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Saturday, May 20, 2006
Hey guys.
I just want to thank you guys for all the nice comments ya'll left me!! ^^ I do feel alot better today. Don't know if I'm completely over it but all I can say is that I feel way better than before. I'm an optimistic person who will look on the bright side of things so this won't keep me down too long. ^^ I don't plan on moping over one guy, anyway. I'm only 19, so I know for sure that this won't be the last (or the worst) break-up that I'll have to go through. We're still gonna try to stay friends and everything so it shouldn't be all bad. ^^ The reason why we broke up was b/c of the whole long-distance thing. It obviously hasn't been working out this first year and he'll be gone for 4 more years so he felt that breaking up was the best thing to do. Meh. I guess its true what they say: long distance relationships never work. Oh well, at least we tried, right? ^^;
We had a yard sale today. I hate yard sales. Everytime we have one, we have to wake up super-early. Man, they could NOT get me outta bed this morning!! Nick actually tried pulling me out of bed but I would NOT budge! Lol. I eventually forced myself up. But I was a little slow getting ready cuz I was only half-functioning! ^^;; But yea. I guess it went okay. We made a decent amount of money before putting everything away at around noon. Whatever we didn't sell got donated to the Goodwill. ^^
Ugh. I have a major headache right now. I already took some aspirin but its not working. I'd take some more but I'd rather not O.D. on aspirin. ^^;;;
I'm currently on Vol. 10 of Love Hina. ^^ Shinobu is just so adorable in the chapter I just read! XD Just 4 more volumes after this one! XD
A-Kon is in less than three weeks. Unfortunately, that means that there won't be alot of time to work on a costume! -_- Of course I can buy one from eBay or something but I'm just scared that it won't get here in time. >_< I guess we could try to get our costumes done by then, but there will be no guarantee that we will have the costumes finished. But, either way, the convention will be tons of fun! Lost of events going on. Plus, I'll get to hang out with some of my friends. ^^ I'll just where my cat-ears and go as a cat-girl! ^_~
Tomorrow, I'm going with my new friends, Stephen and Juan to that anime store. Yes, these are the 2 guys from my art class, btw. That oughta be alot of fun. ^__^
Anyways, this post is getting pretty long, so I'll let you guys go now. ^^ See ya'll later! ^^/
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Thursday, May 18, 2006
Hey guys.
So, the good news is that I did get to see my boyfriend yesterday. The bad news is .... we broke up. I'm still pretty upset so I honestly don't feel like talking about it at the moment. But I'll be okay eventually, I guess.
Sorry this is such a short post, but I really can't find anything else to talk about at the moment. -_-
See you guys later.
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Meh. I couldn't sleep so I decided to get up a little early today. But I still feel a little sleepy. >_< My brain doesn't know what it wants to do! Hmmm...maybe my mom left me some coffee before she left...*goes to look*...Mwahaha!! Success! I have coffee! XD
...Anyways, as I mentioned yesterday, I talked to my boyfriend on Sunday and we're planning to see eachother tomorrow. Keyword in that sentence is "planning"! Yea, it seems like everytime we plan on seeing eachother something always gets in the way. Hopefully nothing will this time. We've got things to talk about, including this whole Long-distance thing. ^^;; Hope that goes well ^^
I'm half-way through Vol. 7 of Love Hina. XD A few surprises have been revealed but I won't ruin it for those who haven't read it yet! ^^ I was like, OMG! O.O! Such a good series! ^^
I seem to have lost my hairbrush. I've been looking for it the last few days and can NOT find it anywhere! So, I think I'm gonna have to buy me a new one. But I'm hesitant to b/c I just KNOW that right after I buy a new one, I'm gonna find the one that I was looking for in the most obvious place! That happens to me all the time! >_< For right now, I', using my mom's brush, which I don't like but I have no choice. -_-
So, Nick finally saw Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children yesterday. I think he liked it, though he has a habit of talking through movies and making comments like he was on Mystery Science Theater 3000! Not that I blame him cuz I do it, too. :P
So, I cleaned my room on Sunday...and by last night its already pretty messy! Why can't I keep my room organized!? I guess its cuz my room's really small and gets messy pretty easily. Plus, I'm always doing something relating to art (drawing, painting, etc.) so art supplies get everywhere if I'm not careful. ^^;;; Its a wonder that I can find anything in my room (except my brush, of course! :P).
