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Sunday, January 2, 2005
I haven't posted in awhile! Wow! What's been goin' on while I was gone? Hmmm... I dunno! Where was I? Neh! don't ask! Rather not not talk about it!
I go back to school on Tuesday! Whoop-di-do! NOT!! Needless to say, I'm not looking forward to it! I only wanna go so I could see some of the freinds that I miss. There's only, like, 4 of them but whatever! I don't have as many friends as I used to. I think its cuz I've changed so much & I guess some people didn't like who I became. I dunno. I've been thinking about the last four years of high school & honestly, I'm not gonna miss all of this! Yeah, I'll miss my friends but I've been through so much crap that I'd rather forget about but I just can't seem to. I'm still going through alot of shit but there's really nothing I can do about it! I'm sorry that I'm rambling about this crap but I just don't think NE1 over here will even listen to me NEmore! The only people who even seem to care is my friends on the Otaku! As much as I appreciate that, I want someone who I can talk to in person, you know? *sigh* Well, it's almost the end of senior year so I doubt that's ever gonna happen!
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Monday, December 20, 2004
Plz Help!!
I just wanted to make a quick post to ask you guys for some help! My friend Izzy (Hyakkimaru) is feeling really down right now, its kinda had to explain. I'll let you guys read his post:
"I feel so unhappy...ever since last year, in this very week, of this very month is the day i will never forget....the saddest part was that it was on Christmas time, the 25th of December. Because of it i feel different, i don't feel happiness in the same way, i don't feel eagerness the same way as well. All i feel is sadness, depression, and hatred. I hide it so much from others that no one can see it, and i truly feel alone because of it...
Because of it i neglected alot of people: friends and relatives. I would truly like to say "I'm sorry to everyone" i ignored and yelled at. I would really like to go back in time to just fix it all and repair all the damage i have done...but sadly, i cannot. Now, i only have little of friends to even trust, since the world has been unfaithful of my own existence toward whom to trust in the world.
Now, this year seems to get worse... Our grandfather is now losing his conflict with diabetes, and now he is losing his sight and it just worsens as the time passes...he may not even be able to live long enough to see me graduate. He is a father to me, although he is my grandfather, he showed me how much to care by his own kindness. *heh* I still owe him for it...
But someday i will find that happiness again, i will find my destiny, i will gain all that i have lost. But i must first accept all that i have done in affect to what happened later on after the 25th of December. That is my own ordeal i have to deal with, as the same goes to my own past that i have dealt with...
In the end to all my friends who are reading this, "I am sorry"."
Plz give him some words of encouragement. I really care about him & I don't want him to feel like this. Plz help!!
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
Try To Read This:
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt!
Hehe, so did you have trouble reading it? Hehe.
Talking to Rachel over MSN Messenger.
My exams were OK today, I guess.
I went to Best Buy today for Xmas shopping for my mom. While I was there, I got to play Metriod Prime 2! It was so much fun!! I love Metroid!!! Samus kicks ass! That was pretty much the highlight of my day!
Well, not much more to talk about now so buh-byes!
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Yaoi Alert!!!!
Hey evrybody!!! I'm in my Child Development class. Just finished taking my final exam for this class & my Vet class! I think I did OK on it. I hope so NEway!
I started drawing some new pics Sunday night! One is this cyborp-looking girl! She looks really awesome so far! I hope to finish her soon! I also started on a yaoi pic with Joey & Kaiba from YuGiOh! *screams in excitement* It's really cute! I think so NEway. I showed my friend, Rachel P. (who also likes yaoi) & she was like, "Oooooohhh, me likey!" So, two more pics for ya'll. Wait! Make that 3 cuz I still need to finish a pic of Kouga from Inuyasha requested by JouYasha! (Sorry, JY for taking so long on it! I'll try to finish over winter break since there's no school for 2 weeks.)
NEways, not much more to say! I have more exams the rest of the week. Tomorrow I take the exam for my multimedia class. That should be pretty easy.Its the Government one that I'm worried about! Oh well, wish me luck! I'll need it!
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Saturday, December 11, 2004
New Fan Art!!!
