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Thursday, June 8, 2006
Hey guys! ^^/
Tomorrow is A-Kon!!! I’m so excited!!! XD
I have to go the store later to buy some film. Maybe pick up some snacks or something, too. ^^ Later tonight at around 8pm I’m gonna go to the hotel to help set up and everything. ^^ Hopefully there will be a schedule of the events there so I can see when FullMetal Fantasy will be showing. Nick can only go for one day so I need to find which day its showing cuz he wants to see it. ^^
As you guys know, I won’t be back on MyO (or even online) until Sunday night or Monday. But when I get back, I’ll be sure to tell you guys all about what happened at the Con!! ^^ It may be long, so in case it is, I’ll break it into parts and tell you guys about it on different days. I don’t wanna have to make you guys have to sit through a long-ass post. ^^;;
Wow, I really can’t find anything to talk about other than that. ^^;;;; Oh yes, just a reminder that Alex-nii's birthday is on Sunday!! XD Don’t forget to go and visit him and wish him a Happy Birthday!!! :D I won’t be here to say Happy Birthday to him but hopefully he will like my present even if it is late. ^___^ Happy Early Birthday, Alex-nii!!!!!! \^^/
Well, that’s all for today. See you guys Monday!! ^^//

Not quite sure who the artist is but I thought it was funny. ^^
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Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Bah! Darn people making noise outside and not letting me sleep! >_< What's worse is that I'm hardly getting any sleep anymore. For some reason, I just can't get to sleep easily anymore. I'm not stressed or anything, I just can't fall asleep. Feh! And I love my sleep, too. >_<
Anywho, other than my sleepiness, I'm doing good. I started on a sketch yesterday that I'm doing for one of my friends here on MyO cuz his birthday is coming up. It looks cute so far. ^^ I can't say what it is since he might read this post and I don't wanna ruin the surprise. ^_~
Hope he likes it. ^^
My cousin Marissa called me yesterday to tell me that we won't be getting a hotel room after all. >_< All 3 of her friends that were gonna stay with us backed out and that meant that we would each have to pay more (we all pitched in for the price of the room). And since they backed out, we don't have enough money for the room. >_< Meh. Now I'll have to stay w/ the other volunteers, unless my cousin comes up with another solution, but I doubt she will. But it never hurts to hope. ^^
Last post, I talked about my dislike for most remakes. And i have to agree with Chris's comment. Hollywood has run out of ideas. The only movies we see now are remakes, sequels, and movies based on books. Its been awhile since I saw something that was original. -_-' I read recently in Entertainment Weekly that one of my favorite books was gonna be made into a movie. I was like "Oh no. *shakes head*". The book is called "I Am Legend" by Richard Matheson. I really liked that book and just the fact that they're making it into a movie is kinda upsetting. What's worse is that they're gonna change alot of it (don't see the point of that). Bah! On a brighter note, not all remakes, sequels, etc. are bad. Lord of the Rings was obviously really good and so was the King Kong remake. ^^
Lol, I was reading Voice Actor Vic Mignogna's LJ and he mentioned that he busted this one guy at an anime convention for selling bootlegged copies of the FMA movie in the dealer's room. That really made me laugh. That person must've been really stupid to sell those and expect not to get caught. (it was even funnier that he got caught by one of the actors from the show and movie! XD)
I g2g. Tomorrow will be the last post before I'm off to A-Kon! I'll be gone all weekend and will be back Sunday evening. ^^ But I will see you guys tomorrow, so I won't say goodbye just yet. :P lol, see ya'll later!! ^^//
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Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Hey guys. Hoe are ya'll? ^^
Lol, today's 666. That's quite amusing. (No, I'm not a devil-worshiper or anything, i just find that amusing. :P) The remake of "The Omen" comes out today as well (lol, how appropriate) I wonder if it'll be any good. I never saw the original one nor am I a fan of remakes so I don't know if I'll see it or not. ^^;
Anywho, I forgot to tell you guys my stats for RE4 yesterday. Hehe, how I could forget that I have no idea but I did. ^^;;; Anyways, here they are:
Hit ratio: 72% (lol I suck, ne?)
Enemies killed: 942
# of times killed: 79 (Lol ^^;)
Clear time: 28:18'51'' (that's 28 hours, 18 minutes, an 51 seconds, just to avoid any confusion there ^^)
That's only for my first try. I expect my second try to have better stats. ^^ We'll see.
