (that are non-anime) that I actually watch. Others would be 'Lost', 'That 70's Show', & 'American Idol' (Yes, I admit it! Leave me alone! XP). I'll watch 'Who's Line Is It Anyway?' occassionally. That's about it, I think.
Well, my little bro (yes, the same one I talked about in my last post) has already decided who he wants to be for Halloween. I got him into the 'Fruits Basket' manga & he's decided that he wants to be 'Kyou Sohma'. I was like, "Really?" I was kinda surprised that he liked Furuba so much that he wanted to go as someone from it! ^^ So, I agreed to help him with his costume. He also said that if he gets to go with me to A-Kon (anime convention) next year that he's gonna want to use that costume again so he can cosplay. Yea, I've turned little bro into an anime fan! *sniff* He makes me so proud! ^^, Also, I've started reading the 'Rurouni Kenshin' mangas, since I heard that that series is pretty good. I borrowed vol. 1-16 from the public library & guess what? My little bro is also reading those! I think he gets into anything I'm into! lol (Except for 'Vampire Hunter D'. I don't know why. Maybe he's just not into the whole vampire thing! *shrug*) Yea, I'm on vol. 5 alraedy while he just started vol. 3. Like I said, I so proud! ^^,,,,
Speaking of cosplay, I still haven't decided who I want to cosplay as at next year's A-Kon. I need to decide soon so I can get started on my costume! I thought maybe Kagome, but (lol) I do NOT look good in a short little skirt like that! Nuh-uh!! I don't have the legs for it! Maybe Sango in her kimono outfit. That one's still a possibility. Kaoru from Rurouni Kenshin is also another possibility. I have to think of some others. Any ideas, guys?
Well, that's all for today. Let's end with a quote from last night's episode of 'House'. Here, he's being asked what he thinks about another doctor:
House: "I'm not gonna say anything bad about another doctor...even if he's a useless drunk!"
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Didn't get much sleep last night. So I'm a littl groggy at the moment! -_- *yawns*
Sorry I didn't post the new pic like I said I would. I didn't finish it on Sunday like I though I would. It will be up sometime this week, though. Probably on Friday, cuz I don't know how much homework I'll have this week. I have Fridays off, so I'll have plenty of time Friday.
As for my AMV...still trying to figure out how my Windows Movie Maker works. Still haven't figured it out. Hopefully I will soon.
Logan-kun is still sick. Hope you get better, Logan! <3
Yes, I know this post was very short, but I just can't find anything else to talk about. Let's end the blog with an actual conversation with my little brother:
Bro: "What's that animal called? You know, the one tha looks like a cow, but with long horns?"
Me: "The longhorn?"
Bro: "Yea, that's the one!"
Me: -_-'
Well, see ya'll later!

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Saturday, September 10, 2005
Hey, sorry I haven't updated. (I'm trying to update at least every other day) How's everyone been?
Well, I have Friday's off, so almost all day yesterday, I was downloading AMV's from AnimeMusicVideos.org. Yea, now I wanna make one...or two...or 10! lol No, really, I think I might make one. I just don't know how. I have Windows Movie Maker, I think some of the people on that site use that. I just need ot figure out how it works. I think I might need Adobe Premier, too, which is something I do not have. -_-, Does anybody here know? (Oh, BTW EAMR, I saw your amv's on there & I just wanted to say that you make AWESOME amv's! I LOVED your FB one!)
I don't know if you guys remember or not but I've mentioned that my friend, Bunny is engaged. Well, yesterday, while we were talkin' over Yahoo! Messnger, she emailed me a pic of the ring that her fiance is getting her! Check it out:

Isn't it GORGEOUS!!!! I was like, "OHMYGOSH!!!!!!!"
Well, I'm almost done with a request I'm doing for DarkRaven10391. I've just gotta finish coloring it & it'll be done! I should have it up by tomorrow. I hope she likes it.
I'll end this post today with a pic of our happy couple, Bunny & Rusty!
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
Didn't get any sleep last night, even though I went to bed kinda early. *yawns*

I wish I was that cat right now! lol
Well, that little get-together at my uncle's house went pretty well. My cousin, Marissa was there & she brought her camcorder with stuff she recorded at A-Kon. (Remember, its the anime convention I went to a few months ago...) NEways, she recorded tons of great stuff, including this improv starring a bunch of cosplayers! Its was so freakin' hilarious! These guys were my favorite:
That's Roy Mustang, Hawkeye, & Ed from Full Metal Alchemist! XD
Hawkeye: (to Mustang) "Hey wasn't your hair a different color in the anime?"
Mustang: -_-'
There was another group of cosplayers who dressed up as characters from Naruto (including a 30-something year old dude dressed up as Sakura! 0o). They were doing a fighting scene & one of them just ramdomly whipped out a lightsaber & goes: "I AM THE MOST POWERFUL JEDI!!!"
lol Ramdomness = fun! ^^
That's pretty much all I've done this week so far. Except for schoolwork & stuff like that. Oh yes, I finally figured out how to use that frikken' VideoDesk thingamajig! Apparently, it had something to do with my Dial-up cuz when I tried uploading a song on there (using Dial-Up) it wouldn't let me. Now, that I have DSL, I decided to give it another shot. And it worked! 0o But I'm not complaining! I was hoping it would work. ^^ So now I have a song from Castlevania: SotN playing here on myO site! Its only a minute long but I like it still!
I'll probably change the song every week or so. Whenever I feel like it. XP
Well, I'm out of things to talk about so, I'll see you guys later!
 You're Daisuke
Which DNAngel Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Yep, that's me! ^^
 You're Shigure - the dog!
Which Fruits Basket Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
That one, too! XD
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