I finally psted up my new elf pic! Its called Vankala 2! I hope you guys like it! It took me awhile to draw it & get it perfect! Well, its not exactly 'perfect' but its as close to perfect as I'll ever get it! I love how the eyes came out on it! They look really cool! I would've posted it earlier but I was asleep most of the day cuz I'm feel really sick right now! I've been like this ever since Wednesday & it seems to be getting worse! Hopefully, I'll feel better soon. My friend, Izzy (Hyakkimaru) seems to be doing OK here on Otaku! He really likes it here so far!
...*yawns* I'm still really sleepy even I was asleep most of the day. So, I think I better go back to bed now!
Good night
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Friday, December 10, 2004
New Member!!!
Hey everybody! Sorry I didn't get to post my new picture last night! I had to baby sit my brothers & then I was watching FMA & totally forgot about posting! Anime tends to make me forget things! -_-' But most of the time that's a good thing!
NEways, one of my closest friends has just joined MyOtaku!!!! I think you've heard me talk about him before, his name is Izzy!!! His username is Hyakkimaru. Plz visit his site! He doesn't have NE artwork up, yet but his artwork is REALLY good & it'll be well worth the wait! He's the one who let me borrow the first 10 episodes of Full Metal Alchemist! I've already watched the first 9! (Episode 7 is sooooooooo SAD!!! ;_; ) After I finish the 10th one, he's gonna let me borrow 11-20! He's so awesome, isn't he? NEways, again plz visit his site!
Today's quiz result:
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Thursday, December 9, 2004
I'm Ba-ack!!!
*audience runs away*
No really. I've just finished a new elf picture but I can't post it right now cuz I'm in my English class & there is no scanner in here. I'll try to put it up tonight after school. Then, after that, hopefully I'll get to finish watching the first 10 episodes of Full Metal Alchemist!!! I don't know if I told ya'll but my friend, Izzy let me borrow the 1st 10 episodes of FMA!! XP I watched the first 3 or 4 tuesday night. I didn't get a chance to watch NE last night cuz I had tons of homework! It seems like the teachers want to give us loads of work to do a week before school out! During this whole semester, I really didn't have much homework & if I did, it really wasn't that hard. I don't know why they do that! Oh well.
I'm still coloring those two pictures on photoshop! I know its taking a long time, but I'm trying to get them perfect (or as close to perfect as I can get!)
I had a CPR Check-off in my Vet Class today! We had to perform CPR on a dog! (Not a real one, BTW) I got a 92 on it! WooHoo! I didn't think I'd do good but I did! XD We're gonna have a Christmas party in there on Monday! That should be fun!....hopefully! We have to bring presents for someone in the class, too. It's not Secret Santa, but it kinda like it. The only difference is instead of buying them a gift, you bring something from home that reminds you of them. That's pretty cool considering that I'm flat broke this year! I usually have Birthday money left over for Christmas but I had to spend the rest of my money to get my kitties fixed. But that's OK. I love my kitties! I hope someone gets me something, but I'm not gonna expect NEthing. I've learned the hard way not to expect NEthing from NE1. I always end up disappointed.
I have a song stuck in my head...and it won't get out!!!
Yes, I know that was really random. I do that when I'm bored...like now!! I think I'll leave now before I torture you with total randomness........hey look, a chicken!!!!
Told ya!
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Monday, December 6, 2004
Quizzies!!!...& Some Oter Stuff!
 You're priest Seto, the past life of Seto Kaiba... You'll do anything to get to know the people with strong kaa (knowledge, means DM spirit in Yu-Gi-Oh), onece you've fond a girl with white skin and blue eyes, and she has the kaa of the BEWD. You're a really good person inside your heart, but you won't let others know you and you're always against the good side.
Which Yu-Gi-Oh Past Life Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Mysterious, elegant, creative and calm
You are a sprite of the Water. Creative and one of the most beautiful of sprites, you strike wonder and curiosity into the hearts and minds of all. Even though you are capable of attraction and seduction you are way above all that, you understand the true meaning of life and are very open and understanding of life's mysteries, most likely you are one of them. You are respectful of all ways of life and do not judge one due to their position or station in life. You are gifted in the ways of understanding and given the chance are usually full of good, wise advice but your not the type to take the stand and express such things. Your laid back nature can be troubling, you don't take many risks and prefer to keep things as they are. You are one of the most unique of sprites.
