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Birthday 1986-11-20 Gender
Female Location Dallas Member Since 2004-07-12 Real Name Rosa
Anime Fan Since Sailor Moon came out ^^ Favorite Anime InuYasha, FMA, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, alot of other....^^; too many to list! Goals To make my parents proud of me. ^^ Hobbies Drawing, playing video games, chatting, Internet, Talents Drawing, I guess ^^;
myOtaku.com: Vankala 86
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Hey guys. *rubs eyes* Meh, I had to wake up early today. I wasn't sleeping really good too, so now I'm tired. >_< Oh wells. ^^
Has anyone ever woken up in a weird position? I usually don't but I did last night. I have no idea how this happened, but I woke up in the middle of the night on the opposite side of the bed! 0o Meaning, my head was where my feet were supposed to be and vice versa. When I woke up,I was like "Eh!?!?!" and then went back to sleep (after going back to my normal sleeping position, of course). I still wonder how the heck it happened, but I guess some mysteries can never be solved, ne? lol
I'm glad you guys liked the new theme. ^^ I just realized I forgot to put the song name and artist in the intro. Its there now, though. ^^ There was another song that I wanted on here but I couldn't find an mp3 URL for it but I like this one, too. ^^
I saw the second Underworld movie the other day. It was really good! I thought anyway. ^^ I loved the first one so how can I not enjoy this one? ^_~ I also got to see V for Vendetta. That movie was really good, too. ^^ I'm gonna have to go buy those movies. They were really good, in my opinion. ^^
I'll end this post with part 2 of the comic I posted Tuesday. :D
Hehe, if there's a part 3, I'll be sure to post it. ^__^ Comments (5) |
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
Hey guys! ^^/
In you haven't noticed (how could you not?) I have changed the look of my site here. ^^ I wanted to do an elf-theme since its been quite awhile since I did one. ^^ I hope you guys like the way it came out. ^^
Thanx to everyone who commented and voted on my Sora drawing. ^^ I really wish you guys could've seen the actual drawing, since my scanner was a bit too small to scan the whole thing. But I'm glad you guys liked what you did get to see. ^^ Thanks again. *huggles*
So, I watched G-Phoria last night. It was surprisingly not as fun and entertaining as much as last year's. I'm not saying it wasn't fun and entertaining, it just wasn't as fun. It was only 1 hour long, so it felt kinda rushed to me. But it was still interesting to watch. Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb (the hosts for G-phoria) were funny as usual. ^^ Earlier that day I also watched X-Play and they did a review for Naruto: Ultimate Ninja. Not surprisingly, they didn't like it too much. (They pretty much hate games that are based on anime). They gave it a 3 out of 5. Meh, I still love the game. ^_^ I'm gonna watch X-Play again today cuz they're gonna have a Preview for God of War 2!! XD
Well, that's all for today. I'm off to visit your sites since I haven't done that yet. ^^/
Darth Vader vs. Japanese Cops Who would win? Watch and you'll see ^_~ (the video's only 36 seconds long, btw):
Hey guys! ^^ First of all, sorry for another long absence. I wasn't online that much last week so i wasn't able to update. I haven't visited any sites yet but I will once I'm done here. ^^
Anywho, I submitted my Sora drawing on Friday (or Thursday, I forget ^^;;) If you haven't seen it yet, clicky on the thumbnail:
Plz vote and comment, as always. ^^ I haven't started anything new yet. No new ideas have popped into my head. TT.TT I just have a bunch of sketches of different things right now.