See you guys, tomorrow. ^^//
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Monday, May 15, 2006
Hey guys! How are you? ^^
Here posting with me is my little brother Nick. You all know him as 'Slick Nick' on MyO. ^^ Anyways, he stayed home today cuz he felt sick this morning. He's a little better now. He says his head still hurts a little but for the most part, he's a little better. ^^
Anyways, my weekend was okay. Mother's Day was good. I didn't get a chance to actually buy her anything but I pretty much showered her with hugs and kisses all day. ^^ I hardly do that so...yea. ^^ I think that made her happy. My dad cooked fajitas last night. It was really good!! ^__^ One of my cousins came to visit too. He's in the Air Force so he's been away for awhile I forget how long. He brought me a couple gifts from a couple of places he's been. One was a bracelet from Wales. Its really pretty. The other was a necklace that had my name on it and on the back was also my name, but in Arabic. That's really pretty too. ^^ Anyways, my mom has a habit of showing pretty much anyone who comes over my drawings (both from class assignments and my anime drawings). So that's what she did yesterday when he came over. ^^;;; Lol
Anyways, how was everyone else's Mother's Day?
I've been playing alot of Super Smash Bros. Melee this weekend, too. I think I forgot to tell you guys that I bought it. I bought it a couple of weeks ago. ^^ Anyways, I've been playing as Link, mostly. I'm too stubborn to play as anyone else. Of course I have to when I'm in Tournament Mode. The characters that I don't mind playing as, besdies Link, are Zelda and Samus. I'm ok with Donkey Kong but I'd prefer not to play as him. I suck at playing as Bowser and everyone else, I don't think I've tried. We've unlocked a few characters that I haven't even played as yet. This weekend we unlocked Ganondorf. ^^ I haven't played as him though. We still have (i think) 5 more characters to unlock. ^^ Yea, I've been playing this game alot since school let out. Sorry to ramble on like that. Not much happened this weekend besides that and Mother's Day. Oh yea, and I talked to my boyfriend last night but this post is pretty long already so I'll tell you guys about that tomorrow. ^\\\^
Byez! ^^//
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Friday, May 12, 2006
Hi guys! ^^//
So my exams are finally over! \^^/ I think I did okay on my History exam yesterday. Hopefully good enough to at least pass the class. ^^;;;
I did get to do some drawing last night but not much. I got a little distracted, lol. I didn't wanna miss the "That 70s Show" special last night. I love that show and it sucks that its ending next week, but all good things must come to an end, right? After that I was watching the news and they were talking about how teens today are "multi-tasking", meaning doing homework, watching tv, talking on the phone, and Instant Messaging all at the same time! I busted out laughing cuz that's exactly what I do sometimes!! XD (Don't worry I always got my hw done cuz I would have my 'away' message on or I was 'invisible' ^^) But, yea, I thought that was pretty amusing since I know alot of people who do that. lol
Also, American Idol is all over the news as well. Everyone (including me) seems to be pretty upset that Chris left this week. >_< I was surprised enough to hear that he was at the bottom 2 (along woth Katharine). If you saw it on Wednesday, you would've seen that everyone including Chris and Katharine were shocked at hearing that! Kat's jaw just dropped and Chris's expression was full of disappointment! Yea, I was pretty pissed that he got voted off this soon, but I feel better knowing that he'll more than liely get a record contract. It would be pretty idiotic to NOT give him one since he has so many fans. ^^
BTW, if you like rock music, plz check out the banner at the bottom of my site. Its for this singer named Lennon and the banner takes you to a site where you can preview her album which will hit stores this summer. I met her on MySpace and I really like her songs so I'm just trying to get the word out. ^^ Anyways, feel free to check it out.
