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Thursday, January 27, 2005
Hey guys, sorry. I know I promised to post my Inuyasha fic this post & I was gonna do this while I'm here in my computer class but the stupid puter won't let me open the disc. >.< So, I may do it either tomorrow or this weekend. I can't do it tonight cuz I'm staying after school til 6pm for Drama club (which just started this week. 0o) And then after, I hav to go with my mom and little bro to Lanier Elem. for their open house. My bro wants to play the piano. Awww...ain't that kewt?I used to play but I haven't played since the 6th grade when I went to Lanier. I may take it up again....someday. 0o NEways, I probably won't be home about 7 or 8 so if I'll be lucky if I'm able to even get on the net tonight. -_-
Neways, how's eveyone been? Good? Bad? Mine's! *shrugs* I actually feel kinda worse than what I was last post. Things are just getting worse over here. I don't really feel like going into details about it.
I drew a pic the other day when I was bored in class but it looks like crap! -_- The background's cool, though. I can't show you guys right now since I haven't scanned it yet. But I can show if (for some reason) you wanna see it. I met this girl yesterday who draws anime characters, too. But all my art looks like CRAP compared to hers! Me & Izzy (Hyakkimaru) were looking through her sketchbook yesterday after school & we just could NOT stop looking through it! We were looking through it again this morning before I went on to my '0' period class. But I was actually trying to learn how she did the eyes (cuz she draws AMAZING eyes!). I was also looking at the hair too. ^^ SO, the way I draw my characters may change a little bit but I hope it changes for the better. ^^
I need to go now. I really need to update my Xanga & see if my friends there have too. And I've only got 15 min. to do it so
see ya!
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Sticky Background!!!
Dammit! I had a huge blog typed in here & you know what happened! I got fuckin' kicked off the internet! The internet hates me! That happened to me on Sunday while I was talking to people over MSN. Bleh! XP I'm school right now, but I hope I'm not kicked off again!
NEways, thanx ElvesAteMyRamen for the html code to make my bg stick! It really cool! ^^
If NEbody wants the code I'll be more than happy to pm you the code!
I'm a little upset right now. Not really in the mood to talk about it right now.
Well, my weekend sucked! How was yours? I had to take my SATs on Saturday. That didn't go well. I'm hoping I did OK on it, but I doubt that I did. >.<
The only good thing about the weekend was that I got to watch Napoleon Dynamite! That movie was hilarious! "Idiot!" ^^ I loved it! I also got to talk some of my friends over MSN. That's always fun! ^^
I got a little sick on Sunday & it got a little worse yesterday so I had to stay home form school. Rachel says I missed a good class in VET. But oh well.
I finished writing the first 2 chapters on my first Inuyasha fan fic! If you guys want to read, I can post it here on my next post! Just let me know. I'll end up putting it up on FanFiction.Net & MediaMiner.Org. I justed joined so I haven't posted any of my other fics on there yet. They're still on if ya'll wanna read them! ^^
Well, I can't think of NEthing else to say so...
I'm out!
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Friday, January 21, 2005
I dedicate this to all my friends on the Otaku!
OK, I have to apologize to eveyone for the last post. After reading all those comments you all left for me, it made me think about my decision to leave. I realized that I was about to leave for the stupidest reasons! I really wish I hadn't have posted that. It was really stupid! I'm sorry for doing that. It was a really stupid thing for me to do. I regret even thinking about leaving! Well, the good news is that I'm NOT leaving! And its thanks to everyone who tried to convince me that it was a bad idea. I would like to thank:
Silent Love
Takara Sohma &
for commenting on my last post & letting me know that I would be missed greatly if I left.
They also made me realize that it would just be one big mistake if I did leave!
I also have to thank some new friend that signed my GB & made a really good point! They were Snow Guardian & darkkairi. They left some nice words in my GB & helped alot.
Last but not least I really need to thank AwesomeDude898! He's the one that has convinced me te most to stay here on the Otaku. He PMed me this message here on the Otaku. I'll let you guys read it. Its really hard to just explain it:
"Yo Rosa. I wanted to stop by and say that I owe you an apology. I honestly think I've been neglecting you as a friend. I've been very busy with school work and all, plus my family isn't exactly making the house-hold a less stressful place. But that's no excuse for what I've been doing. You've regularly come to my site and commented on my posts, while I haven't been returning the favor. I rarely had time to read the posts on your site, if you updated at a time it would register on my PC (time zone difference), so when you updated and I even got to see it I said to myself, "I'll read it and comment tomorrow". But I never did. I was mean to you and ignored your posts, even though your recent ones about your required hiatus from The Otaku were obviously important. I've been a serious jerk to you, and I acted in a way that nobody should act to their friend. I shouldn't have callously ignored your posts while you diligently stuck with mine. I've been a horrible friend to you, and I ask that you please, out of the obviously abundant goodness of your heart, to forgive me for how I acted. You stuck with my trivial nonsense in my postings and even tried to comfort me when I was feeling down, and I put what you had to say on hold. I realize now how badly I treated you, and I ask that you please forgive me and know that I am deeply as sorry as I can be. So will you accept my apology?
