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Friday, October 29, 2004
What's Up?
Hey did NE1 try to PM me? I'm asking because it says that I have 1 new message but when I check the inbox, there's nothing there! Weird!
I put a song a new song on this site! I had another song but it wasn't working! But this one does, I've already tried it! It's "Fukai Mori" from Inuyasha! I love that song, along with with the other ones but I think this ones my favorite! I also like Every Heart & Dearest. I don't remember the names of the other songs. I hope ya'll like it! It's so pretty. ^_^ NEways, I updated my Xanga site just a couple of minutes ago. Um....not much to say right now...... Oh, my friend, Rachel, let me borrow the Chobits manga, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, & X! And I still have like 5 or 6 more anime dvds that vampireprincess41 let me borrow. Whew.. I'm gonna have a busy weekend! (Not that I'm complaining!)I already finsihed reading Chobits. I'm not sure which one I like better. They're both so funny! I haven't watched Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust yet but I might tonight. Well, I'll talk to you guys l8r!
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Thursday, October 28, 2004
Hey everybody! I'm not sure how Melissa is doing but I'm sure she's gonna be OK. I was with her today & she seemed pretty happy. And I know she's not faking it. I can tell when she is. So I know she's alright. NEways, I've been changing my site alot lately, as you probably can tell. I can't seem to just pick one picture for my bnackground! As soon as I find one pic, I find another one I like. First I had a Vampire pic, then an elf pic, now a pic of Chi from Chobits! wonder what'll be next! Hmmmmm........ I dunno. So what's everybody gonna do this weekend for Halloween? I'm not doing NEthing, unfortunately. I wanted to do something with my friends but evryone's busy! So it's just gonna be another weekend with absolutley nothing to do! I've g2g now. I'll talk 2 U l8r! Sorry this was such a short post!
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Wednesday, October 27, 2004
One Bittersweet Day!
Have you ever had one of those days where something really bad happens but then something else happens & its really good? Yep that was my day today. Well, the bad thing that happened was that my friend Melissa, thinks she might be pregnant! She is really scared & I'm really scared for her! She really doesn't know what she's gonna do if she is pregnant. I hope for her sake that she's not, but if she is, all I can do is be there for her & I will. I just let her know that if she needed me, I'm always available. Still, I hope she's not. It would just ruin almost verything for her! She just doesn't want to have a baby at her age! It's too soon for her to take a pregnancy test, so I'm just gonna pray that she's not pregnant. And if she is, she knows that she has me & the rest of her friends standing by her side at all times.
On the happier side, I got to see my best friend, Sara, today! I rarely get to see her NEmore cuz we go to different schools & she lives a long way frome where I live. The last time I saw her was at her 17th birthday party back in July! That was one interesting party by the way! I didn't have much time to talk to her cuz my stupid bus came right when I saw her! I was like, 'Dammit!!'. She gave me her EM so I might EM her l8r. Well, not much more to say now. I really didn't do much when I got home. Except that I watched 'Lost'. I love that show! I think Dom's so hot! But that's me. Yes, I know I'm weird. (I hope I'm not the only one who thinks that!) NEways, I g2g now. Talk to you l8r. Oh yeah! I just joined, so if NE1 else has a Xanga account or just feel like looking at it, feel free to check it out if you want. My name there is Vankala. OK buh-bye for reals now!
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Monday, October 25, 2004
Life's A Drag, So Wear A Dress!!! ^_^
Well, I never thought I'd say this, but I actually had fun at school today! I had a field trip to this ranch called Gemini Farms & we saw the horsies!!! They were so pretty!! There was this one named Scarlett & she was so beautiful! So was this one named Mac. He was pretty! ^_^ And there was another one named Guy & he looked almost exactly like Hidalgo! It was so much fun! Then after that we went to Taco Bell for lunch. I got #6 (2 chalupas & a taco). I gave my taco to my friend Jennifer cuz she didn't bring NE money for lunch. I really didn't mind. I just wanted the chalupas. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm. Then, it was back to school. Oooohhh....what fun! (Yes, that was sarcasm!) Nothing really interesting to say about that. Then, after school, it was raining really hard outside. I wanted to go play out in it, but I was wearing a white T-Shirt, so I didn't. I love it when it rains. I don't know why. My little brother thinks I'm weird because of it. So, yeah that was my day.
My cousin, vampireprincess41, came over & pretty much just hung out all day Saturday. We watched Chobits & watched some TV even though there was nothing on. Nothing ever is. That's why I don't watch that much TV NEmore. Except for Anime of course! ^_^ On sunday, we watched Vampire Hunter D. It was really awesome!!! I can't wait to see the 2nd one!! Everone keeps saying that its so much better than the first! Then, I helped her a little with her site. I don't remember what else we did, but we had fun. Well, I gotta go. I'll talk to ya'll l8r!
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Friday, October 22, 2004
Boredom Sux!!!
Hello what's up? Yep I'm bored again. What else is new? -_-' Last night I saw Van Helsing. It was OK. I'm gonna watch Vampire Hunter D tonight when I get home from school. I'm in my Multimedia class right now. My cousin (vampireprincess41) is coming over this weekend so we might work on her site. She told me yesterday that she needed help with it. After that, we're just gonna hang out. We might watch those anime dvds my friend Rachel let me borrow. (I told ya'll about those last post) I've gotta go. Class is almost over. Talk to ya'll l8r!
