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Thursday, October 14, 2004
Plz Read!
Sorry to post again in one day but something serious has come up! Our friend Ancient Iruka seriously needs our help! He left this message on his site:
"Many of you will wonder I added this post. Many of you will think that I am seeking attention, but you are wrong. I just wish to thank everyone for visiting my page and commenting. Thanks to you who considered me a friend. I've decided to perish from this world. I do not know the exact day, but it will come eventually. I know it's rather selfish but I can't stand it anymore. I just want it all to end! Everything! Being dead means all of that is gone.....but it also brings troubles for the people who cared for you. I don't know who I am anymore or what I am...I'm afraid to know. Im afraid of rejection. So, I wish to bid you adieu and thank you for being there for me....goodbye everyone, take care, and I hope your life will turn out ot be fortunous. Please, do not worry about me, don't bother commenting, because I never existed to begin with...goodbye"
He's obviously thinking about suicide. But his site has been turned off if NEbody can somehow get a hold of him plz talk to him. He needs someone to at laest talk to. Plz spread this message around so we can help him in NE way we can!
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Hey I've been taking some quizzes & posting them cuz I'm bored. Here they are:
 Your an electric Dragon! Well, Well, Well, Speedy! Electic dragons are just do darn quick, which means you must be quick at something. Whether its running, swimming, or answering questions, you are super speed. But of course, you have a craze for video games or computers. You can play amazingly at any game or at least try to. Go you!
What elemental dragon are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 A GAME-BOY. Youre like a tomboy without the love of sports. Reality sucks, but as long as you have your electronics you feel you can cope. Time goes unnoticed when youre locked in your room hooked up to your Nintendo, rocking to your favourite collection of guitar-driven albums.
Your virtues: Intelligence, sense-of-humour, individuality.
Your flaws: Inability to cope with real life, action-freak spirit, reclusive nature.
Your Personality type is the only type that would like this cool online gothic Game:
What kind of girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Seto is indifferent about you. He doesnt hate you but he doesnt like you either. Maybe you can change his mind later on when you two meet.
Does Seto Kaiba like you? (intro) brought to you by Quizilla
 Coolness! You are a peacemaker. You are able to smooth every fight. You are neutral and you don't see just black and white.Nothing worries you, you're always cool and calm.
Why do people admire you? brought to you by Quizilla
OK that'll be all for today! I might take some more tomorrow or l8r on today. I'll try to have my fic up next post. I'm also working on coloring my Sesshoumaru pic but I need a new pencil sharpener. The one I have keeps eating up my color pencils. -_-' So I have to wait til this weekend to finish coloring it. Dammit! Oh well, Talk to ya l8r!
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Got To Stay Home Today!!!!
Well,I'm almost done typing up my fic. It'll be up soon.
I got to stay home today because of PSATs! WooHoo! So, I've been on the computer pretty much all day so far!! I've mostly been looking at some new wallpaper & drawings here. I changed my site a little bit as you can tell. I hope you like it. I was bored & there was nothing else to do! And it was fun! I think I might go take some quizzes too. As if I haven't taken enough already!! I have so many!
Yeah, I have to go back to school tomorrow -_-' But it shouldn't be that bad. We're gonna have a substitute in my Vet class & he usually gives us 2 lunch periods. He did that yesterday & we had fun!! Me & my friends were just acting crazy, like always!! Then, I'm off again on Friday because of our Fair Day! But we have to go back to school on Monday!! And that sux cuz I have US Govt. & I have to sit next to these two girls who really get on my nerves! NEways, not much more to say. I'll talk to you guys l8r!
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Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Hey guys! I'm sorry but I can't post my fic right now. I still need to get it typed & I also need to edit it & make some changes. It'll be done soon, I promise!
Well, the PSATs are tomorrow & I am so glad I don't have to take them tis year! I don't even have to go to school! The seniors aren't supposed to report to school until 12:50, but come on, who's gonna actually show up for only 3 hours? I'm gonna be home sleepin'! Or on the internet, I love both! ^_^
Well, gotta go! Talk to ya'll l8r!
