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• 1986-11-20
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• 2004-07-12
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• Rosa
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• Sailor Moon came out ^^
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• InuYasha, FMA, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, alot of other....^^; too many to list!
• To make my parents proud of me. ^^
• Drawing, playing video games, chatting, Internet,
• Drawing, I guess ^^;
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
I dunno but for some reason my site isn't loading all the way. All it would load is the intro and all the info & links on the left side. It won't load any of my posts or the links to my fan art, wallpaper, etc. I've tried everything that I could think of. I'm even adding another post, hoping it'll fix it. I don't know if its just my puter doning this or if its not loading for anybody! Hopefully this will work cuz I don't know what else would. -_-,,,
Logan-kun is feeling really down right now. All the details are on his site, so if you could plz go to his site & help him out. Thanx.
ElvesAteMy Ramen has finished coloring her line-art for her Yuki pic! It looks really awesome (like all her pics do!) Plz go check that out if you haven't done so already.
I drew an elf pic the other day but I haven't submitted it yet. I'm gonna do that in just a bit so it should be up by the time you read this. (If my site starts working again, that is!) If its not posted for some odd reason, you can still see it as my new avatar! XD
Well, gonna go now. I really hope my site starts working again!
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Monday, August 8, 2005
1000 Hits!!!
Hey I just got 1000 hits on my site!!! XD Isn't that awesome!?! Thanx you guys!!! I love you all!!! XD
NEways, I'm trying to get some music on this site (that's NOT midi! XP) We shall see how that goes...
My close Otaku buddy, Alex (destinyssweetman) wrote a poem about me & posted it on his site. Its a really sweet poem!! Plz go to his site & check it out. (Its on Sunday's post)
Lately, I've been thinking about starting my own manga. Just a thought. I have plenty of ideas for original characters but as far as coming up with a plotline, I'm having a little difficulty with that. -_-' Maybe one day...
Well, not much more to say so I'll leave now. Bye!
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
New Art & Wallpaper!
Just submitted a new pic yesterday! Otaku member Baast wanted me to draw a picture of her oc, Siren. I really hope it came out like she hoped it would. Plz go check it out: Comments & votes will be greatly appreciated! ^^
I also submitted 2 'Castlevania: Symphony of the Night' Wallapers!Plz go check those out if you get a chance.
I'm currently working on 2 pics right now, one a fan art & one an original. The original is a picture of a Neko (cat-girl). So far, it looks ok. I'm also drawing a Fruits Basket fan art with Yuki & Ayame. I think it looks good so far. I just need to color Ayame & then it'll be done. ^^
Well, that's all I wanted to say for now. Talk to ya'll laters!
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
New Art!!!
Just submitted a new pic today. Its the pic I've been working on for AwesomeDude898's birthday. I know its a few days late but I hope he still likes it. Plz go vote & comment on it.
I've been working alot on my fan fics, too. I've already got 4 chapters of my InuYasha fic finished! I just submitted chapter 2, though. If you wanna check that out from the first chapter, click here!
Neways, that's pretty much it for now. See you guys later! Love ya!
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Sunday, July 24, 2005
First of all, if you missed the Anime Convention pictures last post, plz check those out.
My Otaku bud, ElvesAteMyRamen submitted a new pic! XD It is so awesome & its not even colored yet! If it looks this great now, imagine how amazing it will look once its colored! Its hard to describe how awesome this pic is. You just have to see for yourself!.
I won't be able to be online tomorrow, so I wanna wish my awesome Otaku friend, AwesomeDude898 a Happy Early Birthday!! His birthday is tomorrow, so you can stop by his site to wish him a happy birthday, too! ^^
I've got alot to do tomorrow. I have to go register for my classes at the college I'm going to in the Fall semester. Then, I might send in some more job applications that I filled out this weekend. I filled out 3 applications for Barnes & Noble (3 different locations) & one 1 for Hot Topic. Maybe while I'm at Barnes & Noble, I can pick up Fruits Basket vol. 10! ^^ I still haven't read it yet, but I want to so bad!!! Plus it has my Zodiac animal on the cover. Kisa, the tiger! XD Yep, I'm the Year of the Tiger, 1986! wOOt! I guess that explains why I've always loved tigers so much! lol ^^
Well, I've gotta go now. I'll see you all later! ^^
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Friday, July 22, 2005
A-Kon Pics!!!!!!!