What made me realize the magnitude of my actions was your most recent post. You mentioned that people had ignored your site with the exception of a small list of friends, which included me. The truth was that I really shouldn't have been on that list. I've been a lousy friend in every rite.
We were there for each other when we talked together about how your parents had made you feel so depressed. That was when I knew how much I cared about your well-being, and how much you cared about mine. That was when I knew I had really made a deep connection with someone that was a true friend. But, over time (a short period of time even), I lost sight of that. I lost my grip on who truly was my friend. I forgot about how much we cared about each other. However, you did not.
That is why I want to sincerely ask you for your forgiveness. I don't want you to leave The Otaku, and I don't want to lose touch with you. I love you too much, and we all love you too much to have to say good-bye to you. Please accept my apology, and please don't leave us all here holding the pieces."
I really was speechless when I read this. I knew then that I would be letting down one of my closest friends here on myOtaku. And I don't want to do that. AD898, if you're reading this, just know that you are NOT a lousy friend! If NE1's a lousy friend, its me. I was about to leave you & eveyone else here behind! Reading your message really hit me! I didn't realize how much my friends here really cared about me. I'm really sorry for even THINKING about doing that to you & everyone else! I'm the one who needs to apologize! Not you, Logan.
As I've said, I've decided to stay on Otaku. It'll be a LONG time before I actually leave! I've realized that people here do care & I can't let everybody here down. If I ever do leave, I'll make sure it will be for a good reason & not something so stupid like before!
Thanx again everyone!
I dedicate this song by 'The Alan Parsons Project' to all my friends here on myOtaku.:
"Old & Wise"
As far as my eyes can see
There are shadows approaching me
And to those I left behind
I wanted you to know
You've always shared my deepest thoughts
You follow where I go
And oh when I'm old and wise
Bitter words mean little to me
Autumn winds will blow right through me
And someday in the mist of time
When they asked me if I knew you
I'd smile and say you were a friend of mine
And the sadness would be Lifted from my eyes
Oh when I'm old and wise
As far as my eyes can see
There are shadows surrounding me
And to those I leave behind
I want you all to know
You've always Shared my darkest hours
I'll miss you when I go
And oh, when I'm old and wise
Heavy words that tossed and blew me
Like Autumn winds that will blow right through me
And someday in the mist of time
When they ask you if you knew me
Remember that you were a friend of mine
As the final curtain falls before my eyes
Oh when I'm old and wise
As far as my eyes can see...
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Maybe I just shouldn't be here NEmore...
I see that nobody even bothered to care about me taking a break. Ah well, its no big deal. I didn't expect NEbody to miss me. I think its probably a good idea that I just leave altogether. I've been thinking about leaving for awhile now, but I really wasn't sure if people would really care. Now, I'm pretty much convinced that everyone would just be better off if I just left MyOtaku. I'll leave my site on for maybe a week or so but after that, I'll just be posting artwork but I will turn my site off, since its just a waste of my time. I only put up the site so I can meet some awesome friends! I have met quite a few but they just never come to my site or talk to me or really NEthing. With an exception of destinyssweetman, awesomedude898, & other of my closest Otaku friends it just seems like I'm just here and nobody will really miss me if I left.
So, I'll post my official good-bye about a week or 2 from now. This is a very hard decision for but I think I've had enough of wasting my time & yours.
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Sunday, January 16, 2005
Need A Little Break
Sorry I haven't been able to post in awhile. Haven't had alot of time to even be online.
Friday, I had alot of cleaning & babysitting to do. Saturday, my aunt was over for most of the day. So, I only have today to post. I may post tomorrow butI don't know yet.
I'm talking to destinyssweetman over MSN. I love talking to him. ^^ .
My good friend, Izzy, (Hyakkimaru) posted some art up today. But they probably won't be on theOtaku til sometime tomorrow or the next day. But I'm sure it'll be well worth the wait! His art is so much better than mine! I think so NEway. Ya'll should check them out as soon as they're up!
I'm thinkin of taking a little break off of the Otaku so I may not post NEthing in awhile. I have my reasons for the break.
So, I'll only post something if there's something REALLY important I need to tell you guys about. I'll still visit your sites & stuff. I just won't be posting anything in my blog. I'm not sure when I'll be back but I'll be sure to let you guys know.
