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Birthday 1986-11-20 Gender
Female Location Dallas Member Since 2004-07-12 Real Name Rosa
Anime Fan Since Sailor Moon came out ^^ Favorite Anime InuYasha, FMA, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, alot of other....^^; too many to list! Goals To make my parents proud of me. ^^ Hobbies Drawing, playing video games, chatting, Internet, Talents Drawing, I guess ^^;
myOtaku.com: Vankala 86
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Well, tomorrow (or for those who read this Monday) is my History test. I studied the best I could even though something did get in the way of me studying all weekend like I had planned. On Friday, my dad told me that my older brother, Chris was gonna spend the weekend with us. So, that was the main reason I couldn't as much as I had wanted. I love my brother and hardly get to see him so spending time with him was important to me. I did get to study a little on Friday, though before he got here so I'm not saying I didn't get to study at all. I also got to meet his new girlfriend, too. She's really nice and Chris seems alot more happy with her than he was when he was with his last girlfriend. ^__^
Saturday, we went to my grandmother's house and then to the movies after getting something to eat. We ate at Taco Cabana (my first time being there) and then went to go see Saw 3, which was pretty good, btw. I liked it better than the first 2. ^__^ I'd love to talk about it, but I'd end giving away spoilers so I won't :P I'll just say that if you liked the first 2, you'll also like this one. ^__^ I ended up biting my nails til there was nothing left to bite! >_< So, anyways after that we came home (my other brothers were spending the night at my grandma's btw, so it was just the 3 of us), ate some dinner then went to Blockbuster to see if they had any movies that we wanted to watch (for once). We ended renting An American Haunting and The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift. I didn't wanna watch Tokyo Drift so I didn't see that one so I can't tell ya if it was good or not. But I watched American Haunting and I kinda liked it. I'm still kinda confused about what went on in the movie so its hard to say if I liked it or not. ^^;; Today, we didn't as much but we did end up going to Wal-Mart cuz Oni (my rat) needed some new bedding. I also ended up buying new headphones (i needed new ones anyway) and some Takisoba, which are these Japanese noodles which are kinda like ramen but taste kinda different, but they are sooooooooooooo good. They're in the same section where the ramen is at grocery stores, in case anyone wants to try it out. ^__^ I like the chicken one. They also have a Teriyaki flavor which is okay, but I like the chicken better. ^__^ I hope they come out with new flavors though. ^^ He left a little bit after we got home. ^_^ Overall, it was a fun weekend. I did have time every now & then to study, which was good. ^^ I just hope it was enough for me to able to pass the test tomorrow. ^^;;
Oh, I forgot to mention in my last post that I've been playing the game 'Okami'. Juan let me borrow it last weekend (or the weekend beofre, I forget) and have been playing it whenever I have time. I haven't gotten that far, but I've played enough of it to tell that its such a fun game! XD I can't wait til I get to play again but I've been so busy that I can't even play anything. TT_TT
My mom comes home tonight so I'm kinda waiting for her to get home. ^^; (I miss my mommy :P) But she might get back REALLY late so I might end going to bed before she even gets here. I should be in bed anyways, but I couldn't sleep so there was no point in trying. ^^;;
Anyways, that's enough of my rambling for today. ^^ See ya'll later! ^^///
I took the day off of school today so I thought I'd update since i don't know when the next time I'll chance will be.
Anyways, i got another History test on Monday. TT_TT I really hope i do MUCH better on this than i did on the last one. >_< I'm gonna spend most (if not all) of this weekend studying for it. >_< Feh!
