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Thursday, June 29, 2006
Hi! ^^/
Here’s the last of the A-Kon pics. If you missed the pics from yesterday or the day before, plz check the archives. ^^ :
I know, these pics didn’t come out too good but these are the only ones I have of Vic Mignogna dressed as Cloud!! (If you remember my A-Kon posts, you might remember me talking about Vic coming into the Voice Actor Panel dressed as Cloud.) I really wish the pics came out better cuz the costume was really good! >_< Oh well, hopefully these are helpful. If I can find some better ones online, I’ll show them to ya’ll (the cameras were going off like crazy so I’m sure there’s a lot flying around the internet somewhere.)

Its Pence! Yea, there were a lot of KH2 cosplayers this year. They were mostly Sora, Roxas, and Kairi costumes, though. This was the only Pence cosplay (that I saw anyways. ^^;).

Have you seen that many KH2/FF7 cosplayers in one pic before? Well, now you have. I hate that little bright spot in the bottom left but at least it didn’t cover the entire pic. ^^ Oh, and btw there were a lot more than what you see in this pic. I meant to get the other half, but security came and told them to stop posing for pics since they were "blocking traffic". Stupid Security. >_<

This is my little brother Nick with Vic Mignogna. I also took a pic with him but I didn’t like the way I looked in the pic, so you guys shall not see that pic! :P And before anyone asks, I did ask Nicky-chan if I could post his pic on here. ^__^ He didn’t mind. ^__^

Lol, this was one of my favorite Ninja cosplayers! He was just leaning on the pillar (like a ninja) acting like no one can see him. Me and this girl who was also taking pics played along and was like, "There’s just something about this pillar, I just have to take a picture! *takes picture*" XD Lol.

These are my friends Stephen and Julie. This was on Sunday on the train after A-Kon. Aren’t they cute? ^__^
So that is all for the A-Kon pics. For now anyways. There are more but they are still on the roll that’s in my camera.^^;; I don’t know what to waste the rest of the film on. I really need a digital camera, huh? ^^;
On a sadder note, my pet gerbil (Jesse) died yesterday. >_< Me wuved my little gerbil. But he was pretty old so it was just a matter of time before he died. But it was still sad. I buried him in our backyard. Later that day, my parents decided to "go out" and they came home with 2 small rats (they knew I liked rats)! I was like, "Ya’ll sure do like to replace pets fast, don’t ya?" (I didn’t say it, but I thought it ^^;) But it was nice for them to do that. ^^ They’re really cute. They’re both Black & white, but I did end up naming one ‘Yuki’. lol I was joking with Nick, saying that black and white like an Onigiri and then was like, "hey, let’s name the other one ‘Onigri’!" (totally kidding of course) and Nick was like "Yea, let’s do that!" Me: "Really? You serious?" Nick: "Yea!" Lol, so the other one’s name is Onigiri, "Oni" for short. Lol. Btw, sorry if my rat story creeped anyone out. I know a lot of people don’t like rats (for some odd reason) so if I creeped anyone out, I apologize. *bows*
I think from now on, I’ll post funny pics at the end of my posts. Whether it’s a funny web comic (like the last 2 days) or just a plain weird (but funny) pic (like today). ^__^ Today, is a pic of a Giant Oreo!

Wow, I could never eat that whole thing! And I LOVE Oreo’s!!! XD
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Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Hey guys! ^^/
Glad you liked those pics yesterday! Here’s some more!:

Its Sora in his Space Paranoids outfit!! XD I’m not sure who the girl is though, but she looks awesome as well. ^__^

Riku! Again this guy could’ve posed but at least he doesn’t look vored like that Cloud dude did. Lol.

Armstrong from FMA!! I actually don’t see too many people cosplay as him so when I saw him I just had to get his picture!