For those who are into video games and watch G4, just a reminder that tomorrow is G-Phoria! XD I'll definitely be watching again this year. ^^ For those who don't know what G-Phoria is, its an award show for video games. ^^ I watched it last year for the first time and it was pretty entertaining. ^^ RE4 and God of War (both of which are awesome games) won most of the awards, if I remember correctly. Oh, speaking of which, I finally finished RE4 in Pro Mode! XD It was really hard. I think I had the most trouble on both fights with Krauser. >_< Saddler was actually kinda hard, too. But I beat the game, so I'm happy. :P
You'll only get that comic if you've at least seen the commercial for the Dead Rising video game. Its the one where you play as a photojournalist dude and fight zombies in a shopping mall using absolutely anything. Lol, if I can use anything in the mall, I'd have too much fun playing that game! XD Anyways, See you guys tomorrow! ^^/ Comments (6) |
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Hey guys! ^^/
Yea, I'm a little sleepy right now for some reason. Meh. Oh well. *shrugs*
I got the first season of Animaniacs yesterday!! XD Me and Nick watched the first disc last night. I don't think Nick ever watched it before but he stilled enjoyed it and laughed just as much as I did. ^__^
I also read all the Death Note mangas that I have (Volumes 1-6). ^_^ Its getting so good!!! XD It sucks that I have to wait til Sept. to read Vol. 7! TT.TT
I started working on my Sora drawing again. ^^ Its slowly but surely getting finished. ^^ I hope to have it done soon.
Sorry this was such a short post. I just really don't have much to talk about. ^^;;; Gomen nasai! >_<
Thanx for all the nice comments about Yuki. ^^ I am doing much better now. Onigiri is doing good, btw. In fact, he's right here on my shoulder as I type this up. ^^
I went on a manga-run yesterday with my brothers. ^^ Its been awhile since I've been on a manga run. We went to Borders, btw since there's not a Barnes & Noble nearby, at least none that I know of. While there, I read Chobits Vol. 5 and FullMetal Alchemist Vol. 3. Nick read Ranma 1/2 Vol. 8. He's kind of a slow reader so it took him longer to read it. My other brother Vincent read InuYasha Vol. 2 and 3. After that, we wandered around to see if there was anything we wanted to buy. I went ahead and bought Death Note Vol. 6 and Rurouni Kenshin Vol. 28. I'm not that volume yet, but have to have the final volume anyways and they didn't have Vol. 24. >.< I also bought this How To Draw Manga book that I was always trying to find on eBay but eBay never has it. The library here has it but its all written in and some of the pages were cut out so I obviously can't use it. I wanted cuz its very useful but now I have it so I am happy. ^^ They also had a Yuki plushie that I've been wanting its one of the plushies where Yuki's in the rat costume:
So cute!! XD They didn't have the Kyou or Shigure one, unfortunately. I want those too. ^^ Let's see I also bought Anime Insider Magazine and 2 bookmarks. ^^ One bookmark was a Legolas and Gimli one and the other one was Kyou. ^^ I think that's all i got. ^^ So, yesterday was fun. My brothers didn't buy anything. We went home after that. I read some more Death Note. Right now I'm in the middle of Vol. 5. ^^ Its a really good series! I love it! XD Vol. 7 comes out in september! XD
BTW, my good friend Logan-kun is having some trouble right now. Details are on his site. If you could plz go visit him and give him support, that would be greatly appreciated. ^^ Thanx,
Thanks for all the nice comments you guys left for Yuki. Unfortunately, Yuki died soon after i posted on Tuesday. I was upset, obviously but I'm okay now. I still miss him, though cuz he was a funny little rat. Always hyper and wanting to run around. I still have Onigiri. He's the calmer one, who will actually stay on my shoulder if I put him there. ^_^ lol But yes, even though I didn't have Yuki for that long, I still got pretty attached to him. Its hard for me not to, cuz I love animals so much. I'm still not quite sure what caused him to get so sick, but I'm just glad that he didn't suffer too long.