Well, on to better stuff: My mom and my grandmother are leaving for Vegas today. I hope they fun, but not gamble too much (i prefer them not to at all, but its Vegas so i expect its gonna happen, anyway. :P). ^__^ Again, I hope they have lots of fun over there and that they have a safe trip. ^__^
Oh yea, i changed my theme. Well, there's not really a 'theme' going on...i just wanted to make it pretty. ^__^; Hope it still looks good. I especially love the song that's playing. ^__^ its so pretty. ^____^
Here's a funny video for ya'll! I may have posted it before but even if i have, its still pretty funny. ^___^
Meh. I had to get up extra early this morning. -_- I hate waking up so early cuz then I'm tired for the rest of the day (unless i get hold of alot of caffiene,lol). *yawns* It was really hard for me to stay awake in history class this morning. It was so tempting to fall asleep, but I didn't so that's good. ^^ I'm on my break right now, I my next class doesn't start until 12:30 so I'm here in the school library. :P (Argh, this spacebar key is getting on my nerves! It keeps getting suck! >_<)
Anyways, how was everyone's Halloween yesterday? Mine's was good. I took Nick (slick nick) trick-or-treating (he's the only kid left in our family that's not too old to Trick-or-Treat T_T) It was funny cuz his costume (mostly the mask) kept scaring the kids (he was a zombie). But I told him he was too nice to be zombie cuz he wasn't scaring the kids on purpose. Lol, this might sound mean, but if it was me, I woulda just glared at them and start moaning like zombie to scare them even more. XD Lol, maybe next year. I didn't have a costume this year, btw. My mom said next year we're gonna have a Halloween Costume Party or something cuz she doesn't wanna go anywhere next year. XD That should be fun. I'll get to dress up and stuff! ^___^ Anyways, my mom was in a hurry to get home so Nick didn't get much time to T-o-T (She wanted to get home in time to watch 'Bones'). But he did get alot of candy and he split it with me and our other brother (cuz he's nice like that ^__^). He even let me have the bigger half of the Reese's cuz he's knows that's my favorite candy. ^__^ (And, yes me and my parents inspected the candy multiple times, so don't worry that. :P) So, yea. Yesterday was fun. I later ate some of my candy while watching 'House' and got totally hyper afterwards! XD Lol, darn sugar! :P
Anyways, if you haven't already, plz check out my entry for the Halloween Contest. I worked hard on coming up with the idea and drawing it, so I would love to get as many comments and votes from you guys as possible. (It makes me feel special ^^). Here's the link:
BTW, thanx Lindsey for the constructive comment you left. I love getting those kinds of comments cuz they help me to improve! ^___^ I really appreciated it! Thanx again. :D
Well, I've got about 40 minutes left until class, so I'm gonna go visit your sites now! ^_^
Yay! I submitted my entry for the Halloween Contest on Friday or Saturday. If you could go comment and vote on it, I be very happy. ^__^
Clicky the thumbnail! XD
That's pretty much all i wanted to talk about. I'm in class right now, so I had to make this short. ^^;; See you guys later! ^^/ Comments (2) |
Friday, October 27, 2006
*sigh* So I finally finshed my Halloween Contest drawing but my frikken' scanner is bein' an ass! >_< When I scanned it last night, the colors came out horrible!! >_< It made it look so dull. I tried fixing it in PS like I did with my other drawings, but that didn't help at all. >_< I think my scanner's just about had it. Its pretty old, anyway. Hopefully my parents' scanner works okay so I can try that later on today. ^^;;
Other than that little annoyance, I'm doing okay. I've got some time here at home before I have to go off to school, so I though I'd update. ^_^ I know, me updating 2 days in a row? Shocking! *gasp* XD I forgot to mention last time that I finally submitted some of my drawings to my DeviantArt account. I've only uploaded 2 so far but I'll put the more recent ones up later. I still haven't gotten any comments yet, though. TT_TT Oh well, I'm sure I will eventually. ^__^
Well, I stayed up pretty late last night working on my entry for TheOtaku.com's Halloween Contest. Originally, I was gond draw 2 characters in my drawing but I realised that I just wouldn't have time to do that by the deadline so I decided to just draw one of the characters. So far, I've got the drawing all penned. I've only got the eyes and skin colored and I've got the hair and clothes left. Then, I need to figure out what to do with the background. ^__^ I hope it comes out great. :D
Anyways, I got internet connected to my new computer on Sunday. Yay! :P So, you guys on Yahoo might get to see me more often now. ^__^ Well, once I get time from my hw, that is. >_>
So I saw a few episodes of the Death Note on YouTube the other day. Wow, it was good. I think it follows the manga pretty good (so far). I'm still waiting for someone to post episode 4 on there. ^__^
Well, this weekend was my younger brother, Vincent's birthday party. I turns 18 today,but we has his party on Sunday. It was fun. Some relatives came over as usual. My brother got some cool presents, so he was really happy. ^_^
Also, on Friday I finally bought a new computer! XD I absolutely HATED my old one cuz I could hardly do anything on it! It was really old and didn't have alot of memory so I'm happy I finally got rid of it. ^___^ My new computer's all set up and everything except for the internet. We have to get SBC to hook it all up everything. ^___^ Hopefully, that'll be soon. ^^;
I've been thinking about what my entry for theOtaku Halloween contest will be. I did a few sketches last night but nothing's final yet. Hopefully, I can come up with something soon so I can have it done by the deadline. ^^;;
I'm here in my Digital Art class, working and typing at the same time. :P
Anyways, I had that History test on Friday...I know I did bad on it. >_< I hate history and a hate essay exams, so this test was really hard for me. But I hope the next one will be better...