Hehe, we got a little bored in the Kon-Suite Saturday night while waiting for someone to get there so we started playing with the bubble-machine thing. Lol Its actually one of those Barbie-bath things but we were having fun just pushing the bubble just to see how high it would go. We almost got it to the top! Yea, we were easily amused that night, ne? :P

This guy was actually a friend of my cousin’s who ran into this girl who had a huge pirate hat and wanted to get a picture of him wearing it. The first one I had taken right when he decided he wanted to change his pose. The second one is the final result. :P
Well, that’s all for now. I’ll have the rest posted tomorrow. ^^
I’m glad you guys liked my new theme. Not sure what the next one will be or when I’ll change it. We’ll just have to wait and see. ^__^
Oh I was asked yesterday if my mom had an account on here since I mentioned last time that she commented on one of my drawings. The answer is yes, but she doesn’t have a MyO site turned on for others to see. Her main reason for having an account here is to comment/vote on my art and to check in on me and Nick every once in awhile. In case you’re wondering which drawing it was, it was the one I drew for Alex. ^__^
I’ve gotten a little farther in RE4 in Pro Mode. Man, its hard!! >.< I’m right at the part where you have to save Ashley (AGAIN) right after Luis dies. I don’t have much rifle ammo so this might be really hard to do. >.< But I will try my best. ^__^
Well, that’s all for today. See you guys tomorrow! ^^//

Lol, another funny RE4 comic. I love VG Cats, though. Most of there comics are really funny. So are the Ctrl+Alt+Del comics (like the one from yesterday). XD I’ll have to post more of those on here. ^^
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Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Hey guys. Sorry I haven’t been here for awhile. I had some things to do yesterday so I haven’t able to update. Gomen nasai. *bows*
And the reason I wasn’t here on Friday was b/c I felt like changing up my theme for MyO. ^^ As you can see, the new theme is RE4. I felt it was appropriate for my current addiction to the game. Lol. I hope it looks ok. Let me know what you think. ^___^
Also, I have some A-Kon pics to show you! I’ll only show you guys a few a day since there’s about 18 of them so far. I say ‘so far’ cuz there’s still a few in the roll of film that’s still in my camera. I don’t know what else to take pics of so I can hurry up and get those developed as well. I’m starting to think I should resort to getting a digital camera. ^^;;; Anywho, I only wanna post a few because it would take awhile to post all of them as well as leave my comments/descriptions on each one. Plus, it would probably take awhile for the page to load if there were a lot of pics to load. Anywho, here’s the first few:

I have no idea who this guy was cosplaying as but I thought he looked really cool so I decided to take his pic, anyways. Doesn’t that costume look awesome, or what? XD

Its Mario and Luigi!! XD Who wouldn’t love those costumes? I love the way they posed for the pic, too. XD

OMG! Someone was dressed as a hot dog! Not anime-ish but very funny and amusing!

Ok, everyone all at once: AWWWWWWW!!!!!!! XD Isn’t she just adorable!? She’s a little catgirl, btw. And a cute one, too. ^_^

Ok, this guy’s costume was one of the best Cloud’s that were there so I wanted to get a pic of him. Only thing was…he didn’t pose!!! >.< He just stood there. If I’d of known that he would’ve just stood there I wouldn’t have taken his picture. -_- But I didn’t see that many Clouds and I wanted to get a pic of at least one of them. *shrug*
Well, that’s all for today. I’ll have more tomorrow. ^^
In other news, I read more manga over the weekend. I read Vol. 1 and 2 of Death Note. It’s a really good series so far and I’m glad I decided to pick up the first 2 volumes. Now I gotta get the 3rd one. I’m not sure if Vol. 4 is out yet but if it is, I gotta get that one, too. ^_^ My brother also read them too and he really likes it, too. Its hard to get him to like something he’s never heard of beforehand. I don’t remember if this was during last week or if it was over the weekend, but I did get to read Vol. 22 of Rurouni Kenshin! It was really good (of course). Gotta pick up Vol. 23! :D
BTW, thanx to all that commented on my new art pic. ^__^ Even my mom commented on it! She rarely does that! Lol Anyways, cookies and ice cream to all who commented and/or voted!! XD
Not much else to talk about. I’ll see you guys tomorrow!! ^^//

