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Thursday, March 3, 2005
Well, this week has not been as good as I would like, but whatever. I didn't do too good on my report card. (I failed 3 classes!) *sigh* I'm just under alot of stress & other stuff that I haven't really been concentrating on school as much as I need to. -_- So, now I'm grounded from pretty much everything, including the internet!! I can only get online when I'm here at school, which sucks cuz I won't be able to talk to my buds over MSN. -_- And right now is when I actually need it. I need to talk to someone that I think I might have hurt even though he did say something that upset me, (this was tuesday night, BTW) but now I just feel bad cuz I didn't want to listen to what he had to say, even if it did hurt me. -_- That night was just not a good night. I was getting in an arguement with everyone! Just ask Izzy (hyakkimaru). He knows. lol Speakin' of which, I don't even know if we're an actual couple or not. You see, Nancy came up to me the other day & asked me if me & him were going out. And, I said 'No.' cuz I assumed that he didn't feel the same way I do about him since he knows that I like him. And I was like, "Why?" And she says, "Cuz I asked him the same thing & he said that he doesn't even know!" So, now I don't know, either! I'm just so confused!!! I'm scared to bring it up with him. I don't know why, I just am. I hate that about myself! -_- *sigh* Maybe I should just move on. I dunno. *shrug*
I've got Drama Club this saturday. Not much to say about that.
We took our senior panaramic (sp?) pictures yesterday. I hated it! We were all bunched up together & I was feeling very claustraphobic ( again sp?)! Oh well, at least I didn't have to stand by Jessica! God, I HATE her with a passion!!!! Everytime I see her, I just wanna punch her in the face!! There's a reason I h8 her, but its a REALLY LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGG story!! Its a freakin' soap opera!! lol
NEways, I've gotta go. Man, I'm hungry!! I need to start eating breakfast!
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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
Math class SUX!!!!
Last night was parent conference but I don't think my mum went to it. She usually takes me along with her but I SO did NOT wanna go! So she left to go somewhere, I assumed she went to it w/o me, but when she came home she didn't say NEthing about it so I really don't know! 0o I know I did bad in my math class but I am working my ass off to bring that grade up! I haven't gotten my report card yet but I know I got a really bad grade! -_- *sigh* But I'm gonna bring that grade up! I'm making alot more A's & B's than I used to be making. And I'm doing my HW, too. For once! lol I need to work harder in my English class. I don't think I did too good in that class either. I think I failed my 2 or 3 points. -_-' So much work! No wonder I'm so stressed out all the time! OK how we
That subject! ^^ Yesterday was m first day at intern at the SPCA. (Its required for my Vet class.) It was actually kinda fun. I saw a kewt wittle black puppy! It was so adorable & friendly! I wanted to take it home with me. ^^ But someone else already adopted it! Darn! Oh well, at least its going to a new home & not staying in that cage! I also saw a little orange tabby kitten, but it was so scared it was shaking! I felt so sorry for him, having to be in there. I wish my mom would let me have cats cuz I so would've taken him home. I love kitties! ^^ I don't think I have intern on Wed. I dunno, I have to talk to Ortega about it.
Saturday was my little bro's birthday party! I bought him a DragonBall Z soundtrack CD from that anime store in Duncanville. I also decided to buy Izzy's birthday present while I was there. Izzy, you're gonna love your present, I promise!!!! I'm not gonna say what I got him just in case he's reading this. Sorry, Izzy. ^^
I have to go now. I've got some work I need to finish here in my Computer class.
P.S. I got bored so I took some quizzes:
Dark You're more of a dark artist. While some of your materials are not exactly 'demented', you tend to put a twist to the 'nicer', like angels, and give demons a holier light. You tend to put a deeper meaning into things, one most people dont see.What kinda of artist are you?
Depressing Anime.
 What's your anime type?
Hmmm....really? 0o

This is the frequently forgotten "element".
It's dark, feared, and mysterious. We all know how we die; the mystery lies in the simple question of "what next?"
death is not a bad element to be: it means you are mysterious and keep to yourself. you are secretive perhaps, and maybe a big .. satanic/malicious at times.
death is a beautiful thing. just as beautiful as it's opposite: life. What element best decribes you?
Yes, that's true. *shrug* What can I say?