Meh, I had trouble sleeping last night. I don't know why but my room gets hot too easily in the summer. So, last night got really hot so I woke up at around 4:00am and, usually I would of gone back asleep, but due to it being way too hot for me (even with my fan on High), I just couldn't get back to sleep. I gave up at around 6am and read Hellsing Vol. 4 then watched the rest of the Love Hina anime, which was actually pretty good, btw. The manga was better, of course, but the anime was still pretty good. ^_^
I went with my mom yesterday to go eat and then shopping. My mom was going to eat lunch with my dad during his lunch break and invited me and my brother Vincent to come along (Nick was at our grandma's house so he obviously couldn't come along). We went to a Chinese restaurant (Mmmmm...). They had really good food and I was really hungry, so I think I ate quite a bit. ^__^ After that, my dad went back to work and my mom wanted to go to the aquarium to look at (and maybe buy) fish (my parents have a fascination with fish. We have 2 or 3 tanks full of different kinds of fish). They actually had some pretty fish, along with some plain odd-looking ones! ^^; After that, we saw a Hobby Lobby and since I was in need of a new lamp, as you guys know, we went in to see if they had any. Surprisingly, they didn't have any that I was looking for. Yea, they had some but they were like over $60! I was like, "Why so expensive?". I'm sure there was a reason but I know nothing about lamps so I had no idea what that reason would be or if it would be worth the money. ^^; But while we were looking for the lamps (this was at a Hobby Lobby that we'd never been in before, so we didn't know our way around the store) I found this pencil case that would be perfect for putting my Prismacolors in...so I bought it. ^_^ Before, they were in a couple of drawers in my Drawing table. But now they are all nicely organized in the new pencil case. ^__^ Since we had no luck finding a lamp at Hobby Lobby, we went to Asel Art Supply to see what they had. Guess what? We succeeded in finding the lamp! XD But before that, I saw some other things that I wanted to get. ^^;; I found these 2 portfolio binders that would be very useful for me. One was for drawings that are no bigger than 8 1/2x12 inches, which is what most of my drawings are and the other one is for drawings that are no bigger than 11x14 which I'll need soon since my Sora drawing is gonna be bigger than 8 1/2x12. ^_^We also looked at the easels, since my mom knows that I've been wanting one. If you guys remember, awhile back, I talked about how I wanted one, but didn't know where I would put it since my room is so small. Well, while looking at the easels, we saw one that could fold up to about the size of a suitcase, so it can easily be stored! Perfect, ne? What made it even better was the fact that it was on sale! XD The regular price was $179.95 but I got it for 107.95! XD Before we left, I decided to look at the Prismacolors to see if there were any colors I didn't have that I might need. I did buy some. Usually, they sell for over a dollar each, but at Asel's, I can get a student discount so they were only 89 cents each. ^__^ So yes, I like shopping there cuz I can get art supplies for cheap. I don't get to go there often, though cuz its kinda far. ^^; But anyways, yesterday was a fun day. I got the lamp set up yesterday, put the Prismacolors in the case, and put all my drawings in the new porfolio. ^_^ I even set up the easel just to see how it worked. It was hard and confusing at first but I figured it out. ^_^ Its put up now until I need to use it. ^__^
Hehe, I'm sorry. This post gotten really long, hasn't it? ^^;;; Well, I guess that makes up for the days I wasn't here, ne? :P Talk to you guys later! ^^/
Oh yea, Thanx to Chris for sending me this card for my 2nd Otaku-versary. ^_^
Thanx again, Chris. You're cards and pics never fail to put a smile on my face. ^__^ Comments (4) |
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Hey guys.
Meh. I'm not exactly in the best of moods right now. Why? Cuz my rat, Yuki has been really sick since yesterday and I think he's dying. He's sick in the exact same way as my gerbil, Jesse was before he died. Yuki's not any better today and I'm not sure what I can do. My parents don't care, so they're not helping at all. -_- *sigh* I can only hope that he gets better though I doubt he will. *sigh*
Sorry for being such a downer right now. On to happier stuff, huh? Last wednesday was my Otaku-versary. ^_^ I've been here on MyO for 2 years now. Sorry I didn't tell you guys sooner. I didn't realize til sometime this past weekend and I forgot to mention it yesterday. ^^;; Anyways, I've had a blast these past 2 years. I'm glad that I joined this site cuz I met alot of awesome people and I'm glad that I've gotten to know alot of you. ^_^ *hugs all* Thanks a bunch, guys! ^___^
I was asked last time how hot its been getting down here in Texas. Well, its been in the 100's lately. -_- Unbareable, in my opinion! >.< Today's High is 107, Tomorrow's is 106, and Thursday's is 105. It'll get down to 98 on Friday and 97 on Saturday. Hopefully, it'll keep going in the direction cuz I hate this heat. *sigh* I hate summer. Lol, I agree with Chris that Alaska's probably laughing at us. Lol ^^