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Monday, October 11, 2004
Fan Fic Update!!!
Hello. I'm in my Multimedia class & I'm really bored. I finally finished writing chapter 1 in my fic. I haven't typed it yet but I hope I'll have a chance to l8r. Whenevr I do, I'll try to post it here & on That's if you guys want to read it, that is. If you don't then I won't post it. Tell me what ya'll think. Well I gotta go now. See ya'll l8r!
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Sunday, October 10, 2004
A New Fan Fic!!!
Hey guys. I feel a little better now. And I have Awesomedude898 & my cousin Marissa to thank. I can't even describe how much they've helped me through these dark times. If it weren't for them, I probably wouldn't be here right now. So, thanx again, guys, if you're reading this.
Well, I've told you guys that I was gonna take a break from Otaku to write some fan fics, so I just thought I'd let ya'll know how its going so far. Well, at first I wanted to update the YuGiOh fan fics that I've already started, but I was reading this book called The Vampire Stories of Nancy Kilpatrick & it just gave me ideas for another fic. So, I started writing the first chapter, but I hope to finish it within the next week or two. I think its kinda good so far. I haven't come up with a title yet. I'm so bad with titles. -_-' Well, it's a YuGiOh fic & the main characters are Seto & Serenity. Other characters might come in l8r, but I haven't decided yet. NEways, Seto's a vampire & Serenity's a human who just happens to fall in love with him. (Who would've guessed? ^_^) There's an actual plot some where, I just haven't come up with one yet. *nervous laugh*. Actually, I'm just playing around with different plot ideas & haven't decided which one to use. Well, I think I've typed enough already. I'll type more tomorrow. Also, if you wanna read my other YGO fics, you can go to FanFiction.Net & my Pen name is Vankala-86 (don't 4get the dash!). OK, I'll chat w/ ya'll l8r! ^_^
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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
I'm Really Sorry
Hello again! Sorry to post twice in one day, but I just decided that I'm gonna take a little break from Otaku for awhile so I can update my fics on FanFiction.Net which I haven't even looked at in so long!! I'll still be drawing (hopefully) but only if I have some time to. I also need to find some way to get out of this whole emotional mess that I'm in right now. Well, I'll talk to you l8r!
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Hello I'm bored! Not really. NEways, my parents got their computer fixed. FINALLY!!! So, now I'm on it (obviously). I've mostly been looking for pictures to paint for my art class. I finally decided on a picture of Liv Tyler. Hopefully, it'll come out better than the painting I did of my brother. -.-' Also, I don't think I'll be posted any new artwork in awhile cuz I'm going through alot right now that I don't feel like talking aobut right now. My life totally sux. And what makes things worse is that I don't have NE1 to talk to about it. I don't really have any friends over here where I live. I h8 to be such a downer, so I guess I'll go now b4 I bore you to death with my personal issues. See ya!
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
Hello people!! I just got back from a field trip in my Vet 2 class. It was so much fun!! We went to the State Fair for "educational purposes". We're gonna go again next week. NEways, I posted up a new pic earlier this morning. I hope ya'll like it. I got my report card yesterday & (just as I predicted) I failed Govt. Grrrr... I h8 that class. So, now I'm grounded for 2 wks! That totally sux! Oh well. I'm used to being grounded all the time NEway, so it doesn't really effect me NEmore. Well, I'm really tired right now. I did alot of walking (in the heat). My legs are gonna be SOOO sore tomorrow! Well, I've gotta go now. See ya l8r!
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Monday, October 4, 2004
New Pic
Hello! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, but now my parents computer is acting up. Their gonna try to get it fixed today, so I hope I'll be able to post more often. NEways, I just finished a drawing of Sesshomaru. It looks really awesome!!! I'll have it up tomorrow, hopefully. Well, gotta go. There was something else I wanted to say, but I forget! -_-' See ya l8r!!!
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