My cousins did come over yesterday. Luckily Marissa came too so we did get to talk. ^^ Other than A-Kon, we talked alot about the whole Gay-Marriage Ban (we saw it on the news so that's how the issue came up). We're both strongly for gay marriage and we talked about how idiotic Bush is being about it. You guys know how strongly I feel about this issue so I don't think I need to go into any details on what we said. ^^ We mainly agree that having a constitutional ban is just plain stupid. (And yes, we do have good reasons to believe this, but I know at least one person who will get offended easily and I try not to offend people).
Heh. Sorry for the little rant there. ^^; I usuallu just type what's on my mind at the moment of posting and that popped into my head. ^^;; I think I also forgot to mention yesterday that I got to read the first volume of 'Loveless'! XD It was really good. Ritsuka's so adorable! XD I want to read vol. 2!! XD
I've got nothing else to talk about so I'll go now. ^^ See ya'll tomorrow! ^^/
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Monday, June 5, 2006
Hey guys. I visited some sites already. I'll get through the rest once I'm done here. ^^
I finished Resident Evil 4 yesterday! XD It was an awesome game, that it was. ^^ The last boss (Saddler) was alot easier than I thought he would be. I expected him to be pretty tough to beat but I defeated him on the first try. Krauser, on the other hand. I kept running out of time (there was a time limit on that fight) and getting killed. It took me awhile to figure out how to kill him fast but I did it. ^^ U3 was just a pain in the butt! I barely made it in that fight. I don't know an easy way to kill him. I just got lucky there. ^^; But yea, that was a fun game. I haven't played the minigames yet, but I'll get to those soon. ^__^
Anywhos, my weekend was good for the most part. I went to that anime store again on saturday. I didn't buy anything but it was still fun. ^^ I got to meet Stephen's girlfriend. She's pretty cool. When I first saw her, I thought she had looked familiar and I knew that I had seen her somewhere before. Turns out she went to the same HS as I did (different graduation year though) and we rode the same bus. I never talked to her then, though (I never talked to anyone, actually ^^; ). But I do remember seeing her though. ^^ But yea, she's pretty cool and I'm glad I got to meet her. ^__^
My aunt is coming over today. Her kids are more than likely coming too. Hopefully not, at least not the little ones. They're really annoying. >_< Well, if they come hopefully Marissa will too. (She's one of the only cousins in that family that I can actually stand.) Me & Marissa need to talk about A-Kon (where we're gonna meet eachother, our hotel room, etc.) Yes, this is the same cousin I'll be hanging out with during A-Kon. ^^
Speaking of which, I need to go buy some film for my camera, so I can take pictures for you all to see. ^__^ I took alot last year, as you may remember. I'm expecting to taken more than that this year, since I won't be going home til Sunday! XD I also get paid on Wednesday so I'll actually have some money to spend in the Dealer's Room. :D Though I'm gonna wait til Sunday to buy stuff (try to anyways) cuz that's when they start marking down the prices cuz they don't wanna have take anything back with them. XD I learned that last year. ^__^
Anyways, I'll go now. This post is getting really long. See you guys tomorrow! ^^/
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Friday, June 2, 2006
Hey guys. How are ya'll?