Anyways, on to a happier subject. ^_^ As you can see I changed the theme here. XD Its a Castlevania theme. The pics are from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (which is my favorite CV game so far) and the music is from CV: Lament of Innocence. ^_^ I was thinking of changing the song to something from SotN so it could just be SotN theme...but I really like this song so I want it to stay. :P Oh, speaking of CV, I made a Lament of Innocence wallie (that I'm currently using for my Xanga). Click here to check it out. ^_^
Today is my mom's birthday. She turned 39 today. XD We celebrated her birthday yesterday. ^_^We ate dinner and cake (Nick ate too much so he got sick. ^^; ) then gave her her present, which she liked alot. ^_^ Not too much happened yesterday but it was still fun. I think she prefered it to be more relaxing and having it just us for that day rather than having people over like we usually do. Hehe, we'll probably do that next week for my brother, Vincent's birthday. He'll be turning 18 next Tuesday. ^_^ I got his present on saturday, the same day i got my mom's, so I don't have to worry about that. ^_^
Not much else going on here...except for that conspiracy that's keeping me from getting Vol. 5 of Chrono Crusade AND Immortal Rain! >> ...don't ask. :P
Lol, for the Kingdom Hearts fans, here's a funny video called Fun Nonsense. Its a bunch KH clips but the audio's been replaced with quotes or music from movies. Lol, enjoy:
I saw Fearless on saturday with Juan, Stephen, and Julie. ^_^ It was an awesome movie! XD I loved it!!! I won't ruin anything for you guys, don't worry. ^___^
I've got a test next Friday for my History class! TT____TT Wish me luck...I'll need it. -_-'
Hopefully, sometime this week, I'll be able to change my theme here. I wanna make it all Halloweenish for October. Don't have any ideas yet but I'll try to think of something. ^_^
I haven't been drawing much due to schoolwork and stuff. There's quite a few drawings that I really wanna finish but can't since I don't have the time. >_<
I'll end today's post with a funny RE4 video (for the fans of the game). Well, I think its funny, anyway. But I can have a twisted mind, sometimes. ^_^:
Hey guys! ^^/ Sorry I haven't been updating. There really hasn't been much to talk about besides school and stuff. Plus, things kept getting in the way of me updating regularly but hopefully I'll be able to again. ^_^ I've missed you guys!
So yea, not many interesting things happened while I was gone, at least I can't think of anything. ^^; Oh yea, I almost got dropped from 3 of my classes b/c of a Financial Aid screw-up. That got me pretty mad but I took care of that on Monday so everything's okay now. They've put me back in the classes and I'm hoping they don't screw up like that again. ^_^
Oh, and in case for some odd reason you haven't heard yet, the release date and price for the Nintendo Wii was announced last week! XD I'm really happy that its coming out soon AND it doesn't cost an arm and a leg (compared to the Xbox 360 and the PS3)! And it comes out the day before my birthday which I thought was amusing. ^__^ I'm really excited about it. I'm just wondering how much the games will be. Hopefully not too expensive. ^^;
Well, I'm off to visit some sites. I apologize in advance if I don't get yours. ^^; I've got class in 15 minutes so I'll do my best to get to everyone i can. ^__^