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Thursday, October 21, 2004
More Quizzes!!!...& other stuff
Hey I'm bored, so I'm just gonna take some quizzes. They're so much fun! ^_^:
How to make a Vankala 86 |
5 parts mercy
5 parts crazyiness
5 parts leadership |
Method: Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of emotion |
Personality cocktailFrom
Leadership? Hmm...not sure about that one!
OMG!! It just got REALLY hot in here!
Wow, I would look so pretty! Too bad I'm not in real life. -_-'
OMG! That's from Benny & Joon!! I LOVE that movie!! That pic is from my favorite scene, too!
B&J? Hmm..that's no surprise!
These people know me so well...
I really don't like the name Keagan, but at least I'm a Belmont!
I guess that'll be all for now!
So, how's everybody been? Me, OK I guess. My friend Rachel let me borrow a couple of DVDs from her. One of them was the first 4 episodes of Chobits. I watched them last night & I loved it!!! Chi is just so cute! I especially loved the 4th episode, it was so funny! She also let me borrow Vampire Hunter D. I haven't watched it yet but I probably will tomorrow cuz I won't have time today. I saw the movie 'Monster' for the first time the other day. It was really good. Charlize Theron SO deserved that Oscar! She was awesome! I think so NEway. Gotta go now! Talk 2 ya'll l8r!
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
I Didn't Lose My Mind....I Sold It On eBay!!!
...I dunno I just felt like saying that! I'm really bored right now. We're watching the movie Excalibur in my English class. I've that movie a billion times already, so I don't feel like watching it right now! Speakin' of movies, I saw 'Man On Fire' & 'Godsend' yesterday. I thought MOF was OK. Godsend was stupid!
NEways, how about some quiz results!!!
Your very mysterous and rare. You're usally laid back and very quit. You're shy,cool,com and lazy. You always seem like your hidding a big secert. You keep to yourself alot, even with friends.Rate^-^
What's your anime hair color? COOL PICS^-^UPDATED!!! brought to you by Quizilla

YOU ARE A TRUE MARIK FAN! Well done! I applaud you! You understand that, although Marik is good-looking, he does have a personality and a history that go along with the face. Chances are, you're more knowledgeable about him than most people. Marik deserves some respect and you KNOW it! You are a true fan, and as such you deserve that cute picture of an ecstatic young Marik Ishtar. Only a dedicated fan like yourself could make him that happy!
What Kind Of Marik (Malik) Fan Are You? (Yu-Gi-Oh!) brought to you by Quizilla
You bet your ass I'm a true Marik fan!
Oh crap! I have to go now! And I was having so much fun! Oh well, I'll talk to ya'll l8r!
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Monday, October 18, 2004
I'm such a loser! I know the other day, I told ya'll about my cousin, Marissa, joined Otaku! But I forgot to tell you guys her Username!! Am I fuckin' stupid or what!?! NEways, her username is vampireprincess41. She might come to my house this weekend to post her artwork cuz she doesn't have a scanner. NEways, yesterday was my brother's 16th birthday! We had a birthday party & it was fun!
OMG! Who watched Wolf's Rain on Saturday? I was crying my eyes out when Darsha killed Blue! I was like, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! And then everyone else started dying one by one! That was a really sad episode! At least Inuyasha was a funny episode. Miroku kept making me mad though! I've gotta go now I'll talk to ya'll l8r!
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Saturday, October 16, 2004
New Otaku Member!!!!
Hey guys! My cousin, Marissa just joined Otaku! Plz go check out her site! It's not much yet. She just joined, like, 5 minutes ago!! She'll have her artwork up soon! Me & her are really close. I don't know if you remember, but she's the one I told you about earlier this week, she was one of the people who helped me alot when I was suicidal last week. She's awesome! NEways, again plz go to her site. OK talk to ya'll l8r!!!
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Friday, October 15, 2004
More Quizzes!!!
Hey everybody! Well, I haven't heard NEthing about A.I. but I really hope he's doing better. If NE1 happens to have NE info about him plx, let me know by commenting or private messaging me.
Well, I've been takin' some more quizzes! Yay!
Here's some results:
I think I might draw a picture of that last quiz result. Hmmm.. I wonder what I'll get if I type in Vankala...let's see:
Well, I guess that's cool, too. I like the whole Cat thing! I'm such a cat person! *starts purring*
Sango!?! But...I'm a girl! Oh well, its just a quiz...
Now that's what I'm talkin' about!!! Aww, too bad Naraku's a fictional character. -_-
Hmm...I think we were doin' more than just makin' out....^_^
OMG!!! That's so awesome!!! At least I hope so... 0_0
As long as I do it with Joey, I'm happy! I'm not so sure about Marik, though. I mean, that dagger does look pretty sharp...
That sounds like one of those old sci-fi movies from like..the 40s. But I'm not complaining. I'm the main love interest! ^_^ But I'll be damned if I'm a damsel in distress!
Damn you, Frodo! You stupid Hobbit!!
OMG!! I LOVE Dom!!!! Not sure about the whole threesome thing, though...ewww!
Well, I think ya'll have had enough quizzes for one day. I'll see ya'll tomorrow!
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