I always found it weird that Leon could heal himself with chicken eggs! Lol
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Thursday, June 22, 2006
Hey guys. ^^/
I'm glad you guys liked the pic I drew for Alex. Most of you said that I should go ahead and submit it. So, I guess I will. ^_^ Oh, and I think I may have confused some people when I talked about practicing with the pen. I think some people assumed that I started drawing with a pen only. But no I don't do that. I draw my pics with a pencil first and then over over it in pen. Then if i'm gonna color it, then I color it. ^^ Hehe, sorry for the confusion there. ^^; So yea, I'll submit it into my gallery once I'm done posting here. ^_^ Plz vote and comment once its in there. ^_^
I watched more of Hellsing last night. XD All I have left is the last episode. XD I'll probably watch that later tonight. ^_^
::Edit:: I've submitted the pic to my gallery. Click here to go see it. Again, plz vote and comment. ^__^

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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Hey guys. ^^ How are you today?
I haven't gotten to many sites yet. I'll get to them once I'm done here if i haven't gotten to yours. ^_^
I just remembered that i never showed you guys the pic that I drew for Alex-nii. ^^ Wel, here's a pic of the drawing. I left it uncolored cuz i didn't wanna keep Alex waiting for it. It was already a week late already. ^^;;; But anyways, here's a pic of it:

I also made it into a card but I just wanted to show you guys the drawing. ^__^ And yea, I realize that I do still need alot of practice with that pen (even though I've been using one for over a year! ^^;;;). Don't know if i should send this into my gallery or not. I'm used to submitting colored art so I'm not sure if i should submit it or not. What do you guys think?
Oh Nick updated his MyO yesterday. Sorry he doesn't update that often. He gest distracted way too easily (more than i do!). lol If you haven't visited his site yet, plz do. ^^

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Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Hey guys. Had to wake up early today so I’m a little sleepy today. >_< But I’ll be fine, as always. ^_^
I registered for my Fall classes yesterday. But they did not make it easy for me. See, I was trying to register for my classes like I always do, but (for a reason that I didn’t know of at that time) it wouldn’t let me b/c I had a “Tuition Underpayment”, which me and my mom knew was total BS! So I called the number that the site provided but they couldn’t do anything so they gave me another number. So I call that number and again, they couldn’t do anything either. >_< I was already really frustrated by that point. So we (me and my mom) actually had to drive to the college to see what the hell was up. Apparently, I had owed a $10 fee somewhere that I owed since February but they waited til now to even let me know about it. -_-+ It had something to do with my financial aid. The cashier lady said that they run into this problem a lot and they’re trying to fix it. I sure as hell hope so cuz I was pissed. I was pissed cuz something like this happened before back in March. I went ahead and paid and I was okay to register for my classes (finally). But yea, I hope this doesn’t happen again.
Other than that, my day yesterday was okay. ^^ I read my RuroKen manga (vol. 22). It was really good and I can’t wait to pick up vol. 23 (and so on ^_^). Only 6 more volumes of the manga to go. Although I’m really excited to see how the series ends, its still sad to see it end, you know? But I guess I still have the anime to watch (I haven’t seen much of it yet ^^; ). Plus, I’m looking forward to reading Watsuki’s new series "Busuo Renkin" ^__^ I also watched the third disc of the Hellsing anime (my friend Stephen is letting me borrow the series). Its really good so far. Can’t wait to finish it. ^^ I also read the Chobits Vol. 2 manga the other day. I really love that series so far. ^^ My friend Juan let me borrow vol. 4 but I don’t wanna read it til I read vol. 3 (I hate skipping volumes).
The other day I started ‘Professional Mode’ on Resident Evil 4. For those who haven’t played it, ‘Professional Mode’ is the ‘Hard Mode’ of RE4. ^_^ So, yea I started it to see if I even have a chance at passing it. Hehe, I’m barely on the part right before you meet Luis and I’ve already died I don’t how many times. For those who have played it but never had the guts to try hard mode, the difference between this mode and normal mode is that the Ganados are harder to kill and they also cause more damage to Leon (which sucks). I’ve noticed that they run more often in this mode. I’m sure its gonna get a lot harder later on, but I’m still gonna try to pass it. ^^ *pounds desk* I will dammit!!! Lol :P Lol, speaking of RE4, my brother’s playing another round to see all the different ways Leon dies. Yea, he’s not doing the action commands just to see what will happen. Like when Salazar opens that trap and Leon falls towards large spikes toward the bottom, you’re supposed to push certain buttons so that he won’t fall onto the spikes (this is right before you fight Verdugo). But if you don’t push them, he will fall on the spikes and die a very bloody death. Lol, my brother showed me and I have to admit it looked pretty cool. :P My brother even shot Luis a bunch of times during that one part where Leon and Luis have to shoot a bunch of Ganados in that cabin. In case you haven’t tried that, if you shoot Luis enough times, a cut-scene will start and it’ll show Luis shooting and killing Leon. Hmm…I’ve talked a lot about RE4 today haven’t I? Lol, I guess I’ll stop now. This post is getting pretty long already. ^^;;; See you guys tomorrow. ^^/