NERD, MAJOR He luvs school more than you. TOO obssesed with the meaning of school and learning. whats your ideal boyfriend
*coughIzzycough* ^^ j/k
black you feel as if no one cares or knows you. you feel like nobody. you sit at home all day and night saying how muvh you hate your life. how goth can you be? What color are you?
Kinky Ok, accept it...your a freak!! You enojy good sex. You like getting whipped and seeing your partner...or just anyone you f*ck struggle to get out of their handcuffs. What kind of sex do you like?
Hehe... ^^ what can I say? lol This is probably my favorite quiz resulton this entire post!
a punk in the non-punk way!

you're punk in your own way. You are really comfortable with who you are and do things however you wanna. whatever people think about you, you let them think. you don't label people by what they wear or listen to because you know it's what's beneath the surface that means the most. you're what punk was supposed to be about. (lost in this society...) What kind of punk are you?
YES!!! THAT IS SOOOOO ME!!!! ^^ Labels are retarded! That's one of the reasons I hate HS. Everyone just has to be in a certain type of group or whatever. It makes me sick! Well, I guess that'll be all for today. See ya'll later!
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Friday, February 25, 2005
I'm bored
I'm really bored & really tired. I took some allergy midicine this morning & its making me REALLY drowsy! *falls asleep on keyboard* afjdbnkjfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff *wakes up* huh? 0o
Took some quizzes. Here's the results:
 PROFESSIONAL ASSASSIN: You're a pro. A soldier of death. You have a job to do, and you do it. Killing is your business, and business is good.
Which Type of Assassin Are You? (With Anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
Wow, Rachel P. is my back-stabbing love interest/partner! 0o!
 you are the "you suck, and that's sad" happy bunny. your truthful, but can be a bit brutal.
which happy bunny are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Had enuogh torture? OK, I'll stop. ^^ lol
Love you guys!
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Sunday, February 20, 2005
666 hits...hehe...Satan loves me!!!
Guess what? When I logged in just now, I noticed that I have exactly 666 hits on my site! lol I thought that was really funny! ^^ (No, I'm not some Satan-worshiper, I just thought that was funny!) Hehe
NEways, I feel better now! Me & Bunny (Her name's Rachel, but I've started calling her bunny because of her username on went to Oklahoma Friday after school & just got back about an hour ago. We had so much fun! We had her dogs, Landon & Tweedy with us. They are just so funny! I love Landon, he loves to kiss people! Tweedy's a little more mellow but she's still fun! We had alot of fun! Friday was mostly just getting there & unpacking & stuff like that. On Saturday was the first day of the dog show. Landon finished his title! XD We were done later in the evening so we went back to the hotel so Bunny could change before we went out for dinner. She took me to this restaurant that I've never been before called Hairy Bear's. She was like, 'You have to try the fried peaches!!!' I was like, 'O...K...0o' I wasn't sure if I would like them but I like to try new things so why not? We ate dinner first. I ate some chicken strips w/ fries & toast. That was pretty good. Then for dessert we had.....FRIED PEACHES!!! I tried one & I was like, 'OMG!!!! These are SOOOOOO good!' They were!! OMG, I loved them!! XD Then we went back to the hotel & showered, watched some tv, & played with the dogs! We called it a night at around midnight (right after I finished watching Inuyasha! ^^). Then today was pretty much the same, except we left for home right after we were done at the show. It didn't go that well today with Landon cuz he just didn't want to cooperate! -_- But at least he finished his title. And that was my weekend!
Tomorrow since there's no school I may go to this anime store in Duncanville to buy my little bro his birthday present. (Plus, some other things for me!) I also need to buy something for Izzy. Things are getting awkward between me & him but I promised to get him something & I intend to keep my promise.
Not much more to say. My mind always goes blank when I type! -_-
I'm happy today!!!! 
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Thursday, February 17, 2005
ARGHHH!!! I am SOO fucking pissed off!!! My mom is giving SO much crap, I can hardly take it anymore!! Grr, I am SOOO glad I'm leaving for Oklahoma tomorrow for 2 nights! And I want to talk to Alex (destinyssweetman) so bad but my retarded MSN Messenger is fucking up so I can't talk to NE1! Sorry, Alex! I love you as my friend.