Well, I'm off now. I love all you guys as friends. See ya later!
Here's a little special treat for NE 'Star Wars' fans here on Otaku:

That's just so hilarious!!! I love that!!
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005
My day! Bleh!
Ugh! Got my senior pics yesterday! NOO!!! I honestly don't like them! But my parents do so, whatever! At least somebody does! bleh!
I'm in my multimedia class being bored! Bleh, again! I hate my B-days! Those are the days that I actually do work! I'm playin'! Actually, I hate them cuase I don't have NE friends in ANY of my classes on Bdays! Except for Govt. George is still in there but we don't get to talk much! I love my A-days cause those are my fun days! I get to just chill with my friends in most of my classes!
I got my report cards yesterday too! I'm really proud of myself! ^^ I brought my GPA up to an 83! It used to be a 79 but I worked my ass off to bring it up! I'm gonna try to get it up some more!
Rachel may come over SAturday. Still not confirmed! -_-' My parents seem to be hesitant to answer me! Bleh! I hope nothin' else comes up!
I'm really sleepy right now. Bandit (my cat) kept me up last night, scratching at my door trying to come in! But as soon as I opened the door to let him in, he runs off! That cats play too much! Bandit needs to be like his bro, Smokey: Sleep at night!!! ^^
I started a new fan fic last night! Its my first Inuyasha fic!! I hope it'll be good! I'm almost done with the first chapter! I really need to work on my other YuGiOh fics! I haven't updated those in so long!!! I'll try to.
NEways, g2g so check ya later!

How bout some quizzes? OKey doke!
YES!!! Dark is AWESOME!!!!
Aww...I don't think Vask likes me too much! -- Oh well!
 You are Grove Markus. You are sick a lot of the time, and are worrisome. But you have a good heart in you, and care for others. You can also turn into an apparition that kills things with light.
What Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Eh, I didn't expect that one! I'd woulda prefered D or that blonde chick but whatever!
OK that'll be all for now! Check ya'll later!
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Sunday, January 9, 2005
Awesome Day Yesterday!!!!
Hey ya'll!!!! (I'm so Texan!) ^^
Yesterday, I went to my cousin, Marissa's (vampireprincess41) house. We hung out a bit before we went over to this new anime store over by where she lives! They just built it there last month, I think. When we walked in the store , they were playing Chobits on the TV! It was on the episode where Chi had to go buy herself some underwear! Of all the episodes! It was so funny when the whole place just went quiet on some parts & then we just busted out laughing when something happened! I love Chobits! ^^ NEways, there wasn't that much in there but the stuff that they did have was awesome! I only had $20 with me to spend so it was really hard to decide on what to buy. I finally decided on an Inuyasha wall scroll with Inuyasha & Seshhoumaru on it! That was just perfect for me! ^^ It would've been better if it had Miroku on there, too but I'm not complaining! Marissa bought the first DNAngel dvd (which I am SO glad she did!) Even better, we met some really cool people there! I remember there was about 3 guys & this 1 girl that we talked to. There was some other people, too but we didn't really talk to them. The 3 guys were really cute! (sorry, had to say it!) But they were. And they were really nice, too! The girl there was pretty cool, too. We talked to her the most. Marissa got her AIM. (I don't have AIM -_-') I hope to go back again next weekend when Rachel comes over, cuz she would LOVE that place! On wednesday, they should have some manga there, too. AWESOME!!! That is my new favorite store! I like it better than Hot Topic! (Yeah, its THAT good!!!) I've already picked out Izzy's (Hyakkimaru) Birthday present! (I'm not gonna tell you what it is, though!) I just hope he doesn't have it already! If he doesn't, he's gonna LOVE it! At least, I hope so! o_0 While we were there, Me & Marissa kinda started arguing a bit (nothing serious, just little tings to get on eachother's nerves) & the owner was like, "Oh no! Cat fight!" And everyone looked at us so we stopped & looked at them. Then he said, "That's OK, I'll just record it & sell it over the internet! bloodshed!" Darn it! I wanted to shed some blood! lol j/k! Speaking of blood, later the owner asked if he needed to have a criminal background check on Marissa cause when somebody said the word 'blood' to the tv, she was like, "Where!?!" (Actually, it was both of us, but nobody seemed to notice me. Or maybe they just liked picking on her. I dunno) Everybody cracked up! ^^ *sigh* We had a great time! NEways, we walked back to her house & watched the DNAngel dvd! It was AWESOME!!! Everybody needs to see it! (esp. if you like yaoi! So many things in the dvd just kept making me think 'Yaoi! Yaoi! Yaoi!" awesome!) Its really good! If you liked the manga, then you'll LOVE the anime! I got back to my house at around 10:00 pm! And stayed til about 1:00 or 2:00 am this morning watching a Trigun dvd that Marissa let me borrow. I love Trigun! Vash is so funny! He's such a dork! But I like dorks! <3
Like I said before, I hope to go back next weekend! Its like the new 'hangout', now! Its so much fun!! I can't to go back! Neways, Marissa might have posted something on her site if ya'll wanna read more about it! In case you already forgot, her otaku name is vampireprincess41.