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Monday, June 19, 2006
Hey guys!!
My weekend was okay. Saturday, I had to go shopping for my dad’s Father’s Day present. I had wanted to go with my friends that day to an anime store but b/c of the shopping I had to do, I wasn’t able to go. >_< But I’m sure we’ll get to go sometime soon. ^_^
Anyways, Father’s Day was okay. I gave my dad his present and then the rest of the day was like any other day. My dad didn’t feel like doing anything apparently, so we mostly just chilled. ^^
So yea, my weekend was okay, I guess. Oh yea, yesterday my parents went to Wal-Mart so I gave them my film to go get them developed so I’ll (hopefully) have some A-Kon pics later this week. ^__^
I’m currently working on a new pic. I’ve been working on it for awhile but had to put it on hold b.c of A-Kon and I had to draw something for Alex-nii. But I started working on it again yesterday. Its almost close to being finished so I hope to have it finished by the end of next week. In case you’re wondering, it’s a pic of Sora in his Final Form. I also wanna draw Sora in his Anti-Form, which looks pretty cool! But we’ll see what happens. The only thing I have left to color in the Final Form pic is the clothes. So I’m sure I’ll have it done soon. :D
I don’t have much to talk about so I’ll see you guys tomorrow!!! ^^/
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Friday, June 16, 2006
Hey guys. Sorry I didn’t update yesterday or the day before. I woke up a bit late on Wednesday and didn’t have much time to be on the computer so I didn’t wanna spend a lot of time updating. Then MyO was acting up yesterday so I couldn’t even visit your sites yesterday cuz it was running so slow. >_< But I’m here now and MyO seems to be working again. ^__^ And now that I am here, I’ll finish up my A-Kon story. ^__^
So Sunday was the last day of A-Kon. I didn’t go to any events. There really weren’t that many good ones that day anyway which was good cuz Sunday is when I wanted to spend my money. :D I wanted to wait til Sunday cuz that’s when they have the We-Don’t-Wanna-Take-This-Stuff-Home-With-Us discounts. ^__^ So I bought some manga: Rurouni Kenshin Vol. 22, Immortal Rain Vol. 2, Death Note Vol. 1 & 2, and Chobits Vol. 2. ^^ I also wanted to buy my brother Vincent something since he couldn’t come at all this year so I bought him a Godzilla plushie. ^^ He’s a Godzilla nerd so I knew he’d like it. ^__^ I also bought this Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children figure set for $25!! It was a set of 5 figures (Cloud, Tifa, Kadaj, Yazoo, Loz). I like the Cloud and Kadaj ones the best. ^__^ I also bought some buttons to pin to my InuYasha bag. ^^ Hmmm…*thinks*…I bought my cousin a Gaara T-shirt. I also bought this necklace that had this pretty stone in it as well as a ring with a dragon (looks really cool.). I mostly bought those things for the costume I’ll be wearing next year. ^_~ Yea, I’m not gonna make the same mistake this time and wait til only a few months before the Con. What I’m gonna do is piece the costume together starting now. ^^ That way I’ll have it ready by the time the next A-Kon comes around. ^_^d I think that’s I bought. I didn’t buy any anime since they were still priced too high for me. Even the CDs were crazy expensive! $40 or $50 for a Gackt album! 0o Yea, I passed on that. ^^;; I’ll go to eBay for those. ^_~ After I spent all that money, my friends Stephen, Julie, and Juan finally came to A-Kon. Even though there was only a few more hours left of the Kon, we still had some fun (my cousin Marissa was there with us btw). ^^ We left to go somewhere to eat. We probably would’ve went somewhere but I honestly was ready to go home. My legs were killing me from all the walking I did and I had started getting a headache earlier that day that was starting to get worse throughout the day. So when me and Marissa got to my house I pretty much just collapsed on my bed cuz my head hurt so much (I took some aspirin too but that didn’t seem to help). We were planning to hang out and watch anime til her mom picked her up but my headache got in the way of that. But since we couldn’t watch anything, she decided to read my Fruits Basket manga cd til her mom picked her up. Maybe this weekend we can actually hang out.