Today has NOT been good! It was great til I got to 4th period, which is my English class. I think the one I fancy knows how I feel about him! Now I feel really awkward around him. It wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't one my closest friends. I did NOT want him to at all, but I'm sure he knows, which will just fuck everything up cuz I know he doesn't feel same way & I don't want my heart to be broken by someone that close to me. I'm sorry to be ranting like this but I just need to blow off some steam right now. Then, in Drama Club I was getting really frustrated. Then, as soon as I get in the my mom's minivan she starts yelling at me for shit that's not even my fault! Grr, she makes me so fucking angry!!!!
I have to go now.
I'll be back here at home Sunday afternoon, so I hope I'm able to get back online. Hopefully, MSN will stop being a bitch & let me talk to my friends.
BTW, I'm trying to post a pic that I drew a couple weeks ago. But I have to figure this scanner out since my other puter died in me. I have to use my parents'.
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Happy???? Valentine's Day
Well, I hope everyone had a good Valentine's day. Of course I didn't. -_- To be honest, I HATE this holiday. I always get that feeling of lonliness around Valentine's Day. I see all of these couples walking hand in hand, so happy & I can't help but feel jealous. When will I find someone to hold me in that loving way? I'm pretty much convinced that I'll never find NE1..ever! I'm fucking 18 years old & have NEVER had a single boyfriend! -_- How pathetic is that? *sigh* There is someone who I've always cared about in that way but he can never know my feelings for him. *sigh* Ever person who I've cared about like that has NEVER returned the same feelings for me. So, now I don't even bother telling NE1 how I feel. It seems like nobody will eer care for me like that. I wish someone did. If someone ever does, I hope they would be the one to tell me cuz I've been hurt too many times by the people who have rejected me. And I don't think I can handle another rejection. *sigh*
I'm sorry that this post is such a downer but I just had to vent a little bit. I always get like this whenever I see couples here at my school but its even worse around this certain holiday.
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Sunday, February 13, 2005
Well, I feel alot better today. I'd still rather not go into details about it. Sorry.
I may go to Oklahoma for a dog show next weekend, but my mom hasn't given me a definite answer yet. My friend, Rachel is having another dog show there & she wants to know if I can come along. Hopefully, I can. It'll be fun. ^^
Hey my good friend, ElvesAteMyRamen drew an AWESOME pic of a realistic Inuyasha. It looks so cool (though I'm sure the girls enjoy it just a taaaaaad more than the guys ^^)

Is that awesome or what? *Screams at the top of her lungs* Great now I can't talk. lol.
Sorry this was such a short post but I have other things I need to do. I'll talk to ya'll later. ^^
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Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Well, they found the cat, so I'm happy about that.
My day started off great but I just found out something that has got me really down right now. I just feel like crying right now but there's people here in class with me & I hate crying in front of other people. -_-
I'd rather not talk about it right now. I've gotta go.
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Monday, February 7, 2005
Ugh, I've been SO sick the whole weekend! I'm still sick too! -_-'
NEways, today has been interesting already! You know hat happened? Our Vet teacher lost a cat! 0o We've spent almost 2 freakin' hours looking for her! We came from lunch & Ortega was like, "The cat's missing!" So, We spent 30 min trying to fid her before it was time to go to our next class. Didn't find her. Most of us didn't go to our next class so we could find her. I was one of them. I'll just go to tutoring in the a.m. to catch up on NEthing I miss, which is probably nothing since we're just watching a movie. NEways, we still haven't foud her & we've looked through the ENTIRE school! All 3 floors! I really hope she turns up before the day is over cuz I feel really sorry for her owner. *sigh* Just hope and/or pray for her cat, that she'll turn up soon.
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Sunday, January 30, 2005
Chapter 1
Hey guys. Here's the first chappie of my first Inuyasha fan fic! I hope its good. I'm not sure. 0o I'll post up chapter 2 if you guys enjoy this chapter! Just so ya know, this is rated PG-13.