Wow, haven't updated in awhile! Can you blame me? Nothing ever happens! XP lol Haven't done much in the last week. Hmmm...I saw 'Charlie & The Chocolate Factory' last Friday. It was awesome! And no, I'm not just saying that cuz its a Johnny Depp movie! It was really good! Depp was so funny, my dad couldn't stop laughing! I thought it was better than the original! That's no surprise since I'm a huge Tim Burton fan! ^^
NEways, enough of that! I finally developed pictures from A-Kon!!! (Anime Convention, in case ya forgot!) XD Ya wanna see? .....OK!!! :
First off here's some cosplayers. See if you can guess who they are. (Not that it should be hard to!):
Ok, these next two cosplayers have absolutely NOTHING to do with anime, but they were just way too awesome to be ignored!!:
Yes, there was a freakin' Storm Trooper there!! I was like,"Ummmm, I think he's at the wrong convention!" BUt isn't that awesome! Oh, & in case you live under a rock & don't know who the other cosplayer is, that's Silent Bob from the 'Jay & Silent Bob' movies. It looks just like him, don't it!?
Here's a picture of Vic Mignogna,t he voice actor who plays 'Edward Elric' on "Full Metal Alchemist" & 'Dark Mousy' on "DNAngel".
I took pictures of some of the stuff I brought home with me. (Just cuz I was trying to waste the rest of my film so I could hurry up & develop it.) Here's some of those:
BTW, the Full Metal Alchemist poster is autographed by Vic & was free! ^^ So was the A-Kon 16 poster. Everything else I did buy. I bought more stuff but I ran out of film. There were more pictures but they didn't come out good! I really wanted the picture of this girl glomping Vic Mignogna but it didn't come out!! -_-,,,, And ALL the FullMetal Fantasy didn't come out, either! (There were alot of those!) I really wanted to show you guys Vic Mignonga dressed up as Edward Elric! It was HILARIOUS!! lol
Tomorrow we are gonna have a yard sale. We were gonna have it last saturday but then it started raining alot so...that didn't work out!
Well, not much else goin' on. See you guys later!
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Thursday, July 14, 2005
First of all, if you haven't already plz check out my newest art! (Links are my last post). I felt bored bored & decided to take some quizzes:
nn nWho's Your Sohma Guy?n nHosted by Anime. Done right.n
WooHoo!!! I got Haru!!! XD Haru's my favorite Sohma!
nn nWhat DNAngel Guy Are You?n nHosted by Anime. Done right.n
As far as the description goes, its pretty accurate. Though, I'm not a guy!
nn nWhat Military Character Are You?n nHosted by Anime. Done right.n
Meh...I guess
Well, that's all for today. I've gotta go now. Talk to ya'll later!
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Hey I just submitted another DNAngel fanart! Click here to see it! Plz vote & comment!
BTW, if you haven't already plz look at the art that I posted last week. I'm sorry, its just that I really like that one & want alot of people to see it! ^^
While I'm here, I wanna also ask if everyone could plz visit my friend, AwesomeDude898. He's feeling really down & could use some advice. All the details are on his site.
Thanx a bunch. I hope I'm not asking for too many favors.
NEways, g2g. I'll check ya'll later!
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
Artwork & DDR!
Wow, my otaku friend, ElvesAteMyRamen finally submitted the DNAngel pic that I've (along with alot of other otaku members) been waiting for her to color! It is truly amazing! Here, see for yourself:

Was I right or what? To go vote & comment just click here!
BTW, if you haven't checked my newest art, plz do so. Thanx.
I went to my best friend, Sara's 18th Birthday party last night! I had tons of fun! Her party was DDR-themed! I've had never played it before last night but I actually played it! It was so much fun! I really want that game, now! I didn't ever think that I would ever be interested in it but I had so much playing it, even though I sucked at it! lol At her party, she even had a little 'DAnce-off competition'. lol, I lost the first round! But only by a few points! XP Well, after all the DDR-goodness, she had this really awesome puck rock band playing there called 'Fusco'. (They're a local band, so many of you might have never heard of them). I would put one of their songs on here but I still can't get my account to work! (If any of you can help me with that, I'd really appreciate it! Just pm me if you use it too & may be able to help.) Yeah, we were having so much fun! There was so much head-banging & moshing. (Same as last year!) It was so freakin awesome! After they performed, they sold some of their merchandise & everyone bought something! As for me, I bought 2 cd's & a T-shirt (& got a free button!) Everything was $5 or less so that was really awesome! ^^ After that, my parents came to pick me up & I got home just in time to watch InuYasha! ^^
Not much more to say at moment.
See ya'll laters!!
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Wow, it seems like ages since I've done an original drawing! I decided to take a break off my Hiwatari pic & do an original pic for ya'll! Yes, it is ANOTHER elf! But I like elves! Elves are awesome! ^^ Plz go check it out! Also, vote & comment. ^^
BTW, does anyone here use I'm having some trouble w/ it & need some help. Thanx.
That's it for now! I'll talk to you guys later!
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