.::=What type of Mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
 Black Chii
Chobits - What Color Chii Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
dreamland lady, in a realm all of ur own.
wake up and make that dreamland a reality.
what r u? (girlz) (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Okey doke! I think I'm done for today! Sorry yesterday's post was really short! I had to hurry up & get off the puter so I was kind of in hurry! But I just HAD to tell you about my wallpaper! BTW, did you guys like it? I hope so. I'm almost done with a new elf pic that I've been drawing for awhile now. I haven't had much time to draw alot cuz of school & stuff like that! NEways, that should be done soon.Next week is the last week of school this semester!!! YAY!!!! Then we're off for two weeks for Christmas Vacation! So, I should get some more drawing done. There's not much more to say right now so I'll talk to ya'll laters! BTW, how do ya like my new background? Hope ya like it! I have to thank DragonxPuppy for letting me put it up on my site!! I'm trying to make my site all Christmas-y! I still have to change the colors. Maybe my avatar, too but I'm not sure about that! I can't seem to find a good pic to put on there! NEways, I gots to go for real this time!! See ya!
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Sunday, December 5, 2004
Just A Quick Post!!
I'm just posting to tell you guys that I've posted a new wallpaper & a new e-card! They're both Sailor Moon & I hope that you guys like them!!!
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Thursday, December 2, 2004
Total Randomness!!!! I'm so bored
Anime survey of DOOM! | Created by Trigunslinger and taken 134 times on bzoink! | Anime Favorites | Anime | Inuyasha | Character | Sesshoumaru, Miroku, Inuyasha, Sango | Boy character | Sesshoumaru | Girl character | Sango | Attack | Wind Scar | Song | "Fukai Mori" | Weapon | Tetsusaiga | Anime dislikes | Least favorite anime | Pokemon | Character | Ash | Boy character | Ash | Girl character | Um....I forget her name... | Attack | Dunno... | Song | The Pokemon Song? | Weapon | I don't watch it, so how would I know? | Random anime goodness | Character you feel sympathy for | Inuyasha sometimes | Character that acts like you | Sango | Character that looks like you | Uhhhhhh............. | Character you find attractive | Sesshoumaru, Miroku, Jonouchi, Marik, Chi, | Character you could be friends with | ALL OF THEM!!!!! | Character that would make a good brother | Duke Devlin (only cuz I don't like him very much...^_^) | How about sister? | Sango or Lita (Cuz they're cool!) | Character you wish you could kill | Kikyo | Weapon or skill you wish you could have | Telekinesis (I don't know if spelled that right) | Character that reminds you of someone | Sango & Kohaku | Who do they remind you of? | Me & my brother, Nick | If you could be in any anime which one would you choose? | INUYASHA!!!! | Which anime character would you want to look like? | Lita (Sailor Jupiter) | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
95 questions if you're BORED | Created by xsindeex and taken 1599 times on bzoink! | So, what's your name? | Rosa | Age? | 18 | Race/ethnicity? | Elf...Hehe | Thinking right now? | ............ | Well if it's nothing, should we begin? | ............ | On relationships... | Anyway...crush? | ............ | Got one? | I've got 2! | Are you going to tell me their name? | Fuck no!!! | Are you single? | Yes | Are you taken? | No | Why are you single if you are? | Cuz I'm a loser & nobody wants me! J/K I guess I just haven't found the right person. At least I hope that's the reason. | If you're taken, who's the lucky guy/girl? | | Do you think they're lucky to have you? | | How long have you liked said person? | | Are you glad this section is over? | YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Yes? | Uh-huh | No? | Nuh-uh | On favourites... | What's your favourite song(s)? | "The Flame" by Cheap Trick , "Du Hast" by Rammstein , and NEthing by KISS, Savage Garden, Darren Hayes,Fall Out Boy, and Blink-182! | Movie? | Aliens | Game? | All the Metroid games! Samus kicks Ass!!!!!! | Website? | TheOtaku.com/MyOtaku.com , Xanga.com ,YouSuckIRule.com , AnimeVisions.net , Memegen.com , & Ebay.com | Food? | NEthing my mom makes ^_^ | Survey? | Uh....... | Survey maker? *points at self* | .......... | Hair color? | NEthing totally