My brother's playing KH2 right now so I'm not able to play RE4 right now. >_< I got pretty far yesterday. I'm already on the 2nd disc of the game! XD ***If you haven't played the game then most of what I'm about to talk about will most likely go straight over your head so feel free to skip this part*** I just got past the part with the Regenerators. Man, I hate them. They're so creepy-looking! >_< Bah! I'm sure it gets worse but oh well, I'm still having fun even I keep dying. ^^
I got promoted to 'Otaku Legend'! wOOt!! \^o^/ Congrats to everyone else who got the same title, as well as Otaku Senior. b^^ *has a party and gives everyone some cake* :D
Anywho, my mom needs the computer now so I'll let you guys go. See ya'll later! ^^//
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Thursday, June 1, 2006
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated since...monday! O.O! Heh heh. Guess you're probably wondering where I've been, ne? ^^;;
Well, monday was my day off from work so me and Nick walked over to GameCrazy (its a video game store like GameStop, just in case you didn't know ^^). While over there, we decided to (finally) buy Resident Evil 4! It was only $20 for the Gamecube version. ^_^ So when we got home, I played it and I was already addicted! ^^;; I've been playing it every chance I got. BUt you know, I'm not really the jumpy-type of person (unless I had too much caffiene) but damn this game keeps making me jump! >_< Random people popping up out of mowhere, trying to kill me. I have no idea how many times I've died, but still this game is fun. I think the part I died the most on was when I had to fight that big tall guy with the fake eye (I don't remember his name), but I eventually found an easy way to kill him. >:D But yea, this game has got me hooked. If I don't post in a while again, you'll know the reason. ^_~
Well, today is the 1st which means that I need a theme-change....but I think I'm gonna skip the theme-change this month. I don't have one ready and I'm too lazy at the moment to think of what the next theme should be. :P Plus, I don't have much time to be on the computer today anyway and I don't know when I'll be online again. Next week is gonna be pretty busy, too b/c of A-Kon. I have to go to the hotel the night before the convention to help set up. To answer Alex's quesion, no I won't be able to check my e-amil during the convention. I'll be at the hotel for all 3 days, starting Friday morning and ending Sunday evening. Hehe, busy month, ne? Not really. :P I can handle it. ^^
Again, if you haven't seen my new fan art, plz check it out and leave a comment and vote. ^^ (Just thought I'd mention it again. ^^;;) I am working on something new, but RE4 has distracted me from doing anything artistic lately. ^^;;
Anywho, I'm off to visit your sites (if I haven't already)! Byez ^^/
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Monday, May 29, 2006
Hi!! ^^//
If you haven't already, plz check out my cowgirl-elf drawing. ^^ Thanx to those who have already commented and voted. ^__^ I love getting votes and comments, so the more I get, the happier I shall be. :D
Anywho, how was everyone's weekend? ^^ Mine's was good. I finallt saw 'Brokeback Mountain' on saturday. I thought it was pretty good. Sad, but still pretty good. ^^ Yesterday, we went to my aunt's house. We watched a couple movies over there, too. We saw 'Last Holiday' and 'The Man'. Both of those were really good and really funny. ^^
I finished the Live Hina manga last night! XD It was so good! ^^ I won't give anything away but it was a very good manga. I absolutely LOVED the romantic scenes! They were drawn so well and I found myself just looking at the pic going "Awww!!! That is so cute!!" ^__^ So, yea. I haven't finished the anime yet. I've only gotten a chance to watch the first few episodes. I'll probably watch more later today, depending on my mood. ^^
A-KON IS NEXT WEEK!!! XD Yes, I'm more than likely gonna at least mention A-Kon everytime I post until A-Kon actually comes around. I talked to my cousin yesterday (or maybe saturday, i forget) and she's already reserved our room, which is good cuz the Hotel's now sold out! I need to talk to her again so I can see where we're gonna meet at the convention. Lol, I experimented with Nick's hair yesterday! XD It was fun! I spiked his hair and it looked pretty good. ^^ I wanted to see how we could style his hair for A-Kon. He's not cosplaying or anything but I still just wanted to see what I could do with it. ^^ He didn't want me too at first but I finally talked him into letting me do his hair! (Ha! Girls always win! >:D) He actually liked the way it came out. ^_^
Uhh..I g2g. There are thunderboomers outside and I must turn the puter off before something bad happens to it. ^^;; See ya'll tomorrow. ^^/
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Friday, May 26, 2006
Hi!! ^^//
Sorry I haven't been updating. ^^;; With no school and all I always seem to sleep really late. ^^;; But I am here now, so no worries.
Guess what!? I finally submitted my cowgirl elf drawing yesterday!! wOOt! About time, ne? ^_~ Anywho, click on the thumbnail to go have a look-see! ^^

The background was pretty hard to do since it is one of my first attempts at putting a background. I think it could be better but its the best I could do at the moment. ^^ I had the most fun with the hair (I always do). I hope you guys like it and I hope it was worth the long wait. ^^;; This is also the first pic that I've submitted this year! ^^;; Anyways, votes and comments are always welcome. I love getting comments, especially ones that would help me to improve. ^^ Oh yea, thanx to Alex for suggesting that I actually draw this character! ^__^
I'm working on other pics as well but it'll be awhile til I finish something. ^^;;
A-Kon is in exactly 2 weeks! OMG! I can't wait!! XDDDD Since I'm not cosplaying this year AGAIN, I'm just gonna wear those cat ears that some random girl gave to me last year. ^^ Now if only I had a cat-tail... eh, they'll probably sell some again this year. ^^ I will be taking pics again for you all to see. I'll try to get some pics of me but there is no guarantee there. I always tend to hide from cameras and cover my face. :P
See you guys later! ^^/
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Hey! ^^/
This post's later than usual. Gomen. ^^;;; I woke up a bit late today. Slept really good, too. ^_~
So, I got Lennon's first album yesterday. If you remember, I talked about her a few posts ago and said that she'll be releasing a new album later this summer. Anywho, I got her first album yesterday and its really good! I really can't wait for her new album to come out! XD It'll be her second album, I believe. The ad is still at the bottom of my page, if you haven't checked it out already. ^^ You can also visit her MySpace here to hear more music, watch videos, and view pics (which are very nice, btw ^_~).