Well, that’s my A-Kon story!!! I’ll see you guys Monday (since I usually don’t update on the weekends). ^^/
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
I'm Back!!! (Part 2)
Hey guys! Thanx to those who commented yesterday. I spent a good amount of time typing up that post so its good that I got comments. ^__^ (If you haven’t read my lost from yesterday, plz read it ^^)
Anywho, I talked about Thursday and Friday yesterday so today I will talk about Saturday (and maybe Sunday if there’s time). Well, Saturday was the day Nick was able to come to A-Kon! XD So right after my shift on Saturday, our mom dropped him off and we had to hurry and get to the voice actor autographs that had Vic Mignogna (voice actor who plays Ed on FMA) and Caitlin Glass (Winry on FMA) and some other ones but I forgot their names. We waited in line for a really long time but Nick got to have his FMA manga (which I bought him, btw) autographed by Vic and Caitlin. Oh yea, earlier before that, we ran into Vic and got some pics with him. ^^ So after that we had some time to kill before the Voice Actor Panel started so we went to the Dealer’s Room. Don’t think I bought anything then, we just mostly walked around. About 45 minutes before the panel, we headed to where the panel was gonna be held. (We had to get there extra early if we were gonna get good seats. We waited in line and while we waited we talked and ate Pocky. Nick is already addicted to the stuff!! XD When it was time to go in, we hurried to get the best seats that we could (we were close to the front of the line, so that was easy). All the VA’s were there except for Vic, which was who Nick wanted to see anyways. After awhile we see some guy walk in dressed as Cloud from FFVII:AC! It took me a couple of seconds to realize that it was Vic! I was like, “OMG!” Yes, so after the fangirls also realized that it was Vic, they went crazy and almost caused me to lose my hearing. But I must say, Vic looked very good dressed as Cloud ^_~….so I joined in with the fangirls! ^\\\^ Yea, my poor brother got to witness me act like a fangirl…oh wait he always does! :D Anyways, for the first 5-10 minutes he even tried to talk like Cloud but couldn’t do it for very long. He was like, “Okay, I can’t do this anymore!” (It was hard for him to keep a straight face!). I took quite a few pics of him so I’m hoping that they’ll come out okay. ^^ Later, we went to the Dealer’s Room again but still bought nothing since almost everything was still too expensive. After that we chilled in the Kon Suite since we were hungry and Kon Suite has free food. ^__^ Nick had to go home at around 6 or 7 so after he left, there wasn’t much going that I was interested in or in the mood for. I could’ve went to the Expert AMV Contest but I had already missed a lot of it so I didn’t. I hung out in the Kon Suite and watched the Cosplay competition on the A-Kon TV (I was also curious about seeing that but the line was REALLY long so I didn’t go). Lucky for me, I didn’t go cuz some of the skits they did were not very good….ok they were just bad! I’m quite thankful for the ’Mute’ button cuz some of the cosplayers wanted to sing but they were really bad singers so we muted the TV so we wouldn‘t have to listen to that. We all hung out til around 3 or 4 in the morning. Don’t wanna go into details about that but we had tons of fun til I got too sleepy and went to bed. ^^
That’s pretty much how Saturday went. Tomorrow I’ll talk about Sunday. I would today but this post is already long and I’m tired of typing. :P Talk to you guys later! ^^/
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Monday, June 12, 2006
HI!!!!! ^^///