I also forgot to mention yesterday that I got this Japanese movie called "Moon Child" starring Gackt and Hyde. *sigh* 2 beautiful guys in one movie. XD Its was a really good movie, too. My brother watched it too and he enjoyed it too. ^_^
Meh. I gotta go. Mom needs the computer. Talk to you guys later! ^^/ Comments (8) |
Monday, July 17, 2006
Hey guys! Again, sorry for the long absence. I really did feel like updating last week, since I had a major headache Tuesday, Wednesday, AND Thursday. I was a little better Friday but still wasn't in the mood to post. And as you know, I don't update on the weekends. But hopefully, I can get back to updating daily again soon. I haven't visited sites yet but I'll try to get to everyone when I'm done here. ^_^
Anyways, how was everyone's weekend? Mine's was good. I went out with Stepheh, Julie, and Juan agaon on saturday. As always, that was fun. I got some more manga! XD I bought Death Note vol. 5 and Rurouni Kenshin Vol. 23. I was gonna buy Vol. 3 of Death Note but Juan ended up buying 3 and 4 for me so I decided to get Vol. 5 instead. ^_^ He asked what it was about since he never read it or heard of it and me and Julie told him. We got him interested so I let him borrow vol. 1 and 2. He's already read them and he really likes it. I haven't gotten to read any of the manga that i bought yet since I'm trying to get through all the manga that I'm borrowing. Over the past week, I've read the first 7 vol. of Ranma 1/2, Trigun Maximum Vol. 3 and 4, InuYasha Vol. 2-6, Chobits Vol. 3-4 (Vol. 3 is mine but 4 isn't so I had to read 3 so I can read 4. ^^) and Hellsing Vol. 2 and 3. I've got quite a few more left to go before I start on my new manga. ^^;;;
Recently, I got a new dresser and had furniture and stuff moved around my room. This includes my drawing table. Where the drawing table is now, there's hardly any light so its hard for me draw or color. This is why I haven't been working on my art lately. >_< I need to go buy a lamp for my table soon. ^^;; Hope they have some at Hobby Lobby or something. Unfortunately, we can't go anywhere cuz its so damn hot outside! >_< Well, we can but I can't stand the heat so I'd rather not be outside at all! >_< I can't even go on a manga-run anytime soon! TT.TT Bah! Stupid Texas weather! *pouts* But I'll try to get it finished soon. Hopefully, it'll get cooler later this week, so I can actually go somewhere! I'm actually quite glad I decided not to take any summer classes this year! ^_^ Its scorching outside! :P
Anyways, I'll try to update tomorrow. Things do keep getting in the way, but I will try to post again if I get a chance. ^^ See you guys later! ^^// Comments (4) |
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Hey guys. ^^/
Well, my cousin Marissa came over on Friday and left yesterday (Tuesday). She’s never stayed over that long before. Her parents rarely let her stay over in the first place so I was surprised to find out that her parents were letting her stay that long. We had a great time while she was here, though. ^_^ Friday, we mostly just chilled and read manga. I read some of the ones she brought and she read some of my manga that she hadn’t read yet. Saturday, we all went to go see Pirates of the Caribbean 2! XD We decided to go in the morning to avoid the crowd and get good seats. As we expected, there was hardly anyone at the movie theater yet, so we did get good seats. ^___^ Anyways, the movie was great and I can’t wait for the 3rd one next summer! XD I was almost crying on one part toward the end (I won’t ruin it for those who haven’t seen it yet so don’t’ worry). If you know me and have seen this movie, then you can probably guess which part it was. >_< My cousin actually did cry. I don’t blame her. It was very sad. *sniff*
Anyways, we went home after that. Me and my cousin read more manga and watched some Love Hina for the rest of the day. Sunday, we had to go to the pet store to buy some stuff for my rats (Yuki and Onigiri). They needed some more bedding as well as one of those wheel-thingies (I forget what they’re called). I also got them some treats that had little bits of fruits and veggies in it. ^_^ They’re liking it, so I’m glad I got those. Speaking of rats, I discovered that Oni likes to sit on the back of my neck and hide in my hair. Lol, and if he’s not doing that, he’s sitting on my shoulder sniffing face or sleeping. ^_^ He’s so cute! I should take a picture of him on my shoulder. XD I can’t get Yuki to stay on my shoulder. He’s a curious little one, who just wants to run around and be hyper. Lol. Anyways, we also went to the library and me and my cousin pretty much attacked the manga they had there. They a bunch of Ranma ½. I haven’t read much of it and wanted to read more of it so I checked out almost all the ones they had! XD My brother read the 1st volume yesterday and he’s liking it too. ^_^ My cousin checked out some other mangas that she wanted to read. They had Rurouni Kenshin Vol. 1 and 2. Since she hadn‘t read any of the manga yet, I told her to check it out and read it. Needless to say, she enjoyed it. ^_^ She is now a RuroKen fan! Yay!! \^^/
We didn’t do much on Monday except read the mangas we checked out and watched more Love Hina. We also ended up talking about zombies somehow and it got us in the mood to watch a zombie movie so I popped in the first Resident Evil movie. ^_^ Not much happened Tuesday. She mostly spent that time getting ready to leave.