Chapter 1: The Move
I was sitting in my parents minivan, bored out of my mind! Well, I was more pissed off than bored. Too angry to do any thing to keep me occupied. It was me, my mom & dad, & my little brother, Tyler. We were moving to a new house, which was why I was so upset. Why, you ask? Well, maybe because of the fact that we’ve lived in our old house all my life! It was where I grew up, where all my friends from childhood were. Now, my parent were gonna tear me apart from the one thing that makes me happy. Our new house is in a whole different state! How was I gonna be able to see all friends? E-mail just wasn’t enough! I wanted to be able to hang with them like I always used to. “You’ll make new friends” my kept saying before we left! ‘Maybe I will, but it won’t be the same!’ I thought to myself. ‘It just won’t be the same.’ My dad just had to make things worse by saying that I’ve been hanging around ‘the wrong kind of crowd’ & I need to ’clean up my act’. They made me so mad! I hated them for this! But I stayed quiet all through the drive there. There was no point in arguing at that time, anyway. We were almost half-way there. Dad drove the 2nd half the drive while mom slept in the passenger seat. Tyler was sitting next to me, playing his Game Boy. I could’ve been playing mine but I just wasn’t in the mood. I decided that I should just take a nap so I won’t be so bored. I looked out the window, watching trees, houses, pedestrians, & other cars pass by. It wasn’t long before I finally fell asleep…
“We’re here!” I woke up to my mom’s cheerful voice. I rubbed my eyes to wake myself up from my dreamless sleep & got out of the van. We all started to get our things out from the back of the van & head into the big, red brick house. It was much bigger than our old house. I still didn’t like it. I still wanted to be back in my old house. I already missed it so much! ‘I’d give anything to be back there again!’ I thought to myself as I walked inside. As I went in, I looked around. It looked pretty decent. Pretty much what I expected. My parents let me & my mom & Tyler loose to claim our rooms. Tyler ran in the first room he saw. I just walked into mine. I obviously, wasn’t excited to see what my room looked like, so what was the point of running to it? Plus, I’m not 6 anymore!
So, I walked into my prison cell (which my parents liked to call my ‘bedroom’), & see that they’ve already set up the furniture & stuff, including the bed, which was good cuz I really needed to lie down. I threw myself on the full-size bed & prayed that I’d never had to get up ever again! Then, here comes a knock on my door. Guess that prayer wasn’t answered. I looked over at the doorway & see my mom there holding a box with my name written in red ink. “Here’s some of your clothes to hang up in the closet. “ She said to me as she walked over to put the box on my bed. “OK” was all I could come up with to say to her. I really didn’t feel like talking to her at the moment. I rolled over on my stomach so I wouldn’t have to look at her. I guess she got the hint that I didn’t want her in there cuz she left without saying a word. I didn’t care if she was hurt or not. I hated her at the moment & couldn’t even bare the sight of her. As soon as she left I walked over to the door & closed it. I decided I should lock it too since I really didn’t want anybody in there right then. If they need me, they know how to knock.
I looked over at the box mom let on the bed. I go over & open it. Along with my clothes there was some plastic hangers. ‘Might as well get it over with’ I thought. ‘Nothing else to do’ So, I grabbed a T-shirt & put it on a hanger as I walked over to the closet. I opened the door & looked inside. A walk-in closet. ‘No surprise there’ I pulled on the little chain in the middle of the closet but nothing happened. ‘Great! No light!’ I walked over to one side of the closet to try & hang the shirt up. I noticed the floor creak as I walked, but I ignored it. I felt for the pole-thing to hang the hanger on but it took awhile before I found it. I hung up the shirt & started to walk toward the door again. I noticed the creaks getting louder as I walked. I knew something wasn’t right so I try to get out as quickly as I could. But the floor gave out from under me before I made it out. My foot went through & I fell to the ground. ‘Great! My first day in this house & I’ve already broken it!’ I tried to get up but the rest of the floor caved in & I fell right through the floor.
I think I hit my head on something cuz I fell unconscious for awhile. When I came to, I felt grass under my hands. I opened my eyes to see where I was. It was very dark & I couldn’t see that well beyond the darkness. But it was obvious that I was outside. I stood up so I could look around. I still didn’t see anything. I wasn’t hurt but I was a little dizzy. Probably from when I hit my head. It hurts a little, too. I finally snap out of it. But…why was I outside? I was very confused. ‘Just a little while ago, I was in my room, but…now I’m outside?’ I sighed. ‘This doesn’t make any sense at all. I don’t the house anywhere!’ It looked like I was in a forest or something. ‘How the hell did I get here?’ I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do, but I decided that I should probably try to find my way back. I started walking, hoping to find my house or maybe somebody who can help me. But it seemed like hours before I finally gave up. I couldn’t find anybody! It was still nighttime so I just decided to sleep for the rest of the night. Hopefully, I’ll find someone in the morning.
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