Hey, guys! I'm back from A-Kon!! Though I am sorry to say that i don't have any pictures yet cuz I haven't gone to go get them developed yet. I left A-kon yesterday feeling sore and ready to just collapse on my bed and sleep!! :P I may go today so I might have some pics sometime this week. ^^ But surprisingly, I didn't take as many pics as I thought I would. There weren't alot of really great cosplayers this year. I'm picky and will only take pics of the awesome ones. ^^ But there were some awesome cosplayers and you will get to see them once I have them developed.
Anyways, on to the events. Since I do have alot to talk about I will split this into 2 or three parts. Today I will talk about Thursday and Friday. Tomorrow I'll talk about Saturday (THE best day in my opinion) and if that post isn't too long, I'll talk about Sunday too. If it is too long, then I'll talk about Sunday on Wednesday. ^^
Okay, Thursday night I had to go meet up with some of the other volunteers in Kon Suite. It was a good thing we left the house early cuz traffic was BAD because of the Mavs game, which was held here in Dallas. I didn't know anything about til we got stuck in traffic (hey, I don't pay attention to basketball or any other sport!). But I got to the hotel at around 7:30 so I had some time to figure out what room Kon Suite was this year. I actually got kinda lost cuz I couldn't figure out where the room was (I knew the room number but couldn't find it even though I was on the right floor). I back to the 2nd floor to start over and saw a sign that said 'Kon Hospitality Suite: Rm. 2155 Center Tower' I was like, "Center Tower? WTF is that?" So I look at the signs above the elevators and see that each set of elevators went to 3 different 'towers'. There was 'North Tower', 'Center Tower', and 'South Tower'. I was like "OH!! That's what that is!!" So I took one the Center Tower elevators to the 21st floor and finally found Kon Suite. I made it there just in time too. ^^ But me and everyone had to wait for our staff leader to get there. While we waited that Mavs game was on so we watched that until she got there. After she got there, we helped carry the food up to the Kon Suite and she talked to us for a bit and then I went home to get ready for Friday.
So after my shift on Friday morning (which was fun btw ^^), there was a voice-actor panel w/ Vic Mignogna that I wanted to go to. Me and my cousin met up by the dealer’s room and headed over there. Since we were kinda late, we got sucky-ass seats where we couldn’t even see anyone. >< But it was still fun since we could at least hear what they were saying. ^^ This panel was really fun to go to but the one on Saturday was the best one that I went to. But I will tell about that one tomorrow! :P ^_~After that I went to the Dealer’s Room. I was trying my money for Sunday since all the prices get marked down that day. But I found some good deals on Friday so I bought a couple things. ^^ I bought the Loveless: Your Eyes Only art book for $34!! That’s not bad since I kept seeing it for like $50 everywhere else! ^^ Then I bought Evil’s Return Vol.4 for $8. ^_^ I haven’t finished reading it yet but its really good so far. ^^ Later that day, we went to the Amateur AMV contest and watched 3 hours worth of AMVs!! 0o But they were really good AMVs. There was one that was a crossover between Cowboy Bebop and Star Wars that just had me and everyone cracking up!!! Lol, Spike and "Darth Vicious" were fighting with light sabers and everything! I’ll have to see if I can find it on the internet or something cuz it was such a funny AMV!!! There was another one that had footage from Gravitation and the audio was the trailer for 'Brokeback Mountain'!! XD The AMV was called 'Brokeback Gravitation'!! It was really good!! All these AMVs I need to find!! There was voting at the end of it so I voted for the good ones in each category. ^^ I don’t know which won or not cuz I missed when they had the results (I think they were on Saturday). *thinks* I think that was all I did that day. I just hung out in Kon Suite for the rest of the day and went to sleep at around 2 or 3 in the morning. ^^ Hehe, there’s like no such thing as sleep at conventions, ne? :P
Anyways, tomorrow I’ll tell you guys about Saturday and maybe Sunday. ^^ See you guys then!! ^^//
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