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Sailor Moon came out ^^
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InuYasha, FMA, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, alot of other....^^; too many to list!
To make my parents proud of me. ^^
Drawing, playing video games, chatting, Internet,
Drawing, I guess ^^;
Friday, February 23, 2007
Wow, its been over a month since I last updated here. T_T I miss you guys!!!! >_< Yea, as you’ve probably assumed, I’ve been busy with school. Its not totally stressful anymore but its still pretty busy. I still get online in the afternoons though just to read posts and (maybe) comment. Well, since its been over a month, I thought I’d give ya’ll an update on how I’m doin’ and stuff.
Well, there was a death in the family. My grandfather’s wife died a couple of weeks ago. She had a stroke and then she died on a heart attack (that’s what my mom told me, anyways.). Her funeral was on Valentine’s Day but I couldn’t make it b/c of school. I had an important test that week and couldn’t afford to miss school. But I helped out with funeral arrangements and such. To be honest, I really wasn’t all that close to her so its hard to be sad about it. I hardly knew her so being at the funeral would just be awkward to me, you know? I don’t know if I’m making any sense. ^^;;; Anyways, that’s really the only sad thing that’s happened since I last posted.
My brother, Nick‘s birthday is on Saturday. ^^ He’ll be turning 13. *sniff* They grow up so fast! XD I got him his presents already but I can’t say what they are just in case he reads this…>>. :P
I recently got an idea for a drawing that I wanna do for my 3rd “Otaku-versary”. I got the idea while being bored in Math class and doodling in my notebook instead of paying attention….>>….anyways, its something that’s prefect for celebrating it since it has to do with something that got me into anime in the first place…….yea, I bet that gave it away! XD Well, my Otaku-versary isn’t until July 12th so I’ve got plenty of time. ^^ I’ve already got sketches so I’m sure to get it finished by then. ^_^
Ooh, I finally finished the Chrono Crusade manga series! XD It was really good! The ending was bittersweet but still quite good. ^^ I don’t wanna give anything away, so won’t say anything other than that. ^_~ Now, I just gotta finish the anime. I’ve only seen the first few episodes so I don’t know if this ends the same as the manga or not. ^^;;
Oh and while I was away, I somehow got over 2700 hits! O_O! I know a lot of you have sooo many hits than that, but not a lot of people come to my site, so I’m happy that I got that many. ^^ Thank you all who visit my site. I really appreciate it! ^^
I have the day off of school today (as I did today as well :D) but I’ll be spending that day catching up on some school work and maybe get a little ahead (one of the advantages of online courses :P). Not sure when I’ll update next time…possibly during my Spring Break which is March 12th-16th (not counting the weekends, since I don’t update on the weekends, anyway. XP. Well, until then! Bye everyone! ^^/// *huggles all*.

Hmmm….what about other people’s children?…>>….lol j/k. :P
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