I have been drawing lately! Yay! I plan on submitting my cowgirl-elf sometime this week so expect that soon. (I just need to get off my lazy butt and scan it! :P). ^^ I have other drawings that I'm working on as well, but its hard to say which one will be finished next. We'll just have to wait and see...well, you'll have to wait, I'll be working on the drawings! :P
So, did everyone like my AMV from my last post? ^^ If you haven't, plz check it out. Again, its one of my best ones, so it would be great if you watch it. ^^ Thanx to those who have already watched it. ^__^
See you guys tomorrow! ^^/

This is a fan art by an artist named Arehandora. At first, I thought it was by Yukiru Sugisaki, herself but its not (notice the signature). This person is very talented, ne? ^_^
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Monday, May 22, 2006
Hi! ^^/
First of all, if you haven't read saturday's post yet, the only thing you guys missed was that I'm feeling better. Then I continued with my mindless ramble. lol
Anywhos, I don't know why but I keeo forgetting to show you guys an AMV that I made a couple months ago. ^^;; Gomen! Anyways, here it is for you guys to see! Its another FMA AMV and its to Vic Mignogna's version of 'Brothers'. I know, I know, who hasn't made an AMV to this song? BUt plz watch it, I tihnk its one of my better videos, so it would be nice if you could watch it. ^^:
 Click to see Video
Okie dokies! ^^ Anyways, I mentioned on saturday that I would be going to an anime store on sunday (yesterday) with a couple of friends. Well, we did and it was fun. ^^ Where to start? Hmm...well, after getting off the train, we had to wait for the bus. I remember while waiting, Stephen decided to put his top hat on me (he was wearing a top hat, for reasons I do not know other than that he is a very random person who would do something like that. ^_^). Lol, we discovered that his hat fit over my entire head! Man, we had a good laugh about that and that pretty much stuck with us the entire day! XD Later, we finally reached the anime store and I bought a DNAngel wall scroll (which I haven't found a place on my wall yet) and a Yuki hat! :D They had the DNAngel and Loveless art books that I really wanted but they were really expensive! >_< I was also hoping they would have Evil's Return Vol. 4 there, too. Most (if not all) of you probably haven't heard of that manga series, but its a really good series. Its pretty short (the 4th volume is the last volume) but its pretty good. Plus, the art in it is SOOOO good!!! XD I bought the first 3 volumes at last year's A-Kon for only $15. I'm bad with plot descriptions but you can get an idea of what its about at Here's a direct link to the description (since I know some of you may have dial-up and I knowit can be pain to wait for pages to load): Clicky clicky! Anyways, if it looks interesting to you, I suggest checking it out sometime.
Gah! I seem to have wandered off-topic, yet again! ^^;;; Sorry about that. Anywho, after that I wore my Yuki hat the rest of the day, though i did have to take it off every now and then since it was hot. We did get strange looks from strangers, but, really, who cares? Its not like I'm ever gonna see those people again so why care what they think? ^^ After leaving the anime store, we went to Chili's to eat. After that, it was back to the train station and to figure out where to go next on our little journey. ^^ Alot of places were closed by that time, so there was alot of walking and random conversations. We did stop by this ice cream place. cream. ^__^ That was last place we went to before my mom called me and said she wanted me home (it was kinda late, already and I had to babysit today). So they took me home and then I went to sleep (everyone else in my house was already in bed when I got there (except Nick) and I didn't wanna be a bother so I went to bed, too). ^^ So, yea yesterday was fun. :D
I would talk about something else but this post is pretty long already. PLus, I don't know what else to talk about anyway! :P See you guys tomorrow!! ^^//
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