Well, not much more talk about. I'll end with an awesome fan art by AikaXx

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Thursday, May 11, 2006
Hi! ^^/
I think I did okay on my English final. We had to write an essay on one of the last short stories that we read. I only got to read 2 out 4 of them but luckily one of them was easy to write about. ^^
I've got History today. I stayed pretty late last night studying but I'm not at all sleepy this morning. I actually didn't even sleep late like I thought I would. ^^;;; I think its cuz I just feel so ready for it. ^^ I really think I'll do good on this one. This is also an essay test but I'm sure i can pass it this time. ^^
Anywho, other than my English final, yesterday was a pretty good day for me. ^^ I finally got to meet one of my online friends on my way home. ^^ Yea, we live in the same city and go to the same college, yet we never talked to eachother til yesterday. ^^;;; We've known what eachother looked like and everything but neither of us seemed to work up the nerve to have a conversation. ^^;;; I don't know if its the same for him, but I always have trouble going up to people and just talk to them. Maybe that was the case here. Anyways, it was really great to finally have a actual in-person conversation with him. ^\\\^
I've been watching all the E3 stuff on G4. I really wanna go to E3 one day! But I live all the way in Texas so that won't be happening anytime soon. >_< They showed some previews for Metroid Prime 3 and Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. That's pretty much all I got to see this week. I also remember seeing Metal Gear SOlid 4 and a new Mario game (I forgot the name), but I've never played MGS, so I can't say that I'm excited for the new or anything. ^^;;; I'm pretty much just waiting for Metroid Prime 3 and Twilight Princess. Both of those will be on the Nintendo Wii (I still say they shoulda left it at 'Revolution'). I hope it won't be expensive though. ^^;; I'll keep watching so I don't miss anything good if I haven't already. ^^;;
I'll talk to you guys tomorrow! ^^//
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Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Got my English final today. Hope it'll be easy ^^;;; I did good on my Sociology exam. ^^ Tomorrow is History and I'm probably gonna stay up late tonight studying. At least its at 12:30 in the afternoon, so I'll get to sleep a little longer than usual. ^^;; I know I haven't been doing that good in this class but I'm really trying to pass this class, even if I only pass with a C! I'm don't like C's too much but, hey, its better than an F! ^^
So, I just gotta get through tomorrow. My brothers don't get out of school til the week after next. >:D I still don't know if I'm gonna take Summer classes or not. My mom wants me to but I haven't really gotten a chance to really think about it. I'll probably decide on that this weekend.
And after tomorrow I'll finally have some time to draw! XD I haven't had any time to draw in so long!! >_< I'll probably go on a drawing spree next week! I've still got a few drawings to finish before I start on anything new. I know its been awhile since I updated my fan art gallery but, I promise, you'll be seeing more art from me soon (and I'm good at keeping promises, btw ^^).
Well, I g2g. See you guys later! ^^//
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Monday, May 8, 2006
Hi! ^^/
Wow, I got 9 comments yesterday! I think that's the most that I've gotten! XD I feel so loved! ^^ Anywho, I'm glad you guys like my new theme! It took me awhile to do since I was trying to get all the colors right and everything. I also had to make sure the posts would be easy to read. I think they are. ^^ Plus, I had to find the right song to put on here. BTW, the song I found is from in case anyone's wondering. ^^ I love most of the music that they have! :D
So, today is the first day of exams. I take Sociology today. I'm sure I'll do good on it. I'll have a couple more hours to study after I post here. I have no test tomorrow so I'll use that day to study for my History exam which is on Thursday. Tonight, I'll study for my English exam on Wednesday. ^^
Our washer machine died yesterday, so we had to go buy a new one! So, again my parents had to borrow money from me again and I can't say no cuz that would just start a huge argument and I hate fighting so I avoid it as much as I can. But hopefully, they can pay me back soon cuz I don't have alot money for myself right now. Me and my brother were planning on going to Game Crazy on Thursday but it seems that it won't be happening this week. I get paid again 2 weeks from today so maybe then we can. ^^
Also, they need to pay me back soon cuz A-Kon is less than 5 weeks away!!! XD I think my mom's wanting to help me and my brother out with our costumes cuz she's always asking who we're going as and what our character looks like. In case I never told you guys (i think I only talked about this in my Xanga ^^;;;), both me and Nick changed our minds on who we wanna cosplay as. Now that we're both addicted to KH2, we wanna cosplay as members of Organization XIII! XD At first when we decided this, we couldn't think of any specific member to go as, so we were just gonna hide our faces like most of them do in the game. ^^ But, we helped eachother it out. ^^ Nick wants to go as Roxas. I wanted to go as a specific character, too but it was hard to figure which one I could actually pull off! ^^;;; All the ones with long hair have a weird mullet-looking hair-cut that might look good when I'm cosplaying but would just look weird when I'm not and have my hair down. I was thinking maybe Axel, but I wouldn't know how to get my hair that spiky! ^^;;; So, Nick suggested that I leave my hair down and just go as female version of Axel! I thought that was a pretty good idea! I think I should. What do you guys think? Do you guys think its a good idea to go as a female version of Axel?