outragous!!! XD | CD album? | Changes ALL THE TIME!!! | Band? | Changes ALL THE TIME!!! | Artist? | DARREN HAYES | Program of choice (as in computer program)? | Grr? | This or that... | Windows or Mac? | Windows | Death or life? | Death | Cheese or porridge? | Cheese | Britney or Christina...or neither? | Neither | Lord of the Rings or Harry potter (ONE CHOICE ONLY) | LotR | Legolas or Aragorn? | Legolas!!! | Arwen or Eowyn? | Arwen (was is it about elves that I like so much? ^_^) | Fantasy or Reality? | Fantasy (Reality sux) | Religion or atheism? | Religion | Would you wanna die of... | murder or old age | Neither | drive by or starvation? | Neither | In your sleep or in a tar pit? | In my sleep | What if... | If you could go back in time and change anything, what would you do? | There's alot of things I would do! | The sky was yellow? | Nobody would ask 'why is the sky blue?' | If you could take up any language what would you learn? | Japanese | you were a movie? What would you be? | Gigli (cuz nobody would wanna see it, not even me!) | Lovey dovey stuff.. | Are you of age? | yeah | Did you read the rating? | sometimes | How many years till your legal? | | Favourite fantasy? | *laughs* Trust me, you don't wanna know! | Do you dream of your crush? | No...but I don't really remembermost of my dreams | Have you had sex yet? | No | Did you type Virgin if you haven't? Type it now if you are. | Virgin | Do you lie about your age to people? | No | How many partners have you had? | None | Been to third base yet? | No | All the way? | No | With who? | No one | Are you going to tell me? | I just told you! | Tired of this yet? | Kind of... | First thing you think of... | Mauve | Suave | gay | Lesbian | legolas | Hot!! | cheese | cake! | Alyssa | Melissa (I dunno!) | Johnny | Depp | Justin | Sux! | Josh | -ua | Orlando | Bloom | Shane | West | Finish the sentence | If it ain't broke | break it!! | The grass is greener | in the summer! | What's love | got to do with it? | You are what you | wear. | Battle of the bands (in no particular pairing) | Muse or Modest mouse? | Who? | The cure or Blink 182? | BLINK 182!!! | Pink Floyd or Guns and Roses? | Pink Floyd | Avril Lavigne or Hilary Duff (yes you have to choose ONE haha) | Avril | Alexisonfire or Linkin park? | Linkin Park | Franz Ferdinand or staind? | Umm...staind? | Slipknot or rancid? | ...Slipknot | Afi or Three days grace? | Afi? | Sugarcult or Hoobastank? | Hoobastank | Dashboard confessional or Story of the year? | Story of the Year | Nsync or Backstreet boys? | 0_0! You did NOT just ask me that!!! I refuse to answer!! | I'm done...happy? | After that last one....YES!!! | Are you sure? BYE! | *runs away* | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
I was totaly bored (mostly for girls) | Created by Hello-Kitty-girl and taken 557 times on bzoink! | :) ALL ABOUT YOU :) | Name | Rosa | Age | 18 | Grade | HS Senior | Eye color | Brown | Usually act BLONDE or BRUNETTE. | Brunette | Where you live | in a house! | Nickname for town if there is any | | :) Peoples, friends :) | Do you have a crush? | Yes, I have 2! | Name of crush if you have one | Psh! Like I'm tellin'! | Your best friends | Sara , Rachel, Rachel, Melissa, Izzy, | Funniest | Sara | Cutest | Its hard to choose! | Most Awesome | They're all awesome!! | Most Hyper | Rachel | Shyest | Shy? Ha! Funny! | Calmest | Izzy...at least he seems to be. | Most Boy crazy/ in LOVE | Melissa | COOLEST | Rachel | :) You Pick :) | Reasturant: Italian/Chinese | Italian | Boy: blond hair blue eyes/ brown hair green eyes | Brown Hair Green Eyes | Linkin Park/ Josh Groban | Linkin Park | Instrument: Piano/Guitar/Flute/drums | Guitar | Hair: up in a ponytail/ down | down | :) Your Favorites :) | Color | Blue | Band | Savage Garden | Singer | Darren Hayes | Subject | Art | Website | There's so many! | Class | Art II Painting | Eye Color | Blue or green | Part of Day | Nighttime | Season | Winter | Book | dunno...I mostly just read manga! | Movie | Aliens | Place to Hang out | NEwhere | Birthday Party you had | my 15th or 16th b-day party | :( THE WORST :( | my 18th | Book | I still don't know | Movie | Its still Aliens (has been for 18 years!) | Dare | ... | Regret you have | So many | :) NOW :) | Date | December 2nd, 2004 | Time | 11:56 am | BFF | Sara G. | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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