Well, nothing really interesting happened today, so I'm out!
See ya!

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Thursday, January 6, 2005
Yeah, I'm so bored right now! I don't even know what to type in here! >< How 'bout an update on some artwork? Hmmm...sounds like a great idea!! YAY!!!! .....sorry I just drank some coffe this morning so I'm REALLY hyper right now! ^_^
NEways, about my art work...there's some good news & some bad news! Which one should we start with? Hmmmmm......*thinks for 10 hours* ....let's start with the bad news just cuz! ^_^ Well, you know the pics that I was coloring in Photoshop? I told ya'll about them back in.........November I think! I'm not sure when, but over the Winter Break my computer died!!! And I lost EVERYTHING!!!! I was almost done coloring Vampixie 2 & it was looking totally awesome!!! But then, my dad killed my computer trying to fix it! Damn! I was also coloring the Joey & Mai pic (the one where they have dog ears!) & my Vankala 2 pic! I was really upset! Now I have to start over on those, but its gonna be awhile b4 I do! *sigh*
Well, the good news is that I did some drawings over Winter Break! I started on this one pic on an elf! I LOVE this pic!!! It looks so awesome so far! But its a really sad pic. Its just her face turned to the side with her hair blowing in the wind & you can see tears in her eyes. Its a really depressing pic but its the best that I've done so far. I think so NEway! I've also started on 2 other pics, too but they haven't really became NEthing yet! I'm not sure if that made NE sense! 0_o I always just start drawing til I decide on what it should be! Still didn't make NE sense? Hmmm...oh well! I don't think I can explain it that well so......moving on!
My friend, Rachel was supposed to come over this but her grandfather died yesterday & the funeral is on Saturday so we're gonna have to reschedule. I was really looking forward to it, but its no big deal! there's always next weekend (which is a 4-day wkend BTW!! XD) I wonder if NE1 else wants to come over this wkend...I have nothing to do & I hate staying & doing nothing! Maybe I can go somewhere! But its Thursday, so I'm sure everybody already has plans this weekend! Oh well! I'll figure something out!
Hey, can NE1 tell me how to put pics in my posts? I don't know how & I would really like to know!
NEways, I g2g so buh-bye!
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Wednesday, January 5, 2005
Making Progress...
I'm glad to say that I feel a little better now. I'm not sure why I felt the way I felt but I just know that I'm alot better. I talked to my friends yesterday. Mostly to Izzy (Hyakkimaru). I forget what we talked about but that don't matter. At least we got to have some laughs! ^_^ I'm really gonna miss him when the year ends, along with the Rachel's of course. I may miss Melissa but, I don't know. I'm starting to not really like hanging out with her NEmore. It seems like she looks for NE reason to be depressed. I mean, she's ALWAYS depressed & she never wants to have NE fun. SHe never wants to look at the bright side of things, she's always negative! It seems like she just wants people to feel sorry for her instead of wanting them to help her! I've done all I can to help her, but can no longer help someone who doesn't even want help. I really don't need to be around people like that right now. I wanna be around happier people who make me feel happy. I know its probably hard to understand the I feel about this but I just can't help her NEmore.
NEways, I starte to ramble about nothig again! I tend to do that alot! Oh well! I need to thank one of my friends from Otaku. destinyssweetman IMed me yesterday & helped alot to make me feel better. He didn't have to but he did. And alone made me feel better. So thanx destinyssweetman! *big hug*
Well, I'm in my multimedia class & we're doing something in paint! I feel like I'm in 1st grade again! 0_o Actually, I kinda miss 1st grade. Everything was so much easier back in the day! So much fun & not so stressful! 0_0! There I go,rambleing again! I need to go now before I scare you guys with random stuff!
.....................Hey look! A puppy! Cute little puppy! Come here! *chases puppy*
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
Not That Much Better....
Hate to say that I'm not that much better. I did get to see my friends that I've missed. All 4 of them! My first day back so far is OK, I guess! I'd rather be home but I was forced to come! -_-
I did NOT wanna get outta bed this morning! We're about to do something in my English class so I gotta go!
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