Anywho, aside from studying this weekend (lol, random subject-change, i know :P) I read some more Love Hina. I'm in the middle of Vol. 5. Man, is this manga good!!! I must thank Logan-kun for getting me into it! *glomps Logan and gives him cookies* But seriously, while reading some parts I was like, "Logan-kun was reading this!" Lol, but its really good. I won't let Nick read it yet. I feel that he's too young to read it. I think he wants to though cuz he always hears me laughing when I'm reading it. He's always like, "What happened?". I'll tell him if its appropriate, but I won't if its not. He understands if its not. ^^ I'll do some more reading this weekend once I get these exams over with. ^^
My dad's birthday was yesterday but this post has gotten pretty long already, so I'll tell you guys about it tomorrow. ^^ See ya'll laters! ^^//
BTW, thank you guys for 2,000 hits and 139 GB entries!! XD I wasn't able to make banner or anything since I'm using the school computers. Plus, I wouldn't have time to. ^^;; But anywho, thank you everyone! *hugs* *gives cookies and brownies to everyone*
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Friday, May 5, 2006
Lol, when I logged in I noticed that I have 1,986 hits! Lol, I was like, "Hey, that's the year I was born! Sweet." :P I found that amusing for some reason. ^^;;
So, today I might change my theme here on MyO. Keyword: might! ^^;;; Yea, I figured out what my new theme should be but I haven't looked for any pics and stuff yet so it may or may not be today that I finish. But I'll try. ^^
Anywho, me and my mom are planning to go shopping for my dad's birthday present tomorrow. Not sure where we'll go but we'll figure it out tomorrow. :P
As I've said many times last week, next week is my finals. Here's my schedule of what which ones I'll be taking and when:
Monday, May 8 - Sociology 11am-12:50pm
Wednesday, May 10 - English 9:30am-11:20am
Thursday, May 11 - History 12:30pm-2:20pm
I'm glad that my History final is last so that I'll have more time to study. ^^ And its in the afternoon so I'm sure I'll be fully awake at that time. ^^
Sorry for such a short post but I should start working on my new theme now. ^^ Plus, I don't know what else to talk about anyway. ^^;;;
See you guys later! ^^/
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Thursday, May 4, 2006
Hey guys. ^^ Yesterday was an okay day. It was good up until I got on Yahoo. Yea, someone (who shall remain nameless) totally offended me and really got me upset to the point that I wanted to cry b/c of what he was saying. I won't go into details on what he was saying since he is on MyO but what he said really hurt me. I know he didn't mean to but he did. -_-' I did tell him that I was upset and he apoligized for it, but I just don't feel like our friendship is the same anymore. We fought over an issue that I'm very suppportive of and I've always disliked people who thought that the issue is "just wrong" without giving any good reasons as to why. So, hearing that coming from a good friend really made me uneasy. -_-' I don't know what to think of him anymore.
Anyways, I do feel better today though despite what happened yesterday. ^^ Today is the last day of school before finals next week. :D I think I said that in my last post that my History exam was today. Well, its been changed to next week. Yea, we're gonna take that exam along with the final. He's gonna make both exams pretty short (compared to the last ones) so that we'll be able to finish them. We have 2 hours to do it so maybe I'll actually get to finish this time! ^^ I think I'll actually do good on these tests. At least I hope so. ^^;;;
Sociology class was fun yesterday. Somehow, the Gay Marriage issue came up again. 0o (Funny how that always seems to come up in our discussions). There was also a discussion on whether there should be Prayer in schools. I honestly don't think there should. I think it would just cause more problems rather than solve them. (But that's just my opinion, you don't have to agree and I respect your opinion if you do agree. ^^) Yea, yesterday was my last day for that class. I'm gonna kinda miss it too since I really liked talking about those controversial issues in class. I never talked, though. I don't think I said one word the entire semester! I mostly just listened. Lol. Same thing in my History class. Not one word. Its not cuz I'm shy or anything...I just have a habit of avoiding talking to people. Don't know why, I just do. ^^;;;
Watched AI and House last night(as well as Tuesday). *sigh* I seem to be the only one who thinks that Katharine has such an annoying voice. I was SO sure that she'd be voted off last night. But no, it was Paris, who is WAYYYYY better than her. Kat's just plain annoying. -_-' If she doesn't get voted off next week, I'm gonna be mad. Other than her, Chris, Taylor, and Elliot are left and they are really, really great performers so it would be sad if one of them were to lose to her. >.< Lol, my dad almost got mad last night too (he doesn't like Kat either) but I told him that he can't get mad if he doesn't vote cuz he never votes. :P Yes, I do vote and its obvious who I vote for. ^__^ Anyways, as for House the 2 episodes this week were really suspenseful and had me biting my nails like crazy! I was really hoping that Foreman wouldn't die and was almost crying in one of the scenes with his dad cuz they made it seem like he was gonna die and everyone was all emotional which makes me emotional! >.< But he didn't die so it wasn't all sad. ^^ But they ended with a cliffhanger which is something they don't usually do but they did. So i gotta watch watch week! XD
Anyways, gotta go. I'll see you guys tomorrow. ^^//
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