So yea, it was a fun weekend. And since she was here on Monday and Tuesday, I wasn’t able to update here. ^_^ I almost didn’t get to update today since me and my mom had some things to do today. Its about 6pm right now and I just finished eating dinner. Mmm…pizza.. ^___^ Well, I’ve talked quite a bit so I’ll end the post now. See you guys tomorrow (hopefully).
Sorry I haven’t updated in awhile. Things were kinda busy this week so there was hardly anytime to post. I did have enough time to get to some sites this week but not enough time to post anything here on my site. But I am here now and hopefully I won’t be gone from MyO that long again. >.<
Anyway, how was everyone’s 4th of July? Mine’s was good. We invited family over to eat and pretty much just chilled that whole day. I didn’t watch any fireworks. I heard a lot of them, too. The idiots on my street always set off fireworks (most of the time, illegally) so that made me kinda mad since they were going on almost the whole night, so I didn’t get much sleep that night. The next night too. Yea, I hate a lot of the people on my street. Not just for that but for the other things that they do, but we won’t go into details on that. Moving on…
I went out with my friends again on Sunday. It was fun (how could it NOT be?). We went to a different anime store this time. They had a lot of toys and shirts and cosplay stuff. They didn’t have a lot of manga though like the other one did, so I wasn’t able to find all the manga I was looking for. The only one I was able to find was Chobits Vol. 3. I haven’t read it yet since I wanna get through all the manga that I’m already borrowing from my friends. I borrowed Hellsing Vol. 1-5 from Stephen. I read Vol. 1 already and started on Vol. 2 yesterday. ^^ It is pretty good. There’s some other ones but I wanna get through those first before starting on the other ones. ^^ I also bought a Fruits Basket T-shirt while I was there. ^^ It has Kyou on it. XD After that, we went to this Asian Supermarket that I didn’t know existed!! O.O! I bought me some ramen, some chopsticks, and a package of Almond Pocky. *drools* That pocky didn’t last long. ^^;;; I ate the ramen the next day for lunch and it was really good! It tasted way different from the ones that I usually buy from the grocery store! XD I wanna go back but its all the way in Arlington so it’ll probably be awhile til I go back again. ^^ Then later, after Stephen and Julie went home (Julie was feeling sick so she had to go home early), Juan didn’t wanna go home yet so I decided to tag along (since I didn’t wanna go home either, lol). We were gonna go see a movie but nothing good was showing til a few hours later. Not really wanting to wait that long, we decided to go somewhere else. We decided to go to Half-Price Books since Border’s was already closed. It took us awhile to get there, though. Why? Cuz we got lost. Lol. We did eventually find it, but we got there about 10 minutes before it closed. 0o But that was just enough time to see that they had a crappy manga section. >< But even though we left empty-handed, it was still quite an adventure. Lol. After that, we went to Ihop to eat, then he took me home. ^^ It was a very interesting day, ne? ^__^
I finally got those Gackt cd’s that a bought on eBay! XD They’re the ‘Moon’ and ‘Diabolos’ albums. They are really good, and now I’m obsessed with Gackt now. ^^;; Anyone else here a Gackt fan? If so, are there any other albums you would suggest? ^_^
Well, that’s all for now. I’ll see